EDITORIAIBOARD Editor, and Chairpersonof the Editorial Board ........ ..........ELIZABETHL. TATE Assistant Editors: PHYLLTSA. RrcHuoNo't EowenoSwnNson}..'..'.IorLalalog|ngandUlasslncatlonJectlon Cenolytt C. Monr.ow....for Preservation of Library Materials Section FRANCISF. Spnrrrzln...for Reproduction of Library Materials Section J. MIcH.rr,l Bnutn ........... ...........forResources Section Donoruv J. Glessy .for Serials Section Editorial Adaiser: Devto G. REMINcToN (for Regional Groups) Liauon with RTSD Newsletter: Arnold Hirshon. RTSD Neusletter Editor Library ResourcesU Technical Sen'ices, the quarterly official publication of the Resources and Technical Services Division of the American Library Association, is published at 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Editorial Office: American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 6061l. Aduertuing Traffic Coortlinator: Leona Swiech, Advertising Office, ALA Headquarters, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 6061l. Circulation and Bttsiness Off.ce: Central Production Unit{ournals, ALA Headquarters, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, lL 60611. Subscriptionprice: to members of the ALA Resources and Technical Services Division, $7.50 per year, included in the membership dues; to nonmembers, $15.00 per year; single copies $4.00. Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois, and at additional mailing offices (ISSN 0024-2527\. Library Resources€l Technical Sen'ices is indexed in Library Lilerature, Library U Informa- tion Scimce Abstracts, Current Index to Journak in Education, Science Citation Index, and Hos- pital Lilerature Indn. Contents are listed in CALL (Current Auareness-Library Literature). Its reviews are included in Booh Reaieu Digest, Booh Reuieat Ind.ex, and Reaieu of Reriews. Instructions for authors appear on p.125 of the January/March I98l issue of Library ResourcesU Technical Sentices. Copies of books for review should be addressed to Arnold Hirshon, Editor, R?SD Neusletter, Duke University, Box 9184-Duke Station, Durham, NC 27706. Do not send journal issues orjournal articles for review. The contents of this journal, unless otherwise indicated, are copyrighted by the Asso- ciation. All material in this journal copyrighted by the American Library Association may be photocopied for the noncommercial purpose of scientific or educational advancement. OAmerican Library Association l98I Publication in Library Resources El Techni.cal Seruices does not imply official endorse- ment by the Resources and Technical Services Division nor by ALA, and the assump- tion of editorial responsibility is not to be construed necessarily as endorsement of the opinions expressed by individual contributors. /3 ForOu r 25lh Anniversory. Since Library ResourcesU Technical Sentices has never lost track of its volume numbering, this issue can safely be described as the first of our silver anniversary issues. For each of the four numbers of the twenty-fifth volume the editorial board has planned special fearures. To welcome the new Preservation of Library Materials Section to RTSD, we invited Pamela Darling and Sherelyn Ogden ro prepare a quarter-century retrospective on the preservation of library resources in the United States, which appears as rhe first article in this issue. The next five papers give emphasis to the fact that for technical ser- vices librarians one of the most important developmenrs of the past twenty-five years has been the genesis and growth of OCLC, Inc. These articles, read together, have much to say about the dream and the reality and reaffirm the old adage that a chain is no srronger than its weakest link. A look ahead at the next quarter-century can be glimpsed in de Klerk's article on barcoding, in Svenonius' paper on directions for research, and in Wooster's bit of whimsv on libraries in and manuals will implement our new policy of announcing books in the .RISD Newsletterand publishing only subsrantive review articles in LRTS. In the October/December issue the winning papers in the LRTS Silver Anniversary Competition will be featured, assuming some en- tries are received, and a twenty-five-year cumulative index will com- plete the silver anniversary volume. Few editors, on the occasion of a silver anniversary, can resist the temptation to look backward. In yielding to that remptarion, this edi- tor decided to contribute a minuscule bit to research. Olsgaard and Olsgaard, in a paper published in College €:l Research Libraries, com- pared "Authorship in Five Library Periodicals."t LRTS was not one of 4 / Library ResourcesU TechnicalSentices . JantnrylMarch 1981 published volumes, give the same information about LRTS, as was given in their tables 1,4, and 5. Their procedures, described in ad- mirable detail in the article, have been followed with two exceptions. Excluded from their study were book reviews and letters; in addition to the book reviews and letters, annual reports signed by the chairper- son have been excluded from this compilation. They excluded Mis- souri from the list of geographical locations. Perhaps the editors of the five journals they surveyed decline a paper if the author is from Missouri, but LR?S does not. The time period the Olsgaards selected covered the calendar years 1968-77. To make the data for LRTS com- parable, that decade has been isolated in the compilations. Their arti- TABLE I GrNnEnron ALI ENI-nres Women Men lournal (Percent) (Percent) d:* N-d.= IRTS t957-67 36.7 63.3 604 24 580 1968-77 38.6 61.4 463 35 428 1978-80 45.0 55.U ll5 6 109 National averaget 84.0 16.0 *d is the number of entries for which data could not be determined tQuoted from "Authorship in Five Library Periodicals." cle provides the pattern for the tables. It's doubtful that these data can even be accurately summarized by quoting Paul Dunkin's short end to a long discourse: "But, my dear," said the Hatter with a frown, "Was there progress?" "Well," said Alice earnestly, "There was change."4 In their suggestions for follow-up research, the Olsgaards saw the need for an examination of the totality of manuscripts submitted to a journal rather than just those accepted for publication. Table 4 is offered as a beginning. No editor worthy of the title would select a paper on the basis of the author's sex, geographical location, or occupation, unless some one of these categories was being specially featured. How then are papers selected? The practices currently followed for the selection of papers offered for publication in LR?S are these. If, on first reading, the edi- tor concludes that the subject matter is relevant to the interests of technical services librarians and that the paper will not require an in- ordinate amount of editorial attention, the paper is sent to a referee for evaluation. The referee is not informed of the identity of the au- thor, nor is the author informed of the identity of the referee. The referee is asked to evaluate the paper in terms of its quality, readabil- ity, timeliness, and potential interest and value for IRTS readers and to recommend for or against publication in this journal. If, as occa- sionally happens, the referee's opinion differs from that previously reached by the editor (and unknown to the referee), a third opinion may be requested. The decision to accept or not to accept a paper for For Our 25th Anniversary. | 5 roN@ F-$C I rO$- o)+'O z e O)(Or c\- 3 r(O- 3 $con U + !i+ro <y @$- c;: rO O) 6l qE coroC f 5:= zz =o loQN6I 3g @$(o|o a= 3b +C.l-r 6= e= 0 O)@O) AJ; , I:--e a ,= z =F J 30 rO)rO) J I >9r: = -@ro- F c3 9.,i '5 _6.9 Y ; --O =^- 'ia z w{ e& Ir.l i- tv Jl 6E <r^ F= >a >: t- it a? k -rOm a- ^ }U 6ro@@ : r-N =b 6t c{ 61 6! iJ ioia \) 4A GO : a- enF i .t eu O)coN ;v a :6c O)c!<O) _3=g eu x::1 ;3 r@6{r v#a- a qv .e.E? 7:9.4 O-t- a- =iE E d€^s qqaq J3 o) or (o $3co6{ Er bo 3 2! E.E:; ii> oo-- .s@(o .9'= ! a=YEF? ,z= d++ =L- !!! a $roro :o= <J= bf8 sr- I-rO rr-O trq- (or@ @rco ttl ttl r6ca rco@ 6rO@r %\o@r TEgd \ bl =ClI- E tr--- * c) * +*d *t *l 6 I Library ResourcesEl TechnicalSenices'JanuarylMarch 1981 a 3 t' - zzoI ts \] z o- oCYoqllqq|! oqn9{q ais ciN:t'o)ooo) $ror+qo z +b r S*- 6r a ) 6{ J & F I J E. :) a {1 6 z s ) a H srO rOr(.oCOOoO @@@OO) Jd; rrir;doooo o@odoj 6+ 6 -N $-- d t o o \ For Ow 25th Annfuersary. .. | 7 publica,tion is based on these independent evaluations. The import- ance of the referee in the selection process is obvious. There is no more appropriate beginning to the silver anniversary issues than a word of deep appreciation to the assistant editors and referees for their contributions; and especially to one assisranr ediror, Edward Swanson, for his work in compiling the IRTS indexes.-Eliznheth L. Tate. RETEnENcES l. John N. Olsgaard and Jane Kinch Olsgaard, "Aurhorship in Five Library Periodi- cals,"Collzge €l ResearchLibrari.es 4l:49-53 (Jan. 1980). 2. Ibid., p.a9. 3. rbid. 4. Paul S. Dunkin, "Cataloging and CCS: 1957-1966," Library Resourcestl Technical SeruicesI l:288 (Summer 1967). 8l IN MEMORIAM: MA(IRICE F. TAUBER' 1908'1980 Maurice F. Tauber, an internationally known authority in library and information science and for thirty-two years a Columbia University pro- fessor, died on September 21, 1980, after a brief illness. He is survived by two sons, FredCric, of Fort Lee, New Jersey, and Robert, of Pleasant- ville, New York, and by two granddaughters, Sharon and Robin.
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