![Arxiv:2010.14788V2 [Quant-Ph] 16 Jan 2021 Detection of Ancillary Photons](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Heralded non-destructive quantum entangling gate with single-photon sources Jin-Peng Li,1, 2 Xuemei Gu,1, 2 Jian Qin,1, 2 Dian Wu,1, 2 Xiang You,1, 2 Hui Wang,1, 2 Christian Schneider,3, 4 Sven H¨ofling,2, 4 Yong-Heng Huo,1, 2 Chao-Yang Lu,1, 2 Nai-Le Liu,1, 2 Li Li,1, 2, ∗ and Jian-Wei Pan1, 2 1Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale and Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China 2CAS Center for Excellence and Synergetic Innovation Center in Quantum Information and Quantum Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Shanghai 201315, China 3Institute of Physics, Carl von Ossietzky University, 26129 Oldenburg, Germany 4Technische Physik, Physikalische Institut and Wilhelm Conrad R¨ontgen-Centerfor Complex Material Systems, Universit¨atW¨urzburg, Am Hubland, D-97074 W¨urzburg, Germany (Dated: January 19, 2021) Heralded entangling quantum gates are an essential element for the implementation of large-scale optical quantum computation. Yet, the experimental demonstration of genuine heralded entangling gates with free-flying output photons in linear optical system, was hindered by the intrinsically probabilistic source and double-pair emission in parametric down-conversion. Here, by using an on-demand single-photon source based on a semiconductor quantum dot embedded in a micro-pillar cavity, we demonstrate a heralded controlled-NOT (CNOT) operation between two single photons for the first time. To characterize the performance of the CNOT gate, we estimate its average quantum gate fidelity of (87:8 ± 1:2)%. As an application, we generated event-ready Bell states with a fidelity of (83:4 ± 2:4)%. Our results are an important step towards the development of photon-photon quantum logic gates. Entangling gates are a crucial building block in scal- gle photon deterministically with high generation rate able quantum computation, as it enables the construc- [22], and daunting scalability issues raise if we wish to tion of any quantum computing circuits when com- use these photons. Also, as multiple pair events are bined with single-qubit gates [1]. One of the canonical always present and detectors without photon number example is the controlled-NOT (CNOT) gate, which resolution are commonly used, which introduce false flips the target qubit state conditional on the control heralding signals, post-selection is necessary in the qubit. Photons are generally accepted as the best can- demonstrations to confirm a successful gate operation didate for a qubit due to their negligible decoherence [23]. For this reason, while the schemes in principle and ease of single-qubit operation. Unfortunately, am- work in a heralded way, the previous experiments are bitions to implement optical CNOT gates are ham- actually a destructive version of the heralded CNOT pered as they require strong interactions between indi- gates, limiting their further applications. To overcome vidual photons well beyond those presently available. these issues, on-demand photon sources will be the Surprisingly, projective measurements with photode- fundamental assets. tector can induce an effective nonlinearity sufficient Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) confined in a for the realization of entangling gates using linear op- micro-cavity are particularly appealing emitters of on- tics [2]. Since then, many schemes to implement op- demand photons, which can deterministically emit tical CNOT gates have been theoretically proposed single photons [24{27] as well as entangled photon [3{5] and experimentally demonstrated [6{17]. pairs [28, 29]. They have been shown to generate sin- Early demonstrations came at the expense of de- gle photons simultaneously exhibiting high brightness, stroying the output states by detecting the photons[6{ near-unity single-photon purity and indistinguishabil- 11], thus limiting the scaling to a larger system. To be ity [27, 30], and currently have the best all-around scalable, heralded CNOT gates are necessary [2, 12]. single-photon source-performance [31, 32]. Until now, Specifically, a successful operation is heralded by the QD single-photon sources (SPSs) have already been arXiv:2010.14788v2 [quant-ph] 16 Jan 2021 detection of ancillary photons. Such heralded gates used to realize optical CNOT gates in a semiconduc- are highly important as they provide information clas- tor waveguide chip [33] and bulk optics with partial sically feed forwardable, which is crucial for a scal- polarizing beam splitters (PBSs) [34] and multi-path able architecture both in the standard circuit model interference [35]. Nevertheless, none of them are her- [1,2] and one-way model using cluster states [18{ alded since they necessarily destroy the output states. 20]. Implementations of heralded CNOT gates as- In this Letter, we demonstrate the first heralded sisted with entangled [12{16] or single ancilla photons CNOT operation between two single photons using a [17] have been reported. However, the demonstrations QD coupled in a micro-pillar cavity. Under pulse res- mainly employed probabilistic photon sources such as onant excitation, the QD SPS generates high-quality pair sources based on spontaneous parametric down- single photons that are deterministically demulti- conversion (SPDC) [21]. Due to the probabilistic na- plexed into four indistinguishable SPSs (two serve ture of SPDC that involves multiphoton emissions, as input photons and two are ancillary photons) for one cannot obtain a photon pair or a heralded sin- CNOT gates. Heralded by the detection of two an- 2 cillary photons, we achieved a heralded CNOT gate U with a fidelity of (87:8 ± 1:2)% and ∼85 operations 1 1 per minute increased by at least an order of magni- Bell Measurement tude compared to early experiments, and generated an PBS1 D (H/V) event-ready Bell state with a fidelity of (83:4 ± 2:4)%. H1 1 2 Our results are an important step towards scalable D V1 trigger optical quantum information processing (QIP). D PBS3 The scheme for a heralded CNOT gate requires only 3 V2 (+/ ) (R/L) four single photons and three polarizing beam split- PBS2 D − ters (PBSs) in mutually unbiased bases as described in H2 2 Fig.1. We prepare polarization-encoded photons, and 4 define horizontal jHi and vertical jV i polarization as U logical states j0i and j1i. The input state of the con- 2 trol and target qubits are j icin = αjHi + βjV i and Figure 1. An optical heralded CNOT gate [17]. Polariz- j itin = γjHi+δjV i, where complex coefficients α and ing beam splitters (PBSs) are used, where PBS1 (PBS2, β (γ and δ) satisfy jαj2 + jβj2 = 1 (jγj2 + jδj2 = 1), PBS3) transmit jHi (j+i, jRi) states and reflect jV i (|−i, and subscript represents the photon's path (holding jLi) ones. The heralded CNOT gate depends on the an- cilla measurement outcome and related Pauli operators U. for the rest of the paper). Two ancillaryp single pho- tons are in the states of j ia1 = 1= 2 (jHi + jV i) and j ia2 = jHi[17, 36]. The four single photons are then superimposed at PBS1 and PBS2, as shown in Note that when there are multiple photons or no Fig.1. When there is only one photon in each path af- photon in path 2 or 3, unwanted coincidences might ter PBS1 and PBS2, we obtained a four-photon state happen between detectors D1 (DH1 or DV 1) and D2 with a probability of 1/4, which is further rewritten as (DH2 or DV 2), leading to uncorrected CNOT oper- follows (see the supplemental material for details[36]): ations. However, these cases can be excluded with photon-number-resolving detectors (PNRDs) [41, 42] cin tin + and photon bunching effect [43] provided by PBS3 in jΨi =(I1I4U14j i1 j i4 ⊗ jΦ i23 jRi=jLi basis (please refer to [36] for details). For a + I σ U j icin j itin ⊗ jΨ+i 1 x4 14 1 4 23 high-performance heralded CNOT gate, a truly on- cin tin − + σz1I4U14j i1 j i4 ⊗ jΦ i23 demand SPS together with PNRDs will be the key cin tin − resources. Here, we demonstrate it by using the best + σz1σx4U14j i1 j i4 ⊗ jΨ i23)=2 (1) all-around QD-based SPS and pseudo-PRNDs con- where U14 refers to the CNOT operation between pho- structed by multiple superconducting nanowire single- tons in path cin and tin (further refer to path 1 and photon detectors (SNSPDs). 4), and the output photons in path cout and tout de- As shown in Fig.2, we use the state-of-the-art self- scribe the result of CNOT gates; jΦ±i and jΨ±i are assembled InAs/GaAs QDs embedded inside a micro- standard Bell states in jHi=jV i basis; Ii, σzi and σxi pillar cavity [25] to create single photons of near- are Identity, Pauli Z and Pauli X operations on the perfect purity, indistinguishability and high bright- photon in path i (i = 1; 4). ness. To reach the best QD-cavity coupling with opti- Obviously, one can get the CNOT operation U14 by cal resonance ∼893nm, the whole sample wafer was performing a jointly projective measurement of Bell mounted in an ultra-stable liquid-helium-free bath states on ancillary photons in path 2 and 3 together cryostat and cooled down to 4K. Under pulse reso- with their related Pauli operations on the output pho- nant excitation with a laser repetition rate ∼76MHz, tons in path 1 and 4, as described in Eq.(1). For ∼6.4 MHz polarized resonance fluorescence single pho- standard linear optical Bell-state analyser, only two tons are directly registered by a single-mode fiber cou- of the four Bell states can be distinguished [37]. In pled SNSPD with a detector efficiency ∼80% (without + Fig.1, two Bell states are jΨ i23 (indicating coinci- any filters).
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