KanazawaEnglish The Jewel of Japan OFFICIAL GUIDE Extraordinary beauty and artistry at every turn. Go deeper into Kanazawa’s fascinating past and vibrant present through the city’s remarkable artisanal crafts and unparalleled culture. Replete with dozens of museums, preserved houses and shops, thriving geisha districts, and of course, Kanazawa Castle and Kenrokuen Garden, Kanazawa offers something for everyone. Kanazawa Castle Town Town with real Geisha performers Kanazawa’s traditional Kanazawa – Town with a mixture performing arts There is a saying in Kanazawa of old traditions and new culture that goes “Utai (the chanting of a Noh text) falls down from the The castle town of Kanazawa was built by the Maeda family of the sky.” Ever since the olden days, Kaga clan in the late 16th century. The Maeda family promoted the Noh plays have been enjoyed city’s development by arranging samurai and townspeople’s by samurai, merchants, and residential areas and the temple districts around Kanazawa Castle. even by gardeners. You would Kanazawa then grew to become Japan’s largest castle town, ruled by often hear someone humming a feudal lord who invested heavily in culture and education as a verse from a Noh play while opposed to military force, in an attempt to create a sophisticated, walking down the street in traditional culture. Kanazawa was Japan’s fourth-largest city at the Kanazawa, which is where the time, behind Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto. above saying comes from. The Modern-day Kanazawa is one of the largest castle towns in Japan and unique Kaga Hosho Noh plays retains many streets and cultural elements from the olden days and the Subayashi musical owing to the fact that the city has escaped damage caused by war or accompaniment have been major disasters for a period of over 400 years. Kanazawa’s unique passed down through the charms include the tourist spots of Kanazawa Castle, Kenrokuen generations, and remain part Garden, the long-established fish market, teahouse districts, the of citizens’ lives to this day. samurai district and tradesmen towns, as well as its traditional culture Kanazawa is also known as one such as crafts, entertainment, and food. of Japan’s leading cities for Geisha performers. The tea Along with its history and culture, today’s Kanazawa also has new ceremony, an essential part of attractions including the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, samurai culture, has also Kanazawa, which attracts attention from home and abroad, and grown in popularity as a way to districts that are home to fashionable gallery shops. casually enjoy tea. Experience the city of Kanazawa that combines tradition with new culture. Kanazawa’s traditional arts and crafts arrangements, serving up dishes The Kaga clan provided home of a number of art forms, and table manners in addition to sufficient protection and including Kaga Yuzen, gold leaf, the ingredients. Kanazawa is also training to enable art and craft and lacquerware. In recognition known as the home of Japanese techniques to flourish under of its thriving arts and crafts, confectionery due to the fact that their rule. Kanazawa is the city was appointed the first a number of famous sweets were Welcome to Kanazawa! renowned in Japan as a city of UNESCO Creative City of Crafts created in the city, and where the crafts and is the established and Folk Art of Japan in 2009. tea ceremony is very popular. A city that prides itself in the colors of greenery, and in its refined traditional Kenrokuen Garden throughout the four culture - and at the same time incorporates seasons, in the clear water of the Saigawa modern elements as it continues to and Asanogawa rivers, in its abundant develop. This is the city of Kanazawa. Fresh ingredients and exceptional cooking techniques Kanazawa’s food culture shrimps from the Sea of Japan, as Kanazawa benefits from its well as locally produced Kaga location facing both the sea and vegetables. Kanazawa’s rich food mountains, with an abundance of culture aims to delight all of your fresh ingredients available. These five senses using its advanced include seafood such as crabs and cooking techniques and 2 3 4 5 6 3 2 1 Uchinada[ Naruwa 内灘 ] 鳴和 Kanazawa Higashi I.C.[ ] xc 深谷温泉 諸江通り 金沢東IC 金 沢 KANAZAWA IRいしかわ鉄道 北陸新幹線 JR Morimoto Station Fukatani Hot : Kanazawa Port 金沢港 Spring 森本駅? 3 xm IR Ishikawa Railway Hokuriku Shinkansen Higashi Inter Odori Ave. Kanazawa Kanazawa Fukatani Hot Spring 大野 Moroe Dori Ave. ' Higashi I.C. Morimoto I.C. Kanazawa Morimoto I.C. Oono ( 金沢東IC 金沢森本IC ) 東大通り Hokuriku Highway xb 北陸自動車道 深谷温泉 0 100200 300m Tourist Information Ctr. Higashi Odori Ave. Naruwa 金沢森本IC Kanazawa City 北陸鉄道浅野川線 鳴和 Tourism Association Hokutetsu Asanogawa Line Hishihogura 東 4 X ひしほ蔵 KANAZAWA FORUS イ Hirooka ン Utatsuyama - 広岡 タ 卯辰山 ー 金沢港口(西口) 0 大 - Kanazawa Station 金沢駅 通 Kanazawa Port Gate N 0 l=kY Moromigura り Asanogawa River もろみ蔵 (West Gate) Kanazawa-eki Kenrokuenguchi(Higashiguchi) 浅野川 kU 城北大通り kU 金沢駅兼六園口(東口) ( Kanazawa 金沢駅 ' l < 2 <z Kenrokuen Gate(East Gate) Port ] Kanazawa Station Machi-Nori Nishi Betsuin Temple 金沢港 兼六園口(東口) Head Office 12 西別院 ( あめの俵屋 まちのり事務局 Ame-no kF E Meisei Shogakko-mae Tawara-ya Shop Johoku Odori Ave. Pref. Ongaku-do Hall 1 明成小学校前 県立音楽堂 3 13 ( N i a Rifare g Higashi Betsuin Temple n 11 e Kanazawa International t o 東別院 h Higashiyama Exchange Foundation S ' ( Kanazawa Yasue Gold Leaf Museum o Kazue-machi Pref. International Exchange Ctr. h 東山 c - Chaya District 安江金箔工芸館 e ) u Rokumai s a Utatsuyama Temple District y 主計町茶屋街 Utatsuyama Temple District o Ak 六枚 k o 横安江町商店街 Hikoso Odori彦三大通り Ave. Y kS 卯辰山山麓寺院群 l Naka-no Utatsuyama Kogei Kobo Hashi kD l! 卯辰山工芸工房 JR北陸本線 Bridge Higashi Chaya District lY 中の橋 Musashi 浅野川大橋 l ひがし茶屋街 ( Meitetsu M'za Kanazawa Phonograph ) 4 Dept. StorekF 15 むさし Museum ' N l Asanogawa OhashiHashiba-cho Bridge Musashigatsuji / Omi-cho Ichiba 金沢蓄音器館 l 近江町市場 l" Ak 橋場町 Utatsuyama 武蔵ヶ辻・近江町市場 1 Owari-cho kS < Tokuda Shusei Kinenkan Museum Ak 卯辰山 < Omi-choOmi-cho Market Market Hokuriku Main Line l 尾張町 l# 徳田秋聲記念館 Central Post Office Hashiba-cho l l kS kS 中央郵便局 <z 橋場町 Ume-no Ak Ak 5 Hashi Bridge 梅ノ橋 kS The Old 10 x Hanashobuen Garden C 花菖蒲園 Site of Mr.Kurando kS Terashima’s House l b 寺島蔵人邸 Tenjin Bashi天神橋 Bridge 尾﨑神社 kS Asanogawa River Minami-cho / xv Osaki Jinja Oyama Jinja Shrine ) JR西金沢駅 14 ! < 南町・尾山神社 lT 2 Showa Odori Ave. 浅野川 2 Kanazawa ) 1 Castle Park 6 ( 金沢城公園 Kenrokumoto-machi JR Nishi Kanazawa Station 兼六元町 百万石通り 昭和大通り : 昭和大通り l! Hishi-yagura / ' Naga-machi kS足軽資料館 Oyama Jinja Shrine Gojikken-nagaya l Kenrokuen-shita / ( Yuzenkan(Yuzen Silk Ctr.) Ashigaru Shiryokan 尾山神社 Gyokusen’in 菱櫓・五十間長屋N Kanazawajo ) 9 兼六園下・金沢城 長町友禅館 Museum Hyakumangoku Dori Ave. maru Garden ) Ishikawa-mon Gate l$ kS 玉泉院丸庭園 l ' N 石川門 7 <z l kF Kanko Bussankan 県観光物産館 中央通り Korinbo Naga-machi Buke Yashiki District 香林坊 ( Chuo Dori Ave.長町武家屋敷跡 l N Kaga Yuzen Kimono Center Shiinoki Cultural Complex, Ishikawa Prefecture 加賀友禅会館 Maeda Tosanokami-ke lR kS 石川県政記念しいのき迎賓館 Kenrokuen Nishidake Garden z Shiryokan Museum The Fourth High school Memorial l% < xb Kenroku Odori Ave. 前田土佐守家 13 3 Museum of Cultural Exchange,Ishikawa Marunouchi Garden 西田家庭園 丸の内 資料館 石川四高記念文化交流館 v Imori-bori 兼六園 Shinise Kinenkan Museum kS Korinbo Tokyu kF Square Daiwa Dept.' l l いもり堀 老舗記念館 kS kF ● 兼六大通り Store / ATRIO l& 広坂 Hirosaka Museum of traditional 木倉町通り● < Korinbo N™ 広坂・21世紀美術館 Products and Crafts Kiguramachi-dori 香林坊 Kanazawa City Hall kS Hirosaka / kS 県立伝統産業工芸館 金沢市役所 l( Kanazawa Univ. Kakuma Campas ] ( l 8 8 Nijuisseiki Seisonkaku Villa 金沢大学角間キャンパス Katamachi KirarakF 成巽閣kS ) Kanazawa Noh Museum/ Kanazawa Crafts Hirosaka Shop 金沢21世紀美術館 Bijutsukan l' 12 金沢能楽美術館/金沢クラフト広坂 Pref.Museum of Art ) 21st Century Museum of V lE kS県立美術館 Kata-machi 片町 Tate-machi Shopping Promenade Contemporary Art, Kanazawa タテマチ商店街 ( 室生犀星記念館 Kata-machi Pref.Noh Theater E県立能楽堂 Kanazawa Folklore Museum Muro Saisei Kinenkan Museum 片町 kS l 金沢くらしの博物館 kS kS Pref.History Museum ( Nishi Inter Odori Ave. < l 金沢ふるさと偉人館 kS 県立歴史博物館 kS( 4 Kanazawa Furusato 7 ' l) Nakamura Memorial 西インター大通り Ijinkan Museum Museum 小立野寺院群 : Kanazawa Nishi I.C. ' 9 中村記念美術館 Kodatsuno Temples and Shrines 金沢西IC Saigawa Ohashi Bridge 犀川大橋 Honda-machi 本多町 kSD.T.Suzuki Museum 鈴木大拙館 <z l 金沢大学 野町広小路 5 Yoshiro and Yoshio Taniguchi Museum にし茶屋街 < ) 附属病院 5 NNomachi hirokoji Tera-machi Doriof Ave. Architecture, Kanazawa Kanazawa Univ. Hospital Nishi Chaya District 寺町通り 谷口吉郎・吉生記念金沢建築館 ( Nishi Chaya Shiryokan Museum (2019年夏開館) ( 西茶屋資料館 " ( < Saigawa River ( Kodatsuno Dori Ave. 11 ( Kutani Pottery Kosen Kiln kD Moroeya Fk lW 九谷光仙窯 諸江屋 Myoryuji Temple (Ninja Temple) 犀川 6 ) 妙立寺(忍者寺) l 10 小立野通り ( Hokutetsu Ishikawa Line Nyoraiji Temple kY Nomachi Sta. 寺町寺院群 lQ " 如来寺 北陸鉄道 石川線 Sakura Bashi Bridge 野町駅 桜橋 Tera-machi : Tsurugi 鶴来 : Saigawa River Temples and Shrines ( Saigawa Odori Ave. 寺町通り Tentokuin Temple Tera-machi 犀川 Yuwaku Hot Spring 南大通り 寺町 Tera-machi Dori Ave. 天徳院 < 犀川大通り 湯涌温泉 ( ) ] B Minami Odori Ave. Izumi < ( 富山 Toyama ] ( ' Kanazawa Yuwaku Sosaku-no Mori 泉 Center for Crafts and Culture Yuwaku Hot Spring ( - kS金沢湯涌創作の森 湯涌温泉 ( Nodayama / Daijoji Temple kS 金沢湯涌江戸村 xv 野田山・大乗寺 兼六園 Ak Nodayama Cemetery : Kenrokuen Garden Kanazawa Yuwaku Edomura Daijoji Temple 野田山墓地 - 大乗寺 $ <z Maeda Family Kanazawa Yuwaku - Nodayama < kS Cemetery Ak YumejiKan Museum 金沢湯涌夢二館 前田家墓地 野田山 ] Soyu ‘Sirasaginoyu’ Hot Spring 総湯「白鷺の湯」 5 v ' 高尾 Takao _ ( Legend Kanazawa Sightseeing Bus 0 15 Right Loop N Information Q Library I Taxi stand Kanazawa Loop Bus M Internet access v Place of scenic or historical interest O Car rental 0 13 Left Loop Z Coin lockers b Stone monument / Memorial tablet Machi-nori Bicycle rental One time: Adults ¥200 / Children ¥100 .
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