DEDICATED TO THE NEEDS OF THE MUSIC/RECORD INDUSTRY ONE DOLLAR APRIL 24, 1971 WHO IN THE WORLD Tim Rice, right, and Andrew Lloyd Webber, are peppering the chartswith their songs. Lyricist Rice and Composer Webber wrote the score for Decca's "Jesus Christ Superstar," the number two album this week. Their "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" is on the album chart at 76. See story inside. PICKS OF THE WEEK C/) THE ROLLING STONES, "BROWN SUGAR" (Gideon,CC RONNIE SPECTOR, "TRY SOME, BUY SOME" (Har- GRAND FUNK RAILROAD, "SURVIVAL." Fantas- risongs,BMI)Formerleadofthe tically successful threesome will only increase BMI).Firstsinglefortheworld'sO. greatest rock and roll band on their Ronettes returns with a song lavish- their deserved reputationforheaviness with own label is firmly in their hallowedILI ly produced by husband Phil Spector this high voltage energy -package. produced by it mentor Terry Knight, of course. Five new ones traditionofgritty,groovymusic.(To with George Harrison, who wrote From their forthcoming "Sticky Fin- especiallyforher.Hitstuff. B/w from MarkFarner,plustheRollingStones' (Harrisongs/ "Gimme Shelter" and Dave Mason's''Feelin' gers"album.RollingStones RS - "Tandoori Chicken" Alright." Capitol SW 764. 19100 (Atco). Mother Bertha, BMI). Apple 1832. "C" COMPANY FEATURING TERRY NELSON, 1141,N1 GRANO FUNK RAILROAD, "FEELIN' ALRIGHT"(Irv - JOHNNY RIVERS, "SEA CRUISE"(Ace ,Lancer, Includesthesmash Ft It'll .1.1.S1.1 mg, WI). Phenomenaty popular hard BMI). Singer in a reprise of the old "WAKE UPAMERICA." Galley" and other tunes rocking trio does its own inimitable Frankie Ford rocker foritssecond "Battle Hymn ofLt. inspired by warsin which the United States thing with Dave Mason's oft -recorded climb upthecharts.Produced by has involved.Titlesinclude"Yankee classic. Group atits most musical. artist with Larry Knectel. song been 0 0 "Till We Bring Our Johnnies Produced by Terry Knight. B/w "I sounds as good as ever. B'w "Our Doodle Dandy," (Open Window, Home Again," "Mr. Sherman's Army." "Johnny Want Freedom"(Storybook, BM11. LadyoftheWell" Reb," many more. Plantation PLP-15 (SSS). Capitol P-3095. BMII. United Artists UA 50778. BREMERS, "DON'T SAY YOU DON'T MICHEL COLOMBIER, "WINGS." Artist.one of BOBBY SHERMAN, "THEDRUM" (Wren Viva. BEVERLY France's foremost composer -arranger -musicians. March -likeditty was forced REMEMBER" (Sunbeam, BMI). Young BMI). has composed, orchestrated and conducted this from teen idol's new album. Bright, lady from thecastofBroadway's ambitious pop symphonyinthecompany of happy sound that artist always does "The Me NobodyKnows" makes single debut with a tuneful pop en- lyricist Paul Williams. Featured solo vocalists sowellwith. Another hit,perhaps are Williams,Herb Alpert.BillMedley,Lani his best and biggest. Ward Sylves- try. Delivery the stuff of which hits are made. B/w "Get Smart" (Hexa- Hall and Vemettya Royster. Impressive accom- terproduced.B w "Free Now To plishment. A&M SPX 4281. , BMI).Scepter Roam" (Bobby Sherman, ASCAP), chord & Lip t o n Metromedia MM -217. 12315. KYLE, "TIMES THAT TRY A MAN'S SOUL." New JERRY REED, "WHEN YOU'RE HOT, YOU'RE HOT" RANDY BURNS AND THE SKY DOG BAND, "LIVIN' entryin thesinger -songwriter sweepstakes (Vector. BEID. Country'sforemost IN THE COUNTRY" (Nayland,BMI). makes his bid a strong one with eight songs instrumentalist smashed as vocalist V Do you be lie v einmagic? This of earthy honesty. Lyrically moving and always lasttime out with "Amos Moses." .mtvurrivgroup'sgotit.Bright,optimistic tuneful,productionandarrangementsmake Thisone's inthe sameveinand country -rocker. Still, exquisite ballad this a standout album.Especially noteworthy shouldrepeat. Whenyou'rehot, flip could overtakeif given chance. you're hot. B ' w "You've Been Cryin' B/w "Seventeen Years on the River" aretitletrackand"VirginiaTraveler"for Again" (Vector, BMII. RCA 47-9976. (Adour, ASCAP). Mercury 73198. openers. Paramount PAS 6006. Aki Aleong Discusses Role of FORE in Dialogue Warner Bros.-Reprise Starts 'Radio Show' Campaign Beatles, Frank Sinatra, Francis Lai, Fred Karlin,Arthur James, Robb Wilson Win Oscars Joel Diamond Heads April / Blackwood Rice Buys Top Billinr Aso AmericanRadioHistory.Com Thesemenandwomen areleadingourcountry. These are the artists, and the strength we led with at the start of albums, in our country release for 1971. April. The right artists with the right It's a stronger and more saleable product at the right time. Month release than many companies offer you after month. in a season. No more'n you'd expect from And it continues the kind of country country's number one company. T. Rt,A !,,,L -tack tor new development in record manufacturing that provides a smoother. quieter surface and improved ,,iy a ug. ,cal sound This lightweight record also virtually eliminates warpage and turntable slippage /177 ():\ \ ride.7411 -4484, P85-1721 P-4495, P8S-1704 P-4500, P8S-1709 P4508, P85-1714, 6037, P8S-5094, P-4506, P85-1712, P;1501, P85-1708 SP -4507, P8S-1715, LSP-4513 P8S-1723, PK-1714 TP3-5078 PK-1712 PK-1715 PK1723 AmericanRadioHistory.Com Dedicated to the Needs Of the Music/Record Industry April 24, 1911 Diamond Heads April/Blackwood `Jesus Christ/Superstar' Superstory, NEW YORK-Joel Diamond BeforejoiningApril/Black- has been appointed General Pro-wood, Diamond was with War-Rice Outlines Past, Future Plans fessionalManager forApril'ner Brothers Music as Executive By GREGG GELLER Blackwood Companies, the pub-Co-ordinator, Popular Product. lishing arm of CBS Records, ac-In this capacity he worked close- NEW YORK - The "Jesuschartisanother Rice -Weber cording to an announcement byly with Van Morrison and theChrist/ Superstar" success storyoeuvre, "Joseph And The Amaz- WalterDean, AdministrativeFaces, and was also responsiblecontinues. ingTechnicolorDreamcoat." Vice President, CBS Records. generally for the exploitation of The deluxe two -record set ofThe Scepter album stands at In his new position, DiamondWarner Brothers' music cata-the TimRice -AndrewLloyd number 76 in its second week will be responsible for the ac-logues. Diamond was previouslyWeber rock opera has movedon the charts. quisition of writers and copy-with MRC, MercuryRecords' back up to number two this TimRice,lyricistofthe rights and for the exploitationpublishing wing as General Pro-week after 24 weeks on the"Jesus Christ/Superstar" team, of the April music and Black-fessional Manager where he wasalbum chart. stopped off at Record World wood music catalogues. instrumentalin arranging for Decca has announced thatlast week after a visit to Los therecordingof"I'm Gonnasales have now passed the 1,-Angeles where the duo signed Make You Love Me" by the Su-200,000 mark and even totaledwiththeRobert6tigwood premesandtheTemptations,44,000 orders in one day theorganization and MCA Interna- "Na Na Hey Hey" by Steam.week before Easter. tional for stage and film pro- and "This Girl is a Woman Now" ductions of their work. "Jesus Inaddition,singlesfrom by Gary Puckett and the Union"Jesus Christ'Superstar" ma-Christ /Superstar"willmake Gap. terial are beginning to make a its Broadway bow next fall, ac- strong impression on the charts.cording to Rice, with the film NARM Meet tofollowinan "appropriate Karen Wyman first introducedlength of time." He and Weber NEW YORK-The Board of"I Don't Know How To Lovewill be on hand as creative ad- Directors of NARM will meet Him" to pop audiences with hervisers for both ventures. on Wednesday and Thursday,Decca single of several months back. The same song iscur- Rice and Weber have also April 21 and 22 at the Ameri- entered into a three-year con- cana Hotel in New York City.rentlyrepresented on the singles chart by Capitol's Helen tract with MCA Records. Their The meeting will mark the first production company, Roseway, get together of the new NARM Reddyatnumber62 and Decca'sYvonneEllimanatLtd., will create at least seven Board which was elected at the albums for the firm during that NARM Convention in California number 85. The Elliman version is from the best-selling album.time, as well as an undeter- last month. mined number of singles. Rice Joel Diamond The meeting was called by The story of Murray Head'santicipates further work with Jack Grossman. NARM Presi-single, "Superstar,"isof in-Yvonne Elliman in the near fu- dent (Merco Enterprises. Mel-terest inits own right. Alsoture and has several other art- ville, New York). All NARMtaken from the album, it wasists in mind for recording pro- Blackwell to Stress Directors will be in attendance originallyreleasedalmosta jects. A "frustrated performer" Island A&R Work, Arnold Greenhut, VicePresi-yearbeforethefull"Jesushimself, he concedes the possi- dent( Transcontinental MusicChrist/Superstar" appeared onbility of a "Rice Sings Weber - Leaves Mgr Post Corp., New York) ; David Press. thescene.CurrentlyonitsRice" album sometime in the Secretary (D and H Distribut-third trip up the charts, itis distant future. LONDON - Chris Blackwell ing Co. Harrisburg. Pa.) ; ranked number 81this week after a total of 28 weeks on While emphasizing that "we has resigned as managing direc-Treasurer and Past President Ressurection tor of Island Records in order toJames Schwartz (District Rec-the singles chart. won't doThe concentrate on production andords, Washington, D.C.) ;Past But wait. Also on the album (Continued on, page 16 A&R for the British -based firm.President Amos Heilicher (J. L. David Betteridge, formerly di- Marsh .Co., Minneapolis. Minn.) ; rector of sales, will take over asJack Silverman( ABC RecordBeatles,
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