'4-1-4' Plan Urged Forecast The Student Senate heard a proposal for CIeu4Iy with rlln endl.,. lat. todlY. Hillh, • '4-1-4' plan at the University Tu.sday In the .... Fllr ..... contlnue4 _I tocIIy ,.3.a/tht - but took no action. See story on ~ ail owan ... ThurlClly. Serving the University of Iowa and the People 0, Iowa City EstAblished in 1868 10 cents a copy AIIoclated Prea Leued WIre aud Wirepboto low. City, Iowa ~Wednesday, October II, 1968 Agreement Reached On Gun Control Bill WASHINGTON !II - Senate-House con­ viding for a seven-day Wailing period and qualified by law to purchase firearlYll. ferees agreed Tuesday on a bill to prohibit the filing of an affidavit of eligibility by the Under the legisLation, interstate mail inlerstalemail order sale of alt rirearrns purchaser. order sales would be limited to licensed and ammunition . Over-the·counter ..Ies .. 1IO,,,,.. lclenh manufacturers, importers, dealers and The compromise measure also includes would be prohibited Ixcept that a per_ collectors. a general ban on over-the- counter sale of could buy e lon, 'u n In In IeIltlnl", Violations would be subject to 5 years ' firearms to nonresidents of a state and silt, if h, qualified undlr the IIWI .. imprisonment or 8 $5,000 fine, or both. prohibits sales of rifles and shotguns to both stat ... persons under 18 years of age. Persons The measure would become effective on under 21 already are banned from buying Dec. 16, the same dale as the aection of handguns. the crime control bill curbing handl\l1l Faculty Support Sen. Roman L. Hruska (R·Neb'>, who sales. fought against the ban on mail order sales One exception is that a ban on Imports of ammunition, refrained from signing the of all surplus military weapons would be conference report. He said he wanted to effective immediately upon enactment. For Student Code see its prOvisions reduced to writing first. The Senate-passed bill provided for out­ Other senators who have opposed gun lawing interstate mail order sales of all control legislation, such as James O. East­ types of ammunition, but the House had Asked by Bowen land (D-Miss.) and John L. McClellan exempted ammunition for rifles and shot­ (D-Ark'>. were absent and also did not guns. Pre!. Howard R. Bowen, In his AMual s i g n the report, raising some question Another difference involved additional address to the faculty, Tuesday came out whether they would fight its adoption. penalties provided for carrying a firearm in defense of the controversial Code of Sen. Theml. J. Dodd (D.Conn.), chief in the commission of a federal felony. Student Life. Senlte IPNsor of .... Itglsletion, hailed The conference committee agreed on an Speaking in Macbride Auditorium, Bowen the compremlst I. "I mll.stone." additional penalty of one to 10 years for a urged the faculty to read the document and CRIME AND PUNISHMENT - Darrell Morf, L3, Fredericks­ fellow law students - who made up the jury of Morl'l peers - And Rep. Emanuel Celler (D-N.Y'), first offense, but with the provision that submit suggestions for its improvement. burt, convicted of Impersonating one of the Seven Dwarfs It che.r him on. The Kangaroo Court, held al • downtown tavern, cbairman of the House conCa-ees, called it this could run concurrently with the pen­ But , he said, "[ want to make it clear Monday night', Kengaroo Court, chugs his penalty beer while II I College of Law lradition. - Photo by Dive Luck a thorough-going and comprehensive gun alty for the crime itseU and senlence could that the code as published is now In force control measure. be suspended. and will continue to be unW it is revised For the moet PArt, the conferees took For I second offen.. the alldltlonal and the revisions publisbed." the strongest provisions of the separate penalty for carrying a firllrm w h II • He sald that the regulations In the code bills previously passed by the Senate and committing I f.d.rl' felony WIIUIc! be would apply only when a student's miscon­ Kangaroo Court Pulls No Punches­ the House. flv. years to 25 y.ars but thl. too caultl duct affect. some University proceu or run concurr.ntly. The measure supplements a section of function. the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe The conferees modified a House provis­ Because the rules were "stated clearly streets Act passed earlier in the year ban­ ion to exempt from the legisiation the Na­ and therefore rather badly . they give I You're Guilty Until Proven Innocent ning inlerstate mall order sales of hand­ tional Board for Promotion of Rifle Prac­ the impression of a barshness which a guns. tice, which is closely associated with the careful reading dispels," he added. By CATHERINE BORCKARDT down, it was an omen that the student peal . A pitcher of beer was forfeited to It exlends this ban to rifles and shot­ National Rine Association. On the subject of academic freedom, The Daily Iowan was severely tried would pass his bar exams, according to the judges, one of 12 pitchers counted . guns and also covers sales of all kinds of Under the compromise, the Secretary of Bowen said students and faculty must all Monday night at the law students' annual David Vernon, dean of the College oC Law. Kangaroo Court will continue tonight ammunition. Defense would be authorized to provide live "exactly according to the principles Kangaroo Court. On the judges' iirst pitcher, tbe pro­ and Thursday. On Thursday night, cer­ Besides the prohibition on interstate exemptions for organizations engaged in of a house of intellect." He said there was Judges Steve Rosenberg of Des Moines, ceedings were straight. Prosecutor Rod tain College of Law professors will be mail order sales, the bill regulates sales the civilian marksmanShip program but "abundant evidences that the historic au­ Steve Jacobs of ' Davenport, and John Joslin, L3, Rock Island, IU., began, "If it su~enaed to appear. of firearms by mail within a state by pro- the individuals involved would have to be tonomy of universities is once again in Diehl of Coralville, all senior law stu­ please tbe court. ." jeopardy." The principles to be followed denis, presided at Doc's Annex tavern. He was interrupled by Chief Justice include those of responsibility, freedom, Some charges against plaintiffs other than Rosenberg and told, "It pleases the court law and due process, he said. the DI included impersonation of Profes­ for you to shut up and pass my beer." Bowen said he would "make no apoLogy lOr Irwin Corey, the comedian, and tbe By the time the judges were quaffing for our housing rules and would defend drinking of a certain beer. their fourth pitcher, their decrees were N.Y~ Rebel Educator Fired their continuance." He said that, in hi, Maxine Thomas, Ll, Los Angeles, was less well-ordered. When the defendant was judgment, a strong case could be I1lsde accused of being the most attractive girl called to the stand, Rosenberg announced, NEW YORK IA'I - Rhody McCoy, admin­ T h I B.. rd Df Educltion reassl,ned The letest crisl. In the decentrllilltion istrator of a rebellious Brooklyn experi­ McCDY to It. centrll he.dquarterl Ind row in OClln Hill w•• Intensified whln "on educational and practical groundJ for in tbe College of Law. "Clase closed . Let's hear your pI ear. " undergraduate students to live for a time The court, where all defendants are Darrell Morf, 13, Fredericksburg, stood menlal school district, was relieved of his .110 reli''VId stVln of the tlllht principals McCoy carried out h II pr.vlellll., an­ post Tuesday, as the Board of Education in tho black and Puerto RICin Oc.an HIli nounced plan 10 .id.llne the 10 teache ... , in organized housing as part of the UnJ­ (ound guilty, is held near the beginning of on his chair to be seen over the heads venity community." the year becal1 ~e by midtern1 and final of the orowd of about 100 as he paid his moved to avoid another city",ide teachers dlartct. In so doing, he Ignored I mlndat. of the limes the law students will be hard at penalty. strike. The UFT, whose 55,000 members are Board of Education, which .rd..... the Bowen also referred to the University', work, according to one of those present. Morf shugged two small draws in sev­ The AFL-CIO United Federation of predominllntly white, had accused McCoy ou.ted teache,. returned to th.lr or\tlnel current building plans, to various fund­ Kangaroo Court and the black canes en seconds, most of which slowly seeped Teachers (uFT) threatened a strike of the and the principals of "direct defiance of teaching posts. raising plans and to the budget. He also carried by seniors are part of a tradition. into his gray sweatshirt or ran down his l.t-million-pupil public school system to­ the city and the Board oC Education." One of the ousted teachers assigned to told the audience thal even thougb the en­ rollment bas risen to somewhat over 19,- At one time in the distant past, during neck in the night's finest display of im· day or Thursday after McCoy banished 80 The eighth principal in the district was Ocean Hill's Junior High School 271 said the Homecoming game, law students bibing technique. disputed white teachers from classrooms they had been put to work evaluating ted 500 stUdents, there has been a significant transferred at his 0 w n request, School gain in the faculty-student ratio, as "the would throw their canes over (he goal Several Dr reporters were charged with in hi Ocean Hill-Brownsville decentralized Supt.
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