Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from National Library of Scotland http://www.archive.org/details/westcoastdirecto18834dire i " m A PLATE GLAS INSURANCES AND EEPLACEMENTS PROMPT "ECTED at moderate rates CALEDONIAN PLAT 1SS IH'StJRAKOE CO (ESTABLISHED 1871 UNDE;*. OMPAN1ES' ACT, 1S62-1867.) Head fee—131 HOPE STR GLASGOW, and AGENTS, W. I IN.M'CULLQCH, Manager. FIRE & LIFE INS NOE COMPANY. I estab: 1714. Fira Funis, £720,093. Lif j Faai WW*. Total FuaIs,£l,80O,00!>. FIRE RISKS accept] r LOWEST RATES. LARGE BONUSES LIFE POLICIES. Scottish Office—W HOPE i T, GLASGOW, and Agents. W. M'GAVI-K ITLLOCH, Local Manager. AGENT LIFE AS 3 U RAN ASSOCIA r ION. Established 1839 I CAPITAL, ONE MILLION 120 PRINCES S~ ET EDINBURGH. TR BM. The Right Hon. The Earl of Gl- Lord Clerk-Register of Scotland. The Right Hun. Lord Moncreifi • Justice-Clerk of Scotland. Tne Honourable Lord Adam. Edward Kent Karslake, Esq., Q.C. The Honourable Mr Justice Field. William Smythe, Esq , of Methven. Sir Hardinge S' - Giffard. Q.C, M.P. Ma nage r— W I LL I ITH, LL.D., F.I.A. THE ASSOCIATION transacts all the .ascriptions of LIFE and ANNUITY Bnsi- ness, and also secures ENDOWMEi ayable during Life, as PROVISIONS FOR OLD AGE. NINE-TENTHS (90 percent.) of the PR are divided among the Assured every FIVE YEARS. Seven Divisions of Profits h; sady taken place, at each of which BONUS AUDITIONS, at Rates never lower than t iund Ten Shillings per Cent per Annum, were made to all Participating Policies ( I for the Whole Term of Life. THE EIGHTH DIVISION OK PROF LL TAKE PLACE AT CHRISTMAS 1S85. Polices effected during 1SS3 will then'bf d to Four Years' Bjiius Additions. FAMILY ' r POLICIES. NON FORFEITURE POLICIES are s.-aed under the "Married Women's Policies of Assurance Scotland Ac 0," securing Family Provisions free from control of Creditors, and witl separate Trust Deed. LOANS are granted, in connection wil Assurance, on Life Intekest, Reversions, Personal, and other approved Securities*. ANNUAL INCOME, - - - £1S5,0)0 EXISTING ASSURANCES. £4,330,000 TOTAL FUNDS, - • - - - £1,190,00.- TOTAL CLAIMS PAID, £1.88 1,000 GLAS. '.RANCH. 105 ST. VINCENT STREET OHN OSWALD, Secretary. Agent at Rothesay— V. MADDEVER, Writer. —. C ON T K N T S. MM 2. , public Officials ; Militia and Volunteer Officers ; Clergymen ; B .inkers Law. yers ; Teachers ; Office-Bearers of Joint Stock Companies, Benefit, and Societies Fast Days Fairs Valuation Communications and other ; ; i ; ; Postal Arrangements : County of Bute, isle of bute, Parish of Rothesay, .. BuaoH of Rothesay, Parish of N >rth Buth, Parish of h.iNOARTH, ISLEOFARRAN. 19 Parish of Kilbride, 19 Parish of Kilmory, 20 THECUMBRAES, '.. 21 ' BurGh of Millport, . 21 Valuation and Population, 24: Constituencies, 24 Assessments, Fiar3 Prices, County of Ayr, 26 Largs District, 27 County of Ar jyle,.. 29 Dunoon District, 3) Tiuhnabruaich, 33 Campbeltown,., 34 Tarbert, 37 Ardrishaig and Lochgilphead, 38 Inveraray, 41 Oban, .. 43 1«lf, of islay, 47 Isle. of Mull,,. .. 49 County of Dumbarton, 51 Helensburgh,.. 51 County of Renfreav,.. 54 County of Inverness,. 55 County of Ross, .. 56 — County of Cromarty, 57 County of Sutherland, 58 County of Caithness, .. 59 County of Wigtown, .. 60 County of Kirkcudbright, 61 County of Dumfries, .. 62 "PAW SEo Householders Alphabetically Arranged : County of Bute, ISLE of BUTE, .„ Rothesay, 67 North Bute, 94 Kingarth, 99 ISLE of ARRAN, Kilbride, 103 Kilmort, 103 THE CUMBRAES, . Millport, County of Argyle, Oban, IP ABE1 SEE. A Street List giving the Names of the Inhabitants of the different Houses :— County of Bute, Rothesay,... .. .„ .. .. .. ., .=. ..131 c i :, o SOUND WHITS TEETH. t B3: o :m: jp s o isr 's AS a Dentifrice it Stands pre-eminent —unrivalled for its efficacy in removing tartar and all other impurities and in imparting a pearly whiteness t) the teeth, a refreshing too ness to tha mouth aid a mosi d lightful and fragrant odour to the brc.th It is very agreeable in tjste, and possessing the most valuable astringent and ircevative properties, hir ens and brightens the . of the Gums an arrests the decay Teeth. Jarj, 1^. Cd. each ; by Post & stamps extra. Each genuine pot of this celebrated Tooth Paste has on the cover a' fine engraving of Glasgow Universe. Prom M. F. Thompson, Central Phar- macy,'OOD17 Gordon Street, Glasgow. Pre ^snt'y becomes burdensome to the system, not because it is heavy for the dege t ve organs, bat on acsount o: an undae accumulation of acidity in the stomach, and as a remedy lor t lis nothing equ.ils Thomp- son s PODOPHYLLUM ESSENCE. It is mild in it; action and dispels Flatulence, corrects a 1 sluggishness of the Liver, and induces its Healthy Action, Aids Digestion, and Strengthens the Stomach and Liver, and cures Constipation Botths, Is., Ts. od., 2s. 6d. each; by OLDSPost One Sta np extra. Are the cause of hal" our diseases. Th^ best reoiedy for Common Cold, Cold in the Head, Influenza C'hil ness and Shivering, Cramp, &c. is Thompson's CONCENTRATED CAMPHOR PILULES, also useful for Cramp Diarrhjea, &c. No Family shou'd be without th's va^^ble lemedy. Pott es Is , Is. 6d., 2s. 6d., each ; by Post, Two Stamps extra. TOOTHACHE or NEURALGIA in the GUMS INSTANTLY Cured with Thompson's TOOTHACHE SPECIFIC. It Never Fails. Bottles, Is. e ch ; by Posi one Stamp extra. COMFORT for the FEET. CORNS, BUNONS AND ENLARGED TOE JOINTS, Effectually Cured with Thompson NEW FRENCH CORN PLASTER, It i thin as silk, and comfortable to the fo.t. No Pain. Packe's Is. each ; by Tost one Stamp extra. The i?J>ove Celebrated Preparations can be had Genuine only from M. F. THOMPSON, THE CENTRAL HOMOEOPATHIC PHARMACY, 17 Gordon Street, Glasgow. ^"Carefully Aote the Address. ; h W& iff BAY IkT? ESTABLISHED OVER TWENTY-ONE YEARS. Five Minutes walk from the Quay on the Esplanade. * 99a>B®®®aaa9c ™ , R D. MACPHERSON (for 29 years Lessee of the Argyll Arms Hotel, Inveraray) begs to announce that he has just succeeded to this old Established and First-Class Family and Commercial Hotel, which comprises magnificient Dining Saloon (one of the finest in Scotland), Ladies' Drawing Rooms, Elegant Sitting Rooms, Smoking and Billiard Rooms, Bath Rooms, and over Forty Bed- Rooms— all furnished in the most Modern Style. Tourists will find the Queen's Hotel a most suitable and con- venient resort for breaking their journey. Several pleasure excursions can be had from Rothesay at conven- ient, hours every afternoon by " Columba," " Lord of the Isles,'' "Ivanhoe," "Gael," " Bonnie Doon," "Sultana," and other Steamers, for Arran, Cumbrae, Campbeltown, Inveraray, Ardrishaig, Ayr, Arrochar (Loch Lomond) and other places on the Firth of Clyde returning to Rothesay in the afternoon. A variety of beautiful Drives, can also be had to various places of interest in the Island. Table d' hoteat 6.30. Beautiful Gardens and Pleasure Grounds. Letters and Telegrams punctually attended to. Parties Boarded by the Week or Month. - sn r I i a i hi u h u e 45 MONTAGUE ST., ROTHESAY. S tfimfi en WEIGHTS & BUILDERS, 26 Bridge Street, Rothesay. All kinds of work Estimated for. mMMJ'^^ilJ-,%^ m ^famili) Kreab, Biscuit, .'dnh Jfastrg 3Mier, GUILDFORD SQUARE, ROTHESAY, o Hot Pies every Saturday Evening. Marriage and Birthday Oake made to Order. Confections. •Bojmems, Gla&iers, Funeral Undertakers, 15 BRIDGE STREET, ROTHESAY, fillip % $4^ SLATER AND CEMENT WORKER, 29 BRIDGE STREET, North British and Mercantile INSURANCE COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 18 OQ Incorparated by Royal Charter. Capital £2,000,000. Reserve Fund, £1,636,850. FIRE-LIFE-AND ANNUITY BUSINESS- ROBERT MACKIRDY, Agent, Bank of Scotland, Rothesay. Rothesay and Glasgow Carrier, 47 MONTAGUE STREET, ROTHESAY Glasjow Offices—22 Jackson and 90 Argyle Streets Parcels Received from and Forwarded to all Parts of the World. .Organist of tije 3Iera jrartsi) CjjfurcQ, Begs to announce that he is prepared to enter into Engagements for Lessons in the above Branches of Music. Pianoforte Tuning also undertaken, in single Tunings, or by Annual Contract. Terms on application. Croft Lodge, West Bat, Rothesay. [^, ^-v--g .£^:.S— .^V^,^^ i-3i_ 5^?^^^r=^?_. >=^^2L 1§ [Extension of the Bute County Directory.] I i .Ell I J a i ISSUED AFTER WHITSUNDAY. St If PUBLIC OFFICIALS, SOCIETY OFFICE-BEARERS, If Valuation, Population, &c, I BELATING TO THE r I <ilP f OF THE I WEST COAST OF SCOTLAND: 1 AND ALPHABETICAL LISTS OF HOUSEHOLDERS, # ALONO WITH A STREET LIST FOR ROTHESAY. f PRICE— ONE SHILLING. f Compiled, Printed, and Published, If ©1©B©1 J30.©'©31-1 9 <-"WEg¥-:-ce'/i S¥-:-j6ai^^ii''-:-0KEiCE.> J ROTHESAY & LOCEIGIPHEAD. f/^S97 GLASGOW & THE HIGHLANDS Royal Route via Crinan and Caledonian Canal. Tourists' Special Cabin Tickets issued, entitling the holder to sail during the time specified, in any or all of the fleet of (19) Steamers, to any part of Highlands at which they may call. One Week £3 ; Two Weeks £5 ; or Six separate Days, £3 10s. PLEASURE~SAILING BY ROYAL MAIL STEAMER "€«iMBT«®& or KMK&" From ROTHESAY, Daily at 10-15 a.m., for Eyles of Bute, Tarberfc, and Ardrishaig, (Returning in the Afternoon,) RETURN :o:TICKETS— COLINTRAIVE IS. Is. TlOHNABRUAICK, Is. 6d. Is. Tarbert, Ss. 2s. Ardrishaig, 3s. 6d. 2s. A WEEK'S TOUR to SKYE and ST0RN0WAY by Steamship " Claymore," or " Clansman." LeavingGlasgow every Monday and Thursday at 12 noon, and Greenock about 5 p.m. Cabin Fare for the round, with superior sleeping accommodation, 45s ; or including meals, 80s. The route is through scenery rich in historical interest, and unequalled for grandeur and variety. The New Steam-Ship CAVALIER or STAFFA l"ea'v< s Glasgow every Monday and Thursday at 11 a.m.
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