yO L. F4» NO. 224. (CUMrtflflrt Advtrtlaiiig od F»fB 10.X sourk ifewGHB j u ^ e 2 1 , 19 3 2 . (TWELVE PAGES) PEfidB TEEEB C!ENTS • - ’ ' v ’ BORAH DENOUNCES New York Hails Amelia IF U.S. TRIED G. 0. P. DRY PLANK M INVASION Sontor, Abo, h Answer To FEDERAL EMPLOYES Sort of Monroe Doctrine Democradc'S^ker of tte Qoestioii, Soys He W31 Not Enunciated By Former Ltbnzzi Is Sentenced ARE GIVEN WARNING Honse Gives Ont Fomial Support HooTor On P ht- Japanese Enyoy To Amer­ Statement To P r e » form R ecent Adopted. Most Take No Active Part In ica At Dinner For Grew. Bridgeport, Jirae 21.—(AP) —<<^another man, that he had been lur­ MakiDg Clear Ifis Views / WMhIngton. June 21.—(AP) — Politics Or They Will Lose Pleading guilty to murder in the ed by the murdered woman and that T okyo, June 21— (A P )— ^Viscount second degree, (zuy^ Edmund U briz- no jury would find him gidlty of There a furore of political Od Various Natkmal Prolh Kikujiro Ishil, former 'ambassador zi, 34 year old, bald-headed, be­ premediated mur^eri the first degree queetioninfl^ today in the wake of Their Jobs. spectacled fruit store clerk of Nor­ murder charge which woul . have to the United States, enunciated, a 4 Senator Borah's dramatic announce- walk, was sentenced to life imprison­ made ths death penalty mandatory sort of Monroe Doctrine for Asia to- Ions — Observers .See meat that President Hoover will ment at Wethersfield by Judge was withdrawn.' Washington, June 21 — (AP) — night at a dinner for Joseph C. Frank. P. McEvoy in -Superior Court Calmly standing before the court, not have his support for re-election Federal employes were warned by Grew, the new United States am­ today for the m t^er of Mrs Jennie Librizzl said, '*T plead gu ilty to Move As a Kd For IIm if he stands on the Republican con­ the City Service Commission today bassador to Japan. Gordon Allen, 38, of Westport, murder in the second degree, your vention’s platform. to obey its rules not to take an Giving an address of welcome to whom ^e shot eight times with a honor.” Before a Seuate chamber tense active part in political campaigns Mr. Grew before the America-Japaq .38 calibre revolver early in the ..Two minutes later the prisoner Presidentia] NoiainatioD. in .e a p e c t a t io n ^ an extrEU3rdinary or face the possibility of losing their Society, tbe Japanese spokesman morning of Jime 1. bad been returned to the enclosure pronouncement from the Idahoan, jobs. asserted a grave situation would be On the‘plea of State’s Attorney in the court room called the “pen” The commission, aroused by poli­ thtw leading dry spokesmsm de­ created if the United States ever at­ Comley that Librizzl had committed preparatory to be taken by Sheriff Washington, June 21.—(AP)— tical activities of groups of Federal nounced yesterday the prohibition tempted to dominate the. Asiatic the crime in a jealous rage aroused Thomas F. Reilly this afternoon to John N. Garner, Speaker of the employes, called to the, attention of continent. resubmission plank, rejected the en­ because of Mrs. Allen’s attention to Wethersfield. House and one-time. Texas cowboy, tire Republican platfora as inade­ all of them long standing rules pro Mr. Grew, in his first speech quate and unrespbnsiTO to the de­ bibiting participation in politics and as ambassador, told the audience, swung bis political lariat toward mands of the people and then asked told them each individual would be which was composed of distinguish­ the Democratic presidential nomi­ if he would support the President held responsible for the activities of ed Japanese leaders, that America any organization to which he or she nation today with a statement urgi- on that platform, delivered his always and everywherp will uphold belonged. ing repeal of. the Eighteenth bombshell: *1 will not.” the structiu^ of international pbace. EUROPE MUST DISARM Explains the Rule Amendment. ta­ The importance of the utterance “If I were asked,” Mr. Grew said, “To make a public attack on “to which subject in 'Hie past fifteen in a formal statement'banded to lay in; that Borah’s driving cam­ candidate for public office is paign for Hoover in 1928 has been years Americans have given the Not sines earlier days when trans-AtlanHc flights were less common, newspapermen, the Speaker*said he take an active part in a political most thought and discussion, I un­ had New York’s Brpa<^ay given' s o '' 'anthfiSiastic a greeting to a re­ OR NO CUT IN DEBTS had voted aga'nst the Eighteenth regarded as one of the greatest in­ campaign,” the commission said in dividual contributions to the Presi­ hesitatingly would say the efforts turning flyer. Here' you see the’ S tirrin g 'scSne as Amelia Earhart Put­ <»)- Amendment and added: ‘T . have its statement.” Such action is a of the nations to build a durable nam—first woman to fly across the ocean—wOS accorded a spectacular never believed it sound or workable dent’s election. violation of civil service Rule 1 and structure of tbe international Yet In the belief of many, the “welcome home” with a storm cf ticker-tape afid'ccnfettL and it should be repealed.” may subject the offending employee peace.” Senator's utterance yesterday bore America’s Envoy Tells CUMMINGS STARTS Discussing the Democratic presi­ to separation from the public ser­ He spoke directly after M. Ishil dential nomination, he said Ct^pr- an unspoken invitation to the Presi- vice. If the attack is made by the had referred to various predictions dept to write his own platform, with nia and TexEis D einocrats are send­ joint action of several employees, of a conflict between the United France 'Diat Otherwise Mo ing delegations to the Chicago con­ a strong ii^'^nal prohibition stand the guilt is still personal and at­ States and Japan, and had given his FOR P A R H PARLEY in the a d d i^ accepting the nomina­ vention “Instructed to vote for my taches to each employee separately belief an armed clash was possible CLAIMS KU KLUX KLAN nomination for the presidency. tion which Mr. Hoover is to deliver Ajipeal For Canediation and severally for the purpose of the only in two extremely improbable “This has been done without my later in the summer. administration of the civil service contingencies. solicitation,” he continued. ap- ' No Third Party .‘1 law.” “First,” M. IsWi outlined, “if Can Be Considered. predate the support o t my friends Borah said he had no intention of At the commission it was said AIDED GOV. ROOSEVELT Vanguard of State’ s Demo­ Japan were foolish enough to at­ and am willing to serve my. country that one organization of Federal going-into a third party movement tempt to imduly interfere in tbe and my party to the limit o t my ca­ and the idea develop^ that he would employees had sent a circular let­ western hemisphere — then war cratic Delegates Leave pacity.” . ' ter to other associations of govern­ Geneva, Switzerland. June 21.— ignore the presidential campaign would be Inevitable. Statement in Full ment workers and the American and limit himself to stumping for America’s Concern Member of Democratic Na- NEW FEDERAL TAX (A P)—^Hugh S. Gitjson^. America’s His statement follows in full: dry memberr of Congre^. Federation of Labor lurging the “Second, if America attempted to representative at tbe disarmaipent For Chicago Today. members “to work .gainst reelec­ “Many of my friends, not only The full fury of B o il’s atteck dominate Asia. conference, told Premier Harriot of those residing in my own district turned on the pesubmiSBion tion of Congsessmen! they believe to Makeo “But I am con'vlnced,” he wept France last night che United Stales and state, but throughout tiie coun­ plank. But he was no apore kind to be unfrlendl;^ to their cause.” This on, “that America’s concern in the IN EFFECT TODAY Hartford, Jxme 21.^(AP) — ’The case now is imder consideration by will not listen to any appeal for try have asked me repeatedly to ex­ the remainder of the pb^orm nudn- Orient is oidy the maintenance of cancellation of debts so long as Eu­ vanguard of Connecticut’s del^ates press myself on various public ques­ tatning that long beforej^e election the commtoslon. peace in respect to her treaties. rope continues spending vast sums to the Democratic Naticmal conven­ tions. *iii« "singular documencP will have Therefore the American .interven­ “I have maintained the position fo r arms. tion representing the Alfred E. been shoved aside in the “the tion alluded to above is as highly of Letters As Proof. In Sene Cases, Hnwever, - Tbay mat at Merges, a little tqim I assumed when I Was elected nahties of tb. campalste the in^robsUe as' Japanese interfer^ce boMiway^ hetweim h«re and Lou- Smith majority and the Franklin^. vSpeakp^ of the House and I wndld sisb^t questioning iff tH U yotei^ A L W H WORRIES in' the western hemisphere. sume; . and., talked until, past' pooMvelt minority left for.. Chicago not iffiAzlge in-the discussUm of 6oq- Bocah said tt we[a j M. Isbii.. predicted bis Teleeebces New:Yoflt,*:JuffC 21— (AP) — PnhGcWillNeLSeRitDiiyil night. It waft said tiiat Mr. CUbaon toovendOl issues, not iiiimsdlately great majority of the RepubUcan to conflict upon this assectiopr'. ' . The New York i - said today had asked'-the premier to eoaui N.
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