DUNKELD NEWS Diocesan Newsletter of the Bishop of Dunkeld No. 9 August 2017 Inside - New appointments to Chaplaincies, Education, Youth Work... Called to focus on a real respect for life ach year, around the Feast of human beings. We read in the Old Testa- the Visitation of our Lady, the ment: “Before I formed you in the womb I Catholic Church in Scotland knew you, before you were born I sanctified Ecelebrates the Day for Life, a day dedi- you.” (Jeremiah 1:5). cated to raising awareness about the The Day for Life 2017 has a particu- meaning and value of human life at lar poignancy and significance. This year every stage, and in every condition. marks the Fiftieth Anniversary of the pass- ing of the Abortion Act in the United King- Human life is a sacred and precious gift dom. Since the Act was passed in the UK from God and must be treated with the up- more than nine million unborn children most respect. This is true at every moment have been killed and countless mothers and of life, from its first beginnings to its natu- fathers have been hurt by abortion. Indeed, leading cause of death worldwide, ending ral death. In the womb, we grow and de- the World Health Organisation, an agency the lives of more than 40 million children velop as full human beings, not as potential of the UN, has stated that abortion is the each year. The right to life is the most fundamen- tal of all rights. Without that right all other On the road to the priesthood rights are lost. At present, human life in the womb is not well protected, leaving unborn babies at risk of losing their lives to abor- tion, and mothers to the damage of abor- tion. Vulnerable people such as the disa- bled, elderly and frail are increasingly in danger from pressures to introduce assisted suicide or euthanasia. Campaigners have been relentless in pur- suing their aim of introducing such laws. Worryingly, there is a broad coalition and considerable political support for extend- ing the threats to life, including extend- ing abortion to birth for any reason. Even more worryingly, as the culture of death has grown, the right to conscience is also becoming increasingly eroded. In recent weeks new figures from a report by the Scottish Government’s Information and Statistics Division have shown that the number of women having abortions be- On Pentecost Sunday, a group of 4th Year seminarians at St Mary’s College, Oscott, were cause their unborn babies have disabilities accepted as Candidates for Holy Orders. Among them was Andrew Marshall, a seminarian has increased. The report states that a “pos- for the diocese of Dunkeld. During the Mass, celebrated by Bishop Doyle of Northampton, sible factor” in the rise could be increased Andrew was officially accepted as a candidate by the Church, a major milestone in his for- screening for Down’s Syndrome. mation, and God-willing, will be ordained as deacon in December and priest next summer. (continued on page 3) INSIDE THIS ISSUE: News, views and coming events from around the diocese ©2017 DIOCESE OF DUNKELD - SCOTTISH CHARITY NO. SC001810 Fr Tom Shields takes on Catholic Education role Bishop Stephen has appointed the Rev. Dr Thomas Shields PhB STL PhD. to the important post of Vicar Episcopal for Edu- Fr Gregory Ummuna cation for Dunkeld Diocese, in succession to Mgr Ken McCaffrey. joins Bishop at Oxford Fr Tom will be responsible for all ac- tivities and personnel relating to Catholic Education, the Diocesan Primary Advisor, based bioethics centre Secondary Advisor, Church representatives The Anscombe Centre was set up by and pastoral and spiritual support and for- the joint hierarchies of England, Wales, mation services for Catholic Schools. This Scotland and Ireland as a research cen- role includes relations with Head Teachers, tre into problems in Bioethics. It is situ- teaching staff and parents. ated in the City of Oxford. Announcing the appointment, Bishop Bishop Stephen was previously ap- Stephen said, “I thank Fr Tom for agreeing pointed as the Scottish Hierarchy rep- to embrace this task and continue to thank resentative along with other appointees Mgr McCaffrey for his support and work in from universities and various agencies the past for our Catholic Education insti- in medical and health care. tutions. Fr Tom will begin his ministry in earnest once the schools return after the The Anscombe Bioethics Centre summer break.” is named in memory of the Catholic Moral Philospher Elizabeth Anscombe “He is eminently qualified for this post (1919-2001) and it engages with the with his academic and pastoral background moral questions arising in clinical prac- and be able to fullfil this ministry of sup- tice and biomedical research bringing port in the diocese for Catholic Education to bear on those questions principles of with distinction.” natural law, virtue ethics, and the teach- ing of the Catholic Church, and seeks to Fr Tom Shields is seen here delivering develop the implications of that teach- a keynote address at the Annual Retreat ing for emerging fields of practice. Bishop Stephen congratulated Fr for Readers and Eucharist Ministers at St Gregory on his appointment. “I am John’s High School, Dundee. Bishop Ste- At the recommendation of Bishop glad that he is able to use his exper- phen and Mary O’Duffin also spoke at the Stephen, the Scottish Bishops have now tise in ethics and medicine to the best event which saw the recommissioning of also appointed Fr Gregory Umunna, advantage of the Church. Fr Gregory Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist St Stephen’s, Blairgowrie, to serve with will, of course, remain as Parish Priest for service in their parish and school com- the Bishop a Board Member of the Ans- of St Stephen’s, Blairgowrie, St Mary’s, munities. combe Trust. Coupar Angus and St Luan’s, Alyth. PHOTOGRAPHS - Eddie Mahoney page 2 continued from Page 1 The Rt. Rev. Stephen Robson We only have to look to Iceland to wit- ness the deeply tragic consequences of such developments, where since 2012, 100 Fr Gregory Murphy is new per cent of Icelandic babies found to have Down’s Syndrome have been aborted. Or Denmark, where, since 2014, 98 per cent chaplain to two universities of Danish women carrying babies with Bishop Stephen has announced the ap- Down’s Syndrome have had an abortion. pointment of Fr Gregory Murphy OP as In Britain that figure is 90 per cent. At a Chaplain to the Catholics at the Universi- meeting of the United Nations in Geneva ties of the Dundee and Abertay, as from just last month, 21-year-old Charlotte Fien, the beginning of September of this year, who has Down’s Syndrome, made an in- in succession to Fr Michael Carrie. He will spiring plea to delegates calling on them to be assisted in his work by Deacon Charles oppose the targeting of infants in the womb Hendry and two of the Sisters of the Im- who have the condition. She said: “We have maculate Heart of Mary. an extra chromosome… we are still human beings. Don’t be afraid of us… Please don’t Fr Gregory, a Dominican priest who try to kill us all off.” She received a standing grew up in Dunkeld Diocese, has extensive ovation. past experience of University life as stu- dent, postgraduate and also of Chaplaincy Closer to home, we have heard repeated Ministry. calls for increased provision of late-term abortions in Scotland. We must defend the In addition to his new duties, Fr Gregory right of medical professionals and health will continue also as Chaplain to HMP Cas- care workers to consciously object to taking tle Huntly and as assistant to Fr Jim Walls part in such procedures as set out in The in Douglas and Fintry. 1967 Abortion Act. Indeed, only last month an opinion poll showed that most Scots, 60 per cent, would like to see time limits for abortions reduced. Among women the fig- ure is 70 per cent. Moreover, 61 per cent of Fr Samuel is appointed Dunkeld’s Scots opposed any moves towards making it mandatory for doctors to have to partici- new Director of Youth Formation pate in abortion procedures against their paid tribute to Mr McGuire’s years of ser- will. vice. “We would wish to thank Frankie in a particular way, for the wonderful work These findings are remarkable, yet not he has done for us in the Diocese over the surprising. This public support must not last six years in fostering faith and service be marginalised or cast aside amidst the among the young people and for his organ- demands of lobbyists seeking to remove all isation of various pilgrimages and events rights and safeguards from healthcare pro- including the World Youth Day in 2016.” fessionals. This year’s Day for Life is not just an occasion to reflect on the sacredness of “Frankie will be returning to full-time human life but an opportunity to renew a teaching of Religious Education in St John’s commitment to the pro-life movement; to Academy, Perth, and we wish him every protect the most vulnerable at every stage, blessing and good wish as he makes this and in every condition. transition back to school.” Pope St John Paul II once said that every Bishop Stephen also expressed his grati- human life is “unique and unrepeatable”. Fr Samuel Alabi, (Missionary Society of tude to Fr Samuel as he embarks on his In this anniversary year, each of us can ask St Paul in Nigeria), MSP, has been appoint- important new role working with young of him or herself a simple question: What ed as the Director of Youth Formation in Catholics from across the diocese.
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