No. 197 4631 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 24 OCTOBER 1985 CORRIGENDUM The Tokoroa Rural Fire District Order 1948, Amendment No, 8 Classification of Reserves North Auckland Land District-Mount Roskill Borough DAVID BEA TIlE, Governor-General ORDER IN COUNCIL IN the notice with the above heading published in the New Zealand Gazette, 19 September 1985, No. 173, page 4096, in the second to At the Government House at Wellington this 14th day last paragraph of the Schedule, for "situated in Block VI" read of October 1985 "situated in Block IV". Present: (L. and S. H.O. Res. 2/2/124; D.O. 8/3/151) HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL 3/1 PURSUANT to the Forest and Rural Fires Act 1977, His Excellen9' the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice and conseflt of the Executive Council, hereby makes the following order. CORRIGENDUM The High Court Sittings 1986 ORDER 1. This order may be cited as the Tokoroa Rural Fire District IN the notice with the above heading published in the New Zealand Order 1948, Amendment No.8, and shall be read together with Gazette, 17 October 1985, No. 193, page 4490, for Other Places­ and deemed part of the order constituting the Tokoroa Rural Fire Greymouth substitute "10 March" for "31 March". District Order made on the 17th day of November 1948* (hereinafter referred to as the principal order). 2. This order shall come into force from the date of its notification in the New Zealand Gazette. Declaring Holder of Office to be a Non-Elective Member of The 3. The principal order is hereby amended by revoking the Schedule North Canterbury Catchment Board thereto and substituting the Schedule hereto. DAVID BEATTIE, Governor-General SCHEDULE ORDER IN COUNCIL SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT-AuCKLAND AND ROTORUA At'the Government House at Wellington this 14th day of CONSERVANCIES October 1985 ALL those areas in the South Auckland Land District, Tauranga Present: and Matamata Counties, Otorohanga and Rotorua Districts and Taumarunui and Taupo Counties containing approximately 199 000 HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL hectares and described generally as follows: PURSUANT to section 7 ofthe Soil Conservation and Rivers Control "Firstly": All that area situated in Opoutihi, Otanewainuku, Amendment Act 1948, His Excellency the Governor-General acting Maketu, Tapapa East, Patetere North, Patetere North-east, Rotorua, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, Wharepapa, Patetere South, Horohoro West, Horohoro, Ngautuku, declares that the person who is the holder for the time being of the Ranginui, Whakamaru, Atiamuri, Ngongotaha, Marotiri, office of Tuhingamata West and Tatua Survey Districts, bounded by a line Senior Advisory Officer, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, commencing at a point being, the easternmost comer of part Kokako Christchurch Block, in Block XVI, Patetere North Survey District, and proceeding thence north-westerly along the north-eastern boundary of that block shall be a non-elective member of the North Canterbury Catchment to the south-eastern boundary of Lot 3, D.P. 32267, thence north­ Board as from the 24th day of October 1985. easterly along that boundary and its production to the centre line P. G. MILLEN, ofTe Whetu Road, thence generally north-westerly along the centre Clerk of the Executive Council. lines ofTe Whetu and Ngatira Roads to the right bank ofthe Oraka (P.W. 75/23) Stream, thence generally north-westerly along that bank to a point 10 in line with the south-eastern boundary of Lot 9, D.P. 19039, in 4632 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 197 Block XI, Patetere North Survey District, thence south-westerly to the eastern boundary of Section 42, Block IV, Rotorua Survey and along that boundary and its production to the centre line of District, thence generally northerly and westerly along the generally Pinedale Loop Road, thence generally north-westerly and north­ eastern and northern boundaries of the said Section 42 and the last­ easterly along the centre lines of Pinedale Loop Road, State Highway mentioned boundary produced to the centre line of the Tauranga No. I, Domain Road, the Rotorua Branch Railway, a public road, Direct Road, thence generally southerly along the centre lines of being the western boundary of Lot 3, D.P. S. 3749, in Block XI, the Tauranga Direct Road, Lagoon Road and Roy Road to a point Patetere North Survey District, and Harris Road to the southern in line with the western boundary of Section 9, Block III, Rotorua boundary of Lot 3, D.P. S. 4690 in Block XII, Patetere North Survey Survey District, thence south-westerly to and along that boundary District, thence generally easterly along that boundary and its to the north-eastern boundary of Mangorewa Kaharoa 6E3 No. I production to the right bank of the Waihou River, thence generally A Block, thence south-easterly and south-westerly along the north­ north-westerly along that bank to a point in line with the north­ eastern, and south-eastern boundaries of that block to the north­ western boundary of Section 8, Block VIII, Patetere North Survey eastern boundary of Lot I, D.P. S. 12297, thence south-easterly, District, thence north-easterly to and along that boundary and its southerly and westerly along the north-eastern, eastern and southern production to the centre line of Leslie Road, thence easterly along boundaries of the said Lot I to, and westerly along, the northern that centre line to a point in line with the south-eastern boundary boundaries of parts Section 9, Block VII, Rotorua Survey District of Lot 2, D.P. 29456 in Block VIII, Patetere North Survey District, to the western boundary of the (western) part Section 9, thence thence north-easterly to and along that boundary to the south-western southerly along that boundary to the northern boundary of Lot 2, boundary of Whaiti Kuranui 2A2B5B Block, thence south-easterly D.P. 24742, thence westerly along that boundary and the northern along that boundary to and south-easterly, north-easterly and north­ boundaries of Section 7A, Block XI Rotorua Survey District, and westerly along the south-western, south-eastern and north-eastern Lot I, D.P. S. 18745 to the eastern boundary of Section 8A, Block boundaries of Whaiti Kuranui 2A2B5A Block to the westernmost X, Rotorua Survey District, thence southerly along that boundary corner of Whaiti Kuranui 2E2 West 4D2A Block, thence north­ and its production to the centre line ofOturoa Road, thence generally easterly along the north-western boundaries ofWhaiti Kuranui 2E2 westerly along the centre lines of Oturoa Road and State Hi$hway West 4D2A, part 2E2 West 4, 2E2 West 4B and part 2C Blocks No.5 to a point in line with the western boundary of SectIon 7, and part Lot I, D.P. 654 and the last-mentioned boundary produced Block IX, Rotorua Survey District, thence southerly to and along to the centre line of State Highway NO.5 in Block IV, Patetere that boundary and the western boundaries of Sections 4, part 3, 3C North Survey District, thence generally south-easterly along that and 3A, Block IX aforesaid, and their production to the centre line centre line to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Section of Clinkard Road, thence generally south-easterly along that centre 49, Block IV, Patetere North-east Survey District, thence northerly line to a point in line with the western boundaries of parts Section to and along that boundary to the northernmost corner of the said 2, Block XIII, Rotorua Survey District, thence southerly to and Section 49, thence generally north-easterly along the generally north­ along those boundaries and their production to the centre line of western boundary of the part of State Forest 3 leased by New Zealand the Rotorua Branch Railway, thence easterly along that centre line Forest Products Ltd. to the southernmost corner of Paen~roa part to a point in line with the eastern side of Bayley Road (unformed), No. I Block in Block IX, Patetere North-east Survey Distnct, thence thence southerly to and along that roadside to the southern boundary generally northerly along the generally western boundaries of that of Section l6A, Block XIII, Rotorua Survey District, thence easterly block and Lot 1, D.P. S. 26254 to the northernmost corner of the along that boundary to the western boundary of Section I, Block said Lot I, thence north-westerly along the north-eastern boundaries I, Horohoro Survey District, thence southerly along that boundary ofPaengaroa No.2 Block, Whaiti Kuranui 5A and part 5D2 Blocks and its production to the left bank of the Mangakotaha Stream, and Section 123, Block III, Tapapa East Survey District, to the right thence generally south-easterly along that bank to the western bank of the Heretatua Stream (near the southernmost corner of part boundary of Section 8, Block II, Rotorua Survey District, thence Lot 2, D.P. S. 3716 in Block VI, Opoutihi Survey District), thence southerly along that boundary and its production across Cochrane northerly along that bank and the right bank of the Kaukumoutiti Road to the eastern boundary of Section 5, Block I, Horohoro Survey Stream to the south-western boundary of part Lot 2, D.P. 28320, District, thence southerly along that boundary to and thence easterly thence south-easterly along that boundary and the south-western along the northern boundary of the said Section 5, to and thence boundaries of Lot 2 and part Lot I, D.P. 29669, and their production along the northern boundary of Section 9, Block II, Horohoro Survey to the centre line of Soldiers
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