M — M ANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Sept. 28, 1988 I APARTMENTS APARTMENTS I MUSICAL CARS m FOR RENT m FOR RENT m ITEMS FOR SALE ROCKVILLE. Remo­ MANCHESTER. Very LOWREY Holiday Genie 1974OPERATING Toyota Denied deled large one bed­ nice 4 room apartment. organ. Like new. Best Cellca. High mileage. room, Includes heat, Fully carpeted, kitchen offer. 646-3782. $200. 649-5445.________ hot water, appliances. appliances and located 1979 Chrysler New Killer loses bid Orel Hershiser One parking. One on the busline I No pets. Yorker. Midnight blue. month’s security. $495 $575/month Includes Mint condition. Low per month. 872-8095. utilities. Immediate oc­ FOR Sale. Hammond Or­ mileage. $3000 firm. for early release /4 sets shutout mark/11 M A N C H EST ER . 1 Bed- cupancy. Call 649-4000. gan. Model H-100. Suit­ 649-6801._____________ room. Wall to wall able for home, church 1983 MUSTANG Hatch­ carpeting, appliances, I CONDOMINIUMS or lodge. 633-5754. back. Block, auto- heat, air conditioning. E3 FOR RENT m a t I c , a i r No pets. Clean. $540. PETS AND conditioning, power Available October 1st. MANCHESTER. 2 bed­ stearing, cruise con­ 647-9138. "»_______ room Townhouse with SUPPLIES trol, AM /FM cassette. MANCHESTER. 3 bed­ fireplace, all applian­ $3500. Call 649-3300, rooms, V/2 bath Du­ ces, heat, hot water, PUPPIES. Doberman evenings. Cross. 10 weeks old. $30 plex. Garage, Central carpeting, air condi­ 1976 CADILLAC Coupe location, bright rooms, tioning. Nice location. each. 649-9538, leave message.____________ DeVllle. Mint condi­ large yard. $715 plus Coll 649-5240. tion. Must be seen. Best utilities. Lease, 2 - 2 year old miniature offer. 646-3782. months security. dachshound. AKC reg­ HOMES 1979 Malibu Classic. Ma­ ( S C fS Available October 15, istered, neutered male. 646-6345._____________ FOR RENT Owner moving. Free to roon, 78,000 miles, good condition, 8 cylinder, Hanrhpalpr ilfralB good home. 649-2824. THREE room, second NEW e F s bedroom with $2495. 643-8324 after floor apartment with fireplace. $900 per 3:00.________________ heot, hot water & elec­ month. Plus security. 1979 maroon Malibu Clas­ tricity on busline. No pets. Available Im­ sic. 8 cylinder, 78,000 Available November mediately. 646-2930. AKC Shetland Sheepdog 1st. No pets. Non- pups. 4 males left. Call miles, good condition, 30 Cents MANCHESTER. 4 bed­ 645-1716. $2495. 643-8323 after Thursday, Sept. 29, 1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Viiiage Charm smokers only. Referen­ room, 2'/j both Colon­ 3:00. ces and security dep- ial In great family oslt required. 1977 CHEVY Nova. 2 $525/month. Telephone neighborhood. $1200 MISCELLANEOUS door, fair condition. daytime, 646-1007. Ev- per month. Call Sentry FOR SALE $300 or best oter. 283- enlnos, 649-6661.______ Real Estate, 643-4060. 6039.________________ BOLTON. Winterized M AN C H EST ER . Central EIGHT month old water- 1976 Volkswagen bus. 3 bedroom, IVi bath Cottage on lake. Fur­ bed, $325. Courthouse 81,000 original miles. nished, two bedrooms. One Gold membership, Very good condition. Duplex In 2famlly. $750 No pets. $675/month WE HAVE TOO iMANY SpscG shuttlo soaFS liito orblt 12'/2 months left for 623-5829. per month plus utlll- plus security & utili­ tles. 646-3253.________ $450. Compared to reg­ 1976 M O N TE Carlo. 350, ties. November 1st- ular price of $700 plus. M AN C H EST ER . Second June 1st. Call after 4. Eric 649-3426.0_______ 4-barrel, automatic, By Howard Benedict floor, 2 bedroom, heat 647-1257. headers, some chrome. The Associated Press Tens of thousands stake out a view and appliances. No GAS Grill, 2 years old, Corvette style rims, Launch a high-stakea gamble on rockets MANCHESTER. Single asking $125 & 20" dirt runs good, needs minor pets. $ ^ , plus secur- family Ranch. Security Ity. Coll 646-3979. bike $35. 647-1149. touch up on body, new CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - — stories on page 18 and references re- dual exhaust. Primer MANCHESTER. 4 room aulred.$875/month. C ER A M IC Kiln. Econo More than 2>/4 years after the Duplex. 2 bedrooms. Kiln with timer. Excel­ black, blue Interior, trauma and tragedy of the T.J. Crockett, 643-1577. tilt. Call 232-1219, leave $650/month with heat. lent condition. Only Challenger disaster, the shuttle day. $200. 649-9982. message. $700 or best hundreds of modifications to the I ’/j month security dep­ n s to r e and offer. Discovery rocketed spectacu­ shuttle and a new launch- "Stay with us, I think we’ ll osit. Available Imme­ FIREPLACE. Free stand­ larly from its launch pad today, diately. 649-9538, leave I OFFICE SPACE ing, Swedish enameled oversight procedure in which make it,” the launch director Bob MAZDAS carrying five astronauts on a former astronaut Robert Crippen Sieck told the astronauts after messoge.____________ with pipe. Excellent comeback mission that would EAST HARTFORD. 2bed­ FOR Rent. Protesslonol condition. Call 646- CLYDE held one-man authority to ap­ receiving an improving wind office building. Lorge CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. return America to space. room apartment, heat, 2931, leove messoge. ROUTE 83, VERNON prove launch. analysis. Hauck joked in reply, hot water and parking. parking lot. Ideal loca-. POOL Table-Sears. Good WE HAVE OVER 60 NEW 1988 MAZDAS WE MUST “ Good luck and Godspeed,” He did, sending the shuttle “ We don’t want this thing to leave tion. R.D. Murdock, 82 Buick O n t 2 Or. .'4995 $500/month. 5M-6616. 643-2692 or 643-6472. condition. $300. Call af­ yras the sendoff from Launch toward orbit through partially without us." If you don't use It, don't ter 3; 30pm or leave 84 Ciprice Wagon *8295 SELL, COME IN. WE LL BEAT ANYONE’S DEALI Control. O F F IC E Space. 500 cloudy skies. Hauck and his crew of four need It and don't wont It, message. 568-1903. 85 Specirum 4 Or. *4995 square feet. $350 per Riding two redesigned booster The morning countdown was veteran astronai^ts awoke early, why not sell It with a 85 Electra 4 Or. *11,895 rockets, the winged spacecraft smooth, excepting Florida’s donned their orange, specially Classified Ad? month Includes utili­ ties. Excellent loca­ 85 O ntury 4 Dr. (3) *8995 blasted off its perch at 11:37 a.m. fickle weather. Spacecraft com­ pressurized flight suits and drew TOWN OF ANDOVER tion. 647-9223. ENDROLLS 86 Eacort 4 Dr. '4995 EDT. Liftoff was delayed 98 puters, configured to expect enthusiastic cheers as they left to MANCHESTER. 4 room 27'>t width - 25$ 86 Calebrily 4 Or. *7695 minutes while NASA awaited a NOTICE OF REOISTRARS 13% width - 2 for 25$ autumn winds in a certain range, board the $1.5 billion spacecraft. office. 800 square feet. Celebrity Euro 4 Dr. shift in peculiarly light winds . OF VOTERS SESSION MUST be picked up at the 86 *7995 ECONOMICAL & DEPENDABLE did not have adequate data to Once on board they had to Heavily traveled road. 87 Spectrum 4 Dr. *8995 along the Discovery flight path. overcome problems with cooling On October 4, 19SS, for com­ $800/monthly Includes Herald Office Monday thru steer the craft through weak pleting preliminary registry Thursday before 11 a.m.only. 87 Skylark 4 Or. *9495 The ship, with Navy Capt. winds at high altitude. NASA systems in two of the space suits, list, at the Town Office Build­ heat, hot water and SPUNKY VALUE ing from 9 am to 11 am. electricity. Alex Mat­ 87 Century LTD 4 Dr. *9995 Frederick Hauck in command, waited until conditions improved, the sort of minor mechanical 87 Cavalier 4 Dr. *8495 Louise F. Porklngton thew Realty, 649-4003. 1 was headed for an initial orbit abandoning its origipal 9:59 a.m. glitch that nags almost every Beatrice E. Kowalski 87 Spectrum 2 Dr. '7995 about 110 miles above earth. launch target. ' countdown. q q i TAG 87 Celebrity 2 Dr. *9495 Registrars of Voters "Am erica returns to space as Had the winds remained unac­ Hauck’s crew included Air DO I VACATION |88] 87 Nova 4 Dr. (3) *8995 079-09______________________ 0 0 1 SALES Discovery clears the tower,” said J O •RENTALS 87 Pont. Firebird *11,995 ) ceptable, officials would have LEOAL NOTICE NASA launch commentator Hugh scrubbed the launch effort for the See SHUTTLE, page 10 SP E N D the winter In NOTICE. Connecticut Gen­ TOWN OF ANDOVER eral Statute 23-85 prahibits 872-9111 Harris. The 2nd Quarterly Install­ warmth 8, sunshine. the pasting at advertise­ Trailing a 700-foot geyser of ment of property foxes on the For rent In New Port ments by any person, firm or fire, Discovery vaulted from pad October 1, 1987 Grand List Richey, Florida. Nicely corporation on a telegraph, ore now due and payable Oc­ furnished house In well telephone, electric light or SCHALLER 39B and within seconds rolled into tober 1,1988. Paym ents mode Students thrilled power pole or to a tree, its desired course to orbit. An otter November 1, 1988 are kept frleldly neighbor­ hood. 2 bedrooms, 2 full shrub, rock, or any other ACURA 4 Dr., PS estimated quarter-million people sublect to a late charge of naturol oblectwlthoutawrlt- ONLY \'/7 % per month on the lote baths, living room, din­ U S E D C A R S watched from roads, river banks Installment, from the due ing area and fully ten permit for the purpose ot dote, or a minimum ot $2.00. protecting Itorthepubllcand B8 Carayan JE.... *15,500 ONLY and other viewing spots in the equipped kitchen (dis­ carries a tine of up to $50 tor 88 L egen d ...........*21,995 shuttle Payments may be mode by Kennedy Space Center area.
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