670 Question Asked in Various Recent Exams (SBI, IBPS RRB, IBPS PO) S are !it "our #riends- %& ' at is t e ca(ita) o* +u"ana, $ +eor-eto!n .& /ationa) 0ourna)ism 1ay is o2ser3ed on ! ic day e3ery "ear, $ %7 /o3em2er 4& A(o))o 5os(ita)s tied u( !it P arma firm $ Sano6 7& 8o ammad + ouse, (assed a!ay in 9 ennai& 5e !as associated !it ! ich s(orts? $ 9ricket :& Expand 9O8PA; $ 9om(etition A((e))ate ;ri2una) 6& Indian men ockey team clinc ed -o)d a*ter o! many "ears in Asian +ames, $ %6 "ears 7& India !on o! many -o)d meda)s in %7t Asian -ames, $ %% <& Expand ;S +E/9O = ;e)an-ana State Po!er +eneration 9or(oration >& ' o is 8ichae) P e)(s, $ ?S swimmer %0& Indian Rai)!a"s on %0 Octo2er .0%7 ce)e2rated its ……… Annua) Rai)!a" /ationa) A!ards $ :>t %%& P8 /arendra 8odi addressed Indian$Americans at !or)d *amous 8adison SAuare +arden&8adison SAuare +arden is situated in ! ich cit", $ /e! Bork %.& 0& Ja"a)a)it aa 2ecame first incum2ent chie* minister to 2e convicted *or corru(tion and !as sentenced *or 7 "ears in Jai) &S e !as t e c ie* minister o* CCCCCCCCCCCC state, $ ;ami) /adu %4& ; e Vision Statement is issued 2y $ India and ?S %7& Dai)ash Sat"art i is associated !it CCCCCCCmo3ement, $ Bac (an Bachao Ando)an %:& ' o is t e aut or o* t e Book E ; e shado! )ines", $ Amitav + os %6& Accordin- to ?nion Bud-et .0%7$%:, o! many II8s to 2e o(ened, $ : %7& In rai)!a" 2ud-et .0%7$%:, 9)ean)iness 2ud-et u( 2y o! many (er cent o3er )ast "ear, $ 70F %<& #1I )imit in 9ivi) Aviation $ 7>F& %>& 9ensus .0%%, !as t e %:t 9ensus o* India and …… 9ensus a*ter Inde(endence& $ 7t .0& 5eadAuarter o* Indian 2ank is situated in CCCCCCCCCC cit", $ 9 ennai .%& ' o is t e current road, transport, i- !a"s and shi((in- minister, $ /itin +adkari ..& E9B stands *or$Externa) 9ommercia) Borro!in-s .4& 'im2)edon 9u( is re)ated to CCCCCCC -ame , $ Ga!n tennis .7& 9urrency o* 8a)a"sia is $ Rin--it .:& EPS in s are market stands *or $ Earnin-s Per S are .6& ' o is aut orized to (ermit (remature closure o* PP# AIc? $ 9 airman o* concernin- Bank .7& ; e o2Jecti3e o* +o3ernment to a((oint /arasim am 9ommittee is $ to stren-t en t e 2ankin- system .<& ' en !as /ABAR1 esta2)ished, $ Ju)" %., %><. .>& CCCCCCCCC cities in India as 2ecome t e !or)dKs second most (o(u)ous city in .0%7 a*ter ;okyo, accordin- to a ?/ re(ort re)eased recent)", $ 1e) i 40& Recent)" ! o as 2ecome t e 6rst ()a"er o* Indian ori-in to 2e a (art o* t e /ationa) Basket2a)) Association (/BA), $ Sim B u))ar 4%& ' o is t e (resent +)o2a) +ood!i)) Am2assador o* ?/I9E#, $ Sachin ;endu)kar 4.& CCCCCCCCCCC is an e$9ommerce so)ution o* /ationa) Payments 9or(oration o* India (/P9I), $ RuPay 1e2it 9ards 44& Recent)" SBI si-ned CCCCCCC )ine o* credit !it Export Im(ort Bank o* India& $ :00 mi))ion do))ars 47& CCCCCCCCC i- est ur2an (o(u)ation, $ 8a aras tra 4:& Ja(an as sea$conflict !it CCCCCCCCC countr", $ 9 ina 46& CCCCCCCC si-ned an a-reement !it t e Dochi 8etro Rai) Gtd& *or a )oan o* Rs. %,%70 crore, $ 9anara Bank 47& Recent)" *ormer President o* t e ?nited States o* America Bi)) 9)inton visited Ja2rou)i vi))a-e, near Guckno!, on an a!areness mission on $ diarr ea 4<& India as inked a )oan a-reement !it 'or)d Bank *or an assistance o* CCCC*or t e Odisha 1isaster Reco3ery ProJect& $ M%:4 mi))ion 4>& #or t e sa*ety and !e)*are o* !omen o! muc money as 2een (rovided *or Beti Bac ao Beti Pad ao BoJana to -enerate a!areness on t e issues? $ Rs. %00 crores 70& CCC!as con*erred NBest Bank = Pu2)ic SectorO a!ard in B#SI A!ards-.0%7 2y 'or)d 5R1 9on-ress, recent)", $ Bank o* 8a aras tra 7%& ' at is 9urrent Re(o Rate, $ <F 7.& Recent)" Pri"anka 9 o(ra ()a"ed a ro)e o* 8ary Dom in a movie, ! o is 8ar" kom, $ Boxer 74& Ex(and 1B; $ 1irect Benefit ;ransfer 77& Gis2on is t e ca(ita) o* = Portu-a) 7:& 9urrency o* Saudi Ara2ia $ Ri"a) 76& ' at is P9K in DB9, $ 9ustomer 77& ' at is PIK in REI;, $ In3estment 7<& 8ar" Barra ! o recent)y visited India is t e 9EO o* = +enera) 8otors 7>& Accordin- to RBI norms, ! at is minimum ca(ita) reAuired *or *orie-n 2anks to o(en su2sidaries in India, $ Rs :00 9rores :0& %7t Asian +ames !ere e)d at$ Incheon :%& P;o-et er !e canK is slo-an o* CCCCCCCC, $ 9anara Bank :.& NPa )a kadam , (a )i udanO account is )aunc ed 2y CCCCCC , $ SBI :4& Bank *ormed 2y Brics is kno!n as $ /e! 1e3e)o(ment Bank :7& SEBI extended -uide )ine to a((oint at )east one !omen in 2oard o* director 2y $ 4%march .0%: ::& ?(a))u Srini3as ! o died recent)" is a reno!ned = 8ado)in P)a"er :6& RBI as recent)y reduced A;8 transaction *rom : to 4, on CCCCCCC accounts it is not a(()ica2)e, $ BSB1A :7& Pension scheme *or rura) and unor-anised sector is $ S!a3a)am2an :<& 9ard )aunc ed 2y Indian Rai)!a" to a3oid (ayment transaction durin- ticket 2ookin- is $ +o India smart 9ard :>& +o3ernment clears disin3estment in 4 PS?Ks *or t e sum o* Rs 77,000 crores, CCCCCCCCC is one o* t em, $ O/+9 60& 9anto)ania re*erendum is a (art o* CCCCCCC, $ S(ain 6%& Ru(a" card is used 2y ! ich t"(e o* 2anks, $ A)) schedu)ed commercia) 2anks 6.& 9urrent Prime 8inister o* ?D is $ 1avid 9ameroon 64& ' o !as t e Indian cricket team coach in t e recent de2acle a-ainst En-)and in t e in3estec test series, $ 1uncan #)etcher 67& S i3asundram ydro (o!er (roJect is stated in ! ich state , $ Darnataka 6:& CCCCCCCCC as )aunched (remium credit cards exclusi3e)" *or !omen scheme, $ 51#9 Bank 66& ; e u((er )imit t at can 2e de(osited in PP# account as increased to = Rs . )ac 67& NAnd ; en One 1a"O no3e) is aut ored 2y = /aseeruddin S a 6<& CCCCCCCCC as not 2een con*erred !it Padma S ri a!ards? $ Ra- unat 8as e)kar 6>& B amas a #inancia) Em(o!erment scheme is )aunched 2y t e -o3ernment o* ! ic o* t e *o))o!in- states? $ RaJast an 70& CCCCCCCCC states in India as t e i- est rura) (o(u)ation, $ Sikkim 7%& ; e minimum (aid u( ca(ita) reAuired *or 2ot sma)) and (ayment 2anks is = Rs %00 crores 7.& Gimit *or #1I in mu)ti2rand is $ :%F 74& CCCCCCCCC 2anks as si-ned :00 mi))ion do))ar )ine o* credit EQI8 2ank o* Dorea, $ SBI 77& 9ommittee *ormed to revie! t e in3estment -uide)ines *or nationa) (ension schemes in t e (ri3ate sector = +&/& BaJ(ai 9ommittee 7:& As (er 5SB9 re(ort India !i)) 2ecome t e 6*t )ar-est exporter 2y t e "ear $ .040 76& AsiaKs first 2a))istic Research 9entre is to 2e o(ened in = India 77& ; e 2ook PGaJJaK is aut ored 2y = ;aslima /asrim 7<& /ame t e #renc #orei-n 8inister ! o recent)y visited India& $ Gaurent #a2ris 7>& PEconomic Out)ook Re(ortK is (u2)ished 2y ! ich o* t e *o))o!in- or-anisations? $ I8# <0& IndiaKs 6rst Disan 8andi is to 2e set u( in = 1e) i <%& Jan 1 an "oJna additiona) insurance co3era-e is (rovided 2y ! ich or-anization, $ 51#9 <.& ' at is t e ta-)ine o* ?nited 2ank o* India, $ ; e Bank t at 2e-ins !it ?& <4& BSB1A is re)ated !it ! ic o* t e *o))o!in- fie)d, $ Bankin- <7& ' ich is t e Gar-est desert in t e !or)d, $ Sa ara <:& ' o is Gieutenant +o3ernor o* 1e) i, $ /aJee2 Jun- <6& 5anoi is t e ca(ita) o* =Vietnam <7& ' o is t e aut or o* 5a)* -ir)*riend, $ 9 etan B a-at <<& P8+SB *u)) *orm$Prad an 8antri +ram Sadak BoJana <>& ' at is t e 9urrency o* 9 ina, $ yuan >0& ' at is t e maximum amount in PP#, $ Rs %:0000 >%& Dudanku)am /uclear (o!er ()ant is situated in ! ich state, $ ;ami) /adu >.& ' o is t e 1irector o* #indin- #ann", $ 5omi AdaJania >4& ' at is t e 8aximum )imit o* R;+S, $ /o )imit >7& Pre s i(ment and (ost shi(ment is re)ated !it ! ich 6nance, $ Export 6nance >:& State !it )o!est (o(u)ation, accordin- to census .0%%, $ Sikkim >6& RBI re)ease dra*t +uide)ines *or Gicensin- o* Payments Banks and Sma)) Banks.' at is t e ca(ita) o* t ese 2anks? $ Rs %00 crore >7& RR9A; is )ocated in ! ich state, $ 8ad "a Pradesh ><& Individua) Borro!er can check t eir credit re(ort *rom =9IBIG >>& EB; *u)) *orm$E)ectronic Benefits ;ransfer %00& Bank )icense -i3en to ! ich /B#9s , $ Band an and I1#9 %0%& ' ic one o* t e *o))o!in- is not re-u)ator(O(tions $ RBI,SEBI,9ER/,IR1A) , $ 9ER/ %0.& Ro an Bo(anna re)ated to ! ich s(ort , $ ;ennis %04& ' ic )ine divides America and 9anada$ , 7>t (ara))e) %07& ' at is t e nick name o* Dorea , $ Gand o* mornin- ca)m %0:& .0%7 is reco-nised as com()etion o* %00 "ears o* ! ich !ar , $ 'or)d 'ar $ I %06& An-e)a 8erke) is re)ated to ! ich country , $ +erman" %07& ' o is t e chairman o* committee re)ated to +as (ricin- , $ViJay De)kar %0<& ' at is t e expanded *orm o* PGO $ Pa)estine )i2eration or-anization %0>& A*rican union is 6- tin- !it ! ich terrorist or-anisation ,$ Boko aram %%0& 1onna ;rott as aut ored t e 2ook tit)ed as , $ ; e -o)dfinc %%%& ' at is t e ran-e o* Bram os missi)e , $ .>0Dm %%.& 9urrency o* B utan, $ /-u)trum %%4& /e! +o3ernor o* 5ar"ana , $ Da(tan Sin- So)anki %%7& 0ara!a tri2e 2e)on-s to , $ Andaman and /ico2ar islands %%:& ' o is t e 8inister o* state *or I; R Broadcastin-, $ Prakas Ja3dekar %%6& ' at is t e Giteracy rate o* Bi ar accordin- to .0%% census? $ 64&<.F %%7& 8ary kom movie (roduced 2y SanJay Gee)a B ansa)i is !ritten 2y S Sai!yn Quadras %%<& 9urrency o* Sri )anka , $ Sri Ganka Ru(ee %%>& 9a(ita) o* Du!ait ,$ Du!ait cit" %.0& Po!er, 9oa) and rene!a2)e ener-ies minister in t e current -o3ernment , $ Piyush +o"a) %.%& 9urrency o* Vatican 9ity , $ Euro %..& +a-an /aran- !on meda) in 9ommon!ea)t in ! ich shootin- e3ent, $ :0 m air rifle e3ent %.4& ' at are t e num2er o* /ationa)ized Banks in India a*ter nationa)ization o* B8B, $ .% %.7& 1avis 9u( re)ated to ! ic sport ,$ Ga!n ;ennis %.:& ' ic countr" to((ed 9'+ .0%7 8eda) ta))" , $ En-)and %.6& /e! 1e(uty +o3erner o* RBI S S 8undra re()aced ! om , $ D 9 9 akra2ort" %.7& ' ic amon- t e *o))o!in- is a 2ankin- term , $ 9RR
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