CONTENTS Pages for Annals Of Brattleboro Vermont VOL. I and II VOL. I CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION. - .. xxi ON CERTAINASPECTS OF LOCALGEOLOGY . xxiii FIRST PERIOD THE INDIANS-FORT DUMMER 1681-1753 CHAPTERI. THE INDIANSAND FORTDUMMER . 3 The Indians-Vermont, a hunting-ground of the Iroquois-Pocumtucks- Squakheags-Their territory-Relics-Sculptured rocks-Capitol-Culti- vated crops-Shad and salmon-Earliest conveyance of land, 1681. Fort Dummer 1724-Equivalent Lands-Location and description of Fort- Lieutenant Timothy Dwight-Colonel John Stoddard-Indian soldiers- Scouting parties-Scout paths-Roads-Skirmishes-Joseph Kellogg, earli- est interpreter-Peltry trade-Chaplains : Reverend Daniel Dwight, Rever- end Ebenezer Hinsdell-Diary Account of Journey from Fort Dummer to Lake Champlain along the Indian trail-Scaticooks and Caughnanagas- Indian Treaty-Sartwell's Fort-Fort Bridgrnan-Hinsdell's Fort-Colonel Josiah Willard-Lieutenant Dudley Bradstreet-Captain Willard's Com- pany-Lieutenant John Sargent-Other Sargents-Four men killed at Jamaica-Stevens' Rocks-Willards-Nathaniel French-The Ferry-Bar- rett's Ferry. SECOND PERIOD THE CHARTER-EARLY SETTLEMENT 1753-1811 CHAPTER11. BRATTLEBOROUGH . 27 Brattleborough, Origin of Name-William Brattle-The Charter 1753- Names of 'grantees-Amendment of 1761. CHAPTER111. EARLYSETTLERS . 32 Early Settlement-The Moors-Capture of Mrs. Moor-Colonel John Sar- gent-Deed of Sargent land-Thomas Sargent-John Arms-Arms Tavern -Samuel Wells-Roads-Division of lots-Gristmill at falls of Whetstone UBrattleboro in the Province of Ne.w York-Petition for holding lands ... vlll CONTENTS PAGE under New York-Stephen Greenleaf, first store-Samuel Knight, first house in village-Matthew Martin-Samuel Elliot, Junior-Lieutenant Oliver Waters-Joshua Wilder-Benjamin Butterfield-William Harris of West Brattleboro-Jacob Spaulding-Jesse Frost-Daniel Whipple-First town meeting-Plan of town. CHAPTERIV. THESETTLEMENT ON MEETING-HOUSE HILL . 46 Settlement on the Hill-General location-Meeting-House-Graveyard-Corn- mon-The Covenanters-Census-Customs of early settlers-Jonathan Dunklee, shoemaker-Ebenezer Fisher arrested for felling white pines- Mrs. Dunklee's adventure with wolves-Rutherford Hayes and wife Chloe -Hayes Tavern-Locations of settlers-Character of settlers. CHAPTERV. BRATTLEBOROUNDER THE JURISDICTIONOF NEWYORK 58 Brattleboro under the Jurisdiction of New York-West bank of Connecticut River proclaimed the boundary between New Hampshire and New York- Albany County-Cumberland County-Warrant for Charter of Brattleboro as part of Cumberland County in Province of New York-Brattleboro organized first town in county-Samuel Wells appointed Judge of Court of Common Pleas-Committees of remonstrance against maladministration of Courts. CHAPTERVI. THE MILITIA . 62 Militia-Six hundred men capable of bearing arms in 1766, between Connecti- cut River and Green Mountains-Commission of John Arms-Militia Com- panies, Brattleboro: The Floodwood, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery-June Training-Indian alarm at Putney West Hill-Officers Brattleboro com- panies. CHAPTERVII. FIRSTCHURCH IN BRATTLEBORO. 69 First Church, 1768-1770-Reverend Abner Reeve, first pastor-The Covenant -Glebe-Pastorates of Reverend William Wells and Reverend Caleb Burge -Biographical sketch of Reverend William Wells-Poem by Chief Justice Royal1 Tyler-Captain Ebenezer Wells-Other children and descendants. CHAPTERVIII. TOWNRECORDS-~?'~~-~?'?'~ . 101 Town Records, 1768-1775-Town officers-Brattleboro backward in opposing .claims of New York-Westminster Massacre-William French, proto- martyr of the Revolution-John Arms, poet. CHAPTERIX. FURTHERDEVELOPMENT OF THE VILLAGE . 109 Further Development of the Village-Changes in Esquire Greenleaf's farm- Location of Aaron Whitney--Gardner Chandler-Matthew Martin-Oliver Evans- Joseph Clark-Benjamin Gorton-Elnathan Allen-Asa Putnam- Elisha Pierce-Nathan Willard-Nathaniel Church-Captain Nathaniel . Bliss-John Thomas-Jonathan Church-Samuel Dickinson-John W. Blake-Hiram Houghton-Edward and James Houghton. CONTENTS ix PAGE CHAPTERX. BIZATTLEBOROOPPOSED TO THE FORMATIONOF A STATE OF VERMONT . .. 112 Brattleboro's Resistance to State of Vermont-No delegates sent to convention at Dorset or Windsor-Declarations of broken condition of country--Sup- port of Great Britain in Revolutionary War-Protests against "pretended statey'-Further protest against unjustifiable proceedings of Vermont- Estates of Yorkers confiscated by Vermonters-Arrest of forty-four per- sons charged with "enemical conduct" in opposing authority of Vermont, among them Micah Townsend of Brattleboro-Governor Clinton of New York appeals to Congress-Ethan Allen enforced authority-Organization of town under state-Name Vermont, at first "New Connecticut alias Ver- mont"-Execution against body of Timothy Church-Seizure of Oliver Waters-Troops assembled at Arms Tavern on way to Guilford-Allotment of lands to Timothy Church and associates-Abduction of Luke Knowlton of Newfane by Francis Prouty, Thomas Whipple and Jonathan Dunklee of Brattleboro with others from Newfane. CHAPTERXI. LEADERSIN BRATTLEBORO'SOPPOSITION TO THE SOVEREIGNTYOF VERMONT . 130 Samuel Wells-Samuel Knight-Samuel Gale-Timothy Church-Micah Townsend, leaders in Brattleboro's oppdsition to the sovereignty of Ver- mont. CHAPTERXII. SOLDIERSOF THE REVOLUTION. 150 CHAPTERXIII. SCHOOLS . 161 Schools-Division of town into districts-Names of heads of families in dis- tricts-location of schoolhouses. CHAPTERXIV. WESTBRATTLEBORO . 166 West Brattleboro - Harris-Hayes center - Hayes Tavern - Roads -John Noyes's store-General Jonas Mann-Samuel Clark-Chester Miller- Admatha Dunklee-Other owners-Glen House-Proprietors : Rutherford' Hayes, Russell Hayes, Amasa Bixby, Henry Barrett, Timothy Root- Stewart's Hotel, Phineas Stewart. CHAPTERXV. THE POSTOFFICE . - . 110 Post Office-John Arms, first postmaster at Arms Tavern-John W. Blake- Aaron Horsford-John Holbrook-Samuel Elliot-Asa Green-Removal to Main Street. CHAPTERXVI. SECONDMEETING-HOUSE . 112 Second' Meeting-House-Plan of house-Original purchasers of pews- Moved in 1818-Revival of 1832-1833- ever end Caleb Burge-Reverend Jedediah L. Stark-Reverend Corbin Kidder-Reverend Joseph Chandler- Reverend Charles H. Merrill-Reverend James H. Babbitt. x CONTENTS PAGE CHAPTERXVII. POJ,I.SAND RATABLEESTATES IN CENSUS, - 1790 1 . 179 CHAPTERXVIII. THE STAGE-HOUSE-BRIDGES-"THEBURYING GROUND". 183 The Stage-House. Samuel Dickinson, John R. Blake, Major Henry Smith, Colonel Paul Chase, Liberty Rice, Lemuel Whitney & Compaily, William C. Perry, Charles G. Lawrence, proprietors. Stage notices-Bridges-West River bridge-"Burying Ground," Prospect Hill Cemetery-First bridge across the Connecticut, Oliver Chapin leader in the enterprise-Bridge over "Little Creeky'-Later bridges-Toll-keepers: Pettis, Reuben Metcalf, Richard Gill, Asa Sherwin, John L. Putnam. CHAPTERXIX. BRATTLEBOROUGHACADEMY . 188 Brattleborough Academy-Built by joint stock company-Roswell Harris- Reverend William J. Harris-Reverend Charles C. Harris. CHAPTERXX. FEDERALGALAXY. BEN JAMIN SMEAD,1797 . 194 CHAPTERXXI. NOTAELEEARLY SETTLERS . 196 Notable Early Settlers-Henry Wells, M.D.-Stephen Greenleaf-Stephen Greenleaf, Junior (Jeremiah Greenleaf)-Rutherford Hayes and wife Chloe-Deacon Russell Hayes-Rutherford Hayes, Junior-Hayes's Store, Dummerston-William R. Hayes-President dutherford B. Hayes-George Holmes Hall, M.D.-John Welland Blake-Lemuel Dickerman, M.D.- Judge Lemuel Whitney-Honorable Richard Whitney-Honorable James Elliot-Samuel Elliot-Doctor Samuel Stearns-Joseph Clark. CHAPTERXXII. AN INDUSTRIALERA . 232 John Holbrook-William Fessenden (The Reporter)-Joseph Fessenden- Thomas Green Fessenden-Joseph Steen-Honorable John Noyes-General Jonas Mann. CHAPTERXXIII. NOTABLEEARLY SETTJ~EBS (CONTINUED) . 251 Chief Justice Royall Tyler ("The Contrast," Description of Earliest Village from autobiography of Madame Royall Tyler, Literary Society)-Honor- able Oliver Chapin-Captain Samuel Root-Ezra Clark-Nathan B. Willis- ton-Honorable Jonatfian Hunt-Asa Grecn-Grinclall R. Ellis-Reverend Alonzo Church, D.D.-Eccentric persons : Jimmie Barnes and Sukie, his wife. CONTENTS xi THIRD PERIOD FURTHER INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT- INSTITUTIONS ESTABLISHED PAGE CHAPTERXXIV. THE GENERALMERCHANDISE STORE . 299 The General Merchandise Store-Cargo of river boat-River na\rigation- Francis. Goodhue-John R. Blake. CHAPTERXXV. THE PAPERMILL . 312 The Paper Mill, 1811. Proprietors : Joseph Clark, Samuel Dickiiison, Francis Goodhue, William Fessenden, Joseph Fessenden, Caleb Leland. Location- Capacity of mill. Holbrook & Fessenden: Paper mill, priiltiilg office and book binding; succeeded by Elihu Thomas and Wil!iam G. Cutting, Nathan Woodcoclc and Timothy Vinton. Wool carding and cloth dressiiig by Joseph Clark-Built house kept as tavern by Rufus Clark, 1815-1837, sold to Captain Adolphus Stebbins-John H. Stebbins. CHAPTERXXVI. THE A~EDICAL PROFESSION . 315 The Medical Profession : Doctor Willard Arms-Doctor Russell Fitch- Doctor Joilathaii A. Allen-Doctor Artemas Robbins-Doctor Daniel Gil- bert. CHAPTERXXVII. SOCIALLIFE . 318 Social Life-style of John W. Blake's hospitality-Honorable and Mrs. Oliver Chapin-Mrs. Patty Fessendei~-George Baty Blake's Remiiliscences of Mrs. Frailcis Goodhue-John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Daniel Webster, - guests of Honorable Jonathan Hunt-Mrs. Hunt-Mrs. Freme's "Man- sion," destruction by fire-Remarkable Cookbook-Flower gardens--Mrs. Boott-Mrs. Joseph Fessenden. CHAPTERXXVIII. THEMILITIA (CONTINUED). 324 Militia-Officers of ' companies-General
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