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FREE (Excludes other specials & discounts) PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS HALLENGE STUMPERS HALLENGE STUMPERS TV C SPORTSBallparks of yesteryear TV C SPORTS By George Dickie 8) The Montreal Expos Ballparks of playedyesteryear in this facility that Ballparks of yesteryear ByQuestions: George Dickie 8)featured The Montreal a swimming Expos pool By George Dickie 8) The Montreal Expos 1) The Los Angeles Dodgers playedbeyond in thethis rightfacility field that fence. played in this facility that Questions:played in this structure that featuredName the a swimming park. pool featured a swimming pool beyond the right field fence. Questions: 1)once The hosted Los Angeles the Olympics. Dodgers 9) The Angels initially played beyond the right field fence. Name the park. 1) The Los Angeles Dodgers played in this structure that here, but the city wasn’t Name the park. Can you name it? 9) The Angels initially played played in this structure that once hosted the Olympics. 9) The Angels initially played Can2) This you facilityname it?once housed here,windy. but What the city was wasn’t the sta - once hosted the Olympics. here, but the city wasn’t 2)both This the facility St. Louis once Brownshoused windy.dium’s What name? was the sta- Can you name it? bothand theCardinals. St. Louis What Browns was it dium’s10) This name? edifice for the Cin- 2) This facility once housed windy. What was the sta- andcalled? Cardinals. What was it 10)cinnati This Redsedifice had for athe hill Cin in- left both the St. Louis Browns dium’s name? called?3) This former home of the cinnatifield. NameReds hadthat a ballpark. hill in left and Cardinals. What was it 10) This edifice for the Cin- 3)New This York former Mets home and ofNew the field. Name that ballpark. called? cinnati Reds had a hill in left NewYork York Giants Mets had and a center-fieldNew 3) This former home of the field. Name that ballpark. York Giants had a center-field Answers: New York Mets and New measurement of 483 feet. Answers:1) The Los Angeles Coliseum measurement of 483 feet. 1) The Los Angeles Coliseum York Giants had a center-field Answers: NameName the the ballpark. ballpark. 2) Sportsman’s Park measurement of 483 feet. 4) The Houston Colt .45s 2) Sportsman’s Park 1) The Los Angeles Coliseum 4) The Houston Colt .45s 3)3) The The Polo Polo Grounds Grounds Name the ballpark. 2) Sportsman’s Park playedplayed here here before before moving moving in in- - 4)4) Colt Colt Stadium Stadium 4) The Houston Colt .45s doors.doors. What What was was the the arena’s arena’s 3) The Polo Grounds 5)5) Hilltop Hilltop Park Park played here before moving in- name?name? 4) Colt Stadium 6) Navin Field doors. What was the arena’s 5)5) The The New New York York Highland Highland- - 6) Navin Field 5) Hilltop Park 7) Braves Field (Boston), name? ers,ers, who who later later became became the the 7) Braves Field (Boston), 5) The New York Highland- 6) Navin Field Yankees, first played here. CountyCounty Stadium Stadium (Milwaukee), (Milwaukee), 7) Braves Field (Boston), Yankees, first played here. Atlanta-Fulton County Sta- ers, who later became the WhatWhat was was its its name? name? Atlanta-Fulton County Sta- Yankees, first played here. County Stadium (Milwaukee), 6) What was the original dium (Atlanta), Turner Field 6) What was the original dium (Atlanta), Turner Field What was its name? Atlanta-Fulton County Sta- name of Detroit’s Tiger Sta- (Atlanta) dium (Atlanta), Turner Field name of Detroit’s Tiger Sta- 8)(Atlanta) Jarry Park 6) What was the original dium? (Atlanta) 7)dium? What are the four former 9)8) Los Jarry Angeles Park Wrigley Field name of Detroit’s Tiger Sta- 8) Jarry Park homes7) What of arethe theBraves? four former 10)9) CrosleyLos Angeles Field Wrigley Field dium? homes of the Braves? 10) Crosley Field 7) What are the four former 9) Los Angeles Wrigley Field homes of the Braves? 10) Crosley Field SEARCH WORD SEARCH SEARCH R TUYCOVEYCAVVAHWORD WORD J IDCWMWZJ ULIETI R TUYCOVEYCAVVAH R TUYCOVEYCAVVAH R ONESUAJSIVQFAD J IDCWMWZJ ULIETI J IDCWMWZJ ULIETI F RIVGNLHXHPYRPY LR SKJEDRYBEAAIXEONESUAJSIVQFAD R ONESUAJSIVQFAD QF AMBUSHEDNBWEIFRIVGNLHXHPYRPY F RIVGNLHXHPYRPY RL BWOQOTBERUHNURSKJEDRYBEAAIXE L SKJEDRYBEAAIXE VQ EZSTNKIAYLXDQAAMBUSHEDNBWEIF Q AMBUSHEDNBWEIF SR RCVOHWBGNYESDIBWOQOTBERUHNUR R BWOQOTBERUHNUR AV NTOXNASOARLHEWEZSTNKIAYLXDQA V EZSTNKIAYLXDQA RS SHFVTGTDCTCIVERCVOHWBGNYESDI S RCVOHWBGNYESDI A NTOXNASOARLHEW PA EZLNELOKJAIPMBNTOXNASOARLHEW A NLAC RROBURTONA R SHFVTGTDCTCIVE R SHFVTGTDCTCIVE S ISHAVMYMSTNFNS P EZLNELOKJAIPMB HP NACZYARBECQVEREZLNELOKJAIPMB A NLAC RROBURTONA “PSYCHA NLAC 2: LassieRROBURTONA Come Home” on Peacock S ISHAVMYMSTNFNS S ISHAVMYMSTNFNS(Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Shawn (Spencer) (James) Roday Santa Barbara H NACZYARBECQVER BurtonH NACZYARBECQVER (Guster) (Dulé) Hill Ambushed “PSYCH 2: Lassie Come Home” on Peacock Juliet“PSYCH (O'Hara) 2: Lassie(Maggie) Come Lawson Home”Recovery on Peacock (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Carlton (Lassiter)(Words(Timothy) in parentheses Omundson not in Investigationpuzzle) Shawn (Spencer) (James) Roday Santa Barbara HenryShawn (Spencer) (Spencer) (Corbin)(James) Bernsen Roday FriendshipSanta Barbara Burton (Guster) (Dulé) Hill Ambushed Burton (Guster) (Dulé) Hill Ambushed Juliet (O'Hara) (Maggie) Lawson Recovery Juliet (O'Hara) (Maggie) Lawson Recovery Carlton (Lassiter) (Timothy) Omundson Investigation Custom Features Carlton (Lassiter)Release(Timothy) the week Omundson of July 12Investigation - July 18, 2020. Henry (Spencer) (Corbin) Bernsen Friendship Henry (Spencer) (Corbin) Bernsen Friendship PAGE 5 Custom Features Release the week of July 12 - July 18, 2020. Custom Features Release the week of July 12 - July 18, 2020. TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS Ballparks of yesteryear By George Dickie 8) The Montreal Expos played in this facility that Questions: featured a swimming pool 1) The Los Angeles Dodgers beyond the right field fence. played in this structure that Name the park. once hosted the Olympics. 9) The Angels initially played Can you name it? here, but the city wasn’t 2) This facility once housed windy. What was the sta- both the St. Louis Browns dium’s name? and Cardinals. What was it 10) This edifice for the Cin- called? cinnati Reds had a hill in left 3) This former home of the field. Name that ballpark. New York Mets and New York Giants had a center-field Answers: measurement of 483 feet. 1) The Los Angeles Coliseum Name the ballpark. 2) Sportsman’s Park 4) The Houston Colt .45s 3) The Polo Grounds played here before moving in- 4) Colt Stadium doors. What was the arena’s 5) Hilltop Park name? 5) The New York Highland- 6) Navin Field ers, who later became the 7) Braves Field (Boston), Yankees, first played here. County Stadium (Milwaukee), What was its name? Atlanta-Fulton County Sta- 6) What was the original dium (Atlanta), Turner Field name of Detroit’s Tiger Sta- (Atlanta) dium? 8) Jarry Park 7) What are the four former 9) Los Angeles Wrigley Field homes of the Braves? 10) Crosley Field WORD SEARCH R T U Y C O V E Y C A V V A H J I D C W M W Z J U L I E T I R O N E S U A J S I V Q F A D F R I V G N L H X H P Y R P Y L S K J E D R Y B E A A I X E Q A M B U S H E D N B W E I F R B W O Q O T B E R U H N U R V E Z S T N K I A Y L X D Q A S R C V O H W B G N Y E S D I A N T O X N A S O A R L H E W R S H F V T G T D C T C I V E P E Z L N E L O K J A I P M B A N L A C R R O B U R T O N A S I S H A V M Y M S T N F N S H N A C Z Y A R B E C Q V E R “PSYCH 2: Lassie Come Home” on Peacock (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Shawn (Spencer) (James) Roday Santa Barbara Burton (Guster) (Dulé) Hill Ambushed Juliet (O'Hara) (Maggie) Lawson Recovery Carlton (Lassiter) (Timothy) Omundson Investigation Henry (Spencer) (Corbin) Bernsen Friendship PAGE 6 Custom Features Release the week of July 12 - July 18, 2020. PAGE 7 PAGE 8 PAGE 9 PAGE 10 THE CITY OF WILDWOOD RENAMES RIO GRANDE AVE ‘BEACH BALL BLVD’ Beach Ball Boulevard is now a fun Byron noted that the extensive and functional, clearly recogniz- improvements that resulted in a able part of the sensory overload brand-new corridor lent them- of lights and Doo Wop design that selves to renaming the new gate- is distinctly the Wildwoods. way into the island. Wildwoods municipal officials, “No disrespect to Rio Grande, businesses and residents are ex- but we now have our own iden- cited to announce that Rio Grande tity.
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