itr"'"i., " EVENING EDITION ; fssT EVENING EDITIOII WEATHER REPORT. Calling cards, wed- ding stationery, com- Fair tonight and Fri- mercial stationery and day; colder. job printing- - to order at the East Oregonlan. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER. VOL. 23. PENDLETON. OliEGON, THURSDAY, JANUAItY 5, 1911. NO. 7103 STATE TAX LEVY DIG BATTLE T INSURGENTS DISTRIBUTING RAILS TO BE 1.6 MILLS DUE IN MEXICO CITY LIMITS REFORM Ill WASH NGTDN Salem, Ore., Jan. 6. The state tax With a work train and a gang of rail commission yesterday afternoon an- layers, the last part of the million and nounced the state tax levy for the en- a quarter dollar Improvement work suing year at 1.6 mills. Lost year's undertaken by the O. R. & N. com- levy was 2.2 mills and the decrease pany nearly year ago was begun Government Cavalry and In- Seattle Bandits Shoot Mall Representative Intro- a Sen- Is 0.6 mill. The amount that is es- Norris out of this city this morning. Under West Virginia's Wealthy timated to be required to run the state fantry Attempting to Flank Clerk in Mouth the direction of L. C. McCoy, who is government year and Escape duces Resolution End e, this and to be raised to assistant under Chief Engineer Boes-ch- ator Succumbs to Myste- by this levy Is, In round numbers, the work of distributing the rails Insurffent Forces. as against $1,528,000 in With Registered Mail. Committee Secrecy. along the twelve miles of track will rious Malady. 1910. The total assessed valuation be accomplished within a few days, for this year is, in round numbers. after which the actual laying of the 1844,000,000, as ngalnst $694,000,000. BLOODY CONFLICT SURE CRIME COMMITTED ALMOST FIRST MOVE MADE rails will begin. DECEASED WAS REPUBLICAN The state board of equalization has as- McCoy is man who charge WHEN TWO FORCES MEET IN HEART OF SOUND CITY AT PRESENT SESSION the has LEADER IN HOUSE sessed the corporations of the state, of the laying of rails on the Des- UPPER not wholly In any one county, and chutes road and he is assisted in his Many American Adventurers Said to therefore not assessable by counties, Seriously Wounded Man and Com-jmuiIo- ii Reformers Would Conipcll Members work by George T. Ross. The grad-n- g Death by Virtual Starvation Caused $132,800,000, In apportioning Be Found In Ranks of Rebels Who at but Looked in Closet Found of Committees to go on on work, which was let by contract by Peculiar Disease Began Prac- this sum among the counties It will be Record Armed Themselves In Tills Country by OtluT Trainmen Through Trail Every Measure Referred to Them, to Twohy Bros., is now completed be- tice of Law and Legislative Career reduced to about $97,200,000, in or- tween Pendleton and Yoakum and Ml 'Crossed Arizona Border Fed-ra- l der to correspond to the assesments of Blood Sheriff and Posse Scouri- Thereby Fixing Responsibility when the rails are laid, the distance in New Mexico Held Many Public Troops Well Organized and in the various counties. ng; Suburbs While Detectives Are Would Give Author of Bills Power between this city and Portland will Offices and Served as Secretary of Commanded, While Opponents Are The apportionment of the state tax Searching Rooming Houses Chief to Force Reports. be cut down two miles and many War. between counties, according to as- grades will be reduced and curves Disorganized. sessed valuations of the respective of Railroad Force Rushing from St. Washington, eliminated. Washington, D. 5. Sena- counties as equalized by the state Puul. D. C, Jan. 5. The The began C, Jan. work train work this tors, representatives and other offi- El raso. Tex., Jan. Three hun- board of equalization will be com- first move at the present session of morning at the Walters' mill where pleted On pres- cials called at the Elkins home to- dred soldiers of the federal cavalry this afternoon. the Seattle. Wash., Jan. 5. Mall Clerk congress by the insurgents for re- ten miles of rails have been to- ent assessed valuations, of a day, to express their sorrow over the and Infantry left Juarec, Mexico Harry Clark, who was shot In the formed house was stored for some time. Just bow long day to execute a flank mill levy for the normal school at rules made today death of Senator Elkins. It occured. for Pearson mouth last night by two bandits who when Representative Ne- a time will be required to complete m Norris of night month's illness movement on the Insurgents In north-a- Monmouth, voted by the people last up last after a fromv held the North Coast Limited braska, Introduced two resolutions this part of the big improvement a mysterious malady which virtually ; Chrhuahua. There will . be a November, will produce $21,795. de- shortly after she pulled out of Seattle, which are Intended to end committee work Is difficult to say but will starvation. fight as soon as they reach the lnsur Is caused resting comfortably at the hospital secrecy. The first rule will compel a pend largely on the size of the force Senator Elkins was one of the lead--; rents. today. It Is believed he will live. He to be kept of men employed. upper reports which record of the committee- ers of the majority in the Aeeordmr to the lost practically half of his teeth when men's stand on all measures was etremely wealthy, nave reached this city, the Impend- - DEMOCRATS TAKE referred house. He the bullet ploughed through his face. to them by the house, and doing away his fortune being estimated at thirty.-million- s. Ing battle will be the most bloody of The sheriff's posse is still search- with the secret vote. the present Insurrection. It Is ap- ing the suburban district, while 30 The changes TAFT APPROVES OF first time, two second rule a former parent that for the HELM IN INDIANA detectives are scouring local lodging rule amendment providing for Congress Honors bodies of armed men, approximately the Dead. houses. The chief of the railroad de discharge of on re- Washington, D. 5. -- qua! numbers are to come togeth- committees the C, Jan. The in tective force of the Northern Pacific quest of the members Introducing the y senate, after a seven minute session er. left Ft. Paul for Seattle today to take bills. today, adjourned out of respect to revolution Ists, who are ex- the The MINORITY IN CONTROL charge of the investigation. It is not "The abuse of the committee is one memory of Senator Elkins. The pected to meet the federal troops this known how much the thieves got. AFTER EIGHTEEN YEARS j of the greatest evils In the present house was in . session thirty minutes or tomorrow are composed , afternoon After they entered the car they conduct of legislative affairs and the and adjourned for the same reason. for the most part of Mexican Insur- shoved Charles Reld and Clark Into APPORTIONMENT OF MONEY who resolutions presented are necessary The senate convenes again Monday. gents and American .adventurers Governor and Legislature of Same , SUBJECT OF SPECIAL MESSAGE a closet, after shooting Clark. They Bteps ln proceed-the- n on the ref0rm house armed themselves the American Political Faith Lawmakers Warn- grabbed the registered mall and Ure," the line, crossed the Ari- said Norris Two Democrats for State. aide of then ed to of Special dropped off as the train slowed up. Continuing he' Vir- zona borded despite the fact that Beware Interests said: "it prevents President Stipulates Tliat Changes Elkins' death means that West either at Argo or Kent. an evasion here- - ginia by two dem- United States troops had been dis- and Lobbyists. of the responsibility May Be Made Asks for Easier will be represented The train left King street station at tofore possible in throttling bills in ocratic senators as Scott's term ex- patched to prevent It and are aald to j Payment 7:30 p. m. Soon after leaving, the committee. Terms for Settlers Rec- pires in March and the legislature is be more than anxious for the ap- Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 5. Gover men opened the side door of the mall "At present a bill referred to a ommends sale of Surplus Waters. democratic. proaching fray. , nor Thomas Marshall today sent the with leveled revolv-- car and entered committee can be killed without anv-er- s. Private funeral services will be held Though the opposing forcea are first message of a democratic gover- They orderd the mall clerks to numbers, the govern nor to a one aspumnft tne responsibility. It Washington, Jan. 5. Approving the at the Elkins home tomorrow. A about ecranl In democratic legislature that throw up their hands and shot Clark lmply disappears. ment troops will have the advantage Indiana has known in eighteen years. I propose to report of the board of army engineers special train will convey the body before he could obey. They then mnkP ov,.rv mcmber the family to Elkins, West Vir- being oranlzed under the command He warned the legislators to be- - of everv com. recommending the apportionment of and of grabbed the valise containing four- mlttoe re.sponsibe to ginia Friday where public services of an experienced general. The rebels ware of the special interests and he teen pieces of registered mall, drag-- thehouse" the $20,000,000 for reclamation work, message con- will be held Saturday. on the other hand are unorganized recommended legislation against the pel Clark Into a closet and locked Taft sent a special to little or no drilling and will trusts, the enactment of a corrupt Charged With Custom Frauds.
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