EN SUMMARY FIVE-STAR CITY CENTRE TAMPERE CITY CENTRE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2015–2030 CITY BOARD OF TAMPERE, 2 NOVEMBER 2015 CITY OF TAMPERE, CITY CENTRE PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING OF TAMPERE’S CITY CENTRE TAMPERE – WORKING TOGETHER FOR A BRIGHT FUTURE The City of Tampere steers the future of its city centre in accordance with the City Strategy 2025 entitled Tampere, Working Together for a Bright Future. In this work, the most important tools are the city centre development programme and the strategic master plan for the city centre, which are closely linked to each other. TAMPERE CITY CENTRE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2015–2030 The City Board of Tampere approved the development programme at its meeting on 2 November 2015. The programme is the City of Tampere’s view of the future of the centre’s city structure, cityscape, urban culture, and urban environment. STRATEGIC MASTER PLAN FOR TAMPERE’S CITY CENTRE The large-scale land-use and traffic solutions, which comply with the contents of the city centre development programme, will be presented in the strategic master plan for the city centre. The master plan proposal, which is in accordance with the Land Use and Building Act, will be completed in 2015. IMPLEMENTATION A good urban environment is achieved in phases and through cooperation. The Five- star City Centre is being built by the City of Tampere, real-estate owners, businesses, communities, and inhabitants. FURTHER INFORMATION A view from Hämeenpuisto www.tampere.fi/keskustahanke Esplanade, along www.tampere.fi/kaavatjakiinteistot/kaavoitus/ Hämeenkatu Street, yleiskaavoitus/keskustanstrateginenosayleiskaava towards the Travel and Service Centre, the Deck, and the Arena. Image: City DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME MATERIALS 2015 FIVE-STAR CITY CENTRE of Tampere, visualisation TAMPERE CITY CENTRE of the city model by MY A publication, a summary, a marketing brochure, a city animation, exhibition materials, 2 DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2015–2030, SUMMARY Architects Ltd, 2015. and other introductory materials. 0 km 0.5 km 1 km 1.5 km 2 km Five-star city centre. The city centre of Tampere and the approximate geographical borders covered by the development programme. Orthoaerial image 2010, FIVE-STAR CITY CENTRE copyright the National Land Survey of Finland. TAMPERE CITY CENTRE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2015–2030, SUMMARY 3 FIVESTARTAMPERE CITY CENTRE DEVELOPMENT CITY PROGRAMMECENTRE 2015‒2030 DEVELOPMENTTAMPERE CITY CENTRE DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT CONCEPT Kauppi-Niihama 2015‒2030 ty Kauppi-Niihama VISIONS AND BOLD CITY ACTIONS TAMPERE CITY CENTRE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2015–2030 y ci THE CITY BOARD OF TAMPERE, 2 NOVEMBER 2015 cit äsijärvi lakeside de N äsijärvi lakesi VISION 2030 FOR TAMPERE’S CITY CENTRE IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENT OBJECTS N õ part of a good city that is welcoming to all; õ the Deck, the Arena, and the Travel and Service Highway 12 / Kekkosentie Road õ a leader in the business and industrial sector; Centre (including a shopping centre); Highway 12 / Kekkosentie Road õ a smooth-flowing traffic and transport õ Eteläpuisto and Särkänniemi; Highway 12 / Ranta-Tampella õ RantaväyläHighway 12 / Ranta-Tampella environment; Tammela and Amuri; Rantaväylä õ a venue for events and services; and õ Hämeenkatu Street, Hämeenpuisto Esplanade, Särkänniemi teses Särkänniemi õ distinctively local as well as internationally and Keskustori Central Square; sshore rouut õ h ro attractive. the routes along the shores of the Tammerkoski ore Tammela district Rapids, Lake Pyhäjärvi, and Lake Näsijärvi; Pispalan valtatie Rantaväylä tunnel Tammela DEVELOPMENT POLICIES 2030 õ Road Rantaväylä tunnel Tammelantori new business areas and retail services; Pispalan Ratapihankatu district Market Place õ the public transport and pedestrian zone; õ the travel centre, the tramway, the city centre ring valtatie Road Ratapihankatu õ the station and campus city; route, and parking; Tammelantori Market Place Teiskontie Road õ õ the pedestrian and bicycle zone in the city centre; EPICENTRE Teiskontie Road lakeside city centre; Amuri õ EPICENTRE õ the reshaping city centre; events and leisure services; and Amuridistrict Keskustori õ the quality and affordability of city-centre housing. district CentralKeskustori Square frfr Itsenäisyydenkatu Street õ the scenic centre filled with urban parks; and o o Central Square m Itsenäisyydenkatu Street õ a city centre welcoming to all. Pirkankatu Street m Pirkankatu Street l a Hämeenkatu Street l Travel and Sammonkatu Street k Hämeenkatu Street a Travel and Sammonkatu Street Pyynikintori e Service Centre k Square EPICENTRE Service Centre Tampere Hall Pyynikintori e t EPICENTRE o Laukontori Square t o l TAMPERE AND THE CITY CENTRE 2015–2030 a Laukontori k Tampere Hall l Kalevantie Road e 254,300 Square a Kalevantie Road Pyynikki k Ratina is a current example of e Deck and Campus 2030 Deck and CampusCity determined urban building activities ArenaArena in the city centre. The housing area of 55,000 55,000 City Ratinanranta and Laukonsilta Bridge have been built, the stadium is being 2030 2030 developed as an event venue, and the 2015 2015 2015 Eteläpuisto construction of a shopping centre Eteläpuisto and pedestrian and cycling routes 224,900 40,000 40,000 close to the bus station has begun. LaLkae Image: City of Tampere, Residents Residents in the city Jobs in the city centre city y kIied FIVE-STAR CITY CENTRE P ide cit eI Lentokuva Vallas Oy, 2012. in Tampere centre of Tampere of Tampere yhäj i lakes de sid TAMPERE CITY CENTRE P ärv esi jäes y lak r j DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2015–2030, häjärvi viä rvi 4 SUMMARY track Highway 3 Highway 3 track Main railway Main railway FIVESTARTAMPERE CITY CENTRE DEVELOPMENT CITY PROGRAMMECENTRE 2015‒2030 DEVELOPMENTTAMPERE CITY CENTRE DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT CONCEPT Kauppi-Niihama 2015‒2030 y Kauppi-Niihama TAMPERE CITY CENTRE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2015–2030 it ty c THE CITY BOARD OF TAMPERE, 2 NOVEMBER 2015 ijärvi lakeside ci e Näs esid Näsijärvi lak HighwayHighway 12 / 12Kekkosentie / Kekkosentie Road Road Highway 12 / Ranta-Tampella RantaväyläHighway 12 / Ranta-Tampella Rantaväylä Särkänniemi teses Särkänniemi sshhore rroouut ore Tammela district Pispalan valtatie Rantaväylä tunnel Tammela Road Rantaväylä tunnel Tammelantori Pispalan Ratapihankatu district Market Place valtatie Road Ratapihankatu Tammelantori Market Place Teiskontie Road EPICENTRE Teiskontie Road Amuri EPICENTRE Amuridistrict Keskustori district CentralKeskustori Square frfr Itsenäisyydenkatu Street o o Central Square m Itsenäisyydenkatu Street Pirkankatu Street m Pirkankatu Street l a Hämeenkatu Street l Travel and Sammonkatu Street k Hämeenkatu Street a Travel and Sammonkatu Street Pyynikintori e Service Centre k Square EPICENTRE Service Centre Tampere Hall Pyynikintori e t EPICENTRE o Laukontori Square t o l a Laukontori k Tampere Hall l Kalevantie Road e Square a Kalevantie Road Pyynikki k e Deck and Campus Deck and CampusCity ArenaArena City Eteläpuisto Eteläpuisto LaLkaek e city ity Iied I Pyhäj i lakesid de c esid P ärv esi FIVE-STAR CITY CENTRE jäes y lak r j häjärvi TAMPERE CITY CENTRE viä rvi track Highway 3 DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2015–2030, SUMMARY 5 Highway 3 track Main railway Main railway THE CITY MODEL ILLUSTRATES THE FUTURE The future of the centre’s cityscape in 2030 is illustrated by a virtual city model. It is one potential vision for the construction of the city centre and not an actual or final plan. Details will be specified and may be subject to change as planning progresses. NEW ELEMENTS: õ a deck across the railway zone and new, efficient construction; õ new housing areas on the shores of Lake Näsijärvi and Lake Pyhäjärvi; õ infill development of old business and housing blocks; õ more pleasant market places, squares, yards, and streets; õ shore routes have been created and the city shores are used by the city’s residents; and õ the travel centre, the tramway, and modern city traffic. CITY ANIMATION (VIDEO): õ www.tampere.fi/keskustahanke The Deck and Arena area to be built on top of the railway tracks, as seen from Sori Square. Image: City of Tampere, local detailed plan 8366. NCC / Studio Daniel Libeskind, 2011. FIVE-STAR CITY CENTRE 6 TAMPERE CITY CENTRE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2015–2030, SUMMARY A view from Lake Näsijärvi towards the south. In the foreground, the new housing area of Ranta- Tampella. In the background, the Travel and Service Centre, the Deck, and the Arena. In the middle, the Tammerkoski Rapids, and on the right, Särkänniemi. Image: City of Tampere, visualisation of the city model by MY Architects Ltd, 2015. FIVE-STAR CITY CENTRE – TAMPERE CITY CENTRE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2015–2030, SUMMARY 7 SET OF MEASURES 1 TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORT Getting about in the city centre is planned in an all- encompassing way, and primarily from the perspective A slow-speed zone due for development (walking, cycling) Public transport quality corridor due for development (tramway, buses) of the citizens and their needs. The measures for traffic City centre ring route due for development (vehicle traffic) and transport emphasise the activities that improve P Underground parking system due for development NÄSIJÄRVI Railway tracks due for development the city centre’s accessibility, public transport, the Centralised travel centre (all modes of transport) quality corridors for the different modes of travel, and Airport connections the reduction of traffic in the epicentre. Highway 11 to Pori Highway 9 to Jyväskylä/Oulu Highway 12 to Rauma public transport west tramway Le ylä tunnel avä ntä t IMPORTANT ASPECTS: vänniemi Ran Railway
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