The Belleville News A . COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SERVING Voi S II.. No. 34 ALL OF BELLEVILLE Entered as Second Class Mail M atter, A t Newark, N. J., Post Office, U nder A ct of March 3, 1879, On October 9, 1925. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER, TOWN OF BELLEVILLE BELLEVILLE, N. J„ FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1937 PRICE TWO CENTS 500 Attend Banquet New Record Made In Local Man Dies After Walking From Car Of Craftsmen’s Clubs Hospital Admissions GROUP STARTED To Hospital Following Head-On Collision “Largest Convention Ever” Thus Reports Dr. E. Smith William Snyder Driven Seventeen Miles After By Organization In At Meeting Of Accident, Registers At Institution 15 YEARS AGO And Then Collapses This State Freeholders The Belleville convention of New A new record for admission to the - The victim of a heau-vn automobile | Ml*. Snych'u, who held a position *>f Jersey, Masonic Craftsmen’s Clubs of Isolation Hospital here was established collision seventeen miles out of Grai: t j responsibility with a large company, the National League was the largest last month with a total of 785. The EXPECT 200 WILL ATTEND Rapids. Mich., last Friday afternoon ¡was a chemical engineer, covering the ever held in the state Arthur B. Eaton, superintendent, Dr. Ellis L. Smith, William Tunis Snyder, 3rd. 30. lOr j midwest section ol' the country from Philadelphia, secretary-treasurer of made this report at Thursday’s meet­ Belmohr street, was taken to a hospit­ | Texas to Minnesota. Flowers were the National league, declared Satur­ ing of the Board of Freeholders com­ DINNER AT FIELD CLUB al in Grand Rapids by a passing mot­ ¡sent him from branches of the concern day evening at banquet attended by mittee. There were 504 measles p a­ orist. ! in thirty-eight states. He was a na- 500 in the E lks’ home. The banquet tients admitted during March, Dr. At the hospital Mr. Snyder unas­ | live of Jersey City and was trans- Smith said. sisted, alighted from the car, walked iferred to Kalamazoo for which city The population at the hospital April Many Prominent Rotarians Will Take Part tc, the building, asked authorities to ; he was headed from Grand Rapids 1 was 873, as compared w ith 432 on notify his wife, registered and collaps­ ¡when the accident occurred. He had the same date a year ago. During In Gay Festivities Scheduled ed. He died Tuesday morning from a j been on a business trip. March 630 patients, including 400 compound fracture of the skull with­ I Besides his wife. Mr. Snyder is sur- measles cases and 99 scarlet fever out regaining consciousness. ! vived by his father and mother, Mr. case’s, were discharged. There were 21 For Stag Affair Funeral services will be held with a 'and Mrs. William Snyder, a smi, WH- deaths during the month. solemn high mass of requiem at 10 j liam, fourth, and two brothers, James Patients’ days for the first three Belleville Rotarians will play hosts Wednesday evening at Forest Hill o'clock this morning in Si. Mary's ] and Paul and a sister, Gertrude, all months this year totaled 23,217, as Church, Nutlev. ! of Belleville. compared w ith 32,201 for the corre­ Field Club to about 200 at their fifteenth anniversary gathering. Arrange­ sponding period in 1936. At the con­ ments have been completed by Thomas R. McHale, superintendent of the clusion of the first three months the Netv Jersey Bell Telephone Company and an efficient committee. Fellow Town Holds Up Child Killed Here hospital had an unexpended balance of . , , , . ,, , ,,, , , $7,700.12 of its budget apportionment.' Rotariiuns from all over the state and m particular Newark Club, wnu.li The committee voted to recommend sponsored Belleville will be on hand. Nutley and Bloomfield Clubs, Package Licenses Monday By Auto to the Board of Freeholders that of their proximity to Belleville will have active parts in the program, which Dr. Smith’s title be changed from promises to surpass any previous affair held by the Belleville Club. Will Sit As Excise Board Ruth Katz Had Been Honor superintendent to’ superintendent and THOMAS McIIALE medical director. Back in 1922, April Fool’s day that Monday To Settle Pupil At Public PETER R. DECKENBACH year, to be exact, a small group of concluded an all-day session of state men in Belleville banded themselves Legionnaires Plan Arrange Talent Show Argument School No. 5 delegates here. Barbour Addresses together into a Rotary Club, the Mayor William H. Williams, who 1,122nd such club in the world to ex­ Circus In June The town’s decision in the matter Struck hv an automobile near her magnanimously cooperated with the At Public School No. 7 of granting a liquor package store li­ home Monday Ruth Katz, nine-year- Masons in their convention was pre­ Woman’s G.O.P. Club tend its hand in friendship and pledge itself to service above self. Today cense to Harry Byrne at 129 Washing­ nld daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Max sented a brief case by Frank Bangert. Will Supplant Drum And Prominent Officials Will Act ton avenue has once more been deter­ Katz, 14 East Overlook avenue, died Jr., chairman of the arrangement com­ there are over 4.000 Rotary Clubs Former Senator Lauds Em­ reaching to the far corners of the red—ihh time unfil 6 o'clock Monday Tuesday in St. Mary's Hospital. Pas- mittee. The Mayor was accorded a Bugle Competition At As Judges For evening', when a meeting of the Town from injuries received. Rioii had royal welcome. world, and to every country—a great ployers And Labor influence for peace. Commi.v-ion which was adjourned i hr jn a:i honor pupil in Puplic School Joseph Montgomery of Grantwood Convention Affair Tuesday night will be concluded to be No. 5 where she had been a member was elected president at the business Fifteen years is a long time and Alike some of the youngsters of that or­ followed by the ■.ommisduii ¿fitting as ...........* session. Other officers of the league --------------- S * Entertainers from all grades of the an excise board. elected during the session were: ¡First ganization day are a wee bit less ac­ Former United States Senator War­ Plain for a circus in place of a drum Passaic Avenue School will give a All .-"ort-; of ramifieelion.' have en­ deputy president, Frederick G. Blair; tive than when the hand of fellowship ren W. Barbour was giiest speaker at was first extended across the. doorway and bugle corps co'mpetitioff at the talent pr< gram in the -school aouli-- tered the picture a - regards the Byrne .second deputy, president, Clinton Wolf the meeting of the Belleville Woman’s TTvex County American Legion’ con­ matter. Comes the Franklin Store- of Teaneek; third deputy president, of the Yountakah Country Club where unarm on the even mg of Thursday, Republican Club, on April 8, at the vention June 26 here were discussed company from the nowhere to the here Mr. Bangert. initial meetings were held and others, April 29. Woman’s Club House, 51 Ross mo re who have passed on, are sadly and Fiidoy night at ihe Legion Chateau, to charge di-erimuiai no;, perhaps, S-ott D. Coombs, police chief of 170 Washing! on avenue. The contest -hullId Byrne get his license. The .place. The former Senator is chair­ reverently missed. Thi-s is the first occasion on which Bergenfield, was reelected treasurer, and parade committees met at the Franklin outfit was turned d ow n a man of the Unemployment Compen- But, despite the inevitable graying this type of program, which is planned while George L. Tench of Bloomfield chateau. A parade in which veterans .sation Commission. He lauded em­ of locks and the lines that appear, and worked up entirely by pupils, has year ago for a permit, was returned to the secretary’s post. and fraternal and civic oiganizations ployers and labor for their part in not one of the older members has Byrne is not the only one who de- New directors are G. N. Eberling of have been invited to participate will been offered. launching New Jersey’s unemployment shirked responsibility to community ires a package store license. Bayonne, A. E. Olson of Perth Am­ take place at night. Miss Ruth Robeitson, teaeehr of James W. Zuccarelli desires one al­ compensation program. projects and welfare. Not one has for­ boy and Clement Howe of Dunellen. W. Lee Grave, convention chairman, music and mathematics, will be guest He said in part. “Both labor and gotten the. precepts of Paul H arris so, at 240 Belleville avenue. The women who accompanied dele­ appointed William J. Doyle of Newark soloist. The Boys* and Girls’ Glee Figuratively speaking, Theodort industry have shown a splendid and who formed the first club in Chicago gates to the convention were taken Post 10 as chairman and Robert P. Clubs will render special numbers. Bellet. Byrne’s attirn ey . .-.v.apped jabs commendable willingness to co-oper­ because he was lonely and because he on inspection trips of Belleville High Smith of Belleville Post as vice chair­ Among the judges will he Wayne with Edwaid Ahromsou, the tavern? ate. Representatives of labor have believed true friendship is the lasting School and Essex County Hospital, man. Peter Cohen. Newark Post 10, R. Parmer, Supervising Principal, attorney, at the Town Commission consented to an employee contribution kind. Soho. They were later entertained at was named sceretary. Herbert C, Sehmutz, member of the confeienc“ Monday a Dei noon, of 1 per cent of wages. Industrialists Years have passed bur the bond th.ui a bridge party in the Masonic Temple.
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