P-Q$QL[ 5 C92r920L92/z[llU¥e / Earm §Z92_[2!KB¬1§¬f Q1 PART lo 0? 7 IA _ . PACESAll -1929292BLETHIS PARTL OF FILES CONTAINED LN THIS PART FILE # PAGES AVAILABLE _Ql-1]-4_&#39;7Ij _ 51-5&#39;0 j i 1 I I r&#39; Wi i i 1 j 4i L L j I Ill ii it 1 - I A , X f o Q, w SUBJECT; Cesar Chavez FILE: W _7/é/-__§/Z/i _ _ ¢- ___ii .4-4 &#39; &#39;/ Q " w » V! -&#39;=" "rm: WHITE HOUSE l Msmoruirnum Washington DATE: September 13, 19011 TO : Mr. Cartha D. DeLoach, FBI FROM- = Mildred Stegall FBI Investigation _92 f ,- SUBJE 2 "&#39;FI .-1 ..* , Subject! &#39; ame Cesar Chavez i .: , E . .11 2 D3" °f h égprox. 3?-39;-&#39;rs of age Place of Birt h Q 5.14 *-A?I Present Address : Box QFIO4, Deiano, California. - Also 102. Albany St. Delaiiearf ~ e C e W - 1 . "1 _ Davie! S. North __ __ __ has requested: C D Copy of Previous Report - ,, C] Name Check r J1. E Full Field Investigation C i-J/C-rig. A 92 T§q ame¬aboveis being conan-ducted fort: _é _d ___ U ;,_, 5,! &#39; 5. LR " :&#39; [E White House staff position &#39;//:5/5&#39; &#39; 1" &#39; P J ___ <1/&#39;1&#39;?/I L D Presidential appointment -.- 0 K , 0 --_ I ._ [:1 Position with another Agency &#39; ;.. ...7 ATTACHMENTS: &#39; 1 1" D Sf 86 in duplicate! [:1 SF 87, Fingerprint Card 4 -4 D Biography ~~ o.;.;* - -r:-1.+i;? REMARKS: Mr. Chavez is President, National Farm Wor kcrs As socintion. -1 &#39; . _ &#39;2 . /6/I Fug / J/,".{_.i-r-&#39;7J REPORT snouinisz -or-_:i;fvEREo BY FBI -ro= MKDREDKSTEGALL C _ .TfTC_T_.i Y lglq 7 4,1 A _ as __.__, Ia*_- "&#39; . .1 . - -"P-,7 ---r - ?o 2*" &#39;4":-Q - ". 1- " "" . 7 &#39;&#39;- L -J.-Frim J &#39; 40- M -3 c " - =---.-.~ 1%."-"» - wé -*--=».-.-.- 1.. r"&#39;*.-*"_ &#39;-_=- [email protected];.--.- 1- _r.&#39; - .--.?92~,.&#39;-7-i3.-.->==~--&#39;,1jIs»l:=.>&#39;*I1¢ .I&#39;|92"- -92-""."" &#39;.I "&#39;I"- .y~ .~&#39;-92.".- " - :4" -.-no -. -." &#39; . .-IF " - _,., -j:_¢,_,<.: - -__ _ -. VJ" -. .- _¢._ l ¢_.-.,- -,__ , ,~.-;&#39; I . L __,_;_ 1u.,,"&#39;lr4-..p.!-rI¢&#39;9&#39;:&#39;_ _, ._ -.- &#39; r<_§._-- ..4l.$;e fa -»- _- , - -4-or ,- v ~ - E . ---I _ :1 ,3 -M. It, .- 1 - Mr. Burke &#39; 9/15/ea nirtel &#39;I__ 67&#39; _ . A! -.z~M I p. Ff r" &#39; .F"/ 1 . To: ashington Field - Inc. ! ., I.-os Lngelel &#39; p -_¢»-?-7- / &#39; --- &#39; Iron ctor, 1&#39;81 - .3 / cam cmvzz &#39; n srncran mourn! ammo: 9/so/ea . Ihite House has requested investigation of Chavez who is being considered for stat! position at White House. Partial background furnished by White House indicates that Chavez is approximately 37 to 39 years oi age, resides 102 Albany Street, Delano, California, and is President oi Rational rarm Iorkerl Association. _ Los Angoles obtain Chavez: complete background, including names of close relatives and set out appropriate 1ea& l This should be done immediately in order that Buru Yilee can be reviewed. SPIN. NOT?! Request received 9/15/66 from White House. &#39; A e ._,#-1&#39;9? I 1 92g AUG15 "&#39;£° .- $4 Q 1 v/ 11"?!! &#39; " - .- es 552.13! .__-~-- M: "P*1~W 3 SEP 16 I985 modi Ii ___ i "I&#39;.,._l ! . ~ O : 0§%j}a mu|.noouL_!.1 5 1&#39;1:1.:1&#39;Y|5r:un1rU Return £5 Y92F}IN92Qv R5551M Wr 1 . - .. .. - 1-. .. W-_ . " * -""_-He _ ._ P-_ .. -. ;,§,_ _ _ »&#39;.n_ -1*-4 -.¢.-_-- P _ n . _ __ - -- . 1": *1 . -&#39; | o I ¢&#39; M . _ -- I!-I . .92 . *&#39;- _*§_&#39; . - .._,» &#39;_" .- ".-- -£3.21 92- - ~ A QU &#39; _" - pr 0 9/16/66 Airtel Q c I Do: SACI, Iashington Field - Koo. ! " Les Angeles Ban Francisco - Inc. C2! Denver - no.0! . 1» From: rector, FBI . C18-AR VI! SP1 BUDKD: 9/30/66 Be Bureau airtel dated 9/15/66 to Iashington Field and hoe Angeles, copies or ehich are attached tor the assistance oi Ban Francisco and Denver. Attached ior the assistance or ___ Iaahington Iield is one copy each of Bureau airtela dated *l0/ll/65 and l0/18/65, to Les Angeles entitled "Camnunist <55 Inltration oi the National Ian: Iorkers Association, Delano, Caliiornia; I8-C." &#39; 5 Cesar 8. Chavez, eho appears identical with the captioned_individual, is mentioned in Les Angeles airtels dated 10/20/Qlitl/25/65; l/21/66; and 4/5/66, entitled "Comunist 5 Infiltration of the National Iarn Workers Association, Delano, I Caliiornia; I8-C," Les Angelea tile 100-67449, copies oi which eere turnished Ban Irancisco Oiiice. Chavez is also mentioned in Lee Angeles airtel dated 4/25/66, bearing the sane caption. 00-444762-5, 8, 12, 26, 34! &#39; Lee Angeles also refer to Les Angeles tile 139-150 N concerning Chavez and to Les Angelee airtel dated 1/27/66, entitled "Third International Days oi Protest, August 6-9, 1966; I8-C," in which Chavez is mentioned. 39-2387, 100-445949-62! I--u Denver reier to Denver report dated 7/13/66, captioned "Cununist Party, USA State oi Colorado, Denver Division; I8-C," Denvertile 10$-1800,in whichCesar Chavezis mentioned. 00-3-3&#39;1-617! &#39; During investigation Iashington Iield should interviel 1llon_._._._._ Harlan Hagen, U.B. Representative ircn California, and his ?: Administrative Assistant,George Baker,concerning Chavez}, *" ch!-.-.-..-....-_.___0.]-Aagf,/9292t&#39; __, §< - l GI§II&#39;_._.i___ Jllohlh _ ~ __ ._ ch _ jf,&#39;°"&#39;-&#39; 0 Returnto Mr. Au ald, Room 1252&#39;§&#39;°TREJCRDE; OSQTI&#39; .~ IO Q _ ull:vu||-+__.__ 6 &#39; 2 a 1 7 .f I &#39;1&#39;mg"; .-&#39; el I &#39; Qvni _ _ =!le.Huo|I! 60 2 7 may-mean , ........._.__mu. Iinoon TELETYPE um? U &#39; &#39;_ =.~=~..=¢»r_j"-. -_ &#39;&#39; _-U .1. _ -_,1__ an -"*n-:_-v. l.92~_--4- ; ;--+*:.{_.-§&#39;392 &#39;Q,4.:r-1?;-I--k n _92-.. 3 &#39; "-|§ &#39;- &#39;"&#39;-.-¬I ~11 _&#39;.,- ,.- ..:-e?"-$1,,"-_,_¢-;;._ - ,..&#39;. 6 &#39;----Jul _ fn it v &#39;1J ~-Mt. Airtel to 8108, Innhington Iield, Loo Angelou, sen Iranciaco I Denver Re: Cesar Chavez . Loo Angeles, sen Francisco and Denver include interviolu with lourcee who have in the pent tarnished pertinent iniormntion conceriing Chavez and contact security &#39; "we iniornnnjp. _ &#39; 1F .92 V Notezl glrtelsdated 10§11-65and 1dQi8-65 attached WFO for contain information furnished Bureau in 1965 by Rep, Harlan Hagan and his Administrative Assistant. Crime Records Division advised no objection to having them interviewed by WFO. -ya- 5- 1 T ¥ &#39;1 T I I o as in" s-22 an " &#39; . Q1 Date 9/17/66 smxr me foiiowmq in : ~ Typo m plcunlezl or code! "AIRTEL __ AIR M§IL- RE GISTEREDW_ _ _ Pmanly! &#39;ro= ,. nmscron, FBI " -* FRGH. SEC L65 NGEL- SIIBJECTCESAR ESTRADA AVEZ SPECIAL INQUIRY &#39; E, 7.- Title markedchanged toreflect aaa0intee&#39;sfull -"hnews i es ohteined from the files of the Re Bureau airtel to Los Angeles and Washington Field dated 9/15/66 For information of recipient offices white House has requested investigation of CHAVEZ who is being considere for staff*position at White House Bureau instructed that CHAVEZ&#39;sacomo1ete background-includins names of close re-- tives be obtained and appropriate leads set forth of the iiiiiiiiiii information available throughdiscloses followingrecords background and descriptive data Bureau RM! Baltimore RM! B .. ii £:a2:*?§,:,""u ____&#39;- /W +11 7 &#39;3 Washington Field RM! Nor sE.:.-oaoso - Los Angeles 5 SEP19 1966 am km % ______:: 7§X/yl_ _ y _ _ _ gqé. 1&#39;35 l 7 56 ,, Q =:&#39; 92 i I 11&#39;? V. ,_ LA161-_ , I &#39; &#39;--4,.» -Q. - . ~~. I_F:21 I. 1:1 _ J1."-8 -Y, - . -A - "" &#39;--.- -J ~§&#39;~-1|-, . 1¢__ . - .&#39; -I &#39;.1 - "&#39;9" _ji&#39;:-._ - u _ . &#39;;_,.,-5-92-&#39;-- _ ." - F3 b ~.»92 &#39;_,_-, V} &#39;§mm{&#39;%£¥E" »~1- _ I . 4-: Race- &#39;~ -&#39;= t""-1"!,-.. &#39;2-. -z -&#39;3."- f. &#39;-&#39;. ~__ :i,Sex - CESAR*ESTRADA;CHAVEZ;§¢i ~ _; 3 Date of birth White &#39; A ";1 7 fa&#39; Place of birth Male &#39; #6 " Height 1/31/97 ,- - 1 - - weight-1* 5 3. Yuma, Arizona J ~._ Cqnplexion :- 5&#39;6" 7 aev _. _ m _Identifyingemar ks !- l6O~pounde *W-- a _r _ *a_ , .¢ Residence¢,@,§,= Medi -_Jj&#39; ,_ 3 Occupation 122? Keneington_ j : . _ &#39; &#39; Delano, California " General Director, National Farm Workers Association NFWA!, - Marital status 102 Albany Street - 6 A rt, Delano, California _192_-n-0- I Married;-wife - HELEN CHAVEZ nee , . I Children SABELA; born 1/21/28 at P FBI No. * _ Brawley, California CII No. Eight children- residing at home 1 ; Tulare County H2 8&6? A * Sheriff&#39;s Offic 290N329 &#39; &#39; + igilitary servicee # *~ -*?P~w&#39; avy-Serial No, 59074 ; ~~&#39;-»§ Arrest record U. S. Navy, 2/#6 1/#8 &#39; ._-.&#39;.- , q,._ _ _&#39; - 92 567-85-66 Arrested l/2h/Uh by Delano, California Police Department for "investigation ADW", but apparently booked by Bakersfield, California, under No.
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