E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 2019 No. 39 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was ceed to executive session to resume the nomination of Allison Jones Rush- called to order by the President pro consideration of the following nomina- ing to serve on the Fourth Circuit tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). tion, which the clerk will report. Court of Appeals. f The bill clerk read the nomination of As I noted yesterday, Ms. Rushing Allison Jones Rushing, of North Caro- comes with significant appellate expe- PRAYER lina, to be United States Circuit Judge rience and has filed 47 briefs in the U.S. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- for the Fourth Circuit. Supreme Court. It is clear to me, as it fered the following prayer: The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- was to a majority of our colleagues on Let us pray. ator from Iowa. the Judiciary Committee, that she Sovereign Lord, You are our refuge Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I would make a fine addition to the Fed- and strength. We look to You for ask unanimous consent to speak for 1 eral bench. So I will support her con- mercy and grace. minute as if in morning business. firmation later today, and I rec- Send to our lawmakers the power and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ommend that each of our colleagues do grace they need today to glorify Your objection, it is so ordered. the same. name in all they do. Lord, give them THE GREEN NEW DEAL NOMINATION OF CHAD A. READLER the purity of heart that will shut the Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I Madam President, following Ms. doors to all evil. Keep their feet in the would like to make a point about the Rushing, the Senate will consider Chad path of integrity that they may walk so-called Green New Deal. It is very ob- Readler of Ohio to serve on the Sixth securely. Develop in them a persever- vious it is a reference to Franklin Roo- Circuit Court of Appeals. Mr. Readler ance which refuses to leave any task sevelt’s New Deal in the 1930s. The im- is a two-time graduate of the Univer- half done. Empower them with a dili- plication is that what the New Deal did sity of Michigan, earning his J.D. with gence to offer You no less than their for the Depression should be a model honors in 1997. Following law school, best. for the environment. he held a clerkship on the Sixth Circuit We pray in Your powerful Name. There is just one great big problem: and has built a longstanding reputa- Amen. The New Deal in the 1930s didn’t work. tion in private practice as a consum- It didn’t get us out of the Great De- f mate legal professional. pression. The Depression didn’t end PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mr. Readler is also active in pro bono until we entered World War II. work, including for the United Way of The President pro tempore led the Just like the original, the Green New Central Ohio, and his nomination Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: Deal sounds like really bold action, but earned a ‘‘well qualified’’ rating from I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the it is really a jumble of half-cocked the American Bar Association. United States of America, and to the Repub- policies that will dampen economic So I look forward to advancing yet lic for which it stands, one nation under God, growth and will hurt jobs. another of President Trump’s impres- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Everything our government ought to sive judicial nominees later this week. f be trying to do is to encourage eco- H.R. 1 RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME nomic growth and to create jobs. Madam President, on another mat- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. I yield the floor. I suggest the absence of a quorum. ter, this week the House will be devot- HYDE-SMITH). Under the previous order, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ing floor time to the Democrat politi- the leadership time is reserved. clerk will call the roll. cian protection act. That is what I call f The bill clerk proceeded to call the the signature effort that Speaker CONCLUSION OF MORNING roll. PELOSI has given top billing—top bill- BUSINESS Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, ing—as H.R. 1, because this new House I ask unanimous consent that the order Democratic majority’s top priority is The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning for the quorum call be rescinded. apparently assigning themselves an un- business is closed. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without precedented level of control over how f objection, it is so ordered. they get elected to Washington, along EXECUTIVE SESSION RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY LEADER with how, where, and what American The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- citizens are allowed to say about it. jority leader is recognized. That is their priority No. 1. EXECUTIVE CALENDAR NOMINATION OF ALLISON JONES RUSHING Over there, across the Capitol, more The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, than anything else, Washington Demo- the previous order, the Senate will pro- yesterday the Senate voted to advance crats want a tighter grip on political ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S1635 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:38 Mar 06, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05MR6.000 S05MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S1636 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 5, 2019 debate and the operation of elections What about things like one-size-fits- hard work, indeed—and it requires a nationwide. But the Democrat politi- all online voter registration, where the multipronged approach. So not only cian protection act is just part of a trio simple safeguard of signing a document does H.R. 1 deploy stricter regulations of massive, unprecedented government can be easily side-stepped? Or a manda- on political speech; it also ramps up re- takeover schemes that Democrats have tory new one-stop registration and vot- quirements when private citizens en- already rolled out just this Congress. ing procedure in every State, without gage in it. Even small expressions of On its face, this proposal might seem the assurance of verifying the voter’s First Amendment rights could require less outrageous than Medicare for None identity or address before adding their extensive documentation, and in many or the so-called Green New Deal. It ballot to the ballot box? new cases, forced public disclosure of wouldn’t seem to impact the middle- If your State requires even the your private activities would be re- class families as directly as making loosest voter ID requirement, the quired. private health insurance plans illegal Democrats’ bill would undermine it. So we are in a dangerous climate for or sending the U.S. economy on a nose- Everything down to the type of paper the robust exchange of ideas. There is dive in the name of tackling carbon the ballot is printed on is dictated by outright government bias like we saw emissions while China goes roaring Washington Democrats under their from Lois Lerner’s IRS. There are ac- right by. proposal. The list goes on and on. tivist-driven online mobs that come Here is the thing. Those two pro- Now you might think that with after individuals’ reputations and their posals are just terrible policy. Bad pol- Democrats insisting that every locality livelihoods. This is not—I repeat, this icy can be stopped or undone through subscribe to ever looser registration is not—a climate where the people’s the political process, but H.R. 1 isn’t standards, they must provide strong representatives should be rushing to just terrible policy. It is an attempt to tools for verification and maintenance make more of Americans’ private in- rewrite the underlying rules of that po- of the voter rolls. Think again. In fact, formation public. litical process itself and skew those they seem more focused on taking The ACLU is not often an organiza- rules to benefit just one side—that away these safeguards. tion that would be described as bipar- side. The bill leaves States with less abil- tisan—not always—but here is what By every indication, the Democratic ity to maintain voter records and to the ACLU wrote in a letter to House politician protection act is a massive, ensure that people aren’t registered in Democrats just a couple of days ago: partisan solution in search of a prob- multiple States. In many instances, it There are . provisions that unconsti- lem. Democrats want to convince ev- seems the Democrats want more iden- tutionally impinge on the free speech rights eryone that our Republic is in crisis, tification required to correct an erro- of American citizens and public interest or- ganizations . [the bill] strikes the wrong but when you scratch the surface of neous voter entry—listen to this: more balance between the public’s interest in these scare tactics, their two main identification required to correct an knowing who supports or opposes candidates complaints seem to be that Democrats erroneous voter entry—than to register for office and the vital associational privacy don’t win enough elections, and people a new voter. In other words, it is hard- rights guaranteed by the First Amendment. Democrats don’t like also happen to er to get off the rolls than it is to get That is the ACLU.
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