Tongwynlais Maindy Red Dragon KEY Swimming Pool Centre A469 and Cycle Track Roald Dahl Plass M4 Taff Trail Cardiff B4562 Caravan Park Grange Gardens Fforest Ganol CREV GWIR IN THESE STONES Wales Cardiff Riding FEL GWYDR HORIZONS OFfWRNAIS AWEN SING Millennium Centre Fforest Fawr School Techniquest Morganstown Pedal Power ? to Tongwynlais Circular Walk Sophia Gardens Hamadryad Park Cardiff Bay Glamorganshire SWALEC Yacht Club Canal Cricket Stadium Cardiff Bay Water Forest Farm Sport Wales Activity Centre National Centre Cardiff Britannia Park Forest Farm Cricket Club Bute Park Play Area Radyr Cardiff High School Old Boys Cardiff Barrage A470 Cardiff Arms Park Play Area Rugby Club RFC Hailey Park Millennium Barrage – Whitchurch Stadium Outdoor Gym Llandaff Fields Riverside Market Cardiff Bay Wetlands Reserve A4119 Pontcanna Fields Llandaff North N Gabalfa A48 Llandaff Sports, Recreation B4261 and Leisure along the Pontcanna A4161 TAFF TRAIL B4267 A48 This map will help you to find Sports, RecreationA4161 and Leisure facilities available along the Taff Trail. Many of the city’s best parks and green spaces, Riverside as well as a whole host of sporting facilities, including the Millennium Stadium and the SportA4232 A4234 Wales National Centre, are located on route. Click on the ‘icons’ to find out more.... Grangetown For further information about other opportunities to enjoy CREV GWIR IN THESE STONES FEL GWYDR HORIZONS the countryside on your doorstep contact the Council’s OFfWRNAIS AWEN SING Countryside Team. Telephone: 029 2087 3186 / 3719 / 3249 A4160 Email: [email protected] ? Websites: www.cardiff.gov.uk/countryside Cardiff Bay www.cardiff.gov.uk/biodiversity www.outdoorcardiff.com B4267 MAIN MAP Taff Trail TThehe TTaffaff TTrailrail iiss a mmulti-purposeulti-purpose routeroute bbetweenetween CCardiffardiff BBayay iinn tthehe ssouthouth aandnd tthehe BBreconrecon BBeaconseacons inin thethe North.North. TThehe TTrailrail rrunsuns fforor 5555 mmilesiles ((88km)88km) tthroughhrough a vvarietyariety ooff llandscapesandscapes ffromrom tthehe mmoreore uurbanrban toto ruralrural aareas.reas. A llargearge pproportionroportion ooff tthehe TTaffaff TTrailrail iiss ddesignatedesignated asas “Traffi“Traffi c FFree”ree” aandnd ccanan bbee usedused bbyy wwalkers,alkers, ccyclistsyclists aandnd ssomeome ppartsarts bbyy hhorseorse rriders.iders. A sserieseries ofof ccircularircular walkswalks aarere aalsolso aavailablevailable aalonglong tthehe TTrailrail aandnd ccanan bbee ffoundound oonn tthehe CCardiffardiff CCouncilouncil wwebsite.ebsite. TThesehese featurefeature 6 ggenerallyenerally eeasy,asy, fl aat,t, mmostlyostly ooffff --roadroad circularcircular walks.walks. EEachach oonene iincludesncludes a sstretchtretch ooff tthehe TTaffaff TTrailrail oorr iiss eeasilyasily aaccessibleccessible ffromrom tthehe TTaffaff TTrailrail aandnd mmanyany ooff tthemhem ggoo tthroughhrough ppleasantleasant ggreenreen sspacespaces wwithith a vvarietyariety ooff wildlifewildlife andand plants.plants. AAllll iincludenclude vviewsiews ooff tthehe rriver.iver. NEXT MAIN MAP Taff Trail A CCodeode ooff CConductonduct hhasas bbeeneen ddevelopedeveloped fforor tthehe CCardiffardiff ssectionection ooff tthehe TTrailrail aandnd shouldshould bebe followedfollowed atat aallll ttimes.imes. TTaffaff TTrailrail CCodeode ooff CConductonduct • KKeepeep lleft,eft, ppassass rrightight - aallll uuserssers • BBee seenseen andand bebe heardheard - ccyclistsyclists uusese a bbellell • BBee considerateconsiderate aandnd ppoliteolite - ppedestriansedestrians hhaveave ppriorityriority • BBee safesafe - cyclistscyclists shouldshould passpass ppedestriansedestrians atat a ssafeafe ddistanceistance iinn ccasease ttheyhey ssuddenlyuddenly cchangehange ddirectionirection • RRideide aatt a ssensibleensible sspeedpeed - ttakeake ccareare aatt bblindlind sspotspots aandnd bbendsends • CControlontrol yyourour ddogog - ppreferablyreferably kkeepeep oonn lleadead iinn bbusyusy aareasreas • DDisposeispose ooff aallll llitteritter - iinn bbinsins oorr ttakeake hhomeome FForor mmoreore iinformationnformation aaboutbout tthehe TTaffaff TTrailrail ppleaselease cclicklick hhereere. BACK MAININ MAAPP Fforest Ganol FFforestforest GanolGanol isis a locallocal naturenature rreserveeserve cconsistingonsisting ofof predominantlypredominantly ancientancient wwoodland.oodland. IItt fformsorms partpart ofof a widerwider bbeecheech wwoodlandoodland thatthat iiss oonene ooff tthehe mmostost wwesterlyesterly inin Britain.Britain. ForFor thisthis rreason,eason, tthehe aarearea ffallsalls wwithinithin a SSiteite ooff SSpecialpecial ScientifiScientifi c IInterestnterest ((SSSI)SSSI) whichwhich mmeanseans tthathat tthehe wwoodlandoodland hhasas sspecialpecial pprotection.rotection. TThehe woodlandwoodland isis locatedlocated iinn ccountrysideountryside oonn tthehe eedgedge ooff tthehe ccityity nnorthorth ofof Tongwynlais.Tongwynlais. AlthoughAlthough oonlynly ssixix mmilesiles ffromrom tthehe hhearteart ooff tthehe ccity,ity, iitt hhasas a veryvery ruralrural ffeel.eel. YYouou ccanan wwalkalk aalonglong a ggoodood nnetworketwork ooff pathspaths tthathat rrunun tthroughhrough tthehe wwoodsoods aandnd hhorseorse rridersiders areare welcomewelcome inin ssomeome aareas.reas. MAIN MAP Fforest Fawr FForestorest FawrFawr isis anan areaarea ofof ancientancient wwoodlandoodland oownedwned aandnd mmanagedanaged bbyy tthehe FForestryorestry CCommission.ommission. TThehe fforestorest ccanan bbee aaccessedccessed ffromrom CCastellastell CCochoch aass ttheyhey aarere llinkedinked bbyy ppublicublic rrightsights ooff wway.ay. YYouou ccanan eexperiencexperience severalseveral otherother wwalkingalking ttrailsrails tthroughhrough tthehe wwoodsoods iincludingncluding a sculpturesculpture trail.trail. SSomeome ooff tthehe ppathsaths aarere aalsolso ssuitableuitable fforor hhorseorse rriding.iding. ParkingParking isis availableavailable inin FforestFforest FFawrawr CCarar PParkark offoff HHeoleol y Forest,Forest, TTongwynlais,ongwynlais, aass wwellell aass tthehe pparkingarking nnearear toto thethe entranceentrance ooff CCastellastell CCoch.och. FForor mmoreore iinformationnformation aaboutbout FFforestforest FFawrawr ppleaselease vvisitisit tthehe FForestryorestry CCommissionommission wwebsiteebsite bbyy cclickinglicking hhereere. MAIN MAP Morganstown to Tongwynlais Circular Walk TThishis ccircularircular walkwalk pprovidesrovides aann iinterestingnteresting iinsightnsight iintonto CCardiffardiff ’’ss ppastast aass wwellell aass tthehe oopportunitypportunity ttoo ttakeake iinn ssomeome ofof tthehe scenery.scenery. TheThe walkwalk sstartstarts aatt tthehe IIronron BBridge,ridge, a ddistinctiveistinctive sstructuretructure sspanningpanning tthehe RRiveriver TTaffaff . IItt wwasas bbuiltuilt iinn 11815815 ttoo ccarryarry thethe railwayrailway tthathat rranan bbetweenetween tthehe PPentyrchentyrch IIronron WWorksorks locatedlocated atat TTaffaff ’’ss WWellell ttoo tthehe MMelingriffielingriffi tthh TTinin WWorks.orks. AAlonglong tthehe TTrailrail yyouou ccanan aalsolso aadmiredmire tthehe excellentexcellent vviewsiews ooff tthehe TTaffaff GGorgeorge aandnd CCastellastell CCoch.och. A ssmallmall ssectionection ooff tthehe GGlamorganshirelamorganshire CCanalanal iiss iincludedncluded iinn tthishis walkwalk - aanothernother rremindereminder ooff tthehe iimportantmportant rroleole pplayedlayed bbyy tthehe TTaffaff VValleyalley inin actingacting asas a majormajor transporttransport ccorridororridor duringduring thethe rapidrapid industrialindustrial ddevelopmentevelopment ooff tthehe rregion.egion. MAIN MAP Glamorganshire Canal TThehe GlamorganshireGlamorganshire CanalCanal waswas cconstructedonstructed iinn 11798798 ttoo ccopeope wwithith tthehe iincreasencrease inin tradetrade aandnd tthehe movementmovement ooff ccoaloal aandnd iironron oorere ffromrom tthehe MMerthyrerthyr aandnd RRhonddahondda VValleys.alleys. IItt hhadad a ddramaticramatic eeffff eectct oonn tthehe iimportancemportance ooff tthehe TTaffaff VValleyalley aandnd expansionexpansion ooff tthehe pportort ooff CCardiffardiff . TThehe CanalCanal waswas a mmajorajor eengineeringngineering feat,feat, ccoveringovering 2255 mmilesiles aandnd rrisingising toto a heightheight ooff 8800 mmetresetres aabovebove sseaea llevelevel tthroughhrough tthehe cconstructiononstruction ofof 5252 locks.locks. ItIt rapidlyrapidly bbecameecame overover crowdedcrowded andand waswas eeventuallyventually ggiveniven ccompetitionompetition bbyy tthehe TTaffaff RRailway.ailway. PPartart ooff tthehe CCanalanal rremainsemains iincludingncluding ttwowo llocksocks ((TopTop LLockock aandnd MMiddleiddle LLock)ock) aalongsidelongside FForestorest FFarmarm aandnd iiss nnowow a LLocalocal NNatureature RReserve.eserve. MAIN MAP Forest Farm FForestorest FFarmarm isis managedmanaged byby CardiffCardiff CCouncilouncil andand waswas ddesignatedesignated aass a CCountryountry PParkark iinn 11992992 ddueue ttoo iitsts rroleole fforor ttourismourism andand recreation.recreation. TThehe aarearea iiss alsoalso veryvery importantimportant fforor nnature,ature, aalsolso ccontainingontaining a SSiteite ooff SSpecialpecial SScientificientifi c IInterestnterest (SSSI)(SSSI) andand a locallocal naturenature rreserve.eserve. TThehe ooriginalriginal farmfarm househouse andand ccottageottage iiss hhomeome ttoo tthehe BBritishritish TrustTrust forfor CConservationonservation VVolunteersolunteers ((BTCV)BTCV) aandnd aalongsidelongside iiss tthehe FForestorest FFarmarm WardensWardens CCentre.entre. A ggrouproup ooff
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