•«••••Han HE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Founded in 18U by Right Rev. Michael O'Connor, First Bishop oj Pittsburgh Diocese 79th Year PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1922. MSGB. GAULEY, ERIE, SOLEMNLY The New Pontiff- UN DOMESTIC PRELATE | Achille Cardinal Ratti FRIE, Pa.,,Feb. 1.—Surrounded by the clergy of the Erie diocese and visit- ing clergymen, the Right Rev. Monsignor Peter Cauley was formally vested in the office of Monsignor in St. Patrick's Church, while officials of Archbishop of Milan, Elected Successor of Pope the city and county, members of St. Patrick's congregation and representa- tive citizens of the city crowded the edifice. Father Cauley was officially vested in the robes of the office, which was Benedict XV.—Assumes Head of the Church awarded him by the late Benedict XV. as official recognition of the woik which he has accomplished in his twenty-eight years of pastorate at St. As Pope Pius XI. Patrick's, but though he wears the purple of the Monsignor, he will still be known as Father Peter. That is his one greatest wish—that he does not ARDINAL ACHILLE RATTI, Archbishop of Milan, was elected Pope on lose that simple title, with which he has labored in his church and by which C the seventh ballot in the Conclave of Cardinals in the Vatican on Mon- he has come to be known so prominently and so favorably. day February 6, 1922, and will reign under the name of Pope Pius XI. The ceremony of investment was brief and formal. The Rev. Richard T. When the chimney of the Sistine Chapel announced that a new Pope had Guilfoyle read the official notification which had been received from Pope been elected, the large crowd in St. iter's Square remained quiet for a few Benedict XV. two years ago. Then Bishop Gannon took his place in front moments, in apparent indecision ai«i then, with a roar like water rushing of the altar while Monsignor Cauley knelt before him. through a burst dam, started running toward the entrance of the Basilica. Bishop Gannon Speaks After a few minutes of waiting, two papal servants, in red liveries richly The new prelate was then robed in the purple by Bishop Gannon, who embroidered with gold, appeared on the central balcony over the main door at the conclusion of tfce ceremony spoke briefly, congratulating the recipient <rf the Basilica facing the square. The servants hung from the balcony a of the honor and saying in part: "The office of monsignor has always been l«rge spread of white satin, edged with red velvet and decorated with the very well guarded and it is aw.arded only when services of merit have be« oapal arms. , . , , performed. I take this means of expressing publicly my congratulations to After another long pause, Cardinal Bisleti, preceded by a functionary Monsignor Cauley and of expressing the wish that he may be spared for bearing a pontifical silver cross and escorted by several cardinals, appeared *m a n y, many years to continue the on the balcony. His appearance was the signal lor an outburst of applause work which he has so ably conducted which was almost immediately succeeded by profound silence as he raised Maj . Gen. Bliss in the past." Bis hand. Cardinal Bisleti stepped forward and said: Monsignor Cauley responded, bat Laments Death his efforts were forced at first. Ha "I bring you great joy. We have a new pontiff again, Cardinal Ratti, was visibly affected by the ceremonial Who assumes the name of Pope Pius XI." Of Pope Benedict and it was some little time before he The bells of St. Peter's immediately rang out The chimes announcing could express his thoughts after he tile election of the new Pope were answered at once by the bells of all the (By N. C. W. C. New» Service) * had arisen. gflfr churches in Rome, but were not answered, as was the case years At the conclusion of the ceremonies aco, by the booming of the guns of Sant Angelo Castle, which now WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 6.— belongs to the Italian government. il/ijuwinnnrvymviri^rr-'' Maj. Gen. Tasker H. Bliss, who was of the investiture Monsignor Cauley When comparative quiet had been a member of the American Commis- celebrated Mass. He was assisted by restored Pope Pius XI appeared on Vatican Withholds sion to negotiate Peace at the end Father Hanley as deacon and Fatty the balcony. A spear-headed pon- of the World War, and previously Robeczewski as sub-deacon, with tifical cross was held over his head Its Approval of representative of the United States Father Conlin as master of ceremo- and around him were grouped the Calendar Change on the Supreme War Council at nies. Bishop Gannon presided, as- CanWwals of the papal court. The Paris, has written to Right Rev. sisted by the Rev. F. J. Bender and the Rev. Edward Driscoll, of Dubois. Pope was dressed entirely in white, iBr N. C. W. C. New* Service.) Thomas J. Shahan, rector of*the his costume contrasting sharply with »Catholic University, to express his During the services a specially air- tbe scarlet gowns of the Cardinals LONDON, Feb. 4.—Count de condolence for the death # of Pope ranged musical program was gim and the richly colored garments of Salis, British minister to the Vati- Benedict. The untimely death* of under ¡he direction of Miss Alice the members of the court. can, is said to have been assured by "the two most beloved Poper," Bene- Sloan, organist and choir leader. the Holy See that there seems to be Those in the square fell to their dict and Pius X, General Bliss says, Thirty-five years ago, when Father no great call among Catholics for a was caused by the War. Thq Pon- Cauley waso ordained, he was sent to knees to receive the Pope's blessing. reform in the church calendar that Pope Pius XI The Pope intoned in Latin, "Blessed tiff's death he calls *a ."loss to the Oil City. * There, while singing his has been agitated with considerable whole world." first Mass, was a little lad who acted be the name of the Lord," and then, vigor of late in several countries— thrice raising his right hand with General Bliss' letter • to "Bishop as his altar boy. At the close of the the change by which the date of Sister Who Was Scion Nation's Lately Foes at Shahan follows: . ceremonies that little lad, grown to the first two fingers extended, on one Easter would be fixed instead of be- of which shone the Fisherman's ring, •My Dear Bishop Shahan: manhood, and .with his head covered ing dependent on the date of the Of Noble Family Dies Peace Pope's Mass "To me one of the saddest things with gray, mounted the pulpit to pay turned to each of the four points of Paschal full moon, as at present. tribute and to let his hearem know the compass and imparted his first (By N. C. W. C. News Service.) *By N. C. W. C. News Service.) about the recent war is.the fact, as apostolic benediction, "Urbi et orbi" The British parliament, which has generally believed, that it has how high" the clergy hold Father been considering the matter very LONDON, Feb. 3.—Sister Mary CHICAGO, Feb. 2.—Official repre- caused the untirriely death of two Cauley. As Father Anthony Wiers- (to the city and the world). binski he delivered the sermon, ia There was no doubt that the carefully for some time past, is Maxwell, or as she was known to the sentatives of the allied nations and f the most beloved Popes, loved and known to be of the opinion that no world, the Honorable Eleanor Con- of the Central Powers during the honored by Protestants as well as which he extolled the work of the be- choice of Cardinal Ratti as supreme loved pastor and his people. head of the Catholic Church was change could be brought about except stable-Maxwell, Superior of the world war sat side by side in the Catholics. The one died while at- " popular in Rone. The crowd cheered by co-operation between the civil Catholic blind asylum at Liverpool, Cathedral of the Holy Name Friday, tempting to prevent the strife, and wiMly for many minutes and there governments and the heads of the recently died in her 81 st year. at the solemn pontifical requiem Mass now the other, after fruitless efforts was an enthusiastic outburst when Christian churches. In accordance This venerable lady, who became a for Pope Benedict XV, celebrated by to end it and then wearing himself Irish and English the new Pope, after imparting bene- with this opinion, the Holy See, the nun in her youth, was a member of Right Rev. Edward F. Hoban, aux- out in efforts to mitigate its horrors dict!^ in a clear, powerful voice, Ecumenical Patriarchate at Constan- one of the most ancient of the old iliary Bishop. If there was any of and in binding up its dreadful . Catholics H a'v e wawHfis hand in 'friendly fashion "in tinople, and the Archbishop of Can- Catholic families in Great Britain;* the rancor in their hearts of the war, wounds. farewell. terbury were approached. The Holy Her father was the tenth Baron Her- which the late Pope of Peace so con- "But, if the prayers of the right- Much in Common See was non-committal, except for ries, and she herself was aunt to the stantly sought to end or modify as eous avail much, after death as well Prince Chigi-Albani, the marshal to its inhumanities, they were over- •f the conclave, issued the following: the observation that there seemed to late Duke of .Norfolk.
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