Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 1-3-1962 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1962). Winona Daily News. 214. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/214 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. City Traffic Box Score Cloudy, Little ' ¦ : ¦ ' ' • ' —To Date— mi I960 Accidents . ... 415 381 Change, in Deaths ..;,... 2 2 Injuries ....... 91 103 Temperatu re Damages ... .. $121,450 $90,490 v Kennedy Orders 2 New Army Divisions * Portugal Will Permit Tension L essens Threatens to Earlier Release Of Guard Units ' ' ; Quit ' ' • UN. • ¦ ' • :¦! • . > '' . In Berlin Crisis By LUIS LUPI 32nd Warned Not probe now starting. LISBON, Portugal (API-Pre- ¦ ¦ By EUGENE KRAMER status quo in Berlin Is more bear- BERLIN (AP)-East-West war able to the Communists than the Some observers believe negoti- mier Ahtonio de Oliveira Salazar To Expect Return over Berlin appears less likely situation that existed a year ago. ations over Berlin could be long said in a speech prepared for de- ; than a year ago but look for new Then thousands of refugees delayed in starting or break down livery .today-Portugal- "will'- surely For Seve ra l Months periods of crisis and tension each month, including many tech- along the way. A be among the first countries to ahead. nicians, teachers and students; the Communists then could be leave the United "Nations organi- By WHITNEY SHOEMAKER That seems to be the feeling of were pouring out of East Ger- counted upon to boost tension . sation ." PALM BEACH; Fla, (AP>- ^y both Berliners and some Western many through West Berlin. The The easiest way to manufacture "Meanwhile we shall refuse President Kennedy . ordered today officials. satellite regime was threatened a new crisis would be for the them our collaboration, in every- the immediate formation of two - Two reasons are heard why war with collapse. East Germans to harass traffic thing that is not in our direct new Army, divisions , expanding '! seems more remote than in 1961. The Communists ^raised their along the access routes to West interest," he declaredr. •> the service to lfi permanent divi- One is that Soviet Premier border wall through the heart of Berlin across East German ter- Reporting to the National As- sions.- , takes or to interfere further with Khrushchev apparently the city in August. That dammed ritory, sembly and to the nation , the 72- The Palm Beach ' , ' ' ¦ traffic between East ; and West White Housa more seriously than he did a year the tide of refugees to a trickle, year-old dictator criticized the said the ¦¦•ac-tjv ' ' ago Western determination to de- Berlin. ' .• • aUdn-o -tlie two di- sol ving their most critical prob- United Nations, the United States visions would permit the release fend West Berlin and its access lem. and Britain for their failure to Khrushchev has with- The Western Allies t!o not rec- "later this year," with no time routes, " come to ¦Portugal's support when drawn his deadline for signing a Some quarters expect new ten- ognize the East German re- ^ specified, of the 32nd and 49th gime as a legitimate government, India invaded Goa, Damao and National Guard Division^ 's which peace treaty with Communist sion over Berlin early this year, ¦ Diu last month. particularly if the Communists They insist that the Soviet ' Union were called to ,'dut y last Oct. 15 East Germany and has not rat- ' ' tled his missiles recently. find the West firmly, opposed to take full responsibility for the Referring to the U.N. mission in the armed forces buildup prer . The other reason is that the concessions in the diplomatic satellite's actions.. Moscow , in its of safeguarding peace, Salazar cipitated by the Berlin crisis. campaign to get East Germany said . he believes "we have the recognized, yshqws increasing re- One of the new regular divi- right to hear whether ' our sions the ,1st Armored, will be luctance to do this . presence ¦ and our collaboration ^ any activated at Ft. Hood , Tex. The Some observers predict are already useless . in the United new Berlin crisis will include a TO THE RESCUE ., . Firemen bring down belched from windows of the structure. '(AP . Photo- other , the 5th Mechanized Infan- Nations." try, will be organized strong Communist pitch to the two occupants from the upper floor of the Hale fax) - at Ft. Car- * "Even if wc do not. I do not son, Colo. growing bloc of neutral and Afri- know yet whether we shall be Hotel in San Francisco early today as flames countries. The ' Reds the White.House press secretary Pi- can-Asian first country would try to shift complete blame Jo abandon the Unit- erre Salinger said .Kennedy ap- ed Nations but surely we will for the new. threat to war oh the , proved the action 'at meetings Allies and create hew pressure be among the first. Meanwhile TROOPS FLYING TO GERMANY Tuesday and ' this morning- with for the West to make concessions we shall refuse them our collabo- Vice President Lyndon JB. John- ration in everything that is to avert war. not California son and" the nation 's top defense in our direct interest." offi^TSls. : ' . That statement was as near as Salazar came in a 10,000-word He said it was tha first item of speech to suggesting direct ac- Socialite Mr Brigade business on this morning's agen- tion on three possible moves dip- da, after the joint chiefs of staff Russ Fail to lomatic sources here had expect- flew into Palm Beach from Wash- ed him to announce as an after- ington for the preparedness talks. math of the loss of the Portuguese Found Slain Qualified sources said the two Indian enclaves. Test Planned National Guard divisions sum- By FRED S. HOFFIAAN M Offer Any New They were possible withdrawal moned to duty should hot AP Military Affairs Writer antici- from the United Nations, revoca- pate returning home for at least tion of the century-old British- WASHINGTON i/P> — The posting of two more U. S. Army battle several months. The 32nd of Wis- Portuguese alliance and refusal groups in Germany will provide the makings of an air-transportabl e consin, is training at Ft. Lewis, Berlin Proposal to renew the Azores Island air brigade that could-deal with trouble in the Middle East, Africa or Wash., and the 49th"of Texas, at By LEWIS GI/LICK base agreement with the United elsewhere. V Camp Polk. La. The Army high command has wanted for some time to create in- WASHINGTON Wl . — Prelim- States when it expires this year. i The Guard divisions , the an- dependent brigades in West Germany and on Okinawa for such a pur- nouncement said, "will be re- inary reports indicate Soviet For- brigade would be intended for use in the j The premier spoke as security oose. The Okinawa-based leased . later this year as the eign Minister Andrei A. Gromyta officers still hunted the remnants offer any . new Kremlin Far East and Southeast Asia. international situation and the did not a rebel band that launched an ' announced Tues- position on Berlin in his confer- Of.:.. ... ThVPentagon readiness status of the two new- unsuccessful New ' Year's Day re- rWailtifee '' ' groups "of the ence with U.S. Ambassador Llew- day battle divisions permit." In the mean- volt against Salazar's govern- Infantry Division , totaling ellyn Thompson , informed sources 4th time, it added , the 32nd and '49th ment. The Army Ministry accused about 6,000 men, will be airlifted Red Weapons say. But a sudden change had not will continue , on duty as a key for a NATO exercise been expected. the underground Communist party to Germany element. 16 to Feb. 12. of planning and leading the from Jan. Concerning the Guard divisions The official s said they expect uprising. Two battle groups will remain , the temporary White House de- Thbmspon will he instructed to there after the end of operation FISHY SITUATION ... Sea lion , right which has been ap- Give Casfro clared: , meet Gromyko again fairly soon "Long Thrust II" for additional pearing at dock of Mr. and-Mrs. Joseph Noone in Ocean City, in an effort to find a solution to N. training as elements of the Army "The quick and effective mobili- " the explosive problem. J., turns up at the dock to accept a handout of fish from the Strategic Reserve in Europe. The zation of this force lias demon- Noones, Mrs. Noone is at left, with fish-holding hubby next to her. President Kennedy, who was Ice Forms on third will return to Ft. Lewis, New Confidence strated in unmistakable terms Al Sheridan , of Island Park , N, Y., who thought the sea lion might kept informed in Palm 'Beach , Wash. • our determination to resist Com- HAVANA wv-^. Backed by mod- Fla,, Later, reportedly after several munist aggression ." . be his missing; pet, arrived at the dock for a look. "It looked like of the Moscow developments ern. Soviet-bloc weapons and Latin was described as believing it im- months, the two battle groups .will Many Reservists called my sea lion ," said Sheridan; The sea Ijon fled back into Great Egg America 's fastest air force, Fidel to uni- portant to keep open the diplo- Florida Fields be rotated back to the United form in the 1. 961 buildup were Harbor Inlet.
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