VOL. IV GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C, NOVEMBER 2, 1922 No. 5 LECTURE SERIES GEORGETOWN LOSES HARD FOUGHT GAME HONOR LITERARY STARTS NOV. 6th TO QUANTICO MARINES' ELEVEN 9-6 EDITOR OF JOURNAL Dean of College Department An- Devil Dogs Win on Fumble and Safety, While Blue and Gray B. M. Wagner, '24, Has Two nounces Course to Be Given Are Held to Single Touchdown—Flavin's 76-Yard Poems Accepted for Publica- by Faculty. Run Scoring Feature for Hilltoppers. tion in College Anthology. The Rev. William S. Tallon, Dean of Georgetown went down to its first Lowe, Florence and DuFour. Two of Mr. Bernard M. Wagner '24, literary the College Department, announces that football defeat of the year last Saturday them were for more than thirty yards. editor of the Georgetown College Jour- beginning on the afternoon of November when they were defeated 9 to 6 by the Florence and Lowe shared the roar of nal, has been signally honored by the 6 at 4:30 o'clock, a new lecture course Marine team from Quantico. The Amer- the stands when they each caught one Stratford Company of Boston, publish- ers of "Poets of the Future." In a letter will be inaugurated. Arrangements are ican League Park was the scene of one after almost superhuman efforts. Flor- of the most terrific struggles in its his- of congratulation which the company being made for exchange lectures with ence leaped high over the heads of sur- tory. Ten thousand people watched two rounding opponents for his, while Lowe sent Mr. Wagner a few weeks ago, an- other schools. teams of about equal strength battle back was obliged to throw himself forward nouncement is made of the acceptance of The Rev. Thomas I. Gasson, S. J., dean and forth, each unwilling to yield an inch and to the ground in order to complete two of his poems for publication in this year's College Anthology," "Songs to Be of the graduate school, will deliver the without a fight. The three thousand Ma- the pass directed to him. Flavin, on the rines who journeyed with their team directing end of these passes, waited with Sung with Melodeon" and "Thermom- first lecture, his subject being "Dreams, etry." from Quantico paraded into the park perfect calm for the ends or backs to Dreaming and Dreamers." All lectures headed by their band, saluted the George- get away and often sidestepping op- Mr. Wagner has attained considerable will be given in Gaston Hall. town section and took their places in the ponents who sought to block the play. distinction along poetic lines, and this is stand to send their cheers roaring across Aside from the fumbles the Georgetown not the first success that he has met with The program announced is: Novem- in the College Anthology. While attend- ber 13, "Our Trees in Autumn and the field. Secretary of the Navy Denby, team played better than they have so far Brig. Gen. Smedley D. Butler, Command- this season. The back field worked well ing Campion College, Wisconsin, he also Spring," the Rev. J. A. S. Brosnan; ant at Quantico, and ranking officers of together and there was evidence of a received due honor in his freshman year November 20, "Hypnotism," the Rev. the Army and Navy attended the game. finish and teamwork in the play of the for a poem entitled "Dandelions." This may be found in the College Anthology Owen A. Hill; December 4, "The Epi- Playing a heavier team composed of whole team that had been lacking in the of 1921. Last year, in a December issue gram in Shakespeare," the Rev. Francis former college stars, three of whom had earlier games of the season. The game won ail-American berths, and two posi- started with Butler at tackle and Du- of the Literary Digest, further recogni- X. Doyle; December 11, "Yosemite Na- tion of his poetic ability was realized tional Park," the Rev. Francis Regis tions on all-Conference teams, the Hill- Four, a backfield man, holding down the toppers fought with a determination that end positions. The shift was made neces- when that magazine quoted a very excel- Donovan; December 17, "Pasteur," Dr. lent effort of his called "I Would Give Ernest LaPlace, of Philadelphia; Janu- should have conquered. But fumbles sary by the injury of King and the slight marred their play and caused the loss sickness of Florence during the week, Gold." ary 15, "False Sight," the Rev. Philip H. Continued on Page Two. Burkett; January 22, "Literature and Re- of two tallies, once when they had the but the men who took their places did Continued on ball on the Marines' 17-yard line and exceptionally well. again on the 15-yard line. Failure to In the line Sheehan proved a tower of hold the ball was also responsible for strength and was at the bottom of many ELECT FRESHMAN the only touchdown the Devil Dogs were a stonewall defense. Werts, playing BASKETBALL MANAGERS NAVY DAY OBSERVED able to push across. Georgetown had against Larson, captain of Navy last gained 30 yards by consistant rushing but year, made his part of the line impreg- AT FOREIGN SERVICE it proved of no use when Kyle recovered nable. Thomas Cullen and Louis a Hilltopper fumble and ran 25 yards The play-by-play story of the game O'Leary, of Class of '26, before he was downed by Butler. tells many of the features that kept the Named at Meeting. Captain Luke McNamee, U. S. N., Georgtown's single tally came in the spectators on their feet most of the Speaks on Commercial fourth period when Flavin, catching a game. Kenyon kicked off and the ball An important meeting of the Freshman History of World. punt, ran through the entire Quantico was placed on the Marines' 20-yard line Class was held in Gaston Hall last team for 76 yards before he was downed by Palmer. The Devil Dogs made one Wednesday afternoon at 12:30 o'clock. on the Marines' 15-yard line. Kenyon first down and then punted to Malley, James Driscoll, chairman of the Pre- Navy Day was observed at the Foreign and DuFour pushed the ball across by who ran the ball back to Georgetown's Med. division, presided, attended by Leo Service School when Captain Luke Mc- straight line plunging. This run was the 38-yard line. The Marines held and Breslin and Harry Hulmes, chairman of Namee, U. S. N., Chief of the Naval In- feature of the game and a wonderful ex- Kenyon punted to McMains on the 8- the A. B. and B. S. divisions, respectively. telligence Service, spoke before the school hibition of open field running. It was yard line. Consistent gains by Goettge James E. McLarney, of the Sophomore on Friday last. Captain McNamee gave Flavin's second spectacular rush against and Palmer advanced the ball to George- Vigilance Committee, was present and a short resume of the commercial history a service team. In the second play of town's 34-yard line, but here they were called the roll. of the world and the relation borne to it the Navy game in 1920 he ran 65 yards checked and the ball changed hands. After the business of roll-calling was by the nations' navies. He declared that for a touchdown. Georgetown then made two first downs dispensed with, the presiding chairman any nation which aspired to be great in Four times previous to their score the and invaded the Marines' ground, but announced the purpose of the meeting commercial endeavor must have as its Blue and Gray lost chances to push over Kenyon fumbled and Kyle ran 25 yards was to elect Freshman managers of bas- first protection an adequate navy; that a touchdown either because of failure to before he was downed. The soldiers ket-ball, track and baseball. This year, "the next-to-the-largest navy is like the gain or inability to hold the ball. In the of the sea then pushed over a touch- the class was informed, was allowed to second-best poker hand." The captain beginning of the second period when down by the line plunges of Palmer and elect only two managers for each sport ' then made a plea for a cooperation be- Georgetown was unable to make the Goettge. Palmer kicked the extra point. as against the customary number of four. tween the different branches of the Gov- necessary first down, Kenyon attempted Georgetown got the ball late in the quar- Upon the opening of nominations for the ernment service, assuring the audience a drop kick, but the ball went wide and ter and carried it to the Marines' 11-yard basket-ball managerships the following that the Naval Intelligence would always the three points that would have meant line before the end of the quarter. four men were named : Messrs. H. Fitz- welcome those who returned from abroad so much were lost. The greatest rally of Kenyon tried a field goal from the 20- patrick, Cullen, O'Leary, and Cooney. with observations of conditions and senti- the Hilltoppers came shortly after when yard line, but the ball went wide. The Louis O'Leary of Vermont, and Thomas- ments in foreign lands. Malley, receiving a punt, brought it back Marines soon were forced to punt and it Cullen of Massachusetts, were elected, Reverend W. Coleman Nevils, S. J., the to the 42-yard line. Flavin, Kenyon, was Georgetown's ball on their own 40- each having a comfortable margin of Regent, presided. The Dean, Roy S.
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