Pa~e Eight ROCKETEER Friday, December 13, 1963 Report New TV Pearson, Rinehart Relay Station Co-Author a New Book On Metals Ready Next Week John Pearson, Head of the Detonation Physics Group, Re­ The new microwave relay search Department, and Dr. station on li B" Mountain, assur­ John S. Rinehart, Professor of ing vastly improved television Mining Engineering and Direc· reception in this area, probably tor of the Mining Research Lab· will be in operation some time oratory at the Colorado School Vol. XVIII, No. 49 NAVAL ORDNANCE TEST STATION, CHINA LAKE, CALIFORNIA Fri., Dec. 13, 1963 of Mines, are co·authors of the next week. book "Explosive Working of If tests now being made on lIfetals" recently published by the system progress as planned, Pergamon Press (London) and distributed in this country the changeover shou Id be com· Laud Divers For Work through The Macmillan Com· plete prior to Dec. 20, William pany. R. Hattabaugh of the Pub I i c This 350·page book treats the Works Dept. reports. theory and practice of the many metal working operations avail· Collins Radio Co. of Dallas, able or under study in the rap· Texas, has the responsibility to On Key MOTS Proiecls idly developing explosive metal COM ADVISORY GROUP-Three new members were elected Huene, Hal Turner, and Bill Hampton. Other members not install and check out the system working industry, a field which to the Advisory Group of the Commissioned Officers' Mess present for picture were LCdr. Marv Warner, Harley Tillitt, and to demonstrate its ability IIfr. Pearson has pioneered at (Open) at the annual membership meeting Tuesday evening, LCdr. Bill Abney, and Bard Monson. Retiring members are to meet NOTS' general perform· this Station during the last 12 Seated (I-r) are new members Dr. William Simecka, Leroy Lt. Col. IITex" Ritter, John DiPoI, Maj. IITex" Montague, • From POLARIS ance specification. years. Riggs, and Cdr. Lee Clapp with current members Maura Mc­ and Dr. Pierre St. Amand. Written in two parts, the book Creery, Cdr. Jack Speciale, and (s!anding, I·r) Dr. Ronald Von All seven channels - 2, 4, And SUBROC to first treats the theoretical as­ 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13 - will be Funeral Services for I Angels of Mercyl pects of explosions in air, water Santa Was Once a Slim Jim; available for Indian Wells Val. and 50i I, and thei r effect on met· Sturgeon Tomorrow ley residents. Tests will con­ By NOVA SEMEYN als; it then discusses the prac­ SHDWBOAT tinue until all channels h a v e t ical use of explosives in the At All Faith Chapel Americans Fattened Him Up (NOTS Pasadena) fRIDAY been checked out completely. forming, sizing, flanging, cut· Funeral services for Jack E. DEC . 13 New York (AFPS) - Santa Moore, a professor of divinity in Sturgeon, Test Department em· " GUN fiGHT AT COMANCHE CREEK" Viewers are ask e d to be "The work at NOTS is like t ing, hardening, compacting, and (90 Min.) Claus wasn't always the fat jol· a New York theological semina­ ployee, will be held tomorrow patient during these tests be· nowhere else in the country," welding of metals. Audie Murphy, Colleen Miller Iy·looking old man that he is Diving Officer Lt. (j.g.) James at 9 a.m. at the All Faith Chap· 7 p.m. ry, wrote his famous poem, liThe cause some of their programs Pearson and Rinehart have now. The original European ver­ eL (Western in Color) Detective attempts to Visit from Saint Nicholas." may be interrupted briefly, E. McDole observes, recalling co·authored many other publica· smash outlaw gong thot forces men to join sion of St. Nicholas was a tall, especially the work done on The Rev. W. D. Davis of In· It is believed that he did most However, every effort will be tions including an earlier book it ond then double-crosses them when the thin, angular man on an equally POLARIS and SUBROC. yokern will conduct the servo price on their head gets high enough. "Behavior of Metals Under 1m· Bul· spare horse. to bring to life the tradition of made to reduce off·the·air time ices. Interment will follow in lets in Colorado! (Adults ond Young People). On the SUBROC program, re­ pulsive Loads" published by the The early English settlers in the merry Santa Claus with a to a minimum consistent with Desert Memorial Park. SHORT: " High Seal HiJocker" (7 Min.) adequate field tests, Hattabaugh cently announced in the nation. American Society for Metals in " leaping Dandies" (10 Min.) the American colonies gave him sleigh, reindeer, twinkling eyes, The veteran Station employee said. al press, divers assisted with 1954 and by the Foreign Liter· a lInew look" when they adopt­ ruddy cheeks, a nose like a cher­ died early Wednesday morning SATURDAY DEC . 14 underwater test facilities and - MATlNEE __ ed the Dutcb version of "Saint ry, and a round little belly that ature Publishing House (Mos· in the Trona Hospital following The prime reason for the TV recovery work at San Clemente "JALOPY" (63 Min.) Nicholaus" whose name was lat­ shook with gay laughter as the cow) in 1958. a heart attack. system modification is to elimin· Island. Bowery Boys er contracted to "Santa Claus." beloved Saint held his rotund ate existing interferences with I p.m. Years later, in 1882, Clement sides. They have provided support Dorman B. Eaton of New York, SHORT: "There They Go Go" (7 Min.) other television transmissions in to the POLARIS program from Acey.Duecey Club "African Jungle No. 10" (1 6 Min.) a leader in the civil·service reo the communities to the north its beginning-through installa· Slates Christmas Party form movement, was the first - - EVENING - and east of China Lake. "THE CASTILIAN" (129 Min.) tion of underwater facilities and The Acey·Duecey C I u b will president (now called chairman) Answlr to' Prlvtou. PUllle Caesar Romero, Fronkie Ava!on 'cROSSWORD PUZZLE, The secondary reason its continuing maintenance. hold its annual Christmas party of the Civil Service Commission 7 p.m. Job on on Thursday, Dec. 19. Music for under the 1883 Civil Service Act. (Adventure in Color) The legend of Fer· l\C ROS~ .--- ~' 4-Rage- . improve present transmission Big Translator r.;· Open ' (1) Vie,? ' the event will be furnished by He is also credited with having non Gont.oles is depicted as tke Spanish 1'·Eq'Ualit,. \. 6-1)ar(;r.t quality and improve maintain· Most recently recalled was people divest the shackles of weok·kneed ' ·· Shakes. ability and reliability of the sys­ the work on the Translator. This the "Californians," a 10·p i e c e drafted legislation which be· rulers and prepare to fight invosion of the pearian , t '1_ &C!~~o;~i or Moors. Action Golorel (Adults ond Young charactep ( h calhlS' tem. unusual structure was designed band, starting at 9 p.m. came the Act. t.9~Contallle l' People). 6-Gcnus of I for m 0 vi n g the submerged -,l2-Poent I olives A subsequent iI!Irticie will pro­ :l3-Benefit (. 9-Graded launch vessel at various hori­ SUNDAY-MONDAY DEC. 15·16 ;14-Maca\V vide residents with recommend· " SINGING IN THE RAIN " (103 Min .) ,I ii-Testify J ~~:{~~~~le r \ zonal velocities during Polaris ';17:Checke4i • nbout idt1' ations regarding their present Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds missile test firings. Time to Enter Christmas , H)-Ingress I G- J\ l:IS ault antenna systems. Meanwhi Ie it 7 p.m. .'21.Inqulre 1 1) ·noctrin9 "We had to clean-up and re. (Musical in Color) Two silent film SIan 122 -'Vord ot 2r. -A fTil'mativo is recommended that antennas , s orroW 2Z-CoHect latest picture flops as sound comes to the move some existing underwater 2 4 · Numbe~ 2 ~ -Ext en t \. be left just as they are. Home Decorating Contest screen so it's dubbed and changed to a -2G · PhlOchllJ 2;;-OI)enworIC : range equipment," McDole said, musical. Production numbers ond lilting tunes t erm fnhric' '\ \ 2T-One defeated A-Rodent. I \ ri(-Unmarrled NOTS Public Works Depart· "modify the existing launch pad The annual China Lake·Ridgecrest Christmas Home Decorat· -this is a clonic. (Adults and Young Peo­ 2!J- Dlstanc ~ \ measurG: 2S-Gnrment 45-Ser\'ant ' I woman ment personnel are being assist· structure, install and secure ing Contest will again be co·sponsored by the China Lake Com· ple). (pI.) 3() -Wenke:n. , 47.Wand f 65-Young boy SHORT: "Claws in Lease" (7 Min.) 8t-Stitch :l2-Armed ~ ~ 9 G I ii6·?!Iohanune. ed in the work on "B" Moun­ the 9O-ton Translator structure." munity Council and the Ridgecrest Chamber of Commerce. ,33 -ClI:'k beeU!) ('onllict • - a n (lan name lIG-KnO('k ! knowledge tain and on Laurel Mountain by Entrants may enter only one TUESDAY DEC. 34.-Part Of , - J ~7-Fema16 ~ "Also install the launch ves­ Each entry will be judged on 17 "to be" m; - .:\' OQse~ ~ G2-Fixed lj9-Before ' men from the Collins Radio Co. of the four categories - door, " 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA" 't5-Rallor Cl -l{lml ot ;~ perlqd of tiO·Weaken sel, and go through final cali­ ('oll()(I.) hlcycle -tIme ti l -Cooled window, outside yard or the artistic merit, originality, ingen­ (127 Min.) A field supervisor fro m that bration tests." Kirk Douglas, James Moson 37-Jjln<1u \ sweepstakes. Each of the three uity and lighting techniques. cymbala ~ company will also be here to During the 47 days of instal· 7 p.m.
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