Vestments worn by Orthodox Christian Clergy By Fr Thomas Hopko Priests wear their white baptis- mal robe over which they have In the Orthodox Church the clergy vest in special their pastoral stole, cuffs and clothing for the liturgical services. There are two belt. They also wear a large fundamental Christian vestments, the first of garment called a phelonion which is the baptismal robe. This robe, which is which covers their entire body worn by bishops and priests at the service of holy in the back and goes below communion and which should always be white, is their waist in front. This vest- the "robe of salvation": the white garment in ment was probably developed which every Christian is clothed on his day of from the formal garments of the baptism, symbolising the new humanity of Jesus early Christian era and, under and life in the Kingdom of God (Rev 7:9ff). the inspiration of the Bible, The second fundamental vestment for Christian came to be identified with the clergy is the stole or epitrachelion which goes calling of the priestly life. around the neck and shoulders. It is the sign of the When putting on his phelonion, pastoral office and was originally made of wool to the priest says the lines of symbolize the sheep -- that is, the members of the Psalm 132: Thy priests, O Lord, flock of Christ -- for whom the pastors are respon- shall clothe themselves in righ- sible. Both bishops and priests wear this vestment teousness, and the saints shall when they are exercising their pastoral office, wit- rejoice with joy always now nessing to the fact that the ministers of the Church and ever and unto ages of ages. live and act solely for the members of Christ's Amen. flock. The bishops traditionally probably also wore the phelo- As the Church developed through history the vest- nion over which they placed the omoforion, the sign of ments of the clergy grew more numerous. Special their episcopal office as leading pastor of the local cuffs for deacons, priests, and bishops were added church. When the Christian empire was captured by the to keep the sleeves of the vestments out of the way Turks in the fifteenth century, however, the Christian of the celebrants during the divine services. When bishops of the East were given civil rule over all Chris- putting on their cuffs, the clergy read lines from the tians under Turkish domination. At that time, since psalms reminding them that their hands belong to there was no longer a Christian empire, the bishops God. adopted the imperial insignia and began to dress as the Christian civil rulers used to dress. Thus, they began to A special belt was added as well to wear the sakkos, the imperial robe, and the mitre, the hold the vestments in place. When put- imperial crown. They also began to stand upon the ting on the belt the clergy say psalms orlets (the eagle) during the divine services and to carry which remind them that it is God who the staff which symbolised more their secular power "girds them with strength" to fulfil their than their pastoral office. service. Only the bishops and priests wear the liturgical belt. At that time as well, the word despota (master) -- a title for All orders of the clergy wear a special temporal rather than spiritual outer garment. Deacons, sub-deacons, and power -- was used in addressing readers wear a robe called a sticharion. It the bishops, and the clergy is probably the baptismal garment, deco- began to grow long hair rated and made more elaborate. Deacon which was also a sign of earthly and sub-deacons also wear a stole called rule in former times. the orarion, probably originally a piece of material upon which were inscribed the liturgical litanies and prayers (orare means to pray). The deacon still holds up the orarion in a position of prayer when he Our own Bp. Paul on the day intones his parts of the divine services. The of his consecration. sub-deacon's orarion is placed around his back in the sign of the cross. 7549 West 61st Place, Summit, Illinois 60501 Rectory 708-552-5276 / Cell 570-212-8747 website: http://www.saintpanteleimon.org/ Vestments Continued There are also clerical hats which carry special meaning in some Or- In the Church some of these new insig- thodox Churches. The kalimafhi is nia were "spiritualised" and given a normally worn by all Greek priests, Biblical meaning. Thus, the mitres but only by some clergy as a special became signs of Christian victory, for distinction in other national Ortho- the saints receive their crowns and dox churches. The kalimafhi is usu- reign with Christ (Rev 4:4). The eagle ally black, and monks and celibate became the sign of the flight to the clergy wear it with a black veil heavenly Jerusalem since it is the clas- called the epanokalimafho. In other sical Biblical symbol of St. John and Orthodox churches the mitre (a the fourth gospel (Rev 4:7; Ez 1:10 ). remnant of the byzntine emperor’s The staff became the symbol of Aar- crown) is worn by bishops in litur- on's rod (Ex 4:2), and so on. It should gical settings to signify their civil be understood, however, that these authority of the Church. particular insignia of the bishop's of- fice are of later and more accidental Finally, it must be mentioned that bish- development in the Church. ops and priests wear a pectoral cross. The bishops also wear the engolpio (an In relation to the bishop's service in the Orthodox Church, amulet worn around their neck with an the use of two special candelabra with which the bishop image of Mary and the Child (panagia blesses the faithful also developed. One of these candelabra -- the "all holy). The pectoral cross is holds three candles (trikeri) (at right) while the other holds worn liturgically only by those priests two candles (dikeri) (at left). These candelabra stand for the given the special right to do so as a sign two fundamental mysteries of the Orthodox faith: that the of distinction. Godhead is three Divine Persons; and that Jesus Christ, the Saviour, has two natures, being both perfect God and perfect man. Bishops and priests in the Orthodox Church also wear other special gar- "Pectoral cross (orthodox)" by Testus - Own work. Li- ments. There is a diamond-shaped censed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons (epigonation) garment worn by http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pectoral_cross both priests and bishops as a sign of _(orthodox).jpg#mediaviewer/File:Pectoral_cross_(ort distinction or as a special distinction hodox).jpg of service. Probably these cloths The Orthodox Church is quite firm in its insistence that were originally "liturgical towels." liturgical vesting is essential to normal liturgical worship, Their symbolical meaning is that of experienced as the realization of communion with the spiritual strength: the sword of faith glorious Kingdom of God, a Kingdom which is yet to and the Word of God. They hang at come but which is also already with us in the mystery of the sides of their wearers during di- Christ's Church. vine services. Engolpion is a general term for something The orlets (Russian: Орлец, meaning worn upon the bosom. As a bishop's eaglet), is a small rug, usually round, vestment, it refers to a medallion with for an Orthodox bishop to stand on an icon in the center. It is often referred to during services at which he officiates. as a Panagia because the All-holy The eagle depicted on the rug repre- sents an eagle overlooking and hover- Theotokos is the subject of its icon. All primates and ing over a city, just as the bishop some bishops below the rank of primate have the dignity through his consecration is called to of a second engolpion, which usually depicts Christ. be an overseer of his city, the flock entrusted to his care. It is used primar- ily in the Russian Orthodox Church. Continued next page 7549 West 61st Place, Summit, Illinois 60501 Rectory 708-552-5276 / Cell 570-212-8747 Pg 8 website: http://www.saintpanteleimon.org/ Vestments conclusion The crosier, also crozier, (Greek: paterissa; Slavonic: Posokh) is car- ried by Orthodox bishops and senior monastics as a stylized staff of of- fice and a symbol of authority and jurisdiction. The crosiers are staffs that generally come with one of two different tops: on one form the top of the crosier is usually in the shape of the Greek letter Tau, with the arms curving downward, and the other is surmounted by a small cross. Crosiers are usual- ly made of fine metal often gilded or silver plated. Some may be made of fine wood. The crosier is carried by bishops, archimandrites, abbots, and abbesses. The crosier is presented to a new bishop by the chief consecrator following the dismissal at the Divine Liturgy when the bishop is consecrated. For archimandrites, abbots, and abbesses, the crosier is con- ferred at the time of their investitures. The crosier is carried by the bishop while outside the altar, and it is not taken within the altar area, that is behind the iconostasis. When the bishop enters the altar the crosier is placed leaning against the iconostasis next to the icon of Christ to the right of the Royal Doors. When the prelate is not vested for services in the church, he uses a different, smaller staff that is in the form of a walking stick topped with a silver pommel.
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