j-' ,rvv THE ram ST*NDARD STA.NDA.RO SOUTHERN SUVTOKRN THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION NEWSPAPER »n* aandKTY r«rrt«r dell-rcrr. 13 cc»to weekly. Vol. XX.VH.--No. 183 ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 15, 1914.—FOURTEEN PAGES. oo»ln «» tfce afreet* a*d »t a*mwtM4«. • ee*ta. BOND ISSUE OF $3,000,000 HUNDREDS OF UNEMPLOYED OF ATLANTA Austrians Are Routed FOR CIVIC IMPROVEMENTS START TO WORK ON SEWERS OF THE CITY By the Servian Forces RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL And Belgrade Retaken Committee Proposes Ex- penditure of $1,000,000 to Vienna Candidly Admits Give Atlanta v Adequate j Defeat of Armies of the -School Training to Her j Dual Monarchy and Aban- Thousands of Youngsters.! FOR LEO M. FRANK donment of Third Attempt Insurance Companies Will to Invade Servia. DATE OF THE ELECTION Be Informed of Advanta- TO BE MARCH 3, 1915; geous Conditions Here and EME COURT GREAT BATTLES RAGING BOOKS CLOSE ON FEB. 20 Urged to Make Loans. IN POLAND AND GALIC^IA, i Appeal From State Supreme BUT NO DECISIVE RESULT The "build now" committee held a Court's First Decision Pos- Sewers and Disposal Plant rousing meeting at the chamber of commerce Monday afternoon at 3 sible Under Certain Condi- toGet$750,000; Grady Hos- o'clock, with eighteen members pres- Poland Is Fast Becoming ent, and all determined to do every- tions, Says Hooper Alex- pital, $225,000; Fire De- thing- In their power to start the wheels Another Belgium \in Point of Industry in Atlanta, ander. partment, $150,000, and Po- Chairman Kriegsha'ber opened the of Suffering—Each Army meeting -with a short talk outlining the lice $100,000. object^i'&r which tho committee was ap- Accuses the Other of Loot- pointed. Wlajs and means to make PLEA WOULD BE BASED tho "bunld now" campaign practical ing and Cruelty—The Bad 1 Recommendations for a J,3,000}00<» were discussed by E. C. Callaway, R. ON CROWD'S INFLUENCE bond Issue for rehabilitating- the entire M Walker, A. Ten Byck Brown, C. H. Weather Hampers Opera- school system, extension of the sewer system and Improvement of the police Black, M. L. Thrower, S. B. Turman, tions on Western Front, find flre departments, will be made in Harris Or. White, Charles P. Glover, P. Harry Alexander Says Law- R report which the bond Issue com- Thornton Marye, Charles W. Bernhardt, But Some Advances Are 4 E C. Wacheiidorf, "W. B. Willlagham, mittee wUl make to council, next Mon- Photo by Price. yers for Defense Will Give day afternoon. TMa decision was 3. R. Smith and P. G. Hanahan. Claimed by the French. reached at a meeting Monday after- As a result of the meeting. Chair- Scene at Tenth and Orme streets, where 200 men, many of them unused to manual labor, were Careful Consideration to man Kriegshaber was requested to ap- given employment on Monday morning in digging a trench for the extension of the Orme street sewer. noon. point the following committees: United States Attorney's London, December 15.—'(1:26 a. m.) Urged by the crying needs of the | A committee on loans to communi- Tlie Servians, after a fierce battle, fcChool department, the committee willI cate with insurance companies and l recommend that 51,000,000 of the entire ' other large loan companies, informing FAMILY SAVED BY CAT. Opinion. have reoccupied Belgrade, according issue be in school bond®, $400,000 of | them of the very advantageous condi- to a NJsh dispatch to Reuter'a Tele- which to be used for high schools and i tions of building in Atlanta, the con- servative (values and other conditions Lewis Family Escapes Death That Leo M. Frank has a ground of gram company. 5600,000 for grammar schools. COTTON LOAN PLAN making loans desirable and learn from When Home Burns. appeal to the supreme court of the The remaining $2,000,000 of the issue such companies just when thev -will be United States, on a writ of error from London, December 14.—The most will be prorated as follows: making loans on real estate in the usual the Georgia supreme court's first de- striking feature of the day's official 3eweif! and disposal plants, $750,000: volume, for the purpose of Improve- Nig-ht tires ravaged Atlanta h-esl- cision in the case, was the opinion ex- news Is the candid admission toy tho waterworks, $650,000; Orady hospital ment. dences in different sections of thejcity pressed by Hooper Alexander, United Austrian government of the defeat oi improvements (Including dormitory for Another committee, of architects, builders and material men, to ascertain last night. ' States district attorney, in an address the Avs^trian army in Servia and appar- nurses), $32f>,000; flre department for the cost of 'b.uilding and make a. care- On Stewart avenue, near the Central before the students of the Atlanta Law- ently the abandonment of ItB1 third at- new equipment and motorizing some fully prepared statement showing the Representatives Who Will roundhouse, two residences were iburn- Men Who Had Been Unable school Monday afternoon in his class temptl to invade its small Slav neigh - of old equipment, $150,000; police de- saving that will accrue lf( money Is In- ed to the ground. They were the homes in "constitutional law." bor. \ partment for sub-stations and equip- vested at this time. These committees Aid in Handling $135,000,- of F. O. 'Lewis and J. E. Guy. to Find Employment for Mr. Alexander was lecturing to the Whi'le attributing the failure to the ment, $100,000; cyclorama building, will be announced later. The Lewis family had retired for the enemy's superior force, as all govern- §75,000; municipal warehouse, $50,000. The information thus collected Is to 000 Confer With the Loan Days Now Working for the students on the fourteenth amendment, be compiled or placed In the form of night, and when the flames were dis- and wna discussing the "due process" ment bulletins explain failures, the covered they barely had time to escape an address to the public and putolUhed clause of that amendment, when the Austrian war office announces p^ainl;- DRAW Committee. from the burning building. City. ORDINANCE. in the newspapers. It is expected that question waa propounded by one of the an extended retirement and heai> this Information -will be placed In tho The family cat is pro'ba/bly responsi- students: "Can you tell us why Leo M. losses. City Attorney James L. Mftyson will hands of all real estate agents, arch- ble for the family's getting out of the Washington, December 14.—The 11136,- There's a small army at meu.—pre- Frank's .appeal on this ground was "New decisions and measures conse- be urgred to draw a bond leaue ordi- itects, contractors, 'building and sup- 000,000 cotton loan fund plan to finance burning house alive. When the cat cisely 600—hard at work today build- quently will be taken to repel the en- nance immediately. A committee com- ply men In the city with the request turned down by the United States su- 1 the surplus cotton crop was approved was heard back in a rear room mewing, Ing sewers In various parts of At- emy," says the Austrian statement. Ap posed of Aldermen Jesse W. Armlstead that they bring It to the attention of unanimously tonight by representatives preme court?" clients or property owners who might pa-wing and scratching, as though It* lanta. patently that means that the Austrian and James K. Nutting and Charles W. of committees which will aid in han- life depended oft it, Mr. Lewfs pushed AVhy A»p*Bl Wna Denied. Smith has been appointed to act wtth be inteiested In bulldln*-- dling the. fund In southern states. The These men on Saturday and on every Mr. Alexander explained that the army directed a««tnat Servia. will a<^ It IB believed that sreat activity will representatives held an all-day confer- ibacfk to see w^iat' ailed It* and found other day for weeks- tramped .over the Btun» <a, defensive iin«7 - - the city attorney In drwwtnff up the soon result from these effort!!. that tne enifr* s'isar,-;part of hTR home United -States eapremei «ourt slmpjy ordinance. ' . ence with the cotton loan committee, wan hopelessly enveloped In flames. hard pavements of the, city "looking C. H. Black made an Important state- which has final supervision of the fund. conceded the prior right of the Geor- SERVIANS PRESS Under a resolution introduced by ment, to the Effect that Insurance com- The flames spread to the Guy resi- tor -a- Job." They~represented a part gia supreme court to define what "due Alderman Nuttlngi- the committee will j The conferences, called for an expla- of the city's* unemployed, men •» who VICTORY HOME. panies have recently discovered that nation of the administration of the dence, adjoining, and- burned It com- process of law" In this state shall be, recommend to council that the _date of real estate -loans are worth 100 per pletely. TJieae two residences were 'w»re .thrown out of jobs .which paid The Servians claim to toe pressing tho election be March 3, 1915. A spe- fund, ended tonight and mo^t of the not within the flre limits and no &ro them' from $2 to ?5 a day, now work- in regard to the manner and time of home their victory -with more captures cial registration will be required for cent on the dollar, whereas after the state commltteemen left far the south making appeals from the decision of heavy shrinkage In stocks and bonds, to begin active -work.
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