2324 CONGR. ESSION 1\.I~ RECORD-- -sEN.A_TE. FEBRUARY. - 9 ,_ orphans of Spanish-American War Veterans; to the Committee sage of the Burnett immigration bill ; to the Committee on Im- on Pensions. migration and Naturalization. · Also (by request), petition of J. G. McMillan, -of Pittsburgh, By Mr. WINSLOW: Petitions of citizens of Milford, 1\Iass. ,' Pa., in favor of House bill 5792; to the Committee on Expendi­ against censorship of mo-ving pictures ; to the Committee on tures in the Department of Agricultm·e. - Education. Also (by request), memorial of the Wild Life League of Penn­ By 1\Ir. YOUNG of North Dakota: Petition of Woman's Study sylvania, indorsing the Chamberlain-Hayden bill; to the Com­ Club; of Wimbledon, N. Dak., for nonpartisan commLc:;sion for mittee on the Public Lands. Indian affairs; to the Committee on Indian Affairs. Also (by request), memorial of Trades Union Liberty League of Pittsburgh, Pa., protesting against a national prohibition amendment; to the Committee on the Judiciary. SENATE. Also (by request), memorial of Federal Milling Co., of Lock­ port, N. Y., in favor of correcting abuses in grain-inspection WEDNESDAY, February 9,1916. system; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. The Chaplain, Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman, D. D., offered the By Mr. PAIGE of Massachusetts: Petition of Brown-Hadley following prayer : Co., of Templeton, Mass., in favor of House bill 702, the dye­ Almighty God, we take Thy name reverently and come before stuffs bill; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Thee with godly fear. We pray Thee to help Thy servants in By :Mr. POWERS: Petitions of 260 people of Pineville, Ky., the Senate to keep the heart of this Nation true and good. Our _favoring national prohibition; to the Committee on the Ju­ friendships are created, our interests are conserved, oui.· patriot­ diciary. ism deepened by the touch of God upon the life of the people. By Mr. RAKER: Petition of Andy Nargaar, of Ruth, Cal., May Thy servants in the Senate lead the way, remembering that and others, that Congress enact a law authorizing the War De­ forgetfulness of God is the sacrifice of the highest interests partment to conscript all bank deposits over the sum of $5,000 both for this life and the world to come. So may we hold to and all stocks and bonds over the value of $5,000 held by any Thee that we may know Thee and well discharge the sacred individual, all railroads, factories, mines, mills, or other means duties imposed upon us in Thy fear and with Thy fayor. E'or of producing and distribution of war supplies to feed the people Christ's sake. Amen. of the United States in case of -war, the same to be put at the The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. disposal of the War Department for use in any way it may MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. see fit, without compeitsation to the original owner; to the Com­ A message from the House of Representatives, by J. C. South, mittee on the Judiciary. - · its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed the bill . By Mr. SCULLY: Petitions of Charles Liebscher, of New Jer- (S. 900) amending sections 476, 477, and 440 of the Revise<l sey ; Harry E. Heckman and Titus Hedrnian, favoring passage Statutes of the United States. of the Stevens bill ; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign The message also announced that the House had passed a bill Commerce. (H. R. 10385) making appropriations for the current and con­ Also, memorial of National Security League, favoring pre­ tingent expenses of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, for fulfilling ·­ paredness; to the Committee on Military Affairs. treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, and for other Also, petitions of citizens -of New Jersey; favoring national pm·poses, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1917; in which it prohibition ; to the Committee on the Judiciary. requested the concurrence of the Senate. · By 1\lr. SMITH of Idaho: Papers to accompany House bill PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. 6358, granting a pension to Mary K. Plowman; to the Committee on Pensions. · The VICE PRESIDENT presented a telegram in the nature Also, papers to accompany bill granting a patent to Joseph of a petition from the Pikes Peak Ocean-to-Ocean IDghw~y As o­ llobicheau; to the Committee on the Public Lands. ciation, in convention at St. Joseph, Mo., praying for an appro­ Also, papers to accompany House bill 11061, for relief of George priation :('or the construction of a military highway across the ,V. Zigler; to the Committee on Invalid P.ensions. country, which was referred to the Committee on Military By Mr. SNELL: Memorial of 27 merchants of Plattsburg, Affairs. N. Y., in favor of the so-called Stevens price-maintenance bill; Mr. GRONNA. I present a memorial of sundry citizens of to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Fordville, N. Dak., which I ask to have printed in the RECORD, Also, petition of Shields Bros., F. M. Dana, F. J. Dimond, F. L. It is a short memorial and is in opposition to the President's Cross, William E. Maxfield, and L. C. Sweet, all of Bombay, preparedness program. N. Y., favoring the passage of House bill 702 ; to the Committee There being no objection, the memorial was referred to the on Ways and Means. Committee on 1\Iilitary Affairs and ordered to-be printed in the REcoRD, as follows : By Mr. SNYDER: Memorial of Astenrogen Chapter, Daughters • FORDVILLE,, N:. DAK., JallttUI']} f O, 1916. of the American Revolution, relative to formation of a national Hon. A. J. GRONNA, park at the scene of the Battle of Oriskany ; to the Committee on Utlited. States Senate, Wasl! itlgton, D. 0.: . Military Affairs. Believing that the present program of preparedness now before the Congress of the United States, entailing as it does a tremendous in­ By Mr. SULLOWAY: Petition of Christian Church of Newton, crease in the appropriations of the Nation, is unneces ary at this time, N. H., favoring national prohibition; to the Committee on the and realizing that the danger of war and the menace of militarism are Judiciary. increased by copying the war policy of Europe, we, the petitioners here­ with subscribed, respectfully request you to use all honorable means at Also, petition of I. B. Williams & Sons, of Dover, favoring tax your command to defeat the administration plan of preparedness. We on dyestuffs; to the Committee on Ways and Means. would further urge that if it is found necessary to adopt a preparedness program of any kind that you exert your influence toward having the By Mr. TEMPLE: Petition of B. W. Bridgeman and other Government of the United States own and operate its own plants for citizens of New Wilmington, Pa., favoring national prohibition; the building and manufacturing of every particle of war equipment to the Committee on the Judiciary. needed. Also, petition of Adam Herst and others, of Charleroi, Pa., ·Mr. GRONNA presented memorials of sundry citizens ot and Peter Bollenbacher and others, against national prohibition ; North Dakota, remonstrating against a tax on gasoline, which to the Committee on the Judiciary. were referred to the Committee on Finance. - Also, petition of Oscar Ekstadt and other citizens, of Roches­ He ·also presented a memorial of sundry citizens ~f \Vootl· ter, Pa., favoring House bill 6871; to the Committee on Labor. worth, N. Dak., remQnstrating against an increase in armaments, - By Mr. TIMBERLAKE: Memorial of Local Union No. 549, which wa.s referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Brotherhood . of Railroad Trainmen, Grand Junction, Colo., He also presented a petition· of the Commercial Club of against increase in Army and Navy; to the Committee on Mili- Fargo, N. Dak., praying for the construction of good roads in tary Affairs.- . the public domain, which was referred to the Committee on - Also, 'petition of Local Union No. 44, International Union of Public Lands. United Brewery Workmen of America, Denver, Colo.; to the He also presented a petition of the North Dakota Agricultural Committee on the-Judiciary. · • College, praying for the enactment of legislation to fix a stand· By 1\Ir. WALSH: Petition of Fred J. Bentley, of New Bed­ arcl price -for patented and trade-marked articles, which was ford, Mass., and 23 other citizens of said city, opposing tax on referred to the Committee on Education and Labor. tooth paste; also petitions of Edward J'.- Bellenoit and others, He also presented a petition of the Sixth District Medical Alexander A. Petit and others, Frank M. Braza and others, on Society, of Bismarck, N. Dak., and a petition of the Sheyenne the same subject; to the. Committee on Ways and ·Means. · Valley Medical Society, of·.Valley City, N.Dak., praying for the By · Mr. WASON:-Resolutions of Hope Council; No. 3, ·· SQns enactment of legislati-on to increase the Medical Corps · of tlie and Daughters of Liberty, of Milford, N. H., favoring the pas- Army, which were referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. 1916. CONG·RESSION AL RECORD-SENATE. 2325_ He also presented a petition of the Electrical Supply Jobbers' :Mr. 'VARREN presented a petition of Rock r:ake Grange, No. .Association, of Chicago, Ill., iJraying for the enactment of legis­ 13, Patrons of Husbandry, of Wheatland, Wyo., praying for an lation to fix a standard price for patented and trade-mn.rkell increase in armaments, which was referred to the Committee on articles, which was referred to the Committee on Education an(] Military Affairs. Labor. He also presented a petition of Rock ·Lake Gra·nge, No.
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