Russian Todooradhic Milita Rv Maps in Scale 1:100 000 Tt

Russian Todooradhic Milita Rv Maps in Scale 1:100 000 Tt

Joint Stock Company Member of IMTA 'Sojuzkarta-lMPEX" Russian toDooraDhic milita rv maps in scale 1:100 000 tls Names Qua tit of sheets Date of su rve EUROPE l. Albania 37 1979-1990 2. Austria 84 1977 -1987 3. Belguim 38 1978-1991 4, Bosnia 57 I978-1991 5. Bulgaria 106 1978-1991 6. Croatia 74 1980-1991 7. Chekia 83 1980-1991 8. Denmark 88 1988 9. Fialand 445 t977 -1991 I 0. France 457 1987-1991 I I . Germany 331 1984-t992 l2.Gteat Britan 340 1964-t986 I 3. Greece 2t5 1982-1990 14. Holland 48 t987-1991 t5 . Hungary 9l 1980-1991 l6 . Ireland 74 1979-1980 tt . Its ly 329 1985-1987 l8 .Yugoslavia 99 19"1 6-1989 19 . Lu xemburg 6 1988 2A . Macedonia 26 1979-1980 2l . Ma lta 3 I987 a, . Norw ay 56A 1969-1994 2t . Poland 296 t9'1 6-t991 24 .Portugal 8t 1980-1981 25 . Roman ia t97 1972-799 I 26 . Slovakia 56 1980-1991 a'l .Slovenia 28 1980-1991 28 . Spain 385 1964-1991 29 . Switzerland 46 1985-1988 30 .Sweden 54t t9'l 2-t995 45, Volgogradskiy pr., 109316, Moscow, Russia. "SK-lMPEX" Tel. (095) 177-5013, Fax. (095) 177-5201 4_S_IA 1. Afganistaa 439 1983-1987 2. Burma (part) 317 1954-1986 3. Butan (part) 1986 4. Cambodia 127 t97 I 5. China (part) 5178 197 4-199 4 6. India (part) 442 1980-1986 7. lran 1038 t97 6-1992 8. Iraq 301 1975-1986 9. Israel 27 1985 1 0 . Jordan 78 1984-1985 ll.Japan 425 t9 69 -r99 I 12.Kuwait l9 t97 5 l3.I.aos 169 1988-1989 I 4. Lebanon l9 1983 l5.Moogolia t9 69 -199 4 l6.North Korea 7 1981-1983 17. Oman 197 I 197 5 I S.Pakistan I -1984 19. Qatar L97 8 20.Saudi Arabia (Part) 1975-1986 2l.South Korea 1982-1994 22.Syria t972-t99I 23.Thailand 1974-1980 2 4.T yrkey 197 l-1993 2 5. U. A.Emirates 197 8 2 6. Vietnam t98t-1982 27 .Y emet 1978-1986 AFR ICA l. Algeria (part) 143 t973-t986 2. Egupt (part) 432 t97 7 -19 87 3. Ethiopia (part) 658' t977 -1981 4. Djibuti 24 197 I 5. Kenya (p art) 39 1979-1981 6. Libya (part) 442 1981-1987 7. Mauritania (part) 161 1979-1981 8. Morocco (p art) 146 197 9 - 1983 9. Somali 291 t97 9 -1987 l0.Sudan (part) 127 l98l 1l Tunisia (part) 99 I973-l986 12.Uganda 3 19 80 13. Western Sakhara 162 t97 9 -L980 AMERIqA l. Cuba 122 t97 6-t97 7 2. Panama (part) 32 1979 3. USA (part) 23 t3 t96t -197 7 .SK-lMPEX" 45, Volgogradskiy pr., 109316, Moscow, Russia. Tel. (095) 177-8013, Fax. (095) 177-5241 Joint Stock Company Member of IMTA 'Sojuzkarta-lM PEX' RUSSIAN TOPOGRAPHIC MILITARY MAPS lN SGALE 1: 200 000 45, Volgogradskiy pr., 109125, lVloscow, Russia , Tel.(095) 177-8013, FAX' 177-5201(5111) 1S Names Quantity of Date of tls Names Quantity of Date of sheets EUR.PE AFRICA 367 1 979.1 987 1. Andorra 2 1 980 1. Algeria 194 1 966-1 986 2. Austria 28 1 980-1 986 2. Angola 28 1981-1 982 3. Bulgaria 31 1 986 3. Benin 98 1 981 4. Belguim 13 1 987-1 989 4. Botswana 51 1981-1985 5. Denmark(Greenland excluded) 25 1 987-1 S89 5. Burkina Fasso 80 1979-1982 6. Canary lslands 15 1 979-1 982 6. Camerun 93 1979-'1986 7. Finland 113 1 977-1 991 7. Cental African RePublic 1 979-1 984 8. France 135 1 980-1 9E1 8. Ghad '182 + (Part) 98 1 97S-1 985 9. Germany 92 1 980-1 989 9. Congo Zaire 63 1 981 -1 985 10.Great Britan 97 1 967-1 987 I 0. Cot d'lvoire 144 197 2-1988 11.Grees 80 1 980-1 991 1 1 . Egupt 1 978-1 979 l2.Greenland(coast part of island) 677 1 957-1 967 12. Ethiopia 192 10 't s84 13. Holland 16 1 979-1 988 13. Gambia 1 982-1 985 l4.lceland 44 1 9s5-1 967 1 4. Ghana 43 43 1 983-1 985 lS.lreland 26 1 985-1 986 15. Guinea 1 985 16.ltaly 87 1 988-1 990 1 6. Guinea-Bissau 11 't0 197 I 17. Lichtenschtein 'l 1 986 17.Jibuti (part) 23 1 982-1 986 1 8. Luxemburg 1 1 988-1 989 lE.Kenya 1 985 19. Malta 2 1 S88 1 9. Lesotho 9 't989 24 1 985 20. Monaco 'l 20. Liberia 1 979-1 985 21.Norway (with islands) 214 1 974-1 986 21. Libya 266 1 985 (with 31 1 981 -1 982 22. Madagascar 108 22.Portugal islands) 198'l 23. San-Marino 2 1 986 23. Malawi 20 184 1981-1986 24.Spain (with islands) 124 1 979-1 991 24. Mali 164 1 982-1 984 25. Switzerland 18 1 987-1 98S 25.Mauritania 88 1 982-1 987 26. Sweden l.57 1977 -1984 26. Morocco :. " 147 1981-1982 27.Vatican 1 1 990 2T.Mozambique 28. Namibia 't25 't977 -1981 ASIA 29. Niger 18s 1 979-1 986 Afghanistan 127 1 980 1 992 1. 30 N igeria 138 1 98f-1 986 33 1952 1 s75 2. Bangladesh Senegal 39 1982-1985 3. Birma 128 1 959 1 987 ,| 32. Sierra Leone 18' 1 985 4. Butan 11 197 7 989 33 . Somali , 110 1 978-1 982 5. Canrbodia 35 1 I 34 . South Af rica 182 1 981-1 988 I 1 990-1 99 6. Cyprus 35. Sudan '348 1978-'r 986 1 605 1 976-1 991 7. China 36. Swaziland I t 982 512 1 954-l 985 8. lndia 3T.Tanzania (Part) 45 1 984 110 1 965 9. Indonesia Togo 't6 1 981 -1 982 1 0. lran 277 1972-1992 3 9. Tunisia 40 1 966-1 986 88 197 2-1991 11.lraq 40.West Sahara 51 1982 12 1 9S5 1 2. lsrae I 41 . Zaire 100 1 981 -1 985 22 ''l s85 1 3. Jordan 42"Zambia 124- 't 981-1 984 '142 197 1 -1 982 1 4. Japan 43. Zimbabwe 45 1 979-1 980 't 5. Kuwait 7 1 990 AMERICA 1 6. Laos 57 1 965 1 1 (Part of territorY) 83 1 980 1 7. Lebanon I 985 . Argentina 29 1 976-1 983 18. Malaysia 32 1 965-1 983 2. Bahamas islands 1 'l 986 19. Mongolia 294 197'l -1990 3. Bermudes islands 23 1980 20. Nepal 37 1 955-1 977 4. Bolivia (part of territorY) (part of territory) 1 393 1 980-1 983 21 . North Korea 40 1 983-1 984 5, Canada 134 1 980-1 98s 22. Oman 39 1 979 6. Chile (part of territorY) 14 1 976-1 983 23. Pakistan 160 1 980-1 99 1 7. Dominicanian RePublic 13 1 980 24. Philippines 125 1982 8. Folkland lslands 12 1 976-1 983 25. Qatar 6 197 1 -197 5 9. Haiti 5 1982 26. Saudi Arabia 2S5 1 978-1 990 l0.Jamaika 299 1 966-1 984 27.South Korea 26 1 981 -1 982 11. Mexica lslands 18 I 966-1 967 2 8. Syria 46 1 974-1 985 12. Minor Antillas 1 984 29.Shri Lanka 18 1 973 13. Nicaragua 27 1 1977-1981 30.Thailand 102 1980-198'l 14.USA (ex. Alaska and islands) 388 550 1957-1982 31.TyrkeY 148 1973-1989 15. USA (Alaska) 29 'l 956 32. U.A. Emirates 11 1971-1975 16. USA (Aleut lslands) 1 979-1 980 33.Vietnam 79 1982-'1983 17.USA (Hawai lslands) 2 197 1 35.Yemen 25 't978-1980 18.USA (Saint Laurence lsland) 8 (095) 177-5111, 45,Votgogradskiy pr.,109125, Moscow, Russia."sojuzkarta-lMP-EX" Tel. (095) 177-8013, Fax. Fax (095) 177-5201 iv -ll tElE Joint-Stock Company "Sojuzkarta-IMPEX' Member of rMTA Russian topoeraghic military maos in scale 1:500 000 tt Namee uantit of shoetr Date of surve f,UEOPU I Arrlrir t 1979-1987 2 Bcl3rir 3 l9t,t-t990 3 Dcr-rrL I t 979- I 9r9 I tsirlrrd 9 r 9?r- r 9r9 t Prrrcc 27 l9t41I 99,1 6 Gcrrrry It t9t2-t990 7 (lroeI Britrr It I 967- I 9t6 t Gttecc to l9t.l-t990 I llo I lrrd 1 198{-1990 I 0. lrelrrd 6 l9t.l I l.ltrly t6 t 979- I 992 'I 2.Norrry l9 t976-t9t7 I l-Portrgel 7 I9tr-I9r6 I l. Sprir t9 I 983- I 9t6 I 5.S:itzorlrrd 3 l9t5- 1990 16. Srcdcr It I 976- I 989 I - Afgrrirlrr t7 l9t9- 1990 2. B..3l.itath 7 t 959 3. Brr:e It t9r9-19t7 {. Brlrr 2 t970-197 I l. Crrbodir 6 I 9ta- I 9t7 6. Clie t I 0.2 1970-t991 7. I rdir '7t 1954-t9t9 t, lrdorcrir 92 t 957- 19t5 9- lrer 33 1973- t9a2 I O. lrrq t5 t973-t9a9 I l-lrrecl .2 t9t7 l2.lotiltt 6 1987 !l Jrprr ,2 t965-1991 l1 Xrrrit 2 . t 9t I 'i5 Lror to I96J-1992 l6 Lobrror , I9tl-19t7 l7-Llelryrir l5 1964-t9t7 I t.

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