cyan magenta yellow black File: #77 inside Front / Page: 1 See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 58 • ATLANTIS RISING 3 NGC 7319 PUBLISHER’S LETTER as photographed by Hubble Space telescope The object in the circle is a quasar Belief vs. Knowledge he next time some pompous television narrator pronounces, in reference to some sci- entific issue—the “Big Bang” for instance—that “we know” something, you might consider substituting the phrase “we believe.” If you try to do it every time, however, Tyou may find yourself too busy to follow the program. The “Big Bang”—the idea that the universe emerged from the mother of all explosions bil- lions of years ago—has replaced God these days (at least among the scientifically ‘sophisti- cated’) as the most popular notion of first cause and is asserted regularly as something, “we now know.” The idea, in fact, has become the new orthodoxy, and woe be unto those who would challenge it. But, in fact, the Big Bang is still just a theory, albeit a popular one. It is based on the claim that the universe is expanding; an idea which, in turn, is based on the ob- servation of a shift toward red in the light spectrum of stars which should, it is believed, be interpreted to mean that the stars are moving away from us, thus generating a doppler effect (the same thing that causes a train whistle to change pitch as it approaches and leaves us) which shows up as “redshift.” The distinguished astronomer Halton Arp, however, has shown that there must be other things that can cause such “redshift.” Arp’s point is buttressed by the discovery in 2005 between us and a nearby galaxy (NGC 7319) of a quasar having greater redshift when, according to the theory, it should have less, thus, essentially falsifying the red- shift-equals-distance orthodoxy; but Arp’s case, compelling though it may seem, has not dis- suaded mainstream cosmologists from claiming to “know” that the idea of an expanding uni- verse and its corollary the “Big Bang” are so (in other words, something we “know”). Belief and knowledge are so frequently confused these days that they may often seem in- distinguishable, but the difference could not be more important. Belief is something common to all of us, and to get along in this world, we must learn to respect it; but knowledge de- mands something more from us, maybe even obedience. “Knowledge,” it has been said, “is power,” and it is clear that those who claim that their beliefs are actually knowledge think PO Box 4 that they should be in charge. Moreover, these knowers seem to think that those “dangerous” Lyndon, KS 66451 individuals who question the authority of their knowledge should be sanctioned. Arp, for in- stance, though once having been quite influential in the highest councils of astronomy, found his challenge to the Big Bang had turned him into something of a non-entity and made him persona non grata in those same circles—his career virtually terminated. From the heliocentric solar system, to cold fusion, the same phenomenon plays out over and over in scientific debate, and some, like writer Thomas Kuhn (The Structure of Scientific ANCIENTANCIENT Revolutions), have perceived a recurring pattern in which ideas which are unthinkable to one generation become the orthodoxy of the next. MYSTERIESMYSTERIES If we want to be free now, though, from the tyranny which certain elites would seek to im- pose on us, we will have to learn to do our own thinking. The first step in that process could UNEXPLAINEDUNEXPLAINED very well be to remember that many who claim to know may only believe. And though they may feel quite passionate on the matter, the rest of us will need to hear something much ANOMALIESANOMALIES better before enlisting in their cause. We may even resort to reading magazines like this one. FUTUREFUTURE SCIENCESCIENCE Visit ATLANTISRISING.COM Publisher 4 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 77 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More! See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 77 • ATLANTIS RISING 5 6 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 77 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More! READER FORUM Riddles of the Sphinx riting to Atlantis Rising, via snail The Little Guy and Detroit mail or e-mail is the best, but not Jeane Manning’s article on Raphael Mor- the only way to make your views gado’s MYT engine was interesting and fasci- Wknown to our readers. There are nating. It is always interesting to see a new also “forums” on the Atlantis Rising web invention come to the marketplace. Or is it site. (You can go to www.Atlantis Rising.com an interesting concept only at this point? and select “Discussions”.) After looking at his website I can under- stand why he wants to talk to companies Schoch and the Sphinx with deep pockets; he has a lot of money in- At the end of Schoch’s article (AR #76)— vested perhaps. But talking with GM, third to last paragraph on Page 78. He Chrysler, Ford is a hoot. At this point all they quotes Ozkaya as saying “look at this... it’s a are interested in is survival and the great life sphinx” while pointing to a sculpture de- for the executives that remain and the good picting an animal half-human, half lion... I life for the union people and not what is best actually thought Robert Temple had laid this for the nation and the world. Besides I am one to rest in his book The Sirius Mystery, sure they have “bought inventions” on the pointing out that while a lion, when it lies back shelf that they can bring out that are down, has its haunches rise higher than its probably half as efficient as Raphael’s. And back, it is the dog whose haunches slope let’s not mention the greed and control of downwards to its tail when lying down. (This the oil companies. How is it the above- was to point out that beings from Sirius— mentioned car companies have more effi- noted in multiple cultures as “the Dog cient versions in foreign countries—no col- Star”—had probably had a hand in building lusion with the oil companies for sure. the Sphinx.) Today power is with the people, if you let Incidentally, it does seem likely that the I read Robert Schoch’s article in Atlantis it happen. People will knock on your door if Egyptians knew that particular difference be- Rising on the age of the Sphinx being some you have a better mousetrap. I bet a fairly tween lion and dog. 12,000 years old, knowing the same was sug- wealthy trucking company would like to save In general, I have tended to think that, gested in The Gnostic Circle by Patrizia Nor- fuel money and buy one of the engines just given the great apparent preoccupation of elli-Bachelet, only for different reasons. Ms. to try it out. And the same for a taxi or utility many, many early peoples with things “in Norelli-Bachelet recognized that given the company. Raphael needs to put his engines the sky,” it is logical to believe that at least Sphinx is a Lion/Man, representing the Leo/ on the street. GM loaned a few early diesel- some part of them “came from the sky.” Con- Aquarius axis of the zodiac, it was most likely electric locomotives to the railroads and the sider persons marooned on a desert island, built as a time marker for the Age of Leo, rest is history. People need to see the engine and their (at least initial) consuming interest half of an entire 25,920 year precession of working, pulling something. in what is “out there” that might come to the equinoxes ago from our current Age of My sense is that Raphael has a great mind rescue them. I would think that beings who Aquarius (which she holds began in 1926 the and heart. He has an invention that could be originated completely on this planet without very same year the Sphinx’s lion body was of great service to humanity and yet he outside influence would have been, in those exposed after being buried under sand for doesn’t want to die “penniless”? How to do early times, literally more grounded and thousands of years). that? How much is he in debt? How much much more occupied with providing daily I was impressed, as I’m sure many other does he need? food and shelter, and safety from marauding were, by the quote from the dig director: [re- The idea I like best is to carefully—and I animals, than in building monuments to ferring to the Sphinx as quoted in the pre- do mean carefully—put the engine patent in mark the position of stars, equinoxes, and vious letter]. the right kind of public domain. Do it similar the like. I noticed that the AR article didn’t in- to the Linux-based computer operating That is one very strong reason why I tend clude a picture of that sculpture. Then I did system. The plans and patent would be free, to go with those who believe that we either a Google image search and still could not and people could purchase all the set up and came from somewhere else, or were “uplifted find any pictures of the sphinx image found consulting that they needed. MOREOVER, mentally” by beings from somewhere else at Gobekli Tepe.
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