Welcome! New Members The individuals below have joined ISPN or a new Division. Come Stephanie Ahrens,WA,A Yumiko Hayama,..,Japan,S Sharon Piper,ME,A M. Teresa Alarcon,TX,S Glenda Hayes,CA,SI Michele Powell-Braman,WY,IA Marilynn Albert,WA,S Shari Helbig,MO,I Lourdes Ramos,PR,S Surf Hector Ancheta,CA,A Christine Hobby,..,Australia,A Patricia Rikli,GA,I Linda Armstrong,CA,I Mary Hughes,MO,I Karen Ronson,NS,Canada,S Our Elizabeth Arnold,MD,S Karen Hutchinson,CA,A Kim Sanggil,KY,S Shahid Ashraf,..,Pakistan,A Barbara Jonker,CT,A Nina Scarpinato,PA,AI Bonnie Babakian,AZ,I Robin Kaplan,NY,I Rosemarie Scully,MD,I Web Teri Baker,VA,A Noriko Kawana,..,Japan,I Jan Shields,SD,S Jill Baroody,ME,A Bonnie Kian,AZ,I Keiko Shimoeda,..,Japan,I Sandra Bell,MI,I Elizabeth Krch-Cole,IL,S Jan Sinatra,CT,I Site... Marian Berridge,AZ,I Linda Lee,VA,A Linda Stafford,TX,S Maggi Broggel,WA,I Laurel Lindner,PA,A Tina Systo,IL,A New Features! Nancy Burke,IL,S Jennifer McDonald,AZ,I Maeleen Thorius,NM,I Rene Collins,ME,S Caroline McKinnon,VA,AI Carolyn Tometich,UT,A • E-bookstore Hilda Crane-Smith,OK,S Grace McNasser,NY,S Jinny Vicroy,KY,S D. Michele Dallas,AZ,I Cheryl McNiece,AZ,S Karen Vincent Pounds,MA,A • USER NAME: ispn Jenifer Davis,IN,I Marilyn Meder,PA,AIS Susan Watson,TX,S Malessa Dean,TN,I Marilyn Michaud,ME,I Judith Willging,DC,I PASSWORD: Pamela Detrick,NV,S Ann Mitchell,PA,I Kathleen Wood,OR,A password Diana Ehly,AK,A Faye Moe,ND,S Richard Yakimo,MO,I (case sensitive) Maureen Garner,ON,Canada,I Patricia Molloy,RI,AS Audrey Geer,FL,I Nanci Morris,OH,A Lila Gillmore,OH,I Theodore Moskonas,WI,A * The Letter following the mem- • Member Niki Gjere,MN,S IshtiyaqueMuhammad,..,Pakistan,A ber’s state indicates the Directory Sherrill Green,TN,S SharifMuhammad,..,Pakistan,A Division(s) the Diane Grimaldi,MA,I Yoshie Okada,..,Japan,S person has joined.A=ACAPN; I Web Editor: Vera Guarino,NY,S Sara Patrick,NC,A = ISPCLN; S=SERPN Darlene Pedersen Ann Guthery,AZ,S Richard Pessagno,NJ,I [email protected] Patricia Hanan,NY,S Leanna Pfeiffer,ON,Canada,I www.ispn-psych.org Linda Harris,CA,A Judith Pickens,AZ,S PRESORTED FIRST-CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAID Philadelphia, PA Permit No. 1009 1211 Locust St. Philadelphia, PA 19107 Volume 4 Issue 1 August 2001-November 2001 Linda Finke PhD, RN, FAAN Pedersen deserves our sincere gratitude Psychiatry, the International Association President’s for the attractive and useful ISPN Web for Emergency Psychiatry, and Children Message site. We have a lot to celebrate after only and Adults with Attention Deficit/ two short years. Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD). As we look to the next two years for These groups have many of the same ISPN, I am reminded of the short book goals as ISPN and by joining forces we would like to begin this message by by Johnson, Who Moved My Cheese? will all move forward. It is an exciting thanking Susan Krupnick for her The message about change and for- time when other groups value our par- leadership in launching ISPN as a ward movement is very simple and ticipation and seek our involvement. I worth our attention. We have accom- new organization. She has worked We have also begun new alliances very hard to place ISPN in the forefront plished a great deal and we should with pharmaceutical companies. and to meet our many goals without pause and celebrate our successes. At Susan Krupnick, Evelyn Parrish and I missing a step. We owe her our begin- the same time we must continue our spent a day at Eli Lilly and Company ning and that we are on solid ground. I search and preservation of our in April. We discussed education proj- want to give special thanks to the three “cheese” - our goals. Primary goals for ects for nurses, consumers and fami- our future need to include taking Division Directors, Lorna Barrell lies; advisory board participation; advantage of opportunities and advo- (SERPN), Peggy Dulaney (ISCPLN) additions to the speakers bureau; and cating for our beliefs and values. We and Beth Bonham (ACAPN). It is with will cultivate our current partnerships (Continued on pg. 4) their vision and hard work that so and seek new alliances. We will push much was accomplished in the last two patient rights to ensure people with years to further our advocacy and prac- mental health problems and their fami- tice. The other officers, Pat Howard lies receive evidence-based quality care (Treasurer) and Edilma Yearwood in a restraint and seclusion free envi- (Secretary) also need our special thanks ronment. We will strive to find solu- for their guidance and stewardship. tions to violence against children, Thanks is due the Council Chairs: Judy women, the elderly, and nurses. We Collins (Legislative), Karen Ragaisis will lobby for nursing research that Inside ISPN Connections (Practice), Margery Chisholm addresses psychiatric-mental health (Education), and BethVaughn-Cole issues. We will also advocate for President’s Message .....................1,4 (Research); and the Committee Chairs: increased recognition for advance nurs- Division Reports..............................2,5 Ursula McCormick (Awards), Frieda ing practice and for strategies to attract Editorial ...........................................3 Vandergaer (By-Laws), Sally Frese new nurses into psychiatric nursing. Geriatric Psychiatry Center.................5 (Conference), Peggy Plunkett (Finance), As we move our goals forward, ANCC Update.................................6 Vicki Lackman (Membership), old and new partnerships will assist Awards .............................................6 Gretchen LaGodna (Nominating), and us. We will continue our collabora- International Column..........................7 Christine Hacker (Products). We met tion with the American Association Research Column................................8 of Psychiatric Nurses and we have our strategic goals for the year and Legislative Column ..........................8 have accomplished important work. I begun a stronger association with Announcements.................................8 also want to thank the committee and the International Nursing Society on council members for all their hard Addiction Nursing. We have also Accolades/Leadership Contacts..........9 work. Melinda Morissette deserves a joined in collaboration with multi- NIHM/NINR......................................9 loud round of applause for our well put discipline groups such as the Calendar of Events...........................10 together Connections and Darlene American Association of Community New Members.................................12 Division Reports Offenders, Carla Groh concluded that information at a full day pre-confer- ACAPN psychiatric nurses are in a unique posi- ence session at the ISPN Annual DIVISION REPORT tion to develop strategies that give Conference on April 25, 2001. The Carol T. Bush, PhD, RN voice to gender-specific needs of young excellent presentation included practi- women by addressing self-esteem, per- cal applications, written materials and embers of ACAPN attending ceived attachment to and conflict with small group work/discussion. Plans are the business meeting on April mother. Sally Raphel gave a summary underway for the Task Force to present M25 identified the following of her participation in the follow-up this information at other conferences goals for the Division for 2001-2002: Surgeon General’s Conference on and programs, and for developing 1. Recruitment to the specialty— Children’s Mental Health: Developing additional materials and tools for vari- capitalize on what nurses can do an Action Agenda. ous practice specialties and sites. that other professionals cannot Papers focused on children from The Core Curriculum Project is well 2. Legislation—support bills in other countries were most informative underway and nearing completion for Congress that fund nursing and welcome, as ISPN becomes more publication. We will continue to pur- education visibly international. The presentation sue opportunities for encouraging and 3. Reimbursement—national stan- of issues related to the Vietnamese conducting outcome- based research. dards are needed for insurance street children was heart-warming and Lenore Kurlowicz, PhD, RN, CS, has payments well as educational. Rochelle Scheela agreed to spearhead a committee to 4. Improve image—publicize to youth had the opportunity to get to know six explore PCLN research opportunities what psychiatric nurses do Vietnamese shoeshine boys. These that may include multi-site studies. 5. Connect with other organizations youth shared their daily lives, their Several topics that have been suggested about mental health issues problems and fears, their hopes and for consideration include delirium, 6. Collect data about the professional dreams, and coping strategies with Dr. end-of- life care and depression in the issues in different states Scheela. She suggests that the process medically ill. I encourage anyone who of studying these youngsters was an is willing to participate in any way to 7. Focus on youth violence M 8. Promote safe, restraint free intervention in itself. do so by contacting me. environments Special thanks to Priscilla Adams, 9. Advocate for youth at every level ISPCLN MSN, RN, CS, who volunteered to 10. Call attention to the fact that treat- DIVISION REPORT serve as the ISPCLN Division ment facilities for children and Sally Frese, MSN, RN, CS Secretary/Treasurer. Additional thanks youth are disappearing because of to the many ISPCLN members who are funding cuts reetings! As I begin my term of serving ISPN this year on the Governing Board, Councils, and At the Third Annual ISPN office as Division Director, I Committees. Conference, the quantity and quality of would like to take the time to G Finally, a very important request: presentations focused on children and express my gratitude for being afforded please submit an abstract for the 2002 adolescents was outstanding. Every con- the opportunity to participate in the ISPN Conference! I am already looking current session had at least one choice ISPN leadership team.
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