If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. Texas Department This microfiche was produced from documents received for inclusion in the NCJRS data base. Since NCJRS cannot exercise of Corrections control over the physical condition of the documents submitted, the individual frame quality will vary. The resolution chart on this frame may be used to evaluate the document quality. i, ,0 1.0 1 1.1 -- -- 125 14 ; .~ •• '~.' .', '. Il',.. - .:..... 'p . " ". ~ __ 'I • r ~ . 11111 . 11111 . "",,.6 • MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS-1963-A Microfilming procedures used to create this fiche comply with the standards set forth in 41CFR 101-11.504. Points of view or opinions stated in this document are those of the author(s) and do not represent the official position or policies of the U. S. Department of Justice. National Institute of Justice Annual Report United States Department of Justice Washington, D. C. 20531 . 8/3/83 \, j ~' 1 .< r U.S. Department of Justice 87902 National Institute of Justice This document has been reproduced exactly as received from the person or organization originating it. Points of view or opinions stated in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the National Institute of Justice. Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material has been granted by Texas Department of corrections tothe National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permis­ ,. sion of the copyright owner. ;0' "'17t=, 1, 1980 Annual Reporf CONTENT··S ," l ~~ 1!.(3 fBn3 f I ADMINISTRATION f 4~©l~Ii.~rrSIT'Jnc,r'l!l@ i .r Chairman's Letter ................................... :... ~~:~ .......... :....... :.. :................................. 3 Man.a~eInent Sy stein........................................................................................... 4 DirectoI"S Lettel' ................................................................................................. 5 BoaI·d of Correclions RosteI· ....................................................................... 6 DIVISIONS A~ricullure .............................................................................................................. 8 Business' ..................................................................................................................... 14 {:onslruclion ............................................................................................................ 20 E xecllti ve .................................................................................................................... 26 Industl'ies .................................................................................................................. 28 Special Services ................................................................................................... 34 T I' eat III e n t .................................................................................................................. 42 UNITS ........................................................................................................................................ 54 OUTSTANDING EMPLOYEES ................................................................................... 63 W. J. Estelle, Jr. Director 3/80 1 2 r GOVERNOR Management Board of System TEXAS BOARD OF CORRECTIONS CORRECTIONS Texas Department of Corrections DIRECTOR '-t Administrative Assistant To The Director TEXAS BOARD OF CORRECTIONS • The Honorable William P. Clements, Jr. Governor of Texas James ~. Windham state Capitol I I I ASSISTANT I DIRECTORS I Chainnan • I I Austin, Texas 78711 Livingston. Texas ... ,.. ..., ....... .... ... T. Louis Austin. Jr. Dear Governor Clements: Vice-Chainnan Dallas. Texas The 1980 Annual Report of the Texas Department of Agriculture Business Construction General Industries Special Joe \'. LaMantia, Jr. Corrections is herewith submitted by the staff with Treatment Secretary Counsel Services McAllen, Texas the approval of the Board of Corrections. Freeman B. Dunn The Department continues a record for maintaining one Member Houston, Texas of the safest and efficient correctional systems in America. The rapidly growing inmate population of ~ .... ~ .... ..... ~1()ntemayor .... Ruhen 28,543 inmates grew by a net of 3,379 inmates during ... Member this reporting period. New reformational programs San Antonio, Texas I I I I I I have been provided for the inmate population to T. L. Roach, Jr. allow preparation for their successful return to I ~iem""r society. Amarillo, Texas Your continued interest and support o.E the Texas Clifford F. Smith, Jr. M<"lllber Department of Corrections is appreciated. Houston. Texas Administrative H,lrry ~1. Whittington UNIT ~iember DEPARTMENT Austin, Texas (--l:~Jnd~ WARDENS HEADS H. B. (Bartelll Zachry, Jr. ~~mes M. Windham Member Chairman San Antonio, Texas Unit Administrative Personnel Personnel 3 4 1 TEXAS SOARD OF CORRECTIONS TEXAS DEP ARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS W. j. Estelle, j1'. Director T~l ~B6ara.. i~ c6rrtposed ·of nine nOMalaried citizens appo.in~~d bytheGQyernor of Te.xas. forOVl!i'lappJ.ng six~ Huntsville, Texas 773·10 y¢aI.1:erms •.'k is 1:l!e functionof\,the hoard to gUide the . adIIiitiistration andolleration of th.e Departme,nt in the areas. of policy, plan.nin.g and budgetary matters. JAMES M. WINDHAM Chairman TEXAS BOARD OF Mr. James M. Windham, Chairman Livingston, Texas CORRECTIONS Texas Board of Corrections P. O. Box 841 Jan1l'~ ~t. \\'illdham Livingston, Texas 77351 Chainnan .. .... " Livingston. Texas . ~., .~ Dear Mr. Windham: T. Louis Austin. Jr. Vict'-ehainnan Dallas. Texas The 1980 Annual Report is respectfully submitted by the staff of the Texas Department of Corrections. Jm' V. La~lantia. Jr. Sl'l'rt'tary !l.1c Allt'n. T .. xas 1980 has been a year of growth throughout the Department. The rapidly increasing inmate population reached 28,543, Frt·t·man B. Dunn !l.1 em be r representing a 13 percent increase over the last reporting Houston. Texas period. The Department's search for a new prison site was culminated after a lengthy journey. The men and women of Ruben ~lontt'may()r the Texas Department of Corrections have grown, and through !l.lemher T. LOUIS AUSTIN, JR. JOE V. LAMANTIA, JR. FREEMAN B. DUNN RUBEN MONTEMAYOR San Antonio, Texas their display of professionalism and dedication have made the Texas Department of Corrections one of the safest and Vice-Chair man Secretary Member Member Dallas, Texas McAllen, Texas Porter, Texas San Antonio, Texas T. L. Roat'h, Jr. most efficient Correctional Agencies in America. Member Amarillo. Texas We are most appreciative for the continued leadership pro­ CliH(ml F. Smith. Jr. vided through the Texas Board of Corrections. The staff !l.1t'mber and employees pledge their total support in carrying out Houston. Texas the mission and goals of the Texas Department of Corrections in 1981. Harry :.,,1. Whittingtoll !l.1 em be r Austill. Texas Very truly yours, H. B. (BlIIt('IIl Zadlry. Jr. Member San Antonio, Texas W. J. Estelle, Jr. T.L. ROACH CLIFFORD F. SMITH, JR. HARRY M. WHITTINGTON H. (BARTELL) ZACHRY, JR. Member Member Member Member Amarillo, Texas Houston, Texas Austin, Texas San Antonio, Texas 5 6 .-.-.~~----------------'---------!!....----"'---------------~---- r i AGRICULTURE DIVISION JAMES V. ANDERSON Assistant Director For Agriculture Turkey Production Goree Horse Operation MARKETING MANAGER MANAGER AGENT Livestock & Field Crops Poultry.... VETERINARIAN SOIL ~ONSERV ATIONIST & Supt:rintendent of Cotton Gins Cotton Is One Of TDC's Major Industrial Crops Holstein Dairy Cattle SUPERVISORS Combine and SUPERINTENDENT SUPERINTENDENT Canning Plant Packing Plant Central Unit Coffield Unit FARM MANAGER FIELD CROPS FARM SHOP LIVESTOCK EDIBLE CROPS SUPERVISOR SUPERVISOR Stocker Cattle Edible Crops Included 39 Varieties Of Vegetables In F.Y. SUPERVISOR SUPLRVISOR 1980 7 8 f I Holstein Dairy Cattle, Wynne Unit One Year Old Colts, Goree Horse Operation Field Crop Production The Texas Department of Corrections agriculture pounds dressed weight of pork. To meet these needs, program is one of the largest of its type in the United 5,451 head of beef animals, 33,649 head of feeder hogs were slaughtered. Also, 464,558 head of chickens and States today. The Agriculture Division produces food FIELD CROPS: Acreage allocation for field crop surplus quantities such as cloth, mops,. brooms, etc. commodities sufficient to feed the inmate and employee turkeys were slaughtered for a total dressed weight of production vary annually depending upon overall Sugarcane consisting of 303 acres is grown and population, produces raw materials for use in industrial 1,293,747 pounds. production requirements. During Fiscal Year 1980, processed into syrup on the Ellis Unit. There are 310 operations, and provides gainful work experience for the As of August 31, 1980, the Department had 17,540 acres of rice on the Darrington Unit providing the food inmates assigned to agricultural programs. Livestock approximately 25,568 acres were utilized for the field head of beef animals. In Fiscal Year 1980, there were crop program which provides grain and roughages for service requirements. and poultry. field crops and edible crops are the three 5,944 cows which produced 4,898 calves for a calf crop EDIBLE CROPS: Thirty-nine varieties of basic designations of production. the livestock and poultry, rice and sugarcane for food percentage of 82.6 percent. In addition,
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