BUILD UP A CIVIL SERVICE ALL OUR PEOPLE CAN BE TRULY PROUD OF PAGE-8 (OPINION) NATIONAL NATIONAL State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Senior General receives Dutch Foreign Trade receives Italian Ambassador and Development Cooperation Minister PAGE-3 PAGE-2 Vol. V, No. 207, 2nd Waxing of Tazaungmone 1380 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Friday, 9 November 2018 State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to visit Singapore AT the invitation of Mr. Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, State Counsellor of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, will visit Singapore in the near future to attend the 33rd ASEAN Summit and Related Summits.—MNA INSIDE TODAY NATIONAL Pyidaungsu Hluttaw JB Comm discusses Sea Customs Act PAGE-10 NATIONAL Pyithu Hluttaw Deputy Speaker meets EU’s MYPOL Project Consultant PAGE-2 NATIONAL Kayin State Day celebrated with traditional dance competition PAGE-2 NATIONAL Agreement to develop Kyaukphyu deep sea port signed PAGE-3 BUSINESS Rise in dollar rate, but State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi meets with Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands drug prices remain Mrs. Sigrid Kaag in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA low: MPMEEA chair PAGE-5 State Counsellor receives Dutch Minister for NATIONAL Indonesian fishing boat seized in Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Kawthoung PAGE-4 DAW AUNG SAN SUU Development Cooperation of democratization, peace pro- mar and the Netherlands, KYI, State Counsellor and the Kingdom of the Nether- cess, repatriation discussed democratization and peace Union Minister for Foreign lands, at 11:00 am on 8 No- During the meeting, they process in Myanmar as Affairs of the Republic of the vember 2018 at the Ministry cordially discussed matters well as developments on Union of Myanmar, received of Foreign Affairs in Nay Pyi pertaining to the promotion repatriation of verified dis- Mrs. Sigrid Kaag, Minis- Taw. of bilateral relations and placed persons from Rakhine ter for Foreign Trade and Bilateral cooperation, cooperation between Myan- State.—MNA 9 NOVEMBER 2018 2 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Senior General receives Dutch Foreign Trade, Dev. Coop Minister Commander-in-chief of Defence government and the Tatmadaw’s Services, Senior General Min efforts for achieving internal Aung Hlaing, received the Min- peace, the status of repatria- ister for Foreign Trade and De- tion in Rakhine State under the velopment Cooperation of the Myanmar-Bangladesh bilateral Netherlands, Mrs. Sigrid Kaag, agreement. at Zeyathiri Beikman in Nay Pyi The Senior General and Taw yesterday afternoon. the Dutch minister also spoke They discussed the Tatmad- about the Tatmadaw lending aw’s participation with succes- its support to the Independent sive governments in achieving Commission of Enquiry, led by political transformations and its former Deputy Foreign Minister current stand on the multi-party of the Philippines Ambassador democracy path. Mrs. Rosario Manalo.—MNA They also spoke about the (Translated by Kyaw Zin Lin) Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets with Dutch Minister Mrs. Sigrid Kaag in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA Kayin State Day celebrated with traditional dance competition AMYOTHA Hluttaw Deputy Village women dance troupe, Minister Daw Nang Khin Htwe Speaker U Aye Tha Aung attend- and cultural Don Dance group Myint, State Hluttaw Speaker ed the Don Dance competition (A 1 performed at the event, which U Saw Chit Khin, State Hluttaw Kayin traditional dance), held to started at 6pm. Deputy Speaker, state ministers, mark the 63rd anniversary of the The main competition began and departmental officials were Kayin State Day, at Hpa-an, Thiri at 8:30 pm. Nine dance troupes also present. The dignitaries Field, on the evening of 7 Novem- competed in the event. Partic- enjoyed the entertainment and ber. The Kayin State Day is being ipants included dance troupes competition, and then present- observed from 7 to 11 November . from the village, the township, ed prizes to the competing Don Children from govern- the district, and the border Dance troupes.—Saw Myo Min ment and private kindergarten guard force, as well as private Thein (IPRD) (Translated by schools in Hpa-an, the Eindu dance troupes. Kayin State Chief Zaw Min) Pyithu Hluttaw Deputy Speaker U Tun Tun Hein shakes hands with EU’s MYPOL Project Consultant Mr. Ian White. PHOTO: MNA Pyithu Hluttaw Deputy Speaker meets EU's MYPOL Project Consultant U Tun Tun Hein, the Pyithu During the meeting, U Hluttaw Deputy Speaker and Tun Tun Hein and Ian White Chairman of the Joint Coor- discussed matters pertaining to dination Committee (JCC) on the rule of law, democracy, and Hluttaw Development, met with human rights issues. They also the EU's MYPOL Project Con- discussed MYPOL's Project to sultant Mr. Ian White at his office support Myanmar Police Force at the Hluttaw Building in Nay reforms and strengthen the ca- Pyi Taw yesterday morning. pacity of the Myanmar Police Ian White was accompa- Force.—MNA (Translated by A Kayin dance troupe performing traditional Don Dance on stage, during a competiton marking the 63rd Kayin nied by his fellow delegates. Win Ko Ko Aung) State Day held in Hpa-An, Kayin State. PHOTO: MNA Low pressure over Gulf of Thailand likely to intensify THE low pressure over the Gulf peninsula. It is forecast to move Hydrology Department said yes- Correction of Thailand is likely to intensify westwards, and is likely to reach terday at 6:30 pm. into a depression in the next 48 the South Andaman Sea and the The weather bureau add- A story on Page 2 of the 8 November edition of the Global hours, according to the Mete- adjoining Southeast Bay of Ben- ed that the sky will be slightly New Light of Myanmar contained an error. In the first par- orology and Hydrology Depart- gal over the next 24 hours. cloudy over the North Bay and agraph of the story with the headline “High-level regional ment. It is expected to then move Central Bay, and partly cloudy conference on precursor control held in Nay Pyi Taw”, the Currently, the low pressure west-northwest and intensify to cloudy over the Andaman Sea position of Deputy Minister for Home Affairs should read extends over the Gulf of Thai- into a depression over the next and elsewhere in the Bay of Ben- “Major-General Aung Thu”. — Ed land and the adjoining Malay 48 hours, the Meteorology and gal.—GNLM 9 NOVEMBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 State Counsellor receives Italian Ambassador DAW AUNG SAN SUU KYI, State Counsellor and Union Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, received Mrs. Alessandra Schiavo, Ambassador Ex- traordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Italian Republic to the Republic of the Union of My- anmar, at 3:30 pm. on 8 November 2018 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Nay Pyi Taw. Bilateral relations, culture, tourism, rural development discussed During the meeting, they cordially dis- cussed matters pertaining to promotion of bilateral relations and cooperation between Myanmar and Italy including culture, tourism State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi meets with Mrs. Alessandra Schiavo, Ambassador of Italy to Myanmar, and rural development.—MNA in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA Agreement to develop Kyaukphyu deep sea port signed THE framework agreement on tee Chairman Deputy Minister Kyaukphyu Special Econom- U Set Aung, CITIC Consorti- ic Zone Deep Sea Port Prject um representative and CITIC was signed by the Kyaukphyu Group (Myanmar) Co., Ltd SEZ Management Committee Managing Director Mr. Yuan and CITIC Consortium at the Shaobin and Myanmar Trade Ministry of Commerce in Nay Promotion Board Director Pyi Taw yesterday. General U Aung Soe, spoke to At the ceremony, Myanmar the media about the framework Special Economic Zone Central agreement. Body Chairman, Union Minis- Preliminary feasibility ter for Commerce Dr. Than My- studies and site surveys for the int and Ambassador of People’s Kyaukphyu Special Economic Republic of China to Myanmar, Zone Project were conducted Mr. Hong Liang, delivered the in 2012 and 2013. A consultant opening speeches. company was selected through CITIC Group Chairman an international tender in Mr. Chang Zhenming, and 2013. Investors and develop- Kyaukphyu Special Economic ers were invited and selected Zone Management Committee through an international tender Chairman and Deputy Minis- in 2014. ter for Planning and Finance On 30 December 2015, a consortium led by CITIC won Deputy Minister U Set Aung (right) and Mr. Chang Zhenming (left) sign the Kyaukphyu Special Economic the tender to develop the deep Zone Deep Sea Port Project Framework Agreement. PHOTO: MNA sea port and industrial estate ... Kyaukphyu projects. The framework agree- U Set Aung delivered messages Thereafter, Union Minis- the CITIC Group Chairman, the ment aims to implement the SEZ is being of thanks. ters from Myanmar’s Special Chinese Ambassador to Myan- Kyaukphyu Deep Sea Port pro- Afterwards, Deputy Min- Economic Zone Central Body, mar, representatives from the ject, according to international set up for the ister U Set Aung and Mr. Rakhine State Chief Minister, CITIC Group, businessper- norms. Chang Zhenming signed and Deputy Ministers from the Cen- sons, representatives from The Special Economic Zone economic de- exchanged the Kyaukphyu tral Working Body, the Dawei Myanmar Kyaukphyu Special is being set up for the economic Special Economic Zone Deep Special Economic Zone Man- Economic Zone Holding Public development of Rakhine State, velopment of Sea Port Project Framework agement Committee Chair- Company Limited, and other to create job opportunities for Agreement, in the presence of man, the Kyaukphyu Special officials posed for a group pho- local residents, and to support Rakhine State. Union Minister Dr.
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