'<ptcfa& # > *•'•?• THE WEST FORK NEWS. 1 Bfe Vol.. I. No, ?. BEAVERDELL, B. C, NOVEMBER 16, 1901. PEH TEAK, $2.00 • ••y*S * • $* gradually widening out and doubtless at the 100-foot level will be as wide as ON THE BOUNTY IN CARMI CAMP the Carmi at that depth. The values in the Butcher Boy are somewhat Rich Strike in the Butcher higher than those of the Carmi. Work Will Be Commenced in Boy Shaft Dr. Mathison, dentist, Naden-Flood o Pew Days block, Greenwood, B. C. GOOD ORE ON JWt CARMI MINING NOTES. SINKING ON THE PROPERTY A. E. Anderson has just completed assessment work on his claims for the In Ihe Carmi Shaft a Very Rich Pay season. He owns the Colbrooke, Colo­ Contract to be Let This Week for Shoot Was Struck the Past rado Madura and Silent Partner on Sinking One hundred reel •*<' Week at 125 feet. Cranberry creek, and Jo Jo on Wallace and Crosscutting. mountain, all promising claims. On the Colbrooke an open cut 20 feet deep During the past week development and 24 feet long has been made, and Andrew Laid law of Greenwood has work on the Carmi and Butcher Boy frofi! this a tunnel has been run 28 feet. been successful in interesting Chicago | in Carmi camp has uncovered much The ledge is galena, 2% feet wide, and capital in the Bounty, an adjoining better ore than had heretofore been two assays from it ran $85 and $124.96. claim to the Rambler on Wallace moun­ taken out of either property. The rich On the Colorado Madura a tunnel has tain. Sufficient funds are now at the shoot was tapped in the Carmi shaft at been run 15 feet and also .considerable disposal of the company to lift the a depth of 125 feet. This body of ore prospecting on the surface. The Silent bond and develop the property to a is between five and six feet in width. Partner is an extension of the Col­ shipping stage. Messrs. Laidlaw and v The Carmi is owned by an English brooke. One assessment has been done W. T. Smith will be in Beaverdell the syndicate at the bead of which is E. H. on it. The Jo Jo lies in a northerly the early part of next week to make < Thruston. The mine is situated at the direction from the Mono near Dry final arrangements for the continuous junction of Carmi creek with the West creek. Two assessments have been development of the property. fork of Kettle river, and adjoining the done on the property. It is understood that the Work con­ f*wno* Carmi. Last year 900 tone of templated at present will be a 100-foot "" ore was shipped from the mine to the Clement Vacher, superintenderiftsff the Sally group on Wallace mountain, vertical shaft and from that level -'' Greenwood smelter. Previous work on drifting or crosscutting '\-fcT0j$i£k the property consisted of open outs for left Tuesday last for Central camp in the Boundary country to look after de­ necessary. ,'^vJ . the purpose of tracing the ledge, a tun­ Considerable work haa already been nel 85 feet, an incline shaft 48 feet, velopment work on properties owned by his company. From there he goes done on the Bounty, but unfortunately and the shaft on which sinking is now a mistake occurred In driving the tun­ being done.' Two drifts have been run to Penticton where several assessments have to be done. It will not be de­ nel, which, instead of going straight from the 100-foot level in this shaft, ahead as the ordinary tunnel is ex­ »ne west 120 feet and the other east 60 cided until the return of Robert Wood from England whether development pected to do, described the arc of a feet. About 17,000 cubic feet of stoping circle, and if it had not been stopped in has also been done. will be continued on the Sally thia winter. its rather erratic course, would have The Butcher Boy, owned by Jas. C. ——— ——• * emerged into daylight a few feet from Dale and Jas. Kerr, is one of a group P. J. Kennedy has completed assess­ where it started. However this is not of four claims lying west of and lo­ ment work on the Extension for Pit- an uncommon occurrence in a new & cated on the Carmi lead. In the past took A. Werner of Greenwood. The mining camp. The same difficulty oc­ & month a shaft haa been sunk on the Extension lies east of the Washington curred in a drift of the Winnipeg a few lead to a depth of 25 feet. The ore and Idaho on Wallace mountain. The years ago, and had it not been for the body ia between four and five feet wide work done consists of two shafts, 8 and failure of the engineer's transit to fol­ at that depth, and a^ sample taken 10 feet, and 20 feet of surface work. low it in a straight line, that drift from acroas the ledge assayed 170 in The ledge is an iron capping showing would probably- still be winding its gold. Two shifts are working on the some galena. He also uncovered a devious course through the Winnipeg property. The shaft will be continued quarts ledge well mineralised east of mine. This tendency to curvature in' down to the 100-foot level before drift­ where the work haa been done. drift or tunnel was once explained to ing and stoping is commenced. The us by a young mining engineer from strike on the Carmi at the 125-foot level R. Parry and D. McKay relocated a the east aa being the result of ground proves the whole group of claims in claim Tuesday last near the King swelling. He waa from Montreal, or that camp to be very valuable proper­ Solomon, from which they brought Toronto, or Kingston, or St. John, or ties, as the lead runs through all of down some nice specimens of copper Halifax, or some other of the mining them. Although the lead had been ore. The claim was formerly the San centers of the mush or fish belt. Inci­ prospected west of the Carmi through Francisco and owned by Greenwood dentally it may be stated that the young the Butcher Boy, No, 2 Fraction, No. parties. mining engineer expressed himself aa 3 and May by open cuts, the shaft now P. J. Kennedy left •Thursday for astonished at the inartistic display in being sunk on the Butcher Boy is the Greenwood to make arrangements for some of the Greenwood dry goods first attempt at proving the continu­ windows.. developing tbe Brack Diamond and * **•*»., *m ance of the lead with depth. So far Standard during the winter. These the work has proved more than satis­ claims join the Rambler and both have Dr. Simmons, dentist, Rendell block, factory to the .owners. The lead is very ric> leads of silver-gold ore. Greenwood. vfttft (<•#*** > THE WEST FORK NEW8. November 16, 1901. •+--L- 4. B. ItOWM *. P. BfLBOO to Victoria twelve years ago. In 1891 OD m M°L' •WOWAT. Mr. Templeman waa one of the Liberal J. L. COLES BABBISTBBS AITB SOUUTOBS, nomineea and made a very strong run, getting fully ninety per cent, of the NOTABIBS PUBLIC. Canadian vote in that city. His ac­ /KXKS, STATfOHERV. Madsa-r Iood slock, GREENWOOD. B. O. ceptance of a portfolio would tend to bring a Urge number of unionist in AMD FMC1 GOODS. I. M. HAL.LBTT H. C SHAW touch with the Liberals, aa he has been at SHAW. a member of the Typographical union Greenwood, B. C. BABBISTBBS, SOUCROBS, NOTABIBS PUBUC for a number of years and haa always CASK AOOSSSSt " MAU.1TT." employed only union printers on his coecSi scoroBo M*I«HU.'S, MOBCIMS « MCAI'S, LCIBSWS. OMess: Readell Block, paper, the Victoria Daily Times. GREENWOOD. B. O. Senator Templeman would perhaps be feGem Restaurant out of place associated with Blair, WBMNBR a rrrrocK, psora. pRINQLE 6 WHR-ESIDE. Tart and Sifton, but one hsnest man > BABBISTBBS AMD SOUCITOBS, might accomplish great good even with MEALS AT ALL HOURS MOTABIBS PUBUC, BTC auch associates. Otkes: Over Bank of Moatreal, DAY OR NIGHT. • GREENWOOD. B. O. IT is not possible that Ralph Smith, •BBB1BBBBBBBBSBBBBSBIBBBBBBBBBBBBMBS1MMSMHHHSMM could "conscientiously" accept a port­ folio in the Laurier government. Two Headquarters for Prospectors J# r». MYERS-GRAY. years ago, in an address before the BABBISTBB ABO SOUCROB, Dominion Trades and Labor Congress, Copper street, Greeaarood, B. C. HOTABT POBMC, BTC. he waa reported as saying that he "had Omens, Wsllace-MUler Block, lost faith in the word or honor of the GREENWOOD. B. O. members of tbe Laurier government." The member for Vancouver constitu­ a? ency would surely not associate with THE WES! FORK NEWS men whom he believed to be untruth­ Published every Satarday at ful and dishonorable. UAVCSDCLL, BRITISH COLUMBIA. THE following dispatch from Ottawa 35 £ p appeared in a number of the coast u .<r. w »s. JAMES W. CRICt MANAGER A papers: "The Houseworkers* union (domestic servants' union) have de­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES: cided to issue a circular to distribute in Tear. tl 00 all the cities of Canada, protesting Sis Mouths 100 againat the action of Hon. A. G. Blair, I• I is FonifB, par year % 30 Names will sot be placed on subscription list minister of railways, in introducing aaless paid ia advance. No departure will be Chinese servants into his household. made from this rale. * Advertising- rates on application. The union intends to try and work up an agitation which will arouse public opinion against the innovation and ftjNIONTnBVTLABE prevent others from following the ex­ ample set by the minister of railways." This dispatch will be particularly try­ BEAVERDELL, B.
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