WEALTH LINE \ FATE /LINE I 20 - YEARS­ LOVE TO · LIFE LINE LINE "" Volume 12 Number 7 August I Septernbec" 2000 Publishet·'s Commentary 4 DLU£ LIN£ Who rules ... courts or cops? BW£ LIN£ MAGA%1Nl' 1~1 ltwy7 East Correspondence 6 Suite 2!14 Marktuom, ON L3R 1 N1 ""n: (905) 640-3048 Fax: (905) lie7!147 Leading the way into 9 ...,.;tblu.. ....,.ueline.ca the thir·d millennium The Saint John Police Force - Publisher - Morley S. Lymburner e-mail: [email protected] CACP Trade Show Guide 16 Floor Plan and Exhibitor List - General Manager - Mary Lymburner, M.Ed. Case Law 26 e-mail: [email protected] Questioning an accused in absence ofa lawyer -Editor-In-Chief­ Blair McQuillan Police motivational tt·ainiug 34 e-mail: [email protected] Technology 38 - Advertising - Crime Prevention for your computer Mary Lymburner Rhonda Shuker From conflict to concord Bob Murray 46 Police Chief C.E. (Butch) Cogswell and the members of the Saint John Police Force are - Pre-press Production - Confet·ence highlights many issues 52 proud to host the 95th Atumal Canadian Asso­ Del Wall IAWP seminars and trade show guide ciation of Chiefs ofPolice Conference between August 26 - 30, 2000. To leam more about the - News Editor - Product News 53 police service and the CACP Conference ttu11 Les Linder to page 9. e-mail: [email protected] Blue Line Classified 56 In this issue, you our loyal reader, will also find features regarding media relations tips for - Contributing Editors - Vitality 58 senior officers, police motivational training, and Communication Skills Terry Barker Proper hydration and exercise safety tips for investigating clandestine chug labs. Police Leadership Robert Lunney Of com·se, we also bring you om· regular Tactical Firearms Dave Brown The Back Of The Book 62 cohmms including case law, technology, and the Technology Tom Rataj Life sentences are onlyfor senators views of colunuust Robert Stevens. Case Law Gino Arcaro Blue Llle Magazile is pubished mOOhly. Septentlef lo June. by 8/ueUreMagame /ncorpaatedwilh a mailir'Jaddress ol: 1ST OF SERS 12A • 4981 Hwy. 7 East, Sle. 254, Martcllam, Ontario, L3R l NI. lndivicbll magazinesare$3.50eadL SWlscriplions •e$25.00 Accident Support Services 50 Mega Tech 44 per Y98f or $40.00 lor 2 years. (US/For9ign -$50.00) Aegis 27 Michaels of Oregon 41 Alarliclesare jlliedl!dby~ NoplllolllispUllcalion Applicant Testing Services 56 Micro Video 28 may be reprocb:ed or lransnilled in any lonn or by any means, BCIT 19 NEC 2 eledroni: or mechanicaL indldng p.oJocopyng and recooling or Bell Helicopter 57 Nelson Thomson Publishing 33 by any inlonnalioo mage or relrieval sy5lem willxU pemission tom lhe pdllisher. lnlemel activity is monilonKI and use ol Bell Mobility 11 NOPAAT 55 material on llle lnlemet is reelricted. Blue Line Reading Library 47 Ontario Crime Control Commission Insert AlmalerialsaDritedlorpUllcalion becomes lhe property of BMW Motorcycles 31 Pacific Money Laundering Conference 32 Blue Une ltigazilelllless oilier .rangemenls haw! been made wilh fie publsher. Canada Law Book 51 Pads Fitness & Supply 34 The dlors, advisus and I'IJbisher accepl 00 labilly Canadian Body Armour 49 Panasonic Canada 8 whalsoe¥er lor any irjftslo per.;onsor propertyredinglnm lhe Canadian Helicopters 53 Pegasus 28 applcalion or adoption or any or lhe proc:eWes. laclics or ComnetiX 37 Pelican Products 17 coosideralionspresenledillhismagazne. Reader.iarecautioned and advised llallrides presen1ed herein are edted and sqded Cruisers Inc 21 PK Van Bodies 42 lor ,... pnonal awMeness and shoUd nol be used lor lUther C.VD.S. 43 Police Ordnance 11 aclion IDI appropriale achi:e ani p!ance is rec:eM!d frllln a Dalhousie University 18 Pride in Service 38, 60 ~. em.n Allomey or oilier person i1 aulhorty. Eslablshed i11988. BJJeUm Magame is an Dlependent DavTech Analytical Services 26 Printrak Inc 20 pd*alioodes9edlo i1lorm. ~ eiU:aleand~Wadelhe DSM Law Enforcement Products 10 Pro-Tech Design 46 sllilsorfloseiMllvedil fie I;Mirilnemertprnlessin llhasoo FATS(Fireanns Training Systems) 5 R Nicholls 13 lhc:tcmrol tom a law lrion:emert agerq and ilsopiWlm and Flir 6 Rocky Shoes & Boots 64 ri:les do nol oecessady rellect lhe ~of any !JM!IIIIIKQ. poi:e, or law l!licnanent agerq. Blue l.inl! .,... ill • Flying Cross by Fecbheimer 63 Second Chance Body Armor 7 privale venlure IIIII • IUdl ill not flnled by any level ol Glock Inc. 45 Setina Manufacturing 61 ~agency, 1Don or 8I80Cilllian. Hartt Boot & Shoe Co. 15 Sirche Laboratories 4 Prmted m Canada by Garson GraphiC Serv1ces Inc. Henry's 28 Sokkia 60 HighPoint Security Technologies Inc 36 Sturm Ruger & Co. 39 Hi-Tee Intervention 27 Tetragon Tasse 19 Hi-Tee Sports Canada 48 The Walter Fedy Partnership 34 Laerdal Medical Supplies 59 Triform Business Systems Ltd 29 Laser Labs 31 True Traffic Safety 56 Law Enforcement Training & Supplies 53 Twaron Products Inc. 24 Litton PRC 15 Westervelt College 22 ISSN #0847 8538 LiveLink Toronto Police 35 Wolverine Supplies 23 &anada Post· &anadln Pulllicllliona IIIII PlocU:t Sales Agreement No. 176796 Maritime Services Police & Security 36 XTE Custom Designed Outerwear 29 MD Charlton 25 The Searc/1 Database feature of cOMPARA PRINT"' TECH+ DB allows you to se~trch any print (in this case, the latent pslmpnnt on the right) sgamst your database of up to 500 known pnnts. "Hits• are listed In order of simHarity. and can be called Into the tell window for Side-by-Side visual companson With the tatont. Blue box Indicates area of comparison. A latent end B known print are shown here With their sutomatically extracted points of minutia displnyed. The comparison engine rates these prints as hevlng a high similarity, as Indicated by the display m1109 11pper ton. Note that even Ulough the latent was a double ImpresSion, the sollware had no troubls In V911fylng the high degree ol similarity. by Morley Lymburner fme or to do both. Tllis same judge refused to literature spw1 out by the PR departments po­ Few things can be more frustrating for me convict anyone for driving a car without insur­ licing is not about officet-s dressed up in fuzzy than an officer-who reads too much into what the ance because the mininuuu $2,000 flue was, in little animal suits or sitting on the local dnnking court system does or does not do. Ius estin1ation, too severe. This same judge was m~chines for charity. It is all about preventing On a ride-a-long a couple ofyears ago I heard highly critical of J,>Olice use of force and would cnme.. several officers from an RCMP detachment voice only levy a flue m the most extreme circtml­ One big way to prevent crime is to send out their concems about a judge who brought down stances. Extreme meant an officer had to spend a a stmng enforcement in1age in the conummity. I highly questionable sentences. Tlus judge was few days in hospital. do not ~vish to bm-st any bubbles in thejudiciary extren1ely light on dmg offences. The type or Officers, when confronted w-ith these cir­ but flue c1-ime prevention is not petfOimed within quantity ofdmgs made no difference. The offic­ cmnstances, should fu-st and foremost remem­ the hallowed halls ofthe cotu"troom. It is accom­ ers could arrest an entire drug lab or orga1uzed ber d1at their duty is to prevent offences in their plished du·ough the vision ofe very officer on the gang oftraffickers and the judge would sentence community. Officers should also remember that street doing Ius/her job of enforcement. It is the them to either 40 hours ofcommwuty service or the job tl1ey took on is not, and I repeat not, a officer patrolling the conummity that sets the to make a donation to a local charity in lieu of a popularity contest. In spite of all the glowing pace for the level ofc1-ime . These officers should never be dissuaded fi·om dlls duty by a judicial system tl1at they feel does not hold up its end of the bargain. A case in point from my O\.Vll expetience was a judge w·ho.didnot feel my laying speeding charges of 50 kmlh m a 40 km/h zone was appropnate. As charge after charge was tllrown out my fu·st thoughts were to suuply stop enforcing at these levels and reve1t back to the standards atbitnuily set by some phantomhome-sptm case law. I chose not to do this however. Instead I we11t out of my way to flood this judge's court with offences at exactly 50 km/h in a 40 km/h zone. He continued to tiu'Ow then1 out without heating my evidence. One day, however, he fu1ally let me give my ev-i­ dence on one ofti1e tickets. ''It is a school zone at a time ofhigh vehicu­ lar and pedestrian traffic. The posted'sign says 40 not 50 km/h. I am concemed with the safety ofthe clulch'en in ti1e school zone." This apperu·ed to be a defuling moment. The judge ordered a recess atld called me into his chatn­ bel-s. Not knowing w-hat to expect my appre­ hension level rose considerably. Surptisingly he said he could see my point and now tmderstood that we both have levels ofdiscretion that should be working in hatmony for the good ofthe com­ Fireanns Traing System munity. I was stmmed and appreciative of his candor. He said he was wanting to back me up on dlls lllatter and thatlked me for getting the mes­ sage across to him. We retumed to the cow'll.·oom atlG he convicted the p=on and tJipled ti1e fitle that would have otherwise been paid.
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