' • r tWlMtr-FOUR MONDAY, MARCH 81, 1969 fltanrlf?0t?r lEtt^nitts l|rniUt A tm c v Dufijr Net PriMB Ron VW W ta k B h« m > The Weather UM ToirffM and tomornw meat. \y eHoudy, mlldwr. lo w toolgM 15,535 Ul Mta. H lgb to m o R W 00 to B6 with ebanoo oC ahowaw. IHanchm$ter 4 City o f ViUoge Chmrtn VOL. L X X X V m , NO. 154 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, APRH, 1, 1969 (CtaMifled AdvertlalBff €■ Pa«« If) PRICE TEN CENTS Laird Cutting Military In Today's Herald H m fiiat of three aittoles on the drug prohlem In ICan- cbester to printed in today’s High Court To Decide Herald. It was written by Another $613 Million Robert DIgan, coordinator of youth activities for the town. WASHINGTON (AP)— Nixon had ordered "significant The defense secretary did not It tells how the problem Secretary o f Defense Mei- reductions" In federal budget repeat his March 19 statement came to Manchester and v5n R. liiird, nuyv^insr to cut eatlmates to cope with the prob­ that Abrams "considers the B02 adiat die town Is trying to do niiiatlBry speofiiiiig: another lem . to be Mie of his most Important about It. The Pentagon chieTs second w eapon s.” Look for it on page 8. Civil Rights Question 5618 miWion, tumooinced to­ whack at the defense bu4get In There was no indication of day i4ens to reduce B62 On page 7 The Herald car­ two weeks was a patchwork In­ how much of a reduction will be ries the second of five storiee boinber sorties and trim cluding stretching oUt some made in the current 1,800 bomb­ on the Ufe o f D w ight D . B3is- WASHTNTON (AP)— Supreme C5ourt, in a ma­ several naval ships in the projects, deferring othera—and er sorties a month against ene­ eiriMWer. Today’s story con- jor Ofvil rights move, agreed today to decide wheitlher Vdetmam war. In some cases revwsing actions my targets In South Vietnam cenm the Influence of Gen. Negroes 'have a right to use all^hito communilky parks Laird also toM the House Laird announced to the Senate and Laos. A sortie is a single Pox Conner on the young and swhnlmilng i>ools. --------- --------------------------- Armed Services Oommlttee be Armed Services Committee only flight by a single plane. military officer who was to The pace-setting case comes ginlg. nonstock cotporation or­ TEXAS to postponingr purchase ot a two weeks ago. The original Johnson .defense become the president Of the from suburban Fairfax County, ganised to operate a community San Antonio mlssUe cadi SRAM untU tests His action to reduce the num­ budget assumed the average United States. Va., where a Negro family rant­ park and awtmmiqg pool for the show whether It will work. ber of B82 sorties in the Viet­ number of sorties would decline ing a house from a white family benefit of -rssldsnts of some nam wsu- was a switch from hla These actions, irepresentlng beginning last January. Laird is was forbidden to use the subdi- housing subdivlrioiis in Fairfax M arch 19 position and am ounts about h a lf th e $618 milUon, Mdlllng to pay for the higher vlalon’B recreational facfllttes. County, Virginia. EogU Past to at least a partial reinstate­ brought to more than g l.l billion monthly number .only until July. Both families sued and Freeman Is an agricultural the amount of spending pared ment of a Johnson administra­ claimed vlolationa of their civil tion plan. Translating his switch Into Heart Attack economist with the U.S. embas­ Borrof ron by Laird from the Johnson ad- money, Laird siloed about In righ ts. T h ey sa id to e 1966 civ il sy In Pakistan. Two weeks ago, after return­ mlnisltratlon’s final defeiwe half his March 19 request for rights law, which the court has ing from a trip to Vietnam, budget fo r fle ca l 1070. $102 mUHon in ad d ition a l B02 Kills Judge said bars discrimination In pri­ WABHENGTON (AP) — The Laird said ‘|pn the basis of my vate housing sales, also protects The new total stands at $77.9 operating funds. Supreme Court upheld today toe own observatiens” he had con­ the Negro family’s ri^ t to use right of unions to punish work­ Minsrs billion for the bookkeepti^ year cluded enough money should be The defense chief mentioned Brownsvili* starting July 1. Pentagon otfl- trtmming some of the Navy's In Ray Trial the facilities. ers who go over production quo­ provided to support the current Last June, acting on an ear­ ta s. Trappad ciak indicated more slashes are ships operating off Vietnam to rate of B62 sorties through June lier appeal, toe court directed under study. help save $26 mlllitm by laying MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — Fiidng; or even exprillng piece 1970 a s recom m en ded b y Gen. Virginia state courts to reocm- woilDers 'Who exceed production Laird made It plain the fresh up 18 vessels. Judge W. Preston Battle Has Creighton W. "Abrams, U.8. Bider rulings against the two quotas set by toe union is a mat­ Monforr# y spending reductions were relat­ Laird gave no hint how many died of a Iwart attack, raising commander in Vietnam. families. The Supreme Court of ter of Internal policy not topblcl- ed to President Nixon's caH tor of the 18 ships have been taking the pcBslblUty that James ESarl But Ledrd said today, “As Appeals of Virginia, in October, dsn by federal labor law, toe ejdtension of the 10 per cent in­ Ray may get the trial hy Jury much as I would like to suiqmrt (See Page Eight) turned the oases down on proce­ court said 7 to 1. come tax surcharge. he now says he wonts. his recommendation, the budget dural grounds. The deciaion, given by Jtistlce "H ie nation is confronted with strlngencieB under which we TTie 60-yeor-oId ju rist w as Now the high court Itself will Byron R. White, dealt wlto quo- Gulf of an extremely difficult and dan­ found dead In hie chambsra must operate in fiscal 1970 will settle the Issue, in a ruling that tas set by the United Auto MEXICO gerous economic and fiscal situ­ not permit a continuation of that Monday night. On March 10 be undoubtedly will have broad na- Workers Union (AFL-CIO), at ation” Laird said. He noted rate beyond June 1909.” R u m o r, K y had accepted Ray’s plea of tlo.-jal implications. the Wisconsin Motor Corp., in Moxico guflty to the murder of Martin Last term’s decision assured Milwaukee. Bhur machine oper- 0 100 Luther King Jr. and sentenced Negroes equal access to private ators were tried by toe tmion O thers P ay Him to 99 years In prison. numes in burgeoning devedop- and fined $80 to $100 and were Latter Judge Battle disclosed ments. This case tests their suspended from the union tor a MILES Navy Considering Ray tied written from toe state rl^ t, when there, to t»e all the y*ar when It was found that Nixon Visit penitentiary advising that he benefito of suburban Uvlng. they, and other members, had Where Miners Are Tflapped New Missile Sub wanted to wltodraw his plea and The suits were brought by exceeded the production celling stand trial. Paul E. SuBlvan, a white gov- tor piece workers. ' WASHINOTON (AP)— Secretary John H. Chafee disclosed WASHINGTON (A P ) — Charles Golbreato, a Tennes­ emment woricer, Ms wife and , today the Navy Is considering a new long-range submarine __ k.. >p n production workers Prime Minister Mariano Riunor see Appeals Court judge, said G6ven cnllapen« Gnd iwr T, R. .a. « mlssfle system to meet the increasing threat from the Soviet ■ ___ „ . __ Lh,- Ptont are paid on a piece of Italy led a day-long proces- today that If toe letter Is Union In the 1976s. BVeenaarit a Negro, hto wife and work or^ IncentlyeincenMw* basis.luurfa TheT»,a un­ silon of foreign leaders into construed as a motion tor a new their two chRdrea Over 150 Trapped Chafee told the Smate Armed Services Committee of plans ion rule, enforceable since 1944 President Richard M. N 1x <hi’s trial, toe state would have to When Sullivan rented Free- - ^ ____ ... __ for the new, mulU-bilUon dollar system, even as work Is be­ m an h fo hbuse In 1966 b e trie d to V?*** e j^ s k r n , allow s oval office today. give Ray cne. ginning to convert the first of 81 ballistic missile submarines Gal breath said such a motion pass along the share in UtUe “ Rumor was toe first of a dos- from the Polaris to the new multi-warhead Poseidon. must be granted under state law Hunting Park, the subdivision’s In Mexican Mine en foreign officials who were oeltlng rate for how much pay His testimony was given to a closed conunittee session but if the trial Jtxlge dies or la private social club, .wMch Sulli­ holding individual, privt^ ses­ they may draw on a particular MONTE3RIREY, Mexico (AP)—<A fiery Mast of meth- was made pdblic. judged Insane while the cose is van bad bought for $160 In 1966. sions with Nixon at the' White day. Their overproduction is Chafee said "It is quite clear that the Soviet Navy presents pending. The appesds said toe club’s ante gBs trappeii 145 to 168 men 1,700 feet down in a House.
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