Adv. No. 11/2019, Cat No. 27, Upper Division Clerk, DHBVN, UHBVN & HVPNL DEPARTMENT, HARYANA Evening Session

Adv. No. 11/2019, Cat No. 27, Upper Division Clerk, DHBVN, UHBVN & HVPNL DEPARTMENT, HARYANA Evening Session

Adv. No. 11/2019, Cat No. 27, Upper Division Clerk, DHBVN, UHBVN & HVPNL DEPARTMENT, HARYANA Evening Session Q1. A. B. C. D. Q2. A. B. C. D. Q3. A. B. C. D. Q4. A. B. C. D. Q5. A. B. C. D. March 02, 2020 Page 1 of 29 Adv. No. 11/2019, Cat No. 27, Upper Division Clerk, DHBVN, UHBVN & HVPNL DEPARTMENT, HARYANA Evening Session Q6. Anil has a phobia for heights and hence he avoids hiking or other mountain climbing activities. What is the meaning of the word 'Phobia' ? A. Liking for something B. Fear of something C. Happy about something D. Interested in something Q7. The antonym of the word Generous is ___________. A. Simple B. Straight C. Stingy D. Strenuous Q8. What is the idiom for 'Speak of the Devil' mean ? It means, if we are speaking about a person and at the same moment that person happens to ____________. A. disappears B. enjoys C. runs D. appear Q9. Identify the correct sentence from among the given below options. A. Since we were late, so we decide to go by taxi. B. Since we were late, we decided to go by taxi. C. Since we were late, that we decided to go by D. Since we were being late, we decided for taxi. taxi. Q10. Fill the blank with the appropriate word from the options. She is _______ good at dancing __________ singing. A. either, neither B. neither, or C. neither, nor D. Either, not Q11. Which of the following rulers have NEVER ruled in India? A. Australia B. Dutch C. Portuguese D. British March 02, 2020 Page 2 of 29 Adv. No. 11/2019, Cat No. 27, Upper Division Clerk, DHBVN, UHBVN & HVPNL DEPARTMENT, HARYANA Evening Session Q11. नि륍िनिनित मᴂ से निि शाशिⴂ िे भारत मᴂ शासि निया है ? A. ऑस्ट्रेलिया B. डच C. पुर्गत ािी D. अंग्रेजⴂ Q12. Which animal is available on the national emblem of India ? A. Cow B. Tiger C. Elephant D. Lion Q12. भारत िे राष्ट्रीय निन्ह पर िौि सा जािवर मौजदू है? A. गाय B. बाघ C. हाथी D. ल ंह Q13. Which country is hosting the Olympics 2020? A. India B. Japan C. China D. Korea Q13. ओिंनपि 2020 िी मेजबािी िौि सा देश िर रहा है? A. भारर् B. जापान C. चीन D. कोररया Q14. The mountain ranges passing through the middle of India, through the state of Madhya Pradesh is _____________ . A. Purvanchal Range B. The Western Ghats C. The Aravalli Ranges D. Vindhya Ranges Q14. मध्य भारत मᴂ मध्य प्रदेश रा煍य से होिर गुजरि े वािी पववत �ंिर िा, _____________ है। A. पूर्ा車चि पर्तर् �ंखर िा B. पश्चचमी घाट C. अरार्िी पर्तर् �ंखर िा D. वर्ंध्य पर्तर् �ंखर िा March 02, 2020 Page 3 of 29 Adv. No. 11/2019, Cat No. 27, Upper Division Clerk, DHBVN, UHBVN & HVPNL DEPARTMENT, HARYANA Evening Session Q15. Which state has the maximum number of members in the Rajya Sabha? A. Uttar Pradesh B. Andhra Pradesh C. Madhya Pradesh D. Karnataka Q15. सबसे अनिि सदस्य रा煍य सभा मᴂ निस रा煍य िे हℂ ? A. उत्तर प्रदेश B. आंध्र प्रदेश C. मध्य प्रदेश D. कनातटक Q16. Which place in Haryana the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 took place? A. Kurukshetra B. Yamunanagar C. Ambala D. Charkhi Dadri Q16. 1857 िा सैनिि नवद्रोह हररयाणा मᴂ निस स्थाि पर हुआ था? A. कु 셁क्षेत्र B. यमुनानगर C. अंबािा D. चरखी दादरी Q17. The famous king, Hemu Vikramaditya who had ruled in Haryana was earlier a _____________. A. trainer B. peasant C. tradesman D. administrator Q17. प्रनस राजा, हमे ू नवक्रमानदत्य नजसिे हररयाणा मᴂ शासि निया था, पहिे एि _____________ था। A. रेनर B. कक ान C. व्यापारी D. प्रशा क Q18. The National Dairy Research Institute is located in the ______________ district of Haryana. A. Hisar B. Gurgaon C. Panipat D. Karnal March 02, 2020 Page 4 of 29 Adv. No. 11/2019, Cat No. 27, Upper Division Clerk, DHBVN, UHBVN & HVPNL DEPARTMENT, HARYANA Evening Session Q18. राष्ट्रीय डेयरी अिसु ंिाि संस्थाि हररयाणा िे ___________ नजिे मᴂ नस्थत है। A. हह ार B. गुडगााँर् C. पानीपर् D. करनाि Q19. One of the Chief Ministers of Haryana, Chaudhary Devi Lal had earlier served as a ______________. A. Biologist B. Judge of High Court C. Freedom Fighter D. Scientist Q19. हररयाणा िे मख्ु यमंनियⴂ मᴂ से एि िौिरी देवी िाि, पहिे एि ______________ थे। A. जीर्वर्ज्ञानी B. उ楍च न्यायािय के न्यायाधीश C. स्ट्र्र्ंत्रर्ा ेनानी D. र्ैज्ञाननक Q20. Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University is located in the ____________ district of Haryana. A. Panipat B. Kurukshetra C. Faridabad D. Hisar Q20. िौिरी िरण नसंह हररयाणा िर नि नवश्वनवद्यािय हररयाणा िे ____________ नजिे मᴂ नस्थत है। A. पानीपर् B. कु 셁क्षेत्र C. फरीदाबाद D. हह ार Q21. Name the Indian born space scientist who died in the year 2003 during a US space shuttle disaster. A. Saina Nehwal B. Arunima Sinha C. Kalpana Chawla D. Sunitha Williams Q21. भारतीय मिू िे अंतररक्ष वैज्ञानिि िा िाम बताइए नजििी विव 2003 मᴂ अमेररिी अंतररक्ष शटि दर्ु वटिा िे दौराि मत्र य ु हो गई थी। A. ाइना नेहर्ाि B. अ셁णिमा ल न्हा C. क쥍पना चार्िा D. ुनीर्ा वर्लिय륍 March 02, 2020 Page 5 of 29 Adv. No. 11/2019, Cat No. 27, Upper Division Clerk, DHBVN, UHBVN & HVPNL DEPARTMENT, HARYANA Evening Session Q22. Which of the following cities has the manufacturing facility of Maruti Suzuki? A. Chandigarh B. Faridabad C. Sirsa D. Gurugram Q22. नि륍िनिनित मᴂ से निस शहर मᴂ मा셁नत सजु िु ी िी नवनिमावण सुनविा है? A. चंडीग褼 B. फरीदाबाद C. ल र ा D. गु셁ग्राम Q23. What is the name of the political party formed by the Dushyant Chautala, the great grand son of former Deputy Prime Minister Chaurday Devi Lal ? A. Haryana Janhit Congress B. Sarvhit Party C. Jannayak Janata Party D. Vishal Haryana Party Q23. पवू व उप प्रिािमंिी िौिरी देवी िाि िे प्रपौि, दष्ट्ु यंत िौटािा द्वारा गनित राजिीनति दि िा िाम क्या है? A. हररयािा जनहहर् कांग्रे B. र्तहहर् पाटी C. जननायक जनर्ा पाटी D. वर्शाि हररयािा पाटी Q24. What is the official Language of Haryana? A. Haryanvi B. Hindi C. English D. Kashmiri Q24. हररयाणा िी आनििाररि भािा क्या है ? A. हररयािर्ी B. हहंदी C. अंग्रेजी D. कचमीरी Q25. In Haryana the turban worn by the males is called as _______________ . A. Pagdhar B. Munetaa C. Khandwa D. Tomar March 02, 2020 Page 6 of 29 Adv. No. 11/2019, Cat No. 27, Upper Division Clerk, DHBVN, UHBVN & HVPNL DEPARTMENT, HARYANA Evening Session Q25. हररयाणा मᴂ प셁ु िⴂ द्वारा पहिी जािे वािी पगडी िो _______________ िहा जाता है। A. पग्धर B. मुनेर्ा C. खंडर्ा D. र्ोमर Q26. During the times of Mahabharata, Haryana was referred with which of the following names? A. Hitapradesha B. Vindyapradesh C. Ditarashtra D. Bahudhanyaka Q26. महाभारत िे समय हररयाणा िो नि륍िनिनित मᴂ से निस िाम से जािा जाता था , ? A. हहर्प्रदेश B. वर्न्ध्य प्रदेश C. हदर्राष्ट्र D. बहुधान्यक Q27. Who among the following persons is referred as the Haryana Kesari ? A. Bhopal Singh Arya B. Neki Ram Sharma C. Kanwal Singh D. Udami Ram Q27. नि륍िनिनित मᴂ से निसे हररयाणा िेसरी िे िाम से जािा जाता है ? A. भोपाि ल ंह आयत B. नेकी राम शमात C. कंर्ि ल ंह D. उदमी राम Q28. Where is the famous old temple of Sita mata located in Haryana ? A. Gurugram B. Ambala C. Faridabad D. Rohtak Q28. सीतामाता िा प्रनस परु ािा मंनदर हररयाणा मᴂ िहााँ नस्थत है? A. गु셁ग्राम B. अंबािा C. फरीदाबाद D. रोहर्क March 02, 2020 Page 7 of 29 Adv. No. 11/2019, Cat No. 27, Upper Division Clerk, DHBVN, UHBVN & HVPNL DEPARTMENT, HARYANA Evening Session Q29. Which city of Haryana is referred as the city of weavers ? A. Hisar B. Panipat C. Sonipat D. Yamunanagar Q29. हररयाणा िा िौि सा शहर बुििरⴂ िे शहर िे 셂प मᴂ जािा जाता है? A. हह ार B. पानीपर् C. ोनीपर् D. यमुनानगर Q30. The total number of wildlife sanctuaries in Haryana are ____________. A. Four B. Six C. Eight D. Ten Q30. हररयाणा मᴂ वन्यजीव अभयारण्यⴂ िी िु ि संख्या ____________ है। A. B. C. D. Q31. The Ottu Barrage located in the district of Sirsa in Haryana is built on the river ______________. A. Choutang B. Yamuna C. Sahibi D. Ghaggar Q31. हररयाणा िे नसरसा नजिे मᴂ नस्थत ओट्टू बैराज ______________ िदी पर बिाया गया है। A. चौटंग B. यमुना C. ाहहबी D. घग्गर Q32. As per the Indian Constitution, the head of a state in India is the ___________. A. Chief Minister B. Chief Secretary C. President D. Governor March 02, 2020 Page 8 of 29 Adv. No. 11/2019, Cat No. 27, Upper Division Clerk, DHBVN, UHBVN & HVPNL DEPARTMENT, HARYANA Evening Session Q32. भारतीय संनविाि िे अिसु ार, भारत मᴂ ___________ रा煍य िा प्रमिु होता है। A.

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