iHanrbpKLfr The Dauaihtars of the Union Vet- ' The tlnanca oommlttss of Cove­ Thomas r. Peckshham, U.8. tall, and la adept la the usa ef Ita : About Town ,ot the Civil W ar will meet nant Ooaitierational Chureh win poatal Inspector .,ot the Hartford “draw’-bars’’ and tiis eonsequsnt tomorrow at 8 p.na. at the home meet tonight at 7:30 at ths church. dlatrict. will be guaat at Crowd Enjoys of Mrs. Maude Shearer, US Russell meeker variation of bbnal regiatiwtkm. 1 TULIP TREE TURKEY FARM •uii» Q. ^ itoinMtie cat cn^ed S t a Meeting of the Bcdy Name So­ really believe he demonstrated Its l» Mw. N. VmUm Kalght. 65 ciety of St. Jamea* CSiureh tonight tonal variations to the fullest, and The British American Club WUl at 8:80 at the St. James' School ' Ltoe Recital Vniita Bt, received three award The Pellowcraft .Club will hold a meet tomorrow at 8 pm. at the doubtlsaa surprised many of Ms rfbbona at the aeventh champion* haU. sudlencs with ths Instrument's business meeting tonight at 7:30 clubhouse on Min>le St. 80HN GRUBER ship abow of the. Connecticut Cat a t the Masonic Temple. Refresh­ By complex variations of oyectemes. fOanden, Inc., at the Hotel Bond ments will be served. A rehearsal of the'junior choir Mrs. Bertha Dietrichsen, 54 A surprialngly large ^audience As a performer, Mr. Lane la an TURKEYS VOL. LXXXI, NO. 32 Satirrday and Sunday. She re­ Fairfield S t, haa been; diechmgad turned out Saturday evening to .adept teriinician, and plays with a of the Salvation Army tonight has from the Manchester Memorial ION80 and RiOUJD (FROW ) ceived two first award blue rib- The Past Chiefs daughters of been cancelled. hear Randy Lane, organist, at the good sense of style. He la inclined hma in the short hair and all Hoepital and la now eonvaleacing to. overdo the matter of gUssandi the Scotia will ttieet at the home of at her heme, Verplanck School. Hla appearance breed cliMeea, and a beet of color Miss Elizabeth Bro'wn, 20 Arch St.l The Sodality of the Blessed Bo Ihet It cannot be said that he award in the non-championship tomorrow at 7:45 p.m. was aponsorkd by the Manchester always plaji*s with impeccable FRANK M. HARAbOr DA Rebels Lose Battle Sacrament of St John’s Polish ITie'Ladles of Assuniptiem will State News Clue to ’62 class. More than 105 cats com­ Natimial Catholic Church wUl meet Chapter of the Hammond Organ taste.- And, c ^ ly enough, he ie not ASH SWAMP ]®)AD—GLASTONBURY, CONN. peted. meet next Monday at 8:15 p.m. at always faultless In ths matter of The Eliza Chapman Joy Circle tomorrow at 7 p.m. at 8t John's ths church hall, and not totught Society, which very evidently did ‘ TEL. ME 3-2416 , of North Methodist Church will Church Hall. formerly announced. a good job in the ticket-selling de­ rhythm; now and again ho cuts Sunset OotmcU, D^ree of Poca- meet at the church Wednesday at partm ent a beat, and then and now, he Is Roundup Expected in hcntaa, will meet tonight at 7:S0 at 2 pjti. Mrs. Dorothy Hattield will The annual banquet of the Com­ The executive board of the As would be expected, Mr. Lane inclined to add one, while ohang- Tinker Kali. Plans will be discussed show slides. Hostesses will be Mrs. bined Catholic Mothers Circles of Guild of Our Lady of S t Barthol­ played the Hammond Organ, wMch Istratlon. ■for entertaiziln^ the Great Poca­ Ruth Holmes, Mrs. Roy Nason and Manchester will be held tonight at omew Churok will meet tomorrow In this case waa bolstered with hslf everthelees It waa an enjoyable Vote Today hontas in Decmnber. Refreshments Mrs. Robert Arendt. 6:30 a t . the Garden Grove on at 8:15 p.ni. a t the reetoiY. 741 E. a dosen extrit tone-chambers until evening of music In the Ughter UConn Radio Will be served. Keeney St. Guest speaker will be Middle Tpke. f its tonal capacity was about equal vein, and admirably furthered the Army Pvt. Thomas M. Ryan, the Rev. WiUiam E. M cG rath , to that of a large pipe organ. The published alma of the local organ Seeks 82,000 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Ryan The Women’s Home League of result waa quite Impressive at society which Include the follow­ chaplain of Our Lady of Mercy times. * ing: 'T o encourage increased en- 'Voters streamed to the Sr., 62 Laurel St., recently com­ Novitiate in Madison, Corn)., and the Salvation Array will meet to­ iTs FAIRWAYS For Students polls today in 19 Connecticut pleted a five-week finance pro­ morrow a t 2 p.m. in junior hall. Mr. Lens is an organist In the J<qlment of playing organ music.’’ ' ,9 In Los instructor in theology and philo­ theatrical tradition, and offered a communities to elect local of­ cedures course at the finance sophy at the Diocesan S i s t e r s The hoatesses will be Mrs. Ann GtuiyaquiL Ecuador, Noy. 79was arrested around .midnight School at Ft. Benjamin Heurison, Young, Mrs. Margaret Therrian program of music that was popular when he left the Oorigreas Build­ Storrs, Nov. 7 (IP)—A 57- ficials in contests that may TURKEY College. He is also assistant di­ and Mrs. Alvina Cbagnon. In appeal and presentation. The for (jp)—pfldics and atudents hour radio niarathon to raise Ind. PvL Ryan, a 1961 graduate of rector in the marriage and family ing. Aides with hlBi also were tak­ provide clues to the statewide Manchester High School, was em­ closest he came to serious music foaght a gun battle In the en into custody and Impriaoned $2,000 for student activities Apostolate of the Achdlocese. was an excerpt from Gershwin’s balloting results next year. BINGO ployed by First National Food pajamas for atrecta again today after po­ in the federal penitentiary. rounds out its first day today, At stake is the office of mayor Sponsored by S t Stores-'here before entering the Cervini Honored “Rhapsody in Blue." This is in no LECLERC lice seized the bodies of four They offered no resistance when BridKePs Rosary Society Daniel Howard of Windsor will measure an adverse criticism of over station WHUS, the Uni­ in four of the state's largest com­ 250 Homes Army in July. He completed basic ^students killed in a demon- approached on the street by Gon- munities, New Haven, Bridgeport, training at Ft. Dix, N.J. be guest speaker at a meeting of the music, but merely to Inform FUNERAL HOME aalo Jacome, director of national versity of Connecticut cam­ Wednesday. Nev. 8 Ehnanuel Lutheran Churchwomen At Testimonial ypii es to the type of music pre­ ' the family atration yesterday. Waterbury and Stamford. security, and informSd they were pus station. Mayoralty contests are also tak­ .7:86 PM. ■ The Lincoln School will sponsor tomorrow at 7:45 p.m. in Luther sented, If you weren’t .present. 'The bodies were lying in under arrest. Instead, they sang The money will be given to the Hall. He will give an illustrated More than 100 members of the It was expertly chosen to ap­ FUNERAL • we give world green stamps • ing place In five other towna D estroye h Charch HoH a book fair In the school auditor­ state in the' university, with the Ecuadorean national anthem Associated Student Government, In addition, eight communities are ium tomorrow, Wednesday and talk about his trip to Russia in Army-Navy Club and their wives peal to his audience' vidio accorded main street and pHce plaza while being taken away. the campria legislative body, to Refreshmenta — Prises 1959. attended a testimonial ^nner and hirn generpiM and enthusiastic re­ SERVICE funeral services due to be electing selectmen and two. Hart' Thursday. The fair ■will be open to­ The Caiimborazo regiment of help meet its | 2,3p0 deficit. ford and Norwich, are holding non­ DOXATION $1.00 morrow from 10 am. to 3 p.m., and dance in honor of Frank Cervlni sponse. M y' only criticiam would WALTER N. held later today. Such public The tslk-fest is being called a Saturday night at the Army-Navy bo that it was a little on the long- engineers rose as soon as news of partisan council electioris. In One from 1 to 3 p.m. on Wednesday . ':^ e . Hockanum Dog Club will LECLERC ceremonies are frequently the the arrest spread. TTie soldiers "Student Rights Marathon" by the More than 560,000 persons are and Thursday. meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the cltibhotue. Ish aide; apparently he wanted to Director fuse which seta off additional WHUS sUff. The guest of honor has served give full ■value for the money. marched out of their barracks in elig;ible to vote. Wapping Community HaU. Dr. demonstrations |n Latin the southern part of ^ e city with The students blame the deficit 'ITie polls opened at 6 a.m. and Los Angeles, Nov, 7 (IP)— lielvin Stein, veterinarian, will an the club’s board of governors Mr. Lane has manifestly ex­ Call-M l 9-5869 on th'e administrations removal of for 30 years. Edward Rodger, 'rice plored ths tonal pcseibUitles of MAIN ST., MANCHESTER • OPEN 8 DATS America. weapons ready. vill close at 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., de­ Two disastrous /fires threat­ discuss emergency tirst aid for president of the club, on behalf of 23 Main Street Manchester Three Air Force planes took off control of students activities from pending on the community.
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