New Guinea and Australia, the Pacific and South-East Asia

New Guinea and Australia, the Pacific and South-East Asia

1 Bibliography 1. Feachem, Richard. The Christians and the Enga: "... misin i foulim mi!". New Guinea and Australia, the Pacific and South-East Asia. 1973; 8(1): 36-44. Note: [fw: Raiapu Enga]. 2. Feachem, Richard. The Enga. Hemisphere. 1972; 16(10): 16-18. Note: [fw: Wapenamanda Raiapu Enga]. 3. Feachem, Richard. Environment and Health in a New Guinea Highlands Community [Ph.D. Dissertation]. Kensington: University of New South Wales; 1973. xxix, 398 pp. + Plates. Note: [fw February 1971 - January 1972; June-July 1973: Lyokote Tombeakini clan Raiapu Enga]. 4. Feachem, Richard G. A. Environmental Health Engineering as Human Ecology: An Example from New Guinea. In: Bayliss-Smith, Timothy P.; Feachem, Richard G. Subsistence and Survival: Rural Ecology in the Pacific. London: Academic Press Inc. (London) Ltd.; 1977: 129-182. Note: [fw 1970-1974 (11+ mos): Tombeakini clan, Saka V, Raiapu Enga]. 5. Feachem, Richard. Faecal Coliforms and Faecal Streptococci in Streams in the New Guinea Highlands. Water Research. 1974; 8: 367-374. Note: [fw 1971: Saka V Raiapu Enga]. 6. Feachem, Richard. The Pattern of Domestic Water Use in the New Guinea Highlands. South Pacific Bulletin. 1973; 23(3): 10-14, 24 + Cover Photo. Note: [fw 1971: Saka V Raiapu Enga]. 7. Feachem, Richard G. Pigs, People and Pollution: Interactions between Man and Environment in the Highlands of New Guinea. South Pacific Bulletin. 1975; 25(3): 41-45. Note: [fw: Raiapu Enga]. 8. Feachem, Richard. The Raiapu Enga Pig Herd. Mankind. 1973; 9: 25-31. Note: [fw 1971: Tombeakini clan, Saka V Raiapu Enga]. 9. Feachem, Richard. The Raiapu Enga of the New Guinea Highlands: Some Ethnographic Notes. Asian & Pacific Quarterly of Cultural and Social Affairs. 1974; 6(3): 9-24 + Map + Plates + Cover Photo. Note: [fw: Saka V Raiapu Enga]. 10. Feachem, Richard. The Religious Belief and Ritual of the Raiapu Enga. Oceania. 1973; 43: 259-285. Note: [fw 1971: Tombeakini clan, Saka V, Raiapu Enga]. 11. Feather, N. T. Accuracy of Judgment of Value Systems: A Field Study of Own and Attribiuted Value Priorities in Papua New Guinea. International Journal of Psychology. 1979; 14: 151-162. Note: [Port Moresby, Sogeri high schools]. 12. Feather, N. T. Similarity of Value Systems within the Same Nation: Evidence from Australia and Papua New Guinea. Australian Journal of Psychology. 1980; 32: 17-30. Note: [students 1974: Goroka; 1976: Port Moresby]. 13. Feather, N. T. Value Systems of Self and of Australian Expatriates as Perceived by Indigenous Students in Papua New Guinea. International Journal of Psychology. 1976; 11: 101-110. Note: [Goroka High School]. 14. Feather, N. T.; Hutton, M. A. Value Systems of Students in Papua New Guinea and Australia. International Journal of Psychology. 1974; 9: 91-104. 2 Note: [Goroka High School]. 15. Feeney, Griffith. Estimating Mortality from Child Survivorship Data: A Review. In: McDevitt, Thomas M., Editor. The Survey Under Difficult Conditions: Population Data Collection & Analysis in Papua New Guinea. New Haven: Human Relations Area Files, Inc.; 1987: 353-370. (HRAFlex Books, Ethnography Series; v. OJ1-006). Note: [general PNG]. 16. Feil, D. K. Alienating the Inalienable. Man, N.S.. 1982; 17: 340-342. Note: [fw: Enga; from lit: Muyuw]. 17. Feil, D. K. Alienating the Inalienable. Man, N.S.. 1983; 18: 604-605. Note: [fw: Enga]. 18. Feil, D. K. Beyond Patriliny in the New Guinea Highlands. Man, N.S.. 1984; 19: 50-76. Note: [fw: Tombema Enga]. 19. Feil, D. K. Configurations of Intensity in the New Guinea Highlands. In: Gardner, Don; Modjeska, Nicholas, Guest Editors. Recent Studies in the Political Economy of Papua New Guinea Societies. Sydney: Anthropological Society of New South Wales; 1985: 87-100. (Mankind, Special Issues; v. 4). Note: [from lit: general PNG]. 20. Feil, D. K. Enga Genesis. Journal de la Société des Océanistes. 1997(104): 67-78. Note: [fw & from lit: Enga]. 21. Feil, D. K. Enga Women in the Tee Exchange. In: Specht, Jim; White, J. Peter, Editors. Trade and Exchange in Oceania and Australia. Sydney: Sydney University Press; 1978: 220-230. (Mankind; v. 11(3)). Note: [fw February 1974 - August 1976 (28 mos): Tombema Enga]. 22. Feil, D. K. The Evolution of Highland Papua New Guinea Societies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1987. xii, 313 pp. Note: [from lit: general PNGH]. 23. Feil, D. K. The Evolution of Highland Papua New Guinea Societies: A Reappraisal. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde. 1995; 151: 23-43. Note: [from lit: Kuk, Etoro, Grand Valley Dani]. 24. Feil, D. K. The Morality of Exchange. In: Appell, G. N.; Madan, T. N., Editors. Choice and Morality in Anthropological Perspective: Essays in Honor of Derek Freeman. Albany: State University of New York Press; 1988: 99-109. Note: [fw: Enga]. 25. Feil, D. K. People, Pigs and Punishment. Australian Natural History. 1976; 18: 444-447. Note: [fw: Kompiama Enga]. 26. Feil, D. K. Reply to Ballard. Archaeology in Oceania. 1989; 24: 119-120. Note: [general NGH, Yonki]. 27. Feil, D. K. A Social Anthropologist's View of Papua New Guinea Highlands Prehistory. American Anthropologist. 1986; 88: 623-636. Note: [from lit: general NGH]. 28. Feil, D. K. "Straightening the Way": An Enga Kinship Conundrum. Man, N.S.. 1978; 13: 380-401. Note: [fw February 1974 - August 1976 (28 mos): Tombema Enga]. 3 29. Feil, D. K. Symmetry and Complementarity: Patterns of Competition and Exchange in the Enga Tee. Oceania. 1980; 51: 20- 39. Note: [fw February 1974 - April 1975, July 1975 - August 1976, June-July 1977: Tombema Enga]. 30. Feil, D. K. Ways of Exchange: The Enga Tee of Papua New Guinea. St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press; 1984. xvi, 269 pp. + Frontispiece. Note: [fw February 1974 - April 1975, July 1975 - August 1976, July 1977, 1980: Mamagakini Tombema Enga]. 31. Feil, D. K. When a Group of Women Takes a Wife: Generalized Exchange and Restricted Marriage in the New Guinea Highlands. Mankind. 1980; 12: 286-299. Note: [fw 1974-1980: Tombema Enga]. 32. Feil, D. K. Women and Men in the Enga tee. American Ethnologist. 1978; 5: 263-279. Note: [fw February 1974 - August 1976 (28 mos): Tombema Enga]. 33. Feil, D. K. A World without Exchange: Millennia and the Tee Ceremonial System in Tombema-Enga Society (New Guinea). Anthropos. 1983; 78: 89-106. Note: [fw 1974-1978: Tombema Enga]. 34. Feil, Daryl Keith. The Bride in Bridewealth: A Case from the New Guinea Highlands. Ethnology. 1981; 20: 63-75. Note: [fw 1974, 1977, 1979-1980: Tombema Enga]. 35. Feil, Daryl Keith. From Negotiability to Responsibility: A Change in Tombema-Enga Homicide Compensation. Human Organization. 1979; 38: 356-365. Note: [fw: Tombema Enga]. 36. Feil, Daryl K. From Pigs to Pearlshells: The Transformation of a New Guinea Highlands Exchange Economy. American Ethnologist. 1982; 9: 291-306. Note: [fw: Tombema Enga; from lit: Melpa]. 37. Feil, Daryl Keith. "Holders of the Way": Exchange Partnerships in an Enga Tee Community [Ph.D. Dissertation]. Canberra: Australian National University; 1978. x, [i], 428 pp. + Frontispiece. Note: [fw February 1974 - April 1975, July 1975 - August 1976, July 1977 (29 mos): Mamagakini clan Tombema Enga]. 38. Feinberg, Richard. Elements of Leadership in Oceania. Anthropological Forum. 2002; 12: 9-44. Note: [from lit: Iatmul, Tangu, Baruya, Trobriand Is]. 39. Feinberg, Richard, Editor. Seafaring in the Contemporary Pacific Islands: Studies in Continuity and Change. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press; 1995. [vii], 237 pp. 40. Feinhandler, Sherwin J.; Fleming, Harold C.; Monahon, Joan M. Pre-Columbian Tobaccos in the Pacific. Economic Botany. 1979; 33: 213-226. Note: [from lit: general NG]. 41. Feld, Steven. Aesthetics as Iconicity of Style, or "Lift-up- Over Sounding": Getting into the Kaluli Groove. Yearbook of Traditional Music. 1988; 20: 74-113 + Plates + Audio Cassette. Note: [fw 1976-1977, 1982: Kaluli]. 42. Feld, Steven. Cockatoo, Hornbill, Kingfisher. In: Pawley, Andrew, Editor. Man and a Half: Essays in Pacific Anthropology and Ethnobiology in Honour of Ralph Bulmer. Auckland: The Polynesian Society; 1991: 207-213. (Memoirs; v. 48). Note: [fw 1976-1977, 1982, 1984: Kaluli]. 4 43. Feld, Steven. Dialogic Editing: Interpreting How Kaluli Read Sound and Sentiment. Cultural Anthropology. 1987; 2: 190-210. Note: [fw 1976-1977, 1982, 1984: Kaluli]. 44. Feld, Steven. Ethno-Ornithology of the Mt. Bosavi region. New Guinea Bird Society Newsletter. 1977; 132: 9-10. Note: [fw: Kaluli]. 45. [Feld, Steve. Ethno-Ornithology of the Mount Bosavi Region [summary of talk]. New Guinea Bird Society Newsletter. 1977; 132: 9-10. Note: [fw: Kaluli]. 46. Feld, Steven. "Flow Like a Waterfall": The Metaphors of Kaluli Musical Theory. Yearbook of Traditional Music. 1981; 13: 22-47. Note: [fw 1976-1977: Kaluli]. 47. Feld, Steven. From Schizophrenia to Schismogenesis: On the Discourses and Commodification Practices of "World Music" and "World Beat". In: Keil, Charles; Feld, Steven. Music Grooves: Essays and Dialogues. Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 1994: 257-289 + Plates. Note: [fw: Kaluli]. 48. Feld, Steven. Music of the Kaluli. Boroko: Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies; n.d. [6] pp. + Audio Cassette. Note: [fw 1976-1977: Sululib Kaluli]. 49. Feld, Steven. Orality and Consciousness. In: Yosihiko, Tokumaru; Osamu, Yamaguti, Editors. The Oral and the Literate in Music. Tokyo: Academia Music Ltd.; 1986: 18-28. Note: [fw: Kaluli]. 50. Feld, Steven. A Poetics of Place: Ecological and Aesthetic Co-evolution in a Papua New Guinea Rainforest. In: Ellen, Roy; Fukui, Katsuyoshi, Editors. Redefining Nature: Ecology, Culture and Domestication. Oxford: Berg; 1996: 61-87. (Explorations in Anthropology). Note: [fw 1976-1977, 1982, 1984, 1990, 1992: Sululeb and Bolekini Kaluli]. 51. Feld, Steven. Sound and Sentiment: Birds, Weeping, Poetics, and Song in Kaluli Expression [Ph.D. Dissertation]. Bloomington: Indiana University; 1979. viii, 544 pp. Note: [fw 1976-1977: Sululib Kaluli]. 52. Feld, Steven. Sound and Sentiment: Birds, Weeping, Poetics, and Song in Kaluli Expression.

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