/ MANCHfesTER, CONN., SATURDAYr SEPT. 1, 1 9 7 3 - VOL. XCII, No. 283 Manchetiter—A City of Village Charm 12 PAGES - 2 TV - 2 MINI PAGES PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS t ’ Aillon A weary Superior Court jury NEW HAVEN (AP) - when jury foreman declared witnesses because he Mrs. Aillon and her two returned its murder verdict at he was stopped by police, using Guillermo Alllon, an > award­ him guilty of murdering his threaten^ her life. daughters, Luz and Mrs. 4:40 a.m. after, an extraor­ a key to get in and killing the winning businessman in 1971 wife, Barbara, 26, and her. Judge Simon S. Cohen Charles Golas, both of East dinary 47 hours, of debate over parents, Mr and Mrs. J. George three Montanos after a who was unemployed a year schedOIed sentencing in two Hartford, sobbed when told of struggle. later, was convicted early five days. Their decision Montano, in the Montanos’ weeks. capped 7'/i weeks of testimony the verdict by Jacobs. The Markle claimed Aillon spared today after marathon North Haven house. The penalty for murder daughters both grabbed their by 60 witnesses. The killings occurred 13 days his 7-month-old daughter deliberations of fatally stab­ ranges in Connecticut from 25 mother to control her when she because she was to receive half bing his estranged wife and The 6-foot-4 Bolivan-born after Aillon’s ^ife left him, ac­ years to life with a chance for became hysterical. of Montano’s |100,000 life in­ wealthy in-laws in August 1972. Aillon stood with head bowed cording to, several states’ parole after 20 years. A group of the Montano fami- surance in trust and she was his Shortly after the verdict was \ ly gathered around state’s Atty. link to the Montano wealth. She announced to the crowd of \Arnold Markle when he is in temporary custody of . Storm about 60 spectators waiting out­ emerged from ihe courtroom. Aillon’s brother-in-law and side the courtroom, Victoria Several of theqj hugged him. sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Causes * Aillon, the'defendant’s mother, During the trial Markle Golas. ” shouted repeatedly toward a described the case against . Aillon admitted driving near number of the Montano family: Aillon as a “mosaic” of cir­ the house that night, but said he Outages ‘^Montanos! Amigos!.’’ cumstantial evidence.-'' in&A just come from East Hart- The meaning of her 'Three N o rth HaveiTeiT fordfon and didn’t stop. DAVE KNAPP hysterical shouts was not clear. policemen who stopped Ailion’s A medical examiner es­ (Herald Reporter) Aillon was one of the Greater car early Aug. 14,1972, several timated the times of the deaths High winds and heavy rains Hartford Jaycees’ 10 outstan­ hours before the slayings- were roughly between 10 p.m. and 2 hit Manchester Friday night ding regional businessmen in discovered said Aillon had a a.m. causing power outages across 1971. But by the following bloody serrated knife. He was Markle called Aillon a “com­ town. Over 700 residents were spring he was without a job allowed to keep the knife and pulsive liar” who lied to police without power in town at some after brief positions with the proceed. Later a search of his and made misrepresentations . time during the night, but all Greater Hartford Urban car disclosed a plain-edged on job and license applications power, with the exception of a League and the Chamber of knife bearing animal blood. about his background. Aillon small area at Bissell and Commerce of Greater Water- Markle presented an expert admitted on the stand he lied at Spruce Sts. was restored by bury. witness who said wall marks first about his whereabouts the morning, according to Thomas LLl Aillon clenched his hands and near two of the victim’s bodies night of the slayings,' but later Brennan, a spokesman for the shook his head several- times had been caused by a serrated admitted-it to police. Hartford Electric Light Co. ' after the three guilty verdicts instrument. Other experts said Statements attributed to Bar­ Although some of the outages were announced by foreman hair and blood found inside the bara Aillon that her husband were caused by power William May Sr., a telephone blood-splattered, ransacked got drunk before their separa­ transformers being struck by technician from Milford. Aillon house matched Aillon’s type of tion and threatened her life lightning, the major part of the said nothing that could be heard blood and hair, and bloodstains were allowed during .the trial. Found Guilty blackouts were caused by from the press section. ' in his car were the same type as But Judge Cohen emphasized downed wires, either blown Defense attorney Howard that of two of the victirns. that the statements were to be Guillermo Aillon was convicted early this morning by a down by winds or hit with Jacobs moved to have the ver­ Aillon took the stand and was used only to indicate Mrs. New Haven Superior Court jury of murdering his wife, falling trees and limbs. - dict set aside, saying that, in cross-examined IVz days by Aillon may have feared her hus­ Barbara, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. George Mon­ The National Weather Ser­ view of the jury’s 18-hours in Markle. He maintained police band, but not to show why she tano, in their North Haven home in August of last year. the jury room Friday and early vice at Windsor Locks said that saw the plain-edged knife, not a did. The jury deliberated for 47 hours over a period of five the storm began at ap­ Saturday, he believed there was serrated one, when they days. (AP photo) proximately 7:30 p.m. and a question of “whether or not at stopped him shortly after 1 a.m. * dumped 1.72 inches of rain on this particular time of day they for a motor vehicle violation. ^ the state before ending at 9:45. were even capable of making He said he spent the evening 9* The weather service also said that decision.’’ of the slaying with his sister,' Parliament Acts Schools that there was an unconfirmed Judge Cohen denied the mo­ Luz, in East Hartford, about 50 I report of hail falling in tion. , minutes ,by Car from North To Open Manchester.' Jacobs would not comment Haven, and used the knife there A few minor accidents were outside the eburtroom on to cut roast beef. His sister sup­ To End Rail Strike Wednesday reported on major highways whether the decision would be ported his alibi. OTTAWA (AP) - The Cana­ have sought a 21.6 per cenf surrounding Manchester, State appealed, but he noted that he The prosecution accused dian Parliament today ap­ boost. Police said, but mbsr were had made numerous objections Aillon of going to the luxurious proved legislation aimed at en­ Union leaders are liable to a Summer fun comes to an end caused by slippery road con­ to rulings during the trial. 11-room Montano house before ding the lO-day'Kild national two-year prison term for ig­ Vyednesday as children ditions and no injuries or railroad strike. noring a back-to-work law. throughout the Manchester arrests were reported. The bill, approved earlier ’TI)e nationwide strike, which area^head back to school. The Town Fire Department today by the House of Com- has crippled passenger 6n.d Tuesday’.s edition of The reported that they received Minisub Grew tnons, received unanimous final freight t i ^ l c and 1 ^ to factory Herald will have five pages / about 20 calls between 8:30 and approval at 6:08 a.m. EDT layoffs, followed a series of devoted to school bus routes 12:35 Friday night, mainly from the Senate.-Routine royal ■rotating regional strikes by the and other information concer­ reporting downed trees aiid assent to the bill followed nonoperating employes while ning the opening of school in / poles, downed wires,. burning Survive Ordeal moments later.. contract negotiations were Manchester, Vernon, South / transformers and poles, and However, leaders of the going on. ' — Windsor, Bolton, Andover, I some flooding in the Parkade CORK, Ireland (AP) - Two both men climbed out of, the Britons trapped since minisub under their own power. striking Associated Non- Coventry! Tolland, and Hebron. ' area. Operating Railway Unions have Wednesday in a midget sub­ He said they would go by Motorists, who have been, Firemen report that WINF vowed to continue the strike if marine 1,375 feet below the helicopter to Cork and then fly whizzing to and from work, will radio at the Manchester Shop­ Branch Damages House, they consider the le^slation un­ Atlantic and down to their final to Barrow, England for a reu­ now have to drive more careful­ ping Parkade was flooded when satisfactory in its final form. ly, especially in school zones Bigelow Brook overflowed its A branch from a dead Elm tree at the home of Mr. and air supplies Were hauled to the nion with their families. surface today and transferred The unions have been involved and near school bus stops. banks. Mrs. Maxwell Jacobs, 73 Florence St., toppled as the result .safely to their mother ship. ’The message capped three in contract negotiations with 11 Students will find some in­ The storm was caused by the of last night’s dtorm and damaged gutters, the television days of alternating despair and railroads. Clear tonight, lows 65 to 70. ovations this year. Lunches will moving of a “warm, humid air “Both men look as if they are antenna, and the edges of the porch roof.
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