•'WITH iM^LIOE TOWARD KTOISTE AMD OHAFIITY FOR ALL." VOL. VI, NO 5. LOWELL. KENT COUNTY, MICH.. JULY 21, 1898. WHOLE NO. 265. flbc in Russia. Croublc in Camp Get off the Earth and Keep off SIGHTS AND SCENES IN ST. PIWiREE COHORTS ARE NOT PULL- PETERSBURG. by investing in a pair of our ING TOGETHER. Bicycle He Describes the Wealth that is INSINUATIONS MADE \GAINST Fouud la the Churches. Nettleton WESSELIUS* MANAGEiMENT. St. Petersburg, July 3d, 1898. Fine Calf CoaBress Shoes. Dear Editor and Friends: Gen. White Dares the Western Gov- sizes 5 to 7i, for only '."X ,") To-morrow is tiie great 4th of July ernor to Talk Right out. Sale in America but here it is only the Grand IJapidi, July 14, (Special.) 22d of June. $2.00. I have been here now nearly three G. IV. L. W bite was in the city thid weeks and therefore have a fair know- afternoon on business and he took oc- Quality is our strong argn- ledge of the capitol of Russia. The casion to say some sharp things in ment. Come early and secure your r-'ply to the interviews published from In order to close out our stock of Wheels now on pnir-our prices make lively buying. city contains about one million people - of many diflerent shades, some very Kailroad Commibuoner Wesselius. It hand we make the following offers: white, naturally; most of the ladies is no longer a secret that the relations GEO. M. WINEGAR. white with pink cheeks, artificially. between Wesselius and the rest of the The working class are, as a rule, very Pingree crew are strained and that he S65.00 Wheels for $45.00 has been officially deposed as to the dark, about the shade of the Turks. 50 00 The men of this class dress, in tJ^e manager for Western Michigan. It S - " $35.00 summer, in a pair of pants, high is also said that "Wess" has been a 35 00 disturbing element and has given S - " $25.00 boots, panUi inside and a shirt whicli S30 00 hangs outside of the pants and makes away more allies than everybody else - " $21.00 a peculiar looking sight I assure you. could attract. After Mr. Joslyn was Their hair, usually very heavy and here a few weeks ago it was publicly light colored, is cut straight around announced that in the absence of Gen. —Spot cash at time of purchase— and it looks about one inch thick at White, who was at Island Lake, the the back. campaign would be looked after here Here you see any amount of people by George E. Judd and Jacob Eisen- oom? on the streets, in carriages, public gar- hardt, chairman of the county and First Come First Served. dens, theatres, etc., and a large share city committees." Wesselius wrote an insinuating letter to Gen. White —That is what we want— of both men and women smoking cigarettes. The city has many very asking his authority to run things fine public buildings and the churches, here and saying something about it These wheels must be sold rig-ht away. If you We will sell of which there are many, are very requiring more than brass buttons and want a wheel don't miss this opportunity. fine and contain an immense amount a colossal nerve to run politics. Gen. of wealth. St. Isaac's, the finest here, White answered briefly but sharply. is very grand outside and inside, while He referred to the financial matters there are no seats, there are many and other things, invited "Wess" to efrlaerators massive candle-sticks, massive door», open up if he dared to, and told him Everybody around LoweU knows about many pictures, life size, railings and that he had a letter from the govern- —A.t Cost while they last.— or giving him in black and white the the prime qualities of the wheels we have emblems and all of solid silver and sold and these wheeles are of the same hig-h gold, decorated with diamonds, ru- activn management of the campaign Ortfoline Stoves, new and second hand bies, emeralds, sappires and other in Western Michigan and assured him grade and in Perfect Condition and Fully- at irri-iUiy reduced prices. valuable jewels. They have in one that neither Wesselius nor anyone else Guaranteed . of the rooms a model of the church would be allowed to interfere. In con- 150 foot Thresher Belts .OO to close out. weighing many pounds and built or clusion he invited Wesselius to lay his made of solid gold. In the Cathed- troubles before the governor. Gen. R. B. Boylyn. ral Kazaee there are millions of mon- White lias no doubt whatever of the ey in gold, silver and precious stones local Pingree situation and the other and so in all the churches. The Pingree men declare openly that they Klark & Klark, Ermitage is a massive building w here will oppose another term for Wesse- one can spend at least a day and con- lius as railroad commissioner.—[Free tains. no doubt, the finest collection Press. K-K-K-K Hardware. C of art, statues, jewels, armor and other Died la the Array. relics of any one building in the world. t Here are collected the treasuns of The sad news of the death of Theo all conquests and wars of the Russians Hanmer. formerly a Lowell boy, was and the value is beyond ray compre- received her Monday. He had inlist- C LJULY hension. ed in a Kansas regiment and while at I ^ ^ ^ The city is built, you might say, on Chiclcaraauga be was taken with islands as, no matter where you go, typhoid fever. He was a bright and every few blocks you cross a bridge, over a canal to the Neva. promising youth of 19 ;ind his death • The first thing to attract my atten- is mourned by all who knew him. For 10 Days only, tion was the cabs and the drivers of the same. The cab is drawn from ON SEPTEMBER 21. I Want Your^az^^ ^ From July 21st, all Summer Dress g-oods, Ladies' Shirt the end of the thills, held from six to eight inches from the collar on each Date Set For Republican State Waists and Parsols, side by a bow of wood and fastened n Convention. Old Gold and Silver this position;bv leather thongs, so all the strain seems to come on these Grand Rapids, July 13.—It is an- and wtH-pay^Cash for it. -I Will Cut Deep- leather thongs. The wheels are very nounced here to-day that the Repub- small, usually with rubber tires. The lican state central comittee has prac- in price in order to make room for Fall Goods. balance of the harness is composed of tically agreed upon September 21 as I want to make you prices on the larg-est stock of leather about one-half inch in width. watches, clocks and jewelry ever shown in Lowell. the date for the state convention, but I am enclosing a pictur« of one of I want to do your repairing-, guaranteeing- satisfac- —Call and secure bargains— these rigs. The coachman is wrapped the place has not yet been desided uj> tion in every respect. g up in a massive blue coat, that comes on. The local Republican organiz- to his ankles and large enough around ations will at once commence to col- to fold several times around his body, lect funds to meet the occasion, and thus obliterating any shape of man he wi!! send a lobby before the committ e A. Levitt. may have when without his coat. G M.-HIGBY There are thousands of officers of the to try and land the convention for ^^><5 army and navy here and nearly all this city. wear, these hot days, huge overcoats buttoned up to the throat and extend- Judgment for Blssell Carpet Sweep- Oraad Rapids to iUva Uaion Depot. er Coswjmny. Snddea <pMth of Mr. Pfenlng. ing to below their boot tops, all of Grand Rapids, July 13.—It is an- course, wear boots with just one lift Grand Rapids, July 13.—As a The cUtes of this village were nounced to-day that this city is to for a heel. Everything seems verx fijiocked Mofcday forenoon, July 11, wind-up of the litigation between the have a new union depot in placc of expensive here to a foreigner, as K 1898, by th# i»e»r» that M. T. Flem- ruble is in value 52 or 53 cents, and Biesell and Goshen Carpet Sweeper the old structure whioh has been do- ing, a wealthy fanner living about yet buys no more than 25o does in companies in this city. Judge Sev- two miles north of this village, bad ing good service for the last decadc. America, in England 1 shilling, in erns, of the United States Court, has died very suddenly of heart disease. The Grand Rapids & Indiana, Mich- France 1 frank, etc., so you see one filed a decree awarding the Bissell He was in the barn helping pot away pays over double what he does in any- igan Central and Chicago & West company a judgment of $93,442.47 his crop of wheat when he dropped other country. Agricultural Mionigan systems all will use it and to the floor aad expired. Dr. Taylor I have now oommenced to get the damages. This covers all the sweep- was sent for afcoooe, bat upon his ar- will join in building it will be a LEDGES and enjoy reading the home ers which have been made and sold rival found that Mr.
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