Non-profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Environmental pro­ Perm it No. 2 gram for So. Sound Key Peninsula Vaughn, WA 98394 pg6 Box Holder Volume 17 Issue 3 KP Economic growth Circulation 6000 survey results pg 7 · January30 . 1989 Working together for the social and economic good of our Key Peninsula • Jackson Lake residents protest road bring the road width up to the required by Stella Retherford sixty feet. Paul Cyr explainedto the group Local resident Arleen Lonning, a how such deals have been worked out in member of the Jackson Lake ' the past but assured those present that the Homeowner's Association, called a Pierce County Road Department will not meeting of Key Peninsula residents on proceed on this project without a public Jan 23 to meet with County Councilman hearing. Paul Cyr to discuss the proposed building A petition to deny the building of this of a county road intersecting Jackson road is presently being circulated. It is Lake and Herron Road. A local devel­ based on the belief that the hundreds of oper, Talmo Corporation, is proposing acres being opened up to development such a road and has sent letters to property would endanger the environment, the owners along the right-of-way requiring wetlands and the quality of life of those Claudia (l) and Dale Loy (r) received the 1989 Citizen of the Year Awardfrom the giving of ten feet of their property to who alreadylive in the area. Althoughthe KP Lions President Marvin Green. KP NEWS photo by Lee Stiles developer has offered to help with the cost, most would be borne by the tax­ payer. The Loys, The Jackson Lake Homeowners are also concerned that the 20_-plus acre wet­ land/swamp could be polluted by inap­ Co-Citizens propriately placed septic systems. Some residents are living in travel trailers and/ of the Year · or tents without water source or toilet Naming them as "winners ·among facilities. One resident protested that the winners," the Key Peninsula Lions Club permit system does not help the low­ selected Dale and Claudia Loy of Key income family become established on a Center as the "Co-Citizensof the Year" at piece of land. Although permits are the 5th annual Citizen of the Year Ban­ meant to protect the property owner, they quet January· 21 at the KP Civic Center. are costly. Dale and Claudia were chosen on the The wetland is maintained at its level basis of their many years of volunteer by a natural beaver darn. The creek then involvement both with the Civic Center flows south a mile or so, emptyinginto an and with many other groups in the area. eslllary at Herron on Case Inlet Salmon Others nominated this year were come up Herron Creek to spawn and pol­ Betty Messing, Sheriffs Deputy John lution would endanger this resource. The Hendrickson, Helen Jamieson, Jean Nominees for the Key Peninsula Citizen of the Year Award were (from left): Lee Washington State Fisheries Department Humphreys, Karl Bonn, Lee Stiles, Mi­ Stiles, Deputy John Hendrickson, Helen Jamieson, Mike Salatino, Dale Loy, Claudia has been alerted to this danger. It is hoped chael Salatino, Thomas and Shirley Cro­ Loy, Shirley Cromie, Jean Humphreys, Almeda House and Tom Cromie ... winners all! Continued on p.13 mie and Almeda House. President Marvin Green spoke on behalf of the KP sula NEWS and The Peninsula Gateway Lions Club of the appreciation the Lions for their assistance in -publicizingLions Ambulanceservice waters still muddy and the community have for the volunteer Club activities and projects. by Keith Stiles efforts of each of the nominees and said Ente~ment for the evening was that each was already a winner by being provide~ by Peninsula High School's The Fire Commissioners of Fire Commissioner's meeting revealed sub­ nominated by his/her peers. "Razzmatazz" singing group. The group District 16 gave second public airing last stantial public discontent with the new Ke}'!lotespeaker for the evening Jim was led by Connie Fenton and Laurie Thursday night in Key Center to the issue arrangement whereby a private ambu­ Fi;.ench,v~teran radio broadcaster from Wells and accompanied by the school's of "Who will supply what ambulance lance service, Peninsula Ambulance, was KIRO radio, hailed the nominees as band ensemble. The ex~llent dinner was service, care and transport for the Key chosen.by the Commissioners to provide "involved American&." The nation· needs preparedby Rhys Wood and Frank Geary Peninsula?" To pui the best face on the all ambulance transport to Tacoma (or such involvement on tl}epart of. all citi­ and the entire program was put on by a results the audience went away with elsewhere). A major point of interest for zens, he said, to provide role models for Lions group including John White and grumblings and doubts, both about the members of thepublic was ~e question of today's young people. Citing several Bob Campy. Introductionswere made by issue at hand and the long range plans for cost; rising from an historical average of examples of well-known public officials, Hugh McMillan. Balloting for the "Citi­ EMS activities of the Department $100 to $200 to a new figure estimated at French said that the entire country will zen of the Year" was by all members of This second meeting with public par­ around $500 for an ambulance trip into benefit if each of us will do what we can the local Lions Club and the votes were ticipation was attended by approximately Tacoma. Members of the firefighters where it~ needed. Certificatesof Appre- counted and held in total secrecy by Lion 75 citizens, including many department •. • •. ~i;tµP,.n. -"'7~fy.ilYt~MP.!tls9 JQJS.~y ?~nin- . JPCIJlberGary Ostlund. i:nem\)ers. It was called after a regular Continued on p.13 . Page 2 KEY PENINSULA NEWS January 30, 1989 . ..., ••••••••••••••••••••• To the Editor To the Editor • : .Key • To the Editor Somehow the system is wrong! The Every day we're all faced widi the 6 • Key Peninsqla Lions Club just had a o'clock news or the~ frgnt pageat-the .. "Citiien of · the Year" awards dinner newsstand. Devastating ne~s of starving :Peninsula • • To the Editor where .very deserving v'oluttteers: were ·babies in'Manilla, earthquakes in Arme­ • ' chosen and applauded. However, die nia, or even oil-SQakedseagulls at Ocean •= ·· NEWS • Tuesday, January 3, I,.went over to most deserving people in our communi~ Shores. • PO Box 3, Vaughn, WA98394 • check my grandson, Rian, who was nap­ are KP Lions and therefore are ineligible. Sitting in front of.the TV, I wonder, • • 1 ' • • ping on the sofa He was not breathing. I for the award which is specifically for "Could .J~ help? What could·I do and • 884-4699 • · will never forget the pairi that went non-Lions. • howr' These -questions, never got an­ • Published twice monthly by : through my heart. Iyelledformyhusband Thisletter is to remind-the residents of swered. Then someihing came up a bit • Key Peninsula Civic Center Assn. • to call 911 and I started CPR. By the time this area·just how lucky they are to liave closer to home. A local developer had : : the ambulance got here (in 3 minu{esL 'such a caring, hardworking volunteer made mention to tlie county· that a public • Mn,g. Editor: Karen Laatz • Rian had flickered an eyelash but no organization as the Key Peninsula Lions route from Jackson.Lake to the Herron Ad Lay-out _ : pulse. The crew took over and got him ·Club. Other'Lions clubs in the area do Island road would be a.benefit to the~ and Prodn: Ida MacWatters • breathing. We wish to thank thepi from good cleedsbut most do it with money. in lieu of the Home .bridge projecf and Ad Sales: Linda & Dan Orme • the bottom of our hear.ts. · - _. • Our Lions do it with heaq, elbow grease early-stageplanned development ~ that Bookkeeper: Ruth Updike • Five week-old Rian, our.only grand­ and bent backs, spending time to make area. Once I finally re~I:iz'edwhat road Distribution: Arleen Lonning : child, is doing fine. He's an~ SIDS and our communitya better pla~ for all of us. -they were speaking of - it was right.inmy Advisor: Pauline Finn · • will be on a,monitor for months. Recently I was reminded of this again back yard. I couldn't imagine a two-lane • What we want to say is - think about when the Club took on the job of helping Staff Support Volunteers: highway running less than 150 feet from • your family, your loved ones and friends. the Peninsula High School Scholarship ,MarianWagner, Sally eornman, • a natural wetland that is home to water-' • If my husband and I didn't know CPR Committee ready its Thrift Store foe the • Linnea Lawson. fowl, deer,.bear, eagles .and beaver. Rian might not be here, or worse - have opening in the old fire station below I met with local neighbors and friends brain damage. · : Contributors: Peninsula High. We needed some shelves and we all felt a need to do further check­ • Lee & Keith Stiles, Daphne Daus, Our whole family is going to learn and donation boxes built and some do­ ing. It seems the local developer.is in the CPR so Rian will be safe wherever he is. : Dory Meyers, Paul Cyr, Dr. Wm. nated lights installed. Work dates were process of doing heavy development in • Roes, Stella Retherford, Elaine Please, everyone, take CPR so all th~ little set and there were the Lions - not all of the area and can't do so unless c&unty and big Rians can be saved.
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