GeeChee One Magazine www.geecheeone.com Page 1 GeeChee One Magazine www.geecheeone.com Page 2 GeeChee One Magazine www.geecheeone.com Page 3 Thanks for picking up another issue of Geechee One Magazine. This is one of the first collectors edition that we are doing in regards to not only culture but also health. This issue speaks on Can- cer. Thanks to Ms. Winter non-profit organization CANCER SUCKS, you will see why she feels strongly about pushing cancer awareness to the masses. Cancer has is non-bias. It can affect any- one including men, women, and children. I hope you enjoy this issue and you can expect more. Felicia A. Rivers Publisher/CEO of GeeChee One Magazine STAFF PUBLISHER/EDITOR IN CHIEF FELICIA RIVERS [email protected] 843 879 8352 ADVERTISING.MARKETING MANAGER Page 6 Article: Emotionally Absent WILLIE HAYNES (Dubb Slimm) [email protected] Page 8 Tip Flirting Tips 101 843 879 8352 Page 10 Winter Moore CREATIVE DIRECTOR Page 13 CANCER MISTER ECLECTIC BLUE Page 15 5 Ways 2 Identify a Stalker [email protected] 843 628-6384 Page 16 Designer: Meshaun Holmes Page 20 Eclectic Poems PROMOTIONS DJ MELLY MEL SC Page 22 Failure to Communicate CONTRIBUTORS Page 24 Marketing Techniques: The Streets Michelle Scott Page 28 Trilla Boy Skillie Ben Frank Bria the Poet Page 30 Artists to Look Out For O.S.B. DJ MELLY MEL TOP 5 SONG PICKS China Couture Doll JBear 5. Gone All The Time by Marly Mar Playboy Chill 4. Work Out by Dirty Dave 3. Lil TT Mista Taylor Page 32 Blackk Boi 2. No Pretenda Port Baby Page 34 Behind the Scenes Video 1. Money Turns Me On by Lil Shed Page 36 It’s Showtime with GeeChee One! GeeChee One Magazine www.geecheeone.com Page 4 I founded Toya E. Ent. Aug. of 2010. I went into promo- tional modeling by myself. I took a step out on fate, and haven't looked back yet. One of my motivational motto's I replay in my head daily is: "The sky's the limit." It keeps me to keep working hard towards my self set goals. I'm heavily involved in giving back, so once every few months, I hold a free one-week model training class, for youth ages 2-17 years of age. During the training, the youth are taught the basics of modeling, posture, do's and don'ts of modeling on the runway and behind the scenes. Any event that I do, if possible, I try to in- clude my children in it as well. My children are very fond of the camera, and my daughter loves the runway. Also, they love to meet new people as well. Maintaining a happy relationship while being a businesswoman, isn't easy at all. But with a lot of Trust, understanding, and support from him, we make it work. As with my chil- dren, my spouse is heavily involved with my business. I love his opinion, and that he is secure with himself. Communication is the key to making any relationship work. Also, he loves to see me handling business. Toya E. is available for: Hosting, promoting any event, or to model in a video, fashion or a rip da runway show. Facebook @ BlueMajikmodel GeeChee One Magazine www.geecheeone.com Page 5 Ladies, we have all had a "Mr. Right" in our lives, weren‟t bad enough, those who suffer from this but it rarely ends like on television -- with him inability also have to deal with a painful and ironic declaring his undying love for us underneath the twist of fate: emotionally unavailable people usually night sky in Paris. But even if you do get the guy, it want a connection the most, but are too afraid to does not guarantee him opening up to you or be- establish one. Mister Blue, a dialetical behavioral coming emotionally available once the wedding is therapist, believes that the core issue for emotion- over. It's unfair to put all the blame on men, ally unavailable people is intimacy, and the prob- though; there are just as many emotionally unavail- lem can usually be traced back to painful or prob- able women who want to remain focused on their lematic experiences with a family member. careers, needs and wants, and cannot be bothered “Being emotionally close with another person is by giving any particular relationship their all. So synonymous to being smothered or losing them- what's the deal with emotionally unavailable peo- selves," Mister Blue said. "It's a way to avoid their ple? Find out why some people are emotionally ultimate fear of allowing someone in, allowing unavailable and how to deal with someone who has someone to get to know them - and then having difficulty expressing emotions. that person reject them or abuse their trust.” Characteristics of an Emotionally Don‟t be fooled, however. Not all emotionally un- Unavailable Person available people are life-long bachelors or bachelo- The main characteristic that both men and women rettes. There are emotionally unavailable people share is their fear of being controlled, especially in who are in serious relationships or who are mar- a relationship setting. For men in particular, a ried. If you are the spouse of an emotionally un- consuming fear is “losing” themselves in a relation- available person or are dating one, chances are you ship. Those who are emotionally unavailable also often feel as if your needs and wants in the relation- tend to fear and avoid intimacy and are incredibly ship are not being met. Those involved with emo- sensitive to the feeling of being "clung to" or con- tionally unavailable people routinely report feeling trolled by their romantic partner. Many assume that their love is one-sided and that they often ex- that emotionally unavailable people choose to re- press more affection, care and commitment than ject love or serious relationships because they want they receive. Some have even likened their part- to remain single. It‟s rarely a choice; it's more like a ner‟s apparent lack of care, love or concern to emo- defense mechanism that is often subconscious. As if tional abuse because it makes them feel worthless. being unable to healthily connect in a relationship GeeChee One Magazine www.geecheeone.com Page 6 Why People are Attracted to Emotionally feeling unfulfilled and unloved. “If you‟re married to an Unavailable Partners emotionally unavailable person, you should always consider marriage counseling before you make the final Why would any sane person stay in this type of rela- decision of separating or getting a divorce,” McDermid tionship? Often, the spouse of an emotionally unavail- said. "I‟ve seen marriage counseling be very beneficial able person has complicated emotional problems of his to people with these kinds of problems.” or her own. Their reasons vary, from having low self- esteem to childhood trauma that led them to believe In marriage counseling, when each person expresses they do not deserve good things in life. Courtney his or her thoughts and feelings about the relationship McDermid, a unofficial relationship expert in the Char- in front of a trained professional whose job it is to re- lotte area, unofficially counsels couples regarding inti- main objective, new light is shed on the problems in the macy issues. marriage. The emotionally unavailable partner may feel more inclined to present his or her side in a way that “The wives of emotionally unavailable men are very their partner can understand. Also, the person suffer- patient in the way they understand their spouse loves ing in the relationship because of their partner‟s emo- them, but he just has problems expressing it," McDer- tional unavailability can openly discuss the pain it mid said. "Though their patience is never enough to causes without the fear of being tuned out or dismissed. make the problem go away, partners in marriage need “Oddly enough, it sometimes takes a professional sit- to know they are loved and wanted and they need to ting there and witnessing the spouse‟s frustration and hear it and feel it.” pain for the emotionally unavailable partner to realize It is difficult to tell when people are emotionally un- the kind of pain they are inflicting,” Mister Blue said. available, especially when they are in their early to mid- The decision to continue the relationship is ultimately 20s. There are many young men or women who make up to the person involved with the emotionally unavail- the mistake of thinking that their partner is emotion- able partner, but there comes a time when everyone ally unavailable because they do not want a serious has to realize their self worth and take into account relationship or are unable to commit. Rarely are they their own feelings. It is also important to keep in mind correct in their assumptions because at that age, it is that if you have children with a man or woman who is completely normal to want to maintain a sense of inde- emotionally unavailable, your children can pick up pendence and to be apprehensive about settling down. certain attitudes and beliefs about relationships that It becomes more obvious that a person has intimacy cause them to become emotionally unavailable to their issues or is emotionally unavailable once they reach partners when they are old enough to form intimate their 30s. A very telling indicator of emotional unavail- relationships. “People won‟t change if you love them or ability is if the person has not yet had a serious, long- beg them or threaten them; they change when they are term or monogamous relationship by the time they are ready to change.
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