CENSUS OF INDIA, 1961 MYSORE STATE DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK MYSORE DISTRICT K. BALASUBRAMANYAM Oll' TUB INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVIOE SUPERINTENDENT OF OENSUS OPERATIONS IN KYSOR. PRINTED AND PUBLISH1IID BY THB DIREOTOR OF PRINTING. STATIONERY AND l'UBLICATIONS, AT THE GOVERNMENT CENTRAL PRBSS, BANG~LORE ·,.-. ~ ,.. ,.. '" (J .....'" i IZ 4. ~ .... cD Q. UJ ,'0 -< cr: 1- ~ . ~" ...... .... ~ III ," u > 0 ....ii ~ <:'- on 0 .... U 0 l~ ~ IZ I- '" ~ ~ '~ '~ .~ :>J b .~ '" .~ CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 VOLUME XI MYSORE List of Central Government Publications Part I-A General Report Part I-B Report on Vital Statistics Part I-C Subsidiary Tables Part II-A General Population Tables (A Series) Part II-B (i) General Economic Tables (Tables B-1 to B-IV-0) Part II-B (ii) General Economic Tables (Tables B-V to B-IX) Part II-C (i) Social and Cultural Tables (C Series) . Part II-C (ii) Migration Tables (D Series) Part III Household Economic Tables (Tables B-X to B-XVII) Part IV-A Report on.Housing and Establishments Pa.rt IV-B Homing a.nd Establishment Tables (E Series) Part V-A Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part V-B Et~nographic No~es on ~cheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes . (IncludIng reprInts from old Census Reports) Part VI Village Survey Monographs (51:monographs) Part VII Handicraft Survey Monographs (13 crafts) Part VIII-A Administration Report-Enumeration 1 notfor sale Part VIII-B Administration Report-Tabulation J Part IX Census Atlas Volume Pa.rt X Specia.l Report on Bangalore Metropolitan Area S tate Government Publications 19 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOKS PREFACE One of the important publications of t.he Census of India 1961 is the District Census Handbook for each district. The District Census Handbooks were first published in the 1951 Census. In the District Census Handbook of the 1961 Census it was originally envisaged t,o include detailed administrative statistios, Census Tables and Village Dire­ ctory, along with certain maps. Due to circumstances beyond the control of this organisa­ tion, the District Census Handbooks of Bangalore, Dharwar and Mysore Districts were delayed. In order to ensure that the basic demographic data is available, it was decided to publish the handbooks of these three districts in a slightly modified form. Accordingly the handbooks of these three districts contain only Table SCT-I (Part A and Part B) relating to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and the Village Directory. The latter furnishes information talukwise of the villages with population details. These handbooks ~ have been compiled by the Census Organisation under the general instructions of the Registrar General and are printed and published by the State Government. BANGALORE P. PADMANABHA, June 1971 Director of Oensus Operations in Mysore. CONTENTS PART I Page Explanatory Note 1--3 SOT-I-I,ldustrial olassifioa.tion of per.ons fit Work and Non-workers by sex Part-A-&lhednIed Castes Part-B-Scheduled Tribes PART II UNION PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 10-17 • Village Directory Explanatory Note 21 1. Oha.marajanagar Taluk 23-35 2. Gandlupet Taluk 36---45 3. HeggadadevanakMe Taluk 46-33 4. HUU8ul' Taluk 64-75 5. Kollegal Taluk 76-81 6. KrishnaraJanagar Taluk 82-93 7. Myeore Taluk 94-103 8. Nanja.ngud Taluk 104.-115 9. Periyapatna Taluk 116-127 10. Thirumakudlu Narasipur Taluk J28-137 11. Yelandur Taluk • 131-140 LIST OF MAPS AND DIAGRAMS Facing Page 1. District Map of MYlLore Title page 2. Pie diagram showing the area and population of Mysore State 1961. 1 3. Pie diagram of Popula.tion ola.esifiod by nature of work of Mysore State and MY80re Distriot, 1001. 1 4. Map of Ohamnsjanagar Taluk. U 5. Map of Gundlupet Taluk. 36 6. Map of Heggadadevanakote Taluk. 46 7. Map of Hunsur TaJuk. 64 8. Map of Kollegal Taluk. 76 9. Map of Krillhnarajanagul' Taluk. 82 10. Ma.p of Mysore Truuk 94. 11. Map of Nanjangud Taluk 10' 12. Map of Periyapatna Taluk 116 13. Map of Thirumakudlu Na.raaipur Taluk 128 14. Map of Yelandur Taluk 138 MYSORE STATE, lDel Area in S quare Mild (As furnished by the Surveyor GcrwraI of India) MYSOBE STATE, 1961 Population MYSORE STATE, 1961 Population classified by nature of work MYSORE DISTRICT, 1961 Population classified by nature of work EXPLANATORY NOTE The information collected at the time of house-listing (iv) 'Institutional Popula t.ion ' : Hospitals, Boarding and enumeration for the 1961 Census, has been e1ten­ Homes, Hostels, Jails and such other agencies which sively analysed, and the data has been reduced to nine provide boarding, lodging and similar facilities have been series of tables as follows: termed" Institutions". All people who were enumerated in these institutiollb are brought under Institutional (i) A Series General Population tables Population. (ii) B (i) Series General Economic tables (v) 'Literacy and Education': All persons who (iii) B (ii) Series Household Economic tables were able to read and understand, any simple lettel in (iv) C Series Social and Cultural tables any language either in print or in manuscript and to write simple letter are considered 'Literate' for census (v) D Series Migrati.on table~ purposes. If in addition to being able to read and write, (vi) E Series Housing and Establishment any person has passed an examination or examinations tables. as proof of an education'll level attained, the highest examination pa&Sed was recorded in the enumeration (vii) S.C.T. Series.. Special t,ables for the Scheduled slip. Castes and Scheduled Tribes. viii) S.C. Series Special tables for the Scheduled (vi) "Non-workers" are persons who do not work Castes only. in the sense exphined in para 5 (xii) infra and include. (ix) S.T. Series Special tables for the Scheduled (a) a full time student or child attending school who Tribes only. does no other work, such ab making articles at home for sale, nor even helps part-time in his own Ai> mentioned in the preface, this volume contains family cultivation, industry, trade or business; only tables relating to S.C.T. I and Village Directory. The material presented here is as on 1st March 196], (b) a persoll solely engaged in unpaiJ home duties like which was the reference date for the 1961 Census. housewi~es, etc. ; (c) a dependant including an infant or child not atten­ It may be of ~ome interest to briefly indicate here the ding school, a person permanently disabled from concepts and definitions of borne of the terms used during work because of illness or old age; the CensUb Operatiom. (d) a retired person who 1S not employed again, rentier person living on agricultural or non-agricultural For Census purposes ,: royalty, rent or dividend or any other person of (i) A ' Census House' is defined to be a structure independent means for secUling which he does ur a part of a structure inhabited or vacant, or used not have to work or who does no other work; [ur non-residential purposes such as place of business, (e) a begger, vagrant or independent woman without wurkshop, school, etc., having a separate entrance. indication of source of income and others of unspecified source of exibtence; (ii) A ' Census Household' is defi.ued to be a group of persons who commonly live together in the same (j) a convict in jail (an under trial prisoner has been Census houoe and who would take their meals from a shown as a worker if be used to work before he common kitchen unless exigencies of work prevented • was apprehended) or an inmate of a penal, menta] any of them from doing so. or charitable institution; (g) a person who was not employed before but was (iii) 'Houseless Persons', as the name itself indi­ seeking employment for the first time; cates are those persons who at the timc of enumeration were not found re::,iding in bouseti. Persons like pave­ (h) a person who was employed before but was out of ment dwellers, beggars without any house to live in employment at the timc of cnumeration and was were grouped under the category of Houseless Fersow". then seeking employment. 2 (vii) "Occupied Residential House" is a dwelling (xii) " Worker". A person who is gainfully house and also includes a house used partly as a dwelling employed in any economic or social activity is taken as and partly for some other purpose like shop, workshop, a worker. But h.e has to satisfy a minimum criterion if factory, etc., but does not include a vacant residential he is to be called a 'I worker" for Census purposes. In house where no person was found to be rebiding at the the case of regular employment in any trade, professiou, time of the Census. service, business or commerce, the basis of work will be satisfied if the person was employed during any of the (viii) "Scheduled Castes" are such castes, races fifteen days preceding the person's enumeration. How· or tribM or parts of groups within such castes, races ever, a perf!on who is working, but was absent from the or tribes a" are declared to be Scheduled Castes, by the work during the fifteen 1ays preceding the day on which President's orders issued under Article 341 of the Consti­ enumerated or even exceeding the period of fifteen days tution of India. due to illness or other causes was treated as "worker". The basis of wor~ in the seasonal occupations such as (ix) "Scheduled Tribes" are such tribes or tribal cultivation, livestock, dairying, Household Industry, communities or parts of groups within such tribes or etc., is that the pemon should have had some regular tribal communities as are declared to be Scheduled Tribes work of more than an hour a day, throughout the greater by the President's orders k.8ued under Article 342 of the part of the working season.
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