Subway and Bus Commuting Guide For a Safe & Pleasant Student Life The Sendai Tozai Subway Line openedne in December 2015. There are Tozai Line stations on the Kawauchi and Aobayama campuses. Therefore, we recommend you use of the subway lines for a safer, more pleasant commute. Sendai Transportation Bureau website: http://www.kotsu.city.sendai.jp/subway/index.html Use Subways and Buses for a Safe, Pleasant Commute The first thing to consider in terms of having a safe student life is how you will commute to the university. Commuting by bicycle or motorcycle carries many risks. One serious accident could derail your entire college career. Please consider using the subway or bus to commute! The Gakuto Sendai City Bus/Subway Free Pass (a discounted pass for students) provides an economical option for using subways and buses. It is also extremely flexible, as you are allowed to get on/off at any stop on the eligible lines. Gakuto Sendai City Bus/Subway Free Pass (per month) City Bus : JPY 5,940 (Fares applicable from October 1,2018) Subway + City Bus (Fares applicable from October 1,2018) Subway Tozai Line : JPY 6,950 Tozai Line + City Bus : JPY 11,080 Namboku Line : JPY 6,950 Namboku Line + City Bus : JPY 11,080 Tozai/Namboku Lines : JPY 8,340 Tozai/Namboku Lines + City Bus : JPY 12,260 Gakuto Sendai Free Pass for City Bus/Subway website: http://www.kotsu.city.sendai.jp/fare/freepass/hanbai_index.html Kawauchi Station Kawauchi Station (interior) Áïâáùáíá Óôáôéïî Observe Traffic Laws Examples of penalties for unsafe cycling Commuting by bicycle or motorcycle always carries certain risks. When road conditions are poor due to rain, snow, or ice, accidents are more likely to occur on hills, and even flat stretches of road. Please observe traffic laws to lessen the likelihood of accidents, and always drive carefully. Cycling while wearing headphones Failure to obey stoplights/stop signs Cycling while using mobile devices Fine of up to JPY 50,000 Õð ôï ³ íïîôèó éíðòéóïîíåîô ïò Æéîå ïæ õð ôï ÊÐÙ µ°¬°°° Rain/Snow/Ice Drive slowly Be careful of skidding/falling Failure to use bicycle light at night Òéäéîç ïîå­èáîäåä ¨èïìäéîç áî õíâòåììá åô㮩 Fine of up to JPY 50,000 Fine of up to JPY 50,000 *Repeat offenders will be required to attend a safety class. Commuting by bicycle or motorcycle carries large risks. Please consider using public transportation or walking instead. Useful Subway / Bus Commuting Information ǪSendai City Bus & Subway Navi You can view Sendai City Subway/Bus routes, fares, and timetables at the website below: http://www.navi.kotsu.city.sendai.jp/ ǪIC Card (icsca) Instructions on how to use the icsca IC card to pay public transportation fares can be found here: http://www.kotsu.city.sendai.jp/icsca/index.html ǪDoko Bus Sendai This Internet-based service provides information on nearby buses: http://www.dokobasu.kotsu.city.sendai.jp ǪCampus Bus Ôèéó âõó óåòöéãå ìéîëó ôèå ËáôáèéòᬠÓåéòùï¬ áîä Ëá÷áõãèé¯Áïâáùáíá ãáíðõóåó® http://www.bureau.tohoku.ac.jp/shisan/campusbus/campusbus.html Issued: National University Corporation Tohoku University 2018.10 JR Kitayama Stn. Asahigaoka Yaotome Ԉࠞᮟ Stn. Stn. ²² ±¹ ²± ²² ²´ ²¶ Transferring to the Tozai Subway Line at Sendai Station Kunimigaoka Aobamachi Transferring from the Namboku Subway Line Commuting to Kawauchi Campus/ Dainohara Kuromatsu Izumi Chuo You can transfer from the Namboku Line platform to the Tozai Stn. Stn. Stn. Line platform in about 3-4 minutes without exiting through the Choosing a Residential Area Kaigamori Stations North of Kita-Sendai Station ticket gate. Here we will look at public transportation convenient to Kawauchi Dainohara Transferring from JR There is a passage that connects directly to the Namboku Line Campus and think about choosing a place to live with regards Kita SendaiԈ͈ի Stn. ±· JRԈ͈իᮟ Kita Sendai Stn. Sanjomachi platform from JR Aoba-dōri Station (Senseki Line). For other to the living environment. bus stop International House Sanjo2 ²° rail lines, take the underground passage to the subway JR Tohokufukushidai Mae Stn. 3 Kitayama entrance from JR Sendai Station. It takes 6-7 minutes to get to Chiyodamachi Sanjo J.H.S. the platform. ²µ ● Ǵ Showamachi Tohoku Fukushi Univ. 2 Toricho Transferring from Bus Lines International House Sanjo1 The West Bus Terminal, where most buses arrive/depart, is Area 1: Near Kawauchi Campus University House Sanjo Kimachi JR Senzan Line ౖ 1 Toshogu near the underground passage to the subway entrance. ˁConvenient to Kawauchi Campus. Possible to commute on foot. Ǵ Gojo J.H.S. Transferring from bus takes 3-4 minutes Kamisugiyama J.H.S. Ǵ ˁGenerally gentle terrain, but there are steep hills in some places. 1 Kunimi Niizakamachi 1 Toricho Tsutsumidori Tohoku Univ. Dorm 2 Toshogu amamiyamachi ˁThere are not many supermarkets etc. in this area. Tohoku Univ. Dorm (Meizen Dorm・Matsukaze Dorm) JR Toshogu Stn. Ǵ ±· 4 Kunimi Kunimi E.S. (Joshun Dorm) Ǵ 6 Kamisugi Umedamachi Sanjomachi Toricho E.S. Ǵ E.S.and J.H.S Attached to Miyagi Univ.of Education 5 Miyamachi Area 2: Sendai City Center (UH Katahira) Fuzoku E.S.and J.H.S Miyagi Univ.of Education) Shiheimachi ( 4 Miyamachi Saiwaicho JR Kunimi Stn. 1 Kashiwagi Ǵ ˁCan reach campus in 4 minutes using the Tozai Subway Line from Kitarokubancho E.S. Aoba-dori Ichibancho Station. ²· Fukuzawamachit 3 Kashiwagi 5 Kamisugi ˁNear Katahira Campus. 2 Kunimi 1 Nakae 2 Kamisugi Aramaki Ǵ ˁRent is more expensive than in other parts of the city. Daini J.H.S. 2 Kimachidori ˁMany retail shops and restaurants. Seiryo Campus 3 Miyamachi Kita Yobancho Atago-Kamisugi-dori 4 Kamisugi 3 Kunimi Ǵ Ǵ 2 Kashiwagi ±µ Stn. Osaki Okaji Area 3: Hachiman/Sanjo/Kunimi Daiichi Higashi- Ǵ 3 Kamisugi nibancho- 6 Odawara Hachiman J.H.S. dori Kamisugi Shrine 2 Hachiman Tohoku Univ.HP (UH Sanjo/Jyoshun Dormitory) 4 Hachiman Ǵ Ǵ yamadori E.S. 7 Odawara Hachiman E.S. Kimachidori 1 Kamisugi E.S. Futsukamachi ˁThere are buses to Kawauchi Campus. Sendai Kousei HP 1 Kimachidori 2 Nishikicho 2 Miyamachi ǴNHK ˁThe Hachiman area is relatively flat. On the other hand, Kunimi is very hilly. 5 Hachiman 5 Odawara Hirosemachi Ǵ Ǵ 1 Hachiman Hasekuramachi Aoba 1 Nishikicho ˁThere are many supermarkets and other shops along the major road (Route 48). Ward Office Tokiwagi-Gakuin H.S. 3 Hachiman Miyagi-Daiichi H.S. Miyagi 4 Odawara Sendai Prefectural Office JR Tohoku Line Shimizunuma Area 4: Kamisugi/Kashiwagi/Kimachidori City Hall 3 Honcho Ǵ Hirose River 3 Kokubuncho 1 Miyamachia Goroku Shokei-Gakuin Kasugamachi 2 Kakyoin (Meizen/Matsukaze Dormitories) Tokyo Electron Kotodai Koen Stn. Ǵ Hall Miyagi ±´ Higashi-Rokubancho 2 Tsunogoro ˁSendai Station can be reached by the Namboku Subway Line and many Dominiko Gakuin Ǵ Nishikicho Park E.S. Ǵ 1 Odawara 2 Odawara 1 Tsunogoro Citizen Hall Ǵ Mediatheque Ǵ buses. From there, Kawauchi Station can be reached in 6 minutes by Kawauchi- Mitsukoshi Jozenji-dori 1 Honcho yodomibashi- Kawauchi- 2 Honcho transferring to the Tozai Subway Line. dori kawamaecho 1 Kakyoin Kawauchi- 2 Kokubuncho Teppomachi ˁNear Seiryo Campus. daikumachi 4 Ichibancho Hirose Dori Stn. ˁThere are many supermarkets and other shops in this area Miyagi Museum Ǵ Sendai-Daini H.S. Kawauchi- Kawauchi Station of Art Tachimachi Nijuninmachi Gorin sanjuninmachi Kawauchi- ±² bus stop motohasekura Area 5: Yagiyama/Mukaiyama Tohoku Kosai HP Nakakecho Higashi-Shichibancho Ǵ Ǵ Higashi-Kubancho JR Miyaginohara Stn. Kawauchi Stn. Kawauchi- Tachimachi E.S. Hirose-dori Denryoku Ǵ (Ibun/Seifu/Nisshu Dormitories) nakanosemachi 1 Kokubuncho JR Aoba dori Ǵ building 2 Chuo JR Sendai Stn. Tsutsujigaoka E.S. ±· 3 Ichibancho Stn. 1 Chuo Kokusai Center Stn. Sendai Citizen and ǴAEON 2 Tsutsujigaoka ˁNear Aobayama Campus. -Can reach Kawauchi Station in 6 minutes using the Nishi Park Community Foundation ǴFujisaki ±³ ±³ Tsutsujigaoka Park Kawauchi-kameokacho Tozai Subway Line from Yagiyama Zoological Park Station. ± BansuisodoǴ 3 Tsutsujigaoka Omachi Nishi Koen Stn. Aoba dori Ichibancho Stn. ¶ 2 Omachi 1 Omachi ´ Ǵ ˁRent is less expensive than in other parts of the city. Kawauchi Campus Ǵ Miyaginohara Ǵ Higashi Nibancho E.S. Yodobashi Camera Miyagi Univ. of Education ³ Subway 4 Tsutsujigaoka General Athletic Field ˁMany steep hills. Beware of snowy/icy road conditions in winter. Aoba-dori 2 Ichibancho 3 Chuo Sendai Stn. 1 Tsutsujigaoka ǴTsutsujigaoka-Library ±µ International Center ¸ Otemachi 1 Katahira JR Tsutsujigaoka JR Senseki Line Miyagino dori Stn. Stn. Miyagino Area of Subway Coverage Minamimachi-dori 4 Chuo High Court , 1 Ichibancho Imusu Meirikai Sendai ˁSubway lines can be used to reach Tohoku University s campuses. Aobayama Campus Ǵ general HP 1 Shintera 2 Shintera ˁResidential neighborhoods in areas served by the new Tozai Subway Line Hyojogawara Park ǴKatahiracho E.S. Sendai City Museum Rakuten Seimei Park Miyagi are expected to develop in the near future. Kawauchi- 3 Shintera ² oimawashi University House Katahira Ǵ ˁThe areas south of Kawaramachi Station and north of Dainohara Station on the Aobayama Stn. Tohoku Univ. Centra Post Office 1 Itsutsubashi Botanical Garden Ǵ Namboku Subway Line already have well-developed residential neighborhoods. Kadan Kitamemachi Otamayashita 3 ItsutsubashiNika J.H.S / H.S. Toka J.H.S. Ǵ 1 Rembo Ǵ University House Aobayama Katahira Campus Rembokoji E.S. Ǵ Katahira Campus Ǵ Itsutsubashi Stn. Aobayama Aobajoshi Ǵ ±² Rembo Stn. Seiwa-Gakuen H.S. Head Office, Institute for Materials Research, Institute of Fluid Science, 1 Komegahukuro Itsutsubashi J.H.S. Higash Higashi- New Campus Shichibancho Kinoshita Site of Mutsu Kokubunji Temple 2 Itsutsubashi Kubancho Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Institute of Multidisciplinary Higashi- ±° Hachibancho Rembokoji Research for Advanced Materials, professional graduate schools, other Sendai Subway Motochiyabatake Ǵ Yakushido Stn. Shimizukoji graduate schools, etc. Zuihoden 2 Komegahukuro Sendai-Daiichi H.S.
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