HD 9537 Connecticut State Library .U54 158 1934 WILLIAM ROGERS AND HIS BROTHERS IN THE SILVERWARE INDUSTRY The interesting story of the Brothers William, Asa and Simeon Rogers and the part they played in the early development of the Silverware Industry in this country REPRINTED FROM THE AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 1934, KEYSTONE Over 100 years of spoon-making experience is back of the Original Rogers Silverware brands. 1847 ROGERS BROS. WM. ROGERS & SON $ ROGERS $ * ROGERS & BRO. WM. ROGERS MFG. CO. 1865 WM. ROGERS MFG. CO. INTERNATIONAL SILVER CO., MERIDEN, CONN. The mark of International Silver Co. |jj|||| — an absolute guarantee of quality REG. U.S. PAT. OFF CONN, STATE LIBRARY SEP 2(j 1834 William Rogers and his Brothers in the Silverware Industry The interesting story of the Brothers William, Asa and Simeon Rogers and the part they played in the early development of the Silverware Industry in this country (Editor's Note: From time to time THE Church, a jeweler and gold and In the archives of this same news- KEYSTONE has published historical silversmith on Ferry Street, Hart- paper which, by the way, is the oldest sketches both of individuals and of con- cerns. Many of these men, many of these ford." Four years later, in 1825 the newspaper still in existence, in the concerns, have played a most significant announcement, reproduced below, United States, being first published part in the development of the Jewelry- was inserted in the Hartford Courant in 1764, is another advertisement Industry as ive know it today. I'll is story stating that William had served his under date of December 6, 1825 of the Rogers brothers is likewise pre- sented not only as a matter of historical apprenticeship and had been ad- which shows that the firm of Church interest but as a tribute to the accom- mitted to the firm. & Rogers had moved to the "East plishments of these three men.) side of Main Street, at the sign of the Two hundred and ninety-nine years watch, a few rods north of Court ago—in 1635—a James Rogers came House Square." to this country from England and UKMOFjUL. In 1828, in Ensign's Directory of settled in what is now New London, JOSEPH CHURCH, Hartford, Church and Rogers were Rt tptelfuUy infurmt hit friends, ruMomm. arid listed as running a goldsmith's shop Connecticut. Connecticut was then a the puhhc in grntra/, that he haj remurtd hu titaUlithment from the head of Ferry-itrct, to a and William Rogers personally is wilderness. Only two years before itort on JWam-slrt'l, lately occupied by Main listed as a goldsmith at the same ad- had the first settlement been made on JAKRS & BOM.ES, a few rodi north of Court- House iquarty and nearly -jppttiUe the Courant dress. During this time it is known the site of the present Hartford and Ofjtie, and hat jutl rescired a fashioriablt at- that Church & Rogers were producing it was not until four years later that turtmtnt of GOODS in hu line. ATCHES of the different kind?, mch a» coin silver spoons for retail and trade "The Colony of Connecticut" was W Patent Lever*, Horizontal, Lapine and purposes. There are authentic ex- founded. The great, Great GREAT the common Vertical Scape roe at, 0I a good qual- ity, which will be warranted to keep correct time. amples of these spoons stamped with grandson of this James Rogers was Fine Gold Filagree Ear Ritws, Pin*, and Fincer the name of Church & Rogers. Wil- Asa Rogers. He, in turn, had three Rings of almost every description ; fine gold Chains, Seals and Keys with ali other kitxls of liam Rogers was also stamping sons: William, Asa and Simeon. All WATCH TRIMMINGS. spoons individually (Eagle) Wm. three were born on their father's farm A g<M»d assortment of Brittannia Tea and Coffre Pots of a good quality ; cut and prest Rogers (Star) of which actual speci- on the Windsor Road, Hartford- Clara Castors; doable aod single bordered Tea mens are available. These early speci- William in 1801, Asa in 1806 and Trays ; Brass Andirons, Shovels and Tongs ; Sil- ver Spoonj of the first quality wit) constantly be mens of the craftsmanship of Joseph Simeon in 1812. kep< for !*»le and made tc any particular pattern at short notice, aod all other kiods of silver wnrk ; Church and his partner are somewhat Times changed. Connecticut, which Plated and Brittannia Spoons; Plated Candle- crude but later spoons carrying the had become a State iti 1776, de- sticks with silver edges; plated Lamps, Brass Candlesticks, Smtflers and Trays, and a variety name of William Rogers are well pro- veloped rapidly. The "Yankee in- of other Goods 10 his hoe ; all of which will be portioned pieces, symmetrical in out- genuity" of those early settlers had sold as cheap as can be bought to this City. line and carefully finished. Examples accomplished much. In the year that J. Church has takea into the concern with him. Mr. H'dluim ftagrrt, who has ha-I enpeiienr* ID of these are also available. Simeon was born, steam was first the different tuanrhes of the husjuess, and espe- Some time prior to 1835, the broth- used to run machinery. The fame of cially in repairing Watches aod other lime pi<*<-«-*. ers Asa, Jr. (known as "Asa, Jr." the early Connecticut clock-makers N.B. It is lbe intention of the until the death of his father in 1845), mbsaibers to give their otinost attention to the had spread. Everywhere throughout repairing of Watches aod Clocks, that they ma* and Simeon were working with Wil- the state industry was springing up safely warrant them to keep time. Musick C.->*es liam in the Church & Rogers estab- repaired in the hrst order, and ail nue work will and boys raised on a farm, like Wil- Kave the best attention. lishment. The authority for this state- liam and his brothers, were set to JOSEPH CHIRCH. ment is George C. White who left WILLIAM ROGERS. learning a trade. It does not seem AJ1 person* inflated to Jo&jtrR CRrsi tt, are Hartford for New York in 1836 and strange, therefore, to find among the called upon in make immediate pavmem. later became manager of the New N ot. 23. ' 75 early records that in 1820 William York Office of Rogers and Brother. Rogers was "apprenticed to Joseph Hartford Courant, Dec. 6, 1825 In an article published some forty ReprintedJrom the August 1934, KEYSTONE years ago, George White stated that with Asa's brother William Rogers While this was going on, William he learned the silverware business as his partner. This fact is substanti- Rogers continued his partnership under William Rogers, "and at this with Joseph Church even though for a IS'OTIC'E. same time, Asa and Simeon were also f H> 11 E Copartnership lieretolore existing between time during 1832-4 he was associated learning the business from their A ilia suHi-cribcrs, under the firm of A. ROGEHS, Jr. ii Co . is by mutual consent this day on-solved. with his brother Asa in New Britain. brother." ASA ROGERS. Jr. WILLIAM ROGERS. This Church & Rogers partnership As early as 1830, however, Asa New-Britain, March 8, 1034. which had been in effect since 1825 Rogers had evidently perfected him- The business in future will be conducted by ASA ROGERS. Jr. 7 continued until August 2, 1836 when self in spoon-making for in August Hartford Courant, Mar. 24, 1834 of that year it was publicly an- DISSOLUTION. nounced in the Hartford Times and ated by an advertisement inserted in HE Co-partnership heretofore exist- T ing under the firm of CHURCH & ROG- NOTICE. the Hartford Courant under date of ERS, was dissolved Dy mutual consent on I he 2d Co-Purlncrship lias been formed between March 24, 1834 stating that the part- inst. A'lie subscriber;, under lli« firm of JOSEPH CHURCH. ROGERS & COLE, nership then existing in New Britain, WILLIAM ROGERS. For i I in Manuhirliire of August 11, 1836. SILVER SPOONS. to manufacture spoons under the Tliey respectfully uifi.ru) llio public Iliat (liny have lo- name of Asa Rogers, Jr., & Co. was WILLIAM ROGERS, cated iliomielvet III Keir-Brili -i, where Northern and has opened n store in Ex- Southern Merchouts and IVddl<-rs ivlio 'Jeal in the ar- being dissolved and that Asa would change Buildings,(south front) ticle can lie supplied on as favorable terms us can be foui'd in the statu or elsewhere. — hnsjust received from New- continue in business alone. York, and is now opening a Tlie work will bo warranted in quality in- great variety of Watches, ferior to none All orders \\ n) he thankfully received After the partnership was dis- and promptly executed. Jewelry, Pilver Plated, Britia- ASA ROGERS, Jr. solved, it is apparent that Asa re- na, Fancy Goods &e. JOHN A COLE. A share of the public patronage is respectfully Berlin, New Britain Society, > turned to Hartford for on June 9, •olicitcd. Aug. Ill, 1830 ( •3wenivl3 1834 he inserted an advertisement in August 13 8w4l Hartford Times, Aug. 23, 1830 the Hartford Times stating that he Hartford Times, Aug. 13, 1836 was opening a spoon manufactory in other Hartford papers that a part- nership had been formed by Asa SILVER SPOONS. it was dissolved, Church continuing HL subscriber would re^pCLltully inform Rogers, Jr., and John A. Cole in his customers and dealers in Silver-w are general- at the location at 206 Main Street lyT, thai he h<>s established Ins Silver Spoon Manufacto- Berlin, Conn.
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