Reviews for Voyager

Reviews for Voyager

BROOKLYN MUSEUM – WILBOUR LIBRARY OF EGYPTOLOGY Reviews of Egyptological literature from periodicals received during the years 2000-2004. Abbreviations of periodical titles follow standard forms found at: Abusir and Saqqara in the year 2000. ISBN: 80-85425-39-4 Revs: JARCE 39 (2002) 254-256 (P.J. Brand) KMT 13.1 (Spring 2002) 86 (D. Forbes) Adams, Barbara. Ancient Nekhen… ISBN: 1-872561-03-9 Revs: ArOr 65 (1997) 307-311 (M. Barta) BiOr 54 (1997) 101-102 (B. Trigger) CdE 75 (2000) 277-279 (C. Cialowicz) DE 36 (1996) 129-131 (B. Midant-Reynes) KMT 74 (1996-1997) 83-84 (A. Dodson) Adkins, Leslie and Roy. The Keys of Egypt… ISBN: 0-00-257091-2 Revs: Ancient Egypt (June-July 2001) 52 (W. Manley) Minerva 13#3 (May-June 2002) 65 (P. Clayton) Adriani, Achille. La Tomba di Alessandro ISBN: 88-8265-085-5 Revs : CdE 76 (2001) 318-320 (K. Parlasca) Agypten 2000 v. Chr. ISBN : 3-7774-8540-3 Revs: BiOr 59 (2002) 277-294 (M. Maree) Aegypten: Schaetze aus dem Wuestensand. ISBN: 3-88226-872-7 Revs: BiOr 55 (1996) 438-442 (P. Cauderlier) CdE 75 (2000) 399-400 (M. Rassart-Debergh) Kemet 5#3 (1996) 53 (G. Hoeber-Kamel) Agypten und Levante XI. ISBN: 3-7001-3059-7 Revs: WO 34 (2004) 172-173 (I. Gamer-Wallert) Agypten und Levante XII ISBN: 3-7001-3118-6 Revs: WO 34 (2004) 173-175 (I. Gamer Wallert) Agypten und Nubien in Spatantiker und Christlicher Zeit. ISBN : 3895000957 Revs: OLZ 98 (2003) 15-27 (F. Feder) Ali, Mohamed Sherif. Hieratische Ritzinschriften aus Theben. ISBN: 3447038543 Revs: OLZ 98 (2003) 474-477 (S. Wimmer) Allen, James P. The Heqanakht Papyri Revs: Minerva 16.1 (2005) 55 (P. Clayton) Allen, James P. Middle Egyptian. ISBN: 0-521-65312-6 Revs: KMT 11.2 (2000) 86-87 (D. Ryan) WLA 41.2 (2002) 45 (S. Grallert) Alston, Richard. The City in Roman and Byzantine Egypt. ISBN: 0-415-23701-7 Revs: OLZ 99.3 (2004) 294-298 (G. Vittmann) Alston, Richard. Soldier and Society in Roman Egypt ISBN: 0-415-12270-8 Revs: BiOr 57 (2000) 616 CdE 72 (1997) 184-185 (A. Martin) DE 43 (1999) 57-63 (C.A. La’ad) JRS 86 (1996) 222 (R. Alston) Altenmuller, Hartwig. Die Wanddarstellungen im Grab des Mehu in Saqqara. ISBN: 3805305044 Revs: JEA 88 (2002) 259-261 (N. Strudwick) JNES 63.2 (2004) 142-145 (A.M. Roth) OLZ 95 (2000) 17-23 (M. Baud) WO 32 (2002) 179-186 (W. Guglielmi) Amarna Diplomacy: the Beginnings of international relations. ISBN: 0-8018-6199-3 Revs: ArOr 68 (2000) 619-621 (J. Pecirkova) IEJ 53.1 (2003) 129-131 (A. Altman) JARCE 38 (2001) 145-147 (G. Rendsburg) Amelia Peabody’s Egypt : a Compendium. ISBN: 0060538112 Revs: KMT 15.1 (2004) 83-84 (J. Adams) Amer, Amin A.M.A. The Gateway of Ramesses IX… ISBN: 0-85668-711-1 Revs: BiOr 57 (2000) 593-596 (R. Drenkhahn) JARCE 37 (2000) 218-219 (P. Brand) JNES 60 (2001) 300-305 (W.J. Murnane) OLZ 97.4/5 (2002) 497-499 (S. Grallert) Ancient Egyptian Literature. An Anthology ISBN : 0-292-72527-2 Revs: JEA 88 (2002) 253-254 (R. Enmarch) Ancient Egyptian Materials… ISBN: 0-521-45257-0 Revs: Antiquity 74 (2000) 437 (N. James) Minerva 12#3 (2001) 62 (J. Eisenberg) Andreu, Guillemette. L’Egypte ancienne au Louvre. ISBN: 2-01-235156-5 Revs: CdE 75 (2000) 290-292 (C. Obsomer) Archaische griechische Tempel und Altagypten. ISBN : 3-7001-2937-8 Revs: WO 33 (2003) 177-178 (I. Gamer-Wallert) Arnold, Dieter. Encyclopedia of Ancient Egyptian Architecture. ISBN: 1-86064-465-1 Revs: DE 56 (2003) 91-94 (A.H. Ganley) Egyptian Archaeology. 22 (2003) 441-42 (A. Dodson KMT 14.2 (2003) 85 (D. Forbes) Minerva 14.3 (2003) 55 (P.A. Clayton) Arnold, Dieter. Temples of the Last Pharaohs ISBN: 0-19-512633-5 Revs: ArOr 68#4 (2001) 623-632 (V. Blazek) CAJ 11.2 (2001) 284-287 (K. Spence) Arnold, Dorothea. When the Pyramids Were Built ISBN: 0870999087 Revs: OLZ 97.4/5 (2002) 475-477 (J. Malek) Ash, Paul. David, Solomon and Egypt… ISBN: 1-84127-021-0 Revs: JNES 61 (2001) p.288 (A. Joffe) OLZ 96 (2001) 719-727 (B.U. Schipper Ashton, Sally Ann. Ptolemaic Royal Sculpture from Egypt… ISBN: 1-84171-221-3 Revs: ArOr 71 (2003) 575-577 (K. Smolarikova) Assmann, Jan. Agyptisches Hymnen und Gebete. ISBN: 3-7278-1230-3 Revs: WO 32 (2002) 165-168 (J.F. Quack) Assmann, Jan. Altagyptische Totenliturgien. ISBN : 3-8253-1199-6 Revs : OLZ 99 (2004) 5-16 (B.R. Hellenckx) Assmann, Jan. Herrschaft und Heil. ISBN: 3-446-19866-0 Revs: Kemet 10.3 (July 2001) 84 (G. Hoeber-Kamel) OLZ 97 (2002) 27-29 (J. Ywardella Assmann, Jan. Ma’at: Gerichtigkeit und Unsterblichkeit im Alten Agypten. ISBN: 3-406- 34667-7 Revs: ArOr 72.1 (2004) 137-138 (B. Vachala) BiOr 50 (1993) 130-132 (G. Englund) DLW 113 (1992) 512-514 (W. Schenkel) JEA 80 (1994) 219-231 (S. Quirke) Assmann, Jan. Moses the Egyptian… ISBN: 0-674-58738-3 Revs: BiOr 55 (1998) 758-764 (V.A. Tobin) Egypte, Afrique et Orient 27 (2002) 39-40 (M. Cassin) JNES 59 (2000) 202 (D. Lorton) Assmann, Jan. Search for God in Ancient Egypt. ISBN: 0801437865 Revs: JARCE 39 (2002) 257-258 (S.T. Hollis) Assmann, Jan. Tod und Jenseits… ISBN: 3-406-46570-6 Revs: BiOr 60 (2003) 302-310 (E. Meyer-Dietrich) Kemet 10#4 (Oct. 2001) 76 (T. Kuehn) Aufrere, S. L’Egypte Restituee v.3 ISBN: 2-87772-148-5 REVS: CdE 76 (2001) 122-124 (J.-C. Degardin) De Ibis 23 (1998) 68 (W.J. de Jong) Egypte, Afrique et Orient 8 (1998) 35-38 (B. Mathiew) Aufrere, S. Encyclopedie religieuse de l’univers vegetal. ISBN : 2-84269-309-4 Revs : BiOr 58 (2001) 115-120 (P.P. Koemoth) Aufrere, S.H. Le Propylone d’Amon-Re-Montou a Karnak Nord… ISBN : 2-7247-0268-9 Revs : BiOr 60 (2003) 355-359 (E. Laskowska-Kusztal) Azim et al. Karnak et sa topographie vol.1 ISBN: 2-271-05540-7. Revs: JEA 86 (2000) 193-194 ((A.J. Spencer) Bagnall, Roger S. Later Roman Society: Society, Religion, Economy and Administration. Revs: CdE 79 (2004) 366-367 (G. Nachtergael) Bakhoum, Soheir. Dieux egyptiens a Alexandrie sous les Antonins. ISBN : 2-271-05659-4 Revs : CdE 76 (2001) 312-314 (J. Bingen) Baraibar, Juan. Personajes insolitos del Egipto faraonico. ISBN: 84-7880-932-5 Revs: BAEDE 10 (2000) 193 (F. Sen) Bardinet, Thierry. Les papyrus medicaux de l’Egypte pharaonique. ISBN: 2-213-59280-2 Revs: BiOr 55 (1998) 735-738 (U. Verhoeven) CdE 75 (2000) 292-293 (B. Vray) Bares, Ladislav. The Shaft Tomb of Udjahorresnet at Abusir. ISBN: 80-7184-822-0 Revs: BiOr 58 (2001) 371-375 (I. Nagy) CdE 79 (2004) 159-160 (M. Patane) Barta, Miroslav and Jaromir Krejci (eds). Abusir and Saqqara in the year 2000. ISBN: 80- 85425-39-4 Revs: KMT 13#1 (Spring 2002) 86 (D. Forbes) Baud, Michel. Famille royale et pouvoir sous l’Ancien Empire egyptien. ISBN: 2-7247- 0248-4. Revs: DE 48 (2000) 127-132 (T. DuQuesne) Egypte, Afrique et Orient. 23 (2001) 41-42 (C. Ragazzoli) JNES 62 (2003) 54-55 (G. Robins) OLZ 96 (2001) 178-183 (H. Altenmueller) Beckerath, Juergen von. Chronologie des pharaonischen Aegypten. ISBN : 3-8053-2310-7 Revs : CdE 76 (2001) 116-118 (A. Spalinger) JEA 85 (1999) 245-248 (K.A. Kitchen) JNES 59 (2000) 204-206 (E.F. Wente) VDI 2 (2001) 216-227 (I.A. Ladnin & A.A. Nemirovsky) WLA 38, no.1 (1999) 53 (U. Verhoeven) Beckerath, Juergen von. Handbuch der aegyptischen Koenigsnamen. ISBN: 3-8053-25916 Revs: CdE 76 (2001) 119-120 (H. de Meulenaere) OLZ 97 (2002) 190-212 (T. Schneider) Bedier, Shafia. Die Rolle des Gottes Geb in den aegyptiaschen Tempelinschriften… ISBN: 3-8067-8134-6 Revs: BiOr 56 (1999) 112 CdE 75 (2000) 274-277 (C. Sambin) Beinlich, Horst. Das Buch vom Ba. ISBN: 3-447-04275-3 Revs: BiOr 59 (2002) 45-48 (J.-C. Goyoon) DE 49 (2001) 99-102 (T. DuQuesne) Enchoria 27 (2003) 209-215 (J. Quack) Kemet 10#2 (Apr. 2001) 84 (G. Hoeber-Kamel) WLA 41.2 (2002) 52 (U. Verhoeven) Beinlich-Seeber, Christine. Bibliographie Altaegypten. ISBN: 3-447-03682-6 Revs: BiOr 56 (1999) 313-314 (H.J.A. deMeulenarer) DE 45 (1999) 97-100 (T. DuQuesne) Enchoria 25 (1999) 183-186 (F. Hoffmann) JARCE 37 (2000) 219-220 (R.S. Bianchi) JNES 61 (2002) 69-70 (E. Teeter) OLZ 95 (2000) 125-135 (E. Winter) Belzoni’s Travels ISBN: 0-7141-1940-7 Revs: Minerva 13#3 (2002) 65 (P. Clayton) Benazeth, Dominique Catalogue general du Musee copte du Caire 1. Objests en metal. ISBN : 2-724703022 Revs : BSAC 42 (2003) 163-168 (Y.N. Youssef) Berlev, Oleg and Svetlana Khojash. Catalogue of the Monuments of Ancient Egypt. ISBN: 3-7278-1169-2 Revs: BiOr 57 (2000) 341-346 (E. Graefe) DE 44 (1999) 109-114 (J. Malek) Or 70 (2001)325-326 (L. Sist) WLA 40.1 (2001) 36-37 (S. Grallert) Beylage, Peter. Aufbau der koniglichen Stelentexte … ISBN : 3-447-04520-5 Revs : ArOr 72.1 (2004) 141-143 (H. Navratilova) WO 34 (2004) 159-162 (C. Leitz) Bibliotheca Alexandrina : ‘archaeology Museum. ISBN: 977 305 326 1 Revs: Papyrus (Copenhagen) 23.1 (2003) 43 (L. Manniche) Bickel, Susanne. Tore und andere Wiederverwendete Bauteile Amenophis’ III.

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