COMING T 0 | PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS I Invie Miss Sadie Hill of Morris, Minn., is We you Money on Rugs visiting We Give Save e THE FAIR Miss Jessie SAUK CENIRE Crandall. Miss Anna Stromberg visited the YuTe past week with friendsat Eagle Bend. Premium T 1 Northwestern United Doctors Mrs. Borgeson of Akeley, Minn., is Clearing up of our short lines the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Tickets 274 /472 LR Huey. /?e of waists so come and see if J. M. | at Hotel, with all Compare Our your size is among them, Will ‘Be the Palmer Wed- L. M. Kells returned Tuesday ngon. THOS. SULLIVAN PROP: | : they will be real bargains, nesday, June 14th, srom a two weeks visit with relatives RISt AL ' Premiums 4 Lot 1, sale price in Wisconsin. .\ Purchases Mrs. Louis Larson and son have FOR ONE DAY ONLY been visiting at the Stromberg home the past week. Miss ABOUT PRICES Remarkable Success of These Tal- Anna Stromberg has complet- Lot 2, sale price ed a successful term of school at Wa- economically satisfactorily ented Phrsicians in the Treat- dena and returned home. - Money spent is money b/¢c ments of Chronic Diseases W. Benner spent two or three days spent. The sweetness of price alone never did and here with his family this week, to meet his son from Arizona. cover the bitterness quality. Lot 3, sale price Offer Their Services Free of Charge never will of inferior Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Mann, Mr. and in all departments full and Mrs. Derby and Henry Mann You can shop here with the 95¢ The Northwestern United Doctors, spent Sunday at Ward Springs. by that you get one hundred cents worth of licensed the state for the treat- Chester A. Galusha assurance ment of deformities and all nervous returned Satur- day to Moose Jaw, Sask., af- returns every spent. Anything not Ladies’ nicely trimmed Hats and chronic diseases of men, women Canada, for dollar right, ter visiting relatives and friends here. many Pattern Hats among and children, offer to all who call we gladly right. on this trip, consultation, examina- Mrs. R. A. Beise of Brainerd, Minn., make them, sale price only tion and advice free, making no arrived in the city Monday afternoon charge whatever, except for the ac for a few days visit with old friends. We're in business to stay to grow, bigger and bigger, better and better, and we tual cost of medicine. All that is Lucas Kells to St. Paul Wed- doing our best to please you $2.62 asked in return for these valuable went are in order to gratify that ambition, and the fact that nesday on thLe noon train to attend services that every person treat- we have had the biggest May business in our history (for which we thank our is the democratic banquet and love Be sure and look what anice ed will state the result obtained to feast. friends both old and new) convinces us that our efforts are being appreciated. trimmed Hat you can buy their friends and thus prove to the Get to Know this Store, you will Like It sick and afflicted in this locality, Adam Ingram arrived in town here for this small price Monday that at last treatments have been dis- afternoon to remain a few covered that are absolutely sure and days and visit with his mother and certain in their effect. brothers. Summer is Here, Be Ready, Everything Washable is Fashionable $1.33 Many Wonderful Cures. Dr. T. J. Moynihan of St. Paul So great and wonderful have been spent Wednesday of last week here many cases Traveling Men's samples of their cures that in it is the guest of his brother Dr. A. F. New Wash Dresses children’s Hose, all different hard indeed to find the dividing line Moynihan. Street new by between skill and miracle. For Lake, Porch and Wear.. - Attractive line will be received express Miss Belle kinds, take your pick now Diseases of the stomach, intes- Chisholm completed a to-day and placed on Sale at $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. These come in the new a successful of for tines, liver, blood, skin, nerves, heart, term school at Fairy bordered goods with kimona sleeves and Dutch necks. spleen, kidneys, or bladder, rheuma- Lake with a Memorial Day program last Friday. - tism, sciatica, diabetes, bed-wetting, . ; O¢ leg ulcers, weak lungs and those af- Miss Mary Folmer, who has been We willreceive by express today flicted with long-standing deep-seat- teaching near Melrose, closed asuc- ed, ‘chronic diseases, that have bal- 15¢ cessful term of school Friday and re- Our Ladies’ Gauze Vests fled the skill of the family physician, turned : New Neckwear for Summer home. o _ should not fail to call. for this sale only Earl Rose New Bead Necklaces in the Popular Coral and “BillyBurke If you have kidney or bladder trou- came down from Roth- Blue” say, Minn., Saturday totake bles bring a two-ounce bottle of your the place New Belt and of the night man at Collar Pins 11¢c urine for chemical analysis and mi- the Great North- Wash Bags scropic examination. ern station. New in Tan and in White Deafness often cured in sixty Geo. C. Ingram came Sunday 35¢ - in Our Gauze Union Suits days. from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Can- any size during this sale at Nothing in Their Treatment That ada, for a visit here with his mother Sounds For Friday and Saturnday we have these Special Like A Knife. and brothers. » only By their developed system, no Mrs. John Kurell and daughter Liz- more operations for appendicitis, zie left Saturday for Inducements gall stones, tumors, goiters, piles or Rochester to 23¢c visit relatives. expect be cancer. They were among the first They to gone month. Umbrella, in America to earn the name of the a Women's Fine Gauze Vests-low necks 4and $1.25 Black variety of Styles in handles Special Price only 5¢C Special only 89c¢c Visit this store often “Bloodless Surgeons,” by doing away Sam Ingram is in town, having ar- sleeveless. with the knife, blood and pain in rived Friday night from the south to The home of Bargains the successful treatment and cure meet his brothers and visit with them Ladies’ Linen Wash Suits, Regular Price $4.50 All Wool Batiste, white and colors, 36in wide of these dangerous diseases. and his mother. and $5.00. Extra Special only : $3.50 and washable, Special Price ‘39¢c Their new treatment for cancer, Mr. and Mrs. H. Thoeny of Glencoe, tumor, tubercular glands, eating ul- Minn., arrived in Sauk Centre last and other malignant growths is Just a few ladies’ coats and suits left. These Black Dress Skirts, Regular Price $5.00 and cers Thursday on a visit to their daughter wonderful in its effect. A germ de- we are closing out at a BIG REDUCTION $5.50. Specizl Price only $3.75 Central Minnesota stroying fluid is injected hypoder- Mrs. A. W. Austin. Power &Milling Co. mically into the very heart of the Mrs. Roy Hoople arrived the latter growth until it reaches every root, part of last week from Minneapolis Visitors and friends are always Welcome at this : PRICE LIST fibre, cell and substance. One treat- for a visit here with her parents Mr many rest, to BRAN per cwt. $1.20 ment in cases is sufficient to and Mrs. W. McNeice. Store to meet friends or just to look around. cure, SHORTS per cwt. $1.20 Henry Mann came up Saturday may THOS. $1.30 No matter what your ailment night from Minneapolis, spent Sun- SULLIVAN Low Grade may (including sack) be, no matter what others have day here with his and re- told matter what experience parents WHEAT SCREENINGS cwt. .60 you, no turned Monday morning. CRACKED CORN, cwt. sl.lO you may have had with other physi- GROUND OATS, cwit. sl.lO cians, it will be to your advantage Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kind of Mel- Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cooper, Mr. and GEM FLOUR, $2.70 to see them., Have it forever settled rose, Peter Matzen and Miss Teresa lots $2.60 Mrs. A. E. Erwin, Mr. and Mrs. C. S 5 sack in your mind. If your case is incur- Kind left for Grey Eagle to visit their D. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Jam- able they will give you such advice sister and returned May 29th. jeson, all with their families, Mr. and (ear Secret may relieve you and stay the dis- A as Mr. Mrs. SkinThe and Matt Wannish left to- Mrs. ease. Do not put off this duty you Mrs. J. W. Ward and Mr. and day for Chicago to visit their daugh- Sunday at their owe Yyourself, your friends, and your E. A. Richards spent ! (OFfA Good(enplexion ter Anna. FKFrom there they go relatives, as a visit this time costs to cottages at Ward Springs. -~ Denver and points in Nebraska. you nothing and may save your life. Dr. J. M. McMasters retuirned re- RDINARY methods are not L il | Dr. J. Kirghis Past X - Remember this free offer is for A. is planning to at- cently from a trip to Fairbault, thorough enough to use on this trip only. tend the fifteenth annual meeting of Northfield and other towns in the your skin, they only clean Hours, 11 A, M. to 6 P. M. the Associated Harvard Clubs, which southern part of the state whither he the surface, and do not reach Married ladies must come with is to be held in the Twin Cities June was called on business.
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