Magyar Lecke: A magyar ábécé / The Hungarian alphabet Kezdő online 1 There are 44 letters (including 4 foreign letters: q, w, x, y) in the Hungarian alphabet. betű / letter kiejtés / pronunciation angol hang / English sound 1. A – a [a] [hot] 2. Á – á [á] [baa] (sheep) 3. B – b [bé] [baby] 4. C – c [cé] [tsunami] 5. Cs – cs [csé] [chair] 6. D – d [dé] [date] 7. Dz – dz [dzé] [Hudson] 8. Dzs – dzs [dzsé] [juice] 9. E – e [e] [get] 10. É – é [é] [air] 11. F – f [ef] [fall] 12. G – g [gé] [good] 13. Gy – gy [gyé] [during] 14. H – h [há] [hello] 15. I – i [i] [give] 16. I – í [í] [leave] 17. J – j [jé] [yes] 18. K – k [ká] [kind] 19. L – l [el] [look] 20. Ly – ly [ely] [ray] 21. M – m [em] [mother] 22. N – n [en] [no] 23. Ny –ny [eny] [new] 24. O – o [o] [old] 25. Ó – ó [ó] [over] 26. Ö – ö [ö] [learn] 27. Ő – ő [ő] [fur] (coat) 28. P – p [pé] [pastry] 29. Q – q [kjú] 30. R – r [er] [error] 31. S – s [es] [shoe] 32. Sz – sz [esz] [sister] 33. T – t [té] [tail] 34. Ty – ty [tyé] [Tuesday] 35. U – u [u] [book] 36. Ú – ú [ú] [rude] 37. Ü – ü [ü] 38. Ű – ű [ű] 39. V – v [vé] [very] 40. W – w [dupla vé] 41. X – x [iksz] 42. Y – y [ipszilon] 43. Z – z [zé] [zebra] 44. Zs – zs [zsé] [pleasure] A magyar magánhangzók / The Hungarian vowels Szavak / Words Kiejtés és gyakorlás / Pronunciation and Practice Mély magánhangzók / Back vowels a – á madár (bird) barát (friend) kabát (coat) talál (find) határ (border) á – a táska (bag) sárga (yellow) tábla (board like blackboard) __________ o – ó olló (scissors) o orr (nose) orrom (my nose) ó óra (watch, clock, lesson) hó (snow) ló (horse) tó (lake) jó (good) _________ u – ú utak – út (roads – road) u ujj (finger) ú új (new) újság (newspaper) Mély magánhangzós szavak / Back-vowel words város (city) ország (country) magyar (Hungarian) Magyarország – MA – GYAR – OR – SZÁG (Hungary) zászló (flag) magyar zászló (Hungarian flag) kutya (dog) macska (cat) uborka (cucumber) autó (car) bolt (shop, store) asztal (desk, table) ablak (window) ajtó (door) szoba (room) konyha (kitchen) lány (girl) tojás (egg) hajó (ship) vonat (train) három (three) fa (tree) Magas magánhangzók / Front vowels e – é egér (mouse) levél (letter, leaf) kenyér (bread) é – e édes (sweet) éves (years old) érem (medal) ének (song) étterem (restaurant) __________ i – (!) í itt – ír (here – write) írek (the Irish) írok (I write, I am writing) __________ ö – ő öt – őt (five – him/her) ö öröm (happiness) köröm (nail) köhög (cough) tök (pumpkin) könyv (book) ő ők (they) ősz (autumn, grey) szőlő (grapes) kő (rock) lő (shoot) __________ ü – ű üres – űr (empty – space) ü üveg (bottle, glass) ül (sit) fül (ear) ű fű (grass) tű (needle) Magas magánhangzós szavak / Front-vowel words szék (chair) étterem (restaurant) ebéd (lunch) eper (strawberry) körte (pear) csütörtök (Thursday) péntek (Friday) kettő (two) kilenc (nine) füzet (notebook) Vegyes magánhangzós (hangrendű) szavak / Mixed-vowel words ceruza (pencil) virág (flower) templom (church) telefon (phone) piros (red) lila (purple) A magyar nyelv főbb jellemzői / Key Features of the Hungarian Language -building of the words by using suffixes and endings (no prepositions used) e.g. a város + ok + ban (in the cities) a fiú + val (with the boy) -vowel harmony that determines the ending the word takes One example: -ban / -ben ending (means in somewhere, inside a place) e.g. back-vowel words take back-vowel ending: város + ban = városban (in city) front-vowel words take front-vowel ending: étterem + ben = étteremben (in restaurant) in mixed-vowel words the last vowel determines: templom + ban = templomban (in church) -the stress is always on the first syllable (vowel) in the word It means the stress does not change -there is no gender in the Hungarian language ő (he /she) could be a male or female -verb conjugation system is quite unique compared to that in other languages (see more detail later) -after numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. and with the words sok, kevés, etc. (many, a few, etc.) the noun is used in a singular form and not in a plural form Singular Plural diák diákok (student – students) öt diák (five students) sok diák (many students) .
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