23898 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE August 24, 1994 SENATE-Wednesday, August 24, 1994 (Legislative day of Thursday, August 18, 1994) The Senate met at 10 a.m., on the ex- At 10:30 a.m., the Senate will resume We are prepared also to vote on the piration of the recess, and was called to debate on the pending crime bill. This majority leader's substitute on the order by the President pro tempore will be the third day of debate. It is my health care bill, and to do that today, [Mr. BYRD]. hope that the Senate will be able to maybe, if we finish the other, or maybe The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The proceed promptly to vote on that meas- tomorrow or Friday or next week. Senate Chaplain, Dr. Richard C. Hal- ure. We want to dispel any perception out verson, will lead the Senate in prayer. I believe that a substantial majority there that somehow Republicans are Dr. Halverson. of Senators favor the bill and will vote not cooperating or not moving ahead. for its passage when given the oppor- We are prepared to move ahead. But we PRAYER tunity to do so. have rights, as every Member has The Chaplain, the Reverend Richard We had a series of meetings yester- rights, and each party has rights, and C. Halverson, D.D., offered the follow- day involving an exchange of proposals we intend to protect those rights. ing prayer: between the distinguished Republican We will have further discussion today Let us pray: leader and myself and other interested on the crime bill and why we believe it In a moment of silent prayer, let us Senators. We were unable to reach an should be trimmed back in certain remember retired Capitol Police Offi- agreement on how finally to proceed. It areas on the spending side and why we cer Raymond Dextradeur, who is very, is my understanding that we will re- believe that it should have certain pro- very ill in an intensive care unit. sume those discussions today. My hope visions added to the bill, some that Blessed is the nation whose God is the is that we can complete action on this passed this Senate by a vote of 2 to 1. Lord.-Psalm 33:12. bill promptly. One was accepted. The deportation of Mr. President, I reserve the remain- Eternal God, Lord of history, Ruler criminal aliens was accepted and der of my leader time, and I yield the of the nations, these are difficult hours dropped in conference. floor. I know that is what happens. I know in the Senate, filled with pressures, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The the way it works. Some provisions do frustration, disappointment which minority leader is recognized. not survive conference. challenge patience, objectivity, and But what did survive conference was emotions. voting this bill up with a lot of spend- Mighty God of righteousness and THE CRIME BILL AND THE ing programs that were not envisioned peace, make Your presence felt in this HEALTH BILL by the Senate when we passed the bill place. Be Lord in the hearts and minds Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, I just ad- by a vote of 94 to 4. So I guess all but of Your servants. Guide this pres- vised the majority leader that we have four Senators are on record for a tigious debating society as it struggles a Republican conference at 10:30 a.m., strong crime bill. with the unprecedented diversity en- at which time we will discuss the pend- I assume in the crime bill, which demic in a democratic republic; ineffi- ing crime conference report along with passed the Senate, there are probably cient by its very nature, but the best health care and other issues that may some areas where we probably should form of government in history-envy of come before the Senate. have been a little more careful in the world. I guess, as is always the case, there is spending taxpayers' money. Blessed Lord, fill this Chamber with always some misinformation about But we are not swayed by the argu- Your light and love and peace. In Your what may be happening, and maybe it ment that since the House is not here, name, for the welfare of the Nation and is because I have given too much infor- if we do not do this, something drastic the glory of God. Amen. mation. might happen. We believe that the But I note this morning in the New American people expect us to protect York Times, one of our great news- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME their interests, their interests in crime papers, just a flatout inaccuracy in one and their interests in spending their The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under of the headlines. It says: "Dole Seeks money, and we hope we can do that. the previous order, the leadership time Measure Without Weapons Ban, Assert- If we lose, we lose. But we are pre- is reserved. ing He Has Votes To Block Bill." That pared to make the best effort we can, is just not true. We are not seeking a and we are prepared to move ahead on measure without a weapons ban. MORNING BUSINESS health care before we leave, if there is I have made two proposals to the ma- any recess. If not, we are prepared to The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under jority leader, one I have discussed, and stay here and do that through the next the previous order, there will now be a one we have discussed privately so I 2 or 3 weeks and beyond, if necessary. period for the transaction of morning will not discuss it here. So I guess the point I would make is business not to extend beyond the hour But this is just not an accurate rep- I came to the floor just to correct the of 10:30 a.m., with Senators permitted resentation of the debate, and we will New York Times, and maybe just the to speak therein for not to exceed 10 have the debate. There should be a de- headline is wrong, but it is certainly minutes each. bate. But we should expect accuracy in not what I presented to the majority The majority leader is recognized. reporting, notwithstanding the report- leader. I think what they are suggest- ers' own views on a particular matter. ing is if the point of order is sustained, I think it is fair to say that there are SCHEDULE this would be what would happen. But a number of issues in the crime bill we are trying to avoid that. Maybe we Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. President and that will be discussed and on which we cannot avoid that. Members of the Senate, the Senate will will either work out some agreement So I just suggest that. And I guess have a period of morning business until or we will come to the floor hopefully there is a list of suggested amendments 10:30 a.m. with Senators permitted to early today and have a vote on the that we put together that may not be speak therein for up to 10 minutes point of order. I think it is important the final list, but that has been por- each. that we do that. trayed now by CNN and others that 0 This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. August 24, 1994 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 23899 this is the list of amendments that we money being spent under the con- smaller or by how much, the point of are going to insist on. ference report is actually less than was order did not address the amount of I think I indicated to the majority in the Senate bill. And the Senate bill money in the bill. leader when I gave him the list that was approved by a vote of 95 to 4, with The point of order addressed the pro- these were only proposed amendments almost every single Senator, Democrat vision in the bill which was placed and that I gave them to him just so he and Republican, voting for it, save four there to ensure that the money would would have information of what we Senators. And so no one should be be used only for fighting crime and not were thinking about and to have an op- under any mistaken impression that for other purposes. And the very Sen- portunity to look those over. somehow these funds have been ators now attacking this bill through Somehow the press is now suggesting ratcheted up during the years covered this point of order against that provi- that we are insisting on each of these by the bill. sion lavishly praised that provision amendments and we do not have a final The increase is attributable entirely when it was proposed and voted for it list. We do have a final list that I will in the aggregate to the fact that the on several occasions. shortly deliver to the distinguished bill is extended for a longer period of So no one should be misled or under majority leader. time. If we had kept the bill running any misimpression as to what is in- So we will have our own conference only through 1998, as originally passed volved in this challenge to the bill. and we will then come back and debate in the Senate, the amounts of money Mr. President, I hope we can work the crime bill conference report.
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