VOLUME82, ISSUE9 “EDUCATION FOR SERVICE’’ MAKCH3,2004 u of I. campus. See Page 3. UNIVERSITY OF INDIANAPOLIS 1400 EASTHANNA AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS. IN 46227 B BLACK HISTORY MONTH Students. facultv and staff celebrate Black Historv Month 1 J r/ of education, moderated the dialogue Paul Washington-Lacey, senior “It‘s very easy tor white people not to among students. Approximately 35 student affairs associate and BSA advisor, see some of the things that black people students of various races discussed not commented on Black History Month. “I have to deal with,“ Frantz said. “Very only segregation in the cafeteria, but see it [Black History Month] as a rarely are white people in positions in broader topics concerning race. celebration. But history should be which they are a minority.” Harewood said that conversation can inclusive, whether it be [involvingpeople FrantL commented on American move people toward greater racial who are] black, Italian, Irish or Jewish,” history. “The freedoms that white people harmony, but that people must move he said. Washington-Lacey said he had from the beginning were predicated beyond conversation and apply the results blames ignorance, fear and stupidity for on the lack offreedonis forothergroups,” to their actions and attitudes. “We hope the failure to celebrate diversity. He said he said. ”By sludying African-American students try to understand ‘the other’ that many groups do not want to learn history. you realize some of the [person] more,” Harewood said. from one another because of this fear. contradictory poles in America from the Kyle Monroe, a sophomore history Senior vice president and provost beginning, which makes the story more education major, attended the discussion. Everette Freeman discussed the complicated than people tend to think.” He said he learned about current racial importance of Black History Month. Frantz said that this long history of relations. Monroe said he noticed that, in “[Hisorically,] the contributions of polarization among social groups general, people talk about steps toward African Americans [have been viewed] indicates that today’s problems are very progress that are made, but that these as minimal and marginal to the story of deeply rooted and that many of the steps aren’t enough. American history,’’ Freeman said. suggested solutions [or these problems “I’m from a rural area and we don’t According to him, Black History Month are quite superficial. have a single black family [in my seeks to remind people that African “When we understand the human hometown]. Not much progress has been Americans have played a significant role story, 1 think we have better respect and made in rural areas,” he said. Monroe in the history of and contributions to the understanding. will treat others with observed that his town’s makeup affected United States. kindness and dignity and have less his interactions. “1 didn’t talk to a single Dr. EdwardFrantz, assistant professor suspicion of one another,” Washington- black person before I came to college, of history and political science, teaches Lacey said. but now I have black friends,’’ he said. HIST-4 IO: History of African Americans Wash i ng t o n - Lace y sa i d that the Based on his college experience and the to 19 IO at U of I. The course was offered concept of race shouldn’t be focused on segregation discussion, Monroe said that for the first time last year. In the future, skin color. “When people talk about race, he believes racial progress begins with Frantz hopes to offer African-American they really talk about cultural interactions among various people. HistoryinthefallandHIST-415: History differences.” he said. As another way to celebrate Black of the Civil Rights Movement course in Freeman believes that years from now History Month, the Gospel Choir held a the spring. theconcept ofrace will be less important. concert on Feb. 26. Melissa Collins, a According to Frantz. African ed events and people junior sociology major and Gospel Choir American history is “an essential chapter icant in the study of member, said that the concert was a of American history.” He stressed the African-American history. He views the Photo by Luke Thornherry worthwhile celebration of Black History need for more knowledge of African Supreme Court rulings in the series of Month. American history among Americans. court cases which became known as the Jason Payton, a U of I student, enjoys an afternoon in “Gospel music ties intoBlackHistory “I think it’s a story that people are far Brown vs. Board of Education case as the Schwitzer Student Center, which was decorated Month because it originated from African too ignorant of,” Franta said. “It’s central to African-American history. The to celebrate Black History Month. American culture,” Collins said. “It is a something that more people should be case a bo I i shed s e par ate - b u t - e q u al way of celebrating and speaking one’s exposed to.”Frantz said that black history education policies. According to mind.” should not only be studied by blacks. Freeman. Brown vs. Board of Education Aaryn Lynch, a sophomore elementary Rose Wigglesworth, a sophomore “There’snoreason why whites shouldn’t was “the capstone of the NAACP’s Carey Hart education major and BSA chair, soul chemistry major, said she appreciated be interested in it,” he said. [National Association for the Feature Editol- food was a part of slave culture. “The BSA’s celebration of Black History “Having a month in which people are Advancement of Colored People] slaves wouldcook different types of food, Month. “The prominent use of red, supposed to pay more attention to it strategy oisecuring equal rights through Black History Month was celebrated and after eating, they would dance,” yellow, green and orange to decorate [African American history] can be both the judicial procehs.” He said that at the University of Indianapolis during Lynch said. “This is a time when they Schwitzer reflects the colorfulness of a strength and weakness,” Frantz said. “I decision had implications for non-blacks the entire month of February. The Black could sit down with family and friends to black people and our roots in Africa,” think it [Black History Month] has lost as well. “It is often overlooked, but the Student Association (BSA) sponsored celebrate the free time they had together.” Wigglesworth said. “I think the activities some of the distinctiveness that I would Supreme Court decision also covered several activities and decorated Schwitzer The annual Valentine’s Ball was held that BSA held were a positive say it used to have ten years ago. At the education for Latino,” Freeman said. Student Center to commemorate the on Fri., Feb. 13, at the Downtown representation of black people in the same time, 1 think more people in general Freeman posed quealions that he month. Radisson. Christina Morris, a junior U.S. andthat they shouldcontinue [those are aware of the importance of black believes must be asked when examining Sophomore marketing majorandBSA psychology major, attended the dance. efforts] throughout the year.” history now than they were ten years possible future progress in the area of chair Brandy Wright explained BSA’s “I think the dance did a good job Black History Month was originally ago.” race relations. “What are Hoosiers willing rationale for the different activities held of ...creating an atmosphere of Negro History Week, which was Freeman said that the focus on black to do to learn more about other people?” during the month. “Since February is togetherness and community, not just established by Carter Godwin Woodson history needs to be ongoing at U of I. he said. ‘*What dues it mean to be a African-American month, we wanted the among the black students at U of I, but all in 1926. February was chosen because “I’m not interested in aone month-flash- citizen of the world’?” school to participate in traditions that the students who attended the dance,” both Frederick Douglass and Abraham in-the-pan,’’ he said. According to Frantr commented on the progress happened in the past, as well as Morris said. “The togetherness andunity Lincoln were born during the month. Freeman, U of I will be recognizing that has been made in race relations. He celebrating traditions that continue is at the heart of Black History Month, so Woodson also founded the Association important local African Americans at said Black History Month is important, today,” she said. I think that it did an excellent job in for the Study of Negro Life and History this year’s commencement. Aletra “to realize how fur we‘ve come in a Feb. 5 was designated as “Soul Food celebrating Black History Month.” in 1915. The organization educated black Hampton, age 83, and Virtue Hampton- relatively short time.” He also stressed Night” in the cafeteria. Jerk chicken, BSA sponsored a ‘Segregation in the historians on the collection, preservation Whitted, age 75, will be honored with the need for future improvements. ribs, sweet potatoes, green beans and Cafeteria’ discussion on Feb. 17. Dr. and publication of documents regarding honorary music degrees. The sisters are “Having Black History Monthalsoshows peach cobbler were served. According to Terrence Harewood, assistant professor black culture and people. swing and rhythm and blues musicians. how far you still have to go.” LIVING WAGE Forum to discuss Living Wage held on campus and transportation-without public The motivation is partly ethical. In a Lauren Howey assistance,” Templin said. community, we all need to make sure Stuff Writer Kent emphasized this point in his that we aren’t exploitingan impoverished comments to the forum. “There is no working class,’’ Templin said. The Community, Faith and Labor incentive to working if you can’t make a “It’s really easy to assume that people Coalition along with the Student living,” he said.
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