WASHINGTON DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND EARTH RESOURCES GEOLOGIC MAP GM-64 Geologic Map of the Freeland and Northern Part of the Freeland and Northern Part of the Hansville 7.5-minute Quadrangles Hansville 7.5-minute Quadrangles, Island County, Washington 122°37¢30² R 1 E R 2 E 35¢00² 32¢30² 122°30¢00² 48°07¢30² 48°07¢30² Qls Qgof Qf T 31 N Qgdme by Michael Polenz, Henry W. Schasse, and Bradley B. Petersen T 30 N S O U T H E R N W H I D B E Y I S L A N D F A U L T Z O N E Qgasv Qgtv Qgome Qgtv June 2006 Qgof Qgomee Qmw Qgtv Qb A Qgdme GEOLOGIC SETTING AND DEVELOPMENT of sliding or hazard. All shoreline bluffs in the map area are subject to UNDIVIDED PRE-FRASER NONGLACIAL DEPOSITS (PLEISTOCENE) Berger, G. W.; Easterbrook, D. J., 1993, Thermoluminescence dating tests for lacustrine, Johnson, R.; Introne, D. S.; Mattes, J.; Stipp, J. J., 1980, University of Miami radiocarbon Qm Qb Qgo T episodic landsliding and bluff retreat, but many slides are too small to glaciomarine, and floodplain sediments from western Washington and British Columbia: dates XVII: Radiocarbon, v. 22, no. 1, p. 103-104. f Qlse The map area is covered by 800 to 2500 ft (Jones, 1999; Mosher and others, 2000; show, and most slide deposits are quickly removed by beach wave action. Qc Pre-Fraser nonglacial deposits, undivided—Sand, silt, clay, peat, and Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 30, no. 9, p. 1815-1828. Johnson, S. Y.; Potter, C. J.; Armentrout, J. M.; Miller, J. J.; Finn, C. A.; Weaver, C. S., 1996, Johnson and others, 2001) of glacial and nonglacial sediment above Miocene(?) Qc some fine and rare medium gravel; compact; well stratified to massive; Blunt, D. J.; Easterbrook, D. J.; Rutter, N. W., 1987, Chronology of Pleistocene sediments in The southern Whidbey Island fault—An active structure in the Puget Lowland, Qb (Johnson and others, 1996) bedrock. Double Bluff Drift is the oldest sediment Qm Qgome Qgomee Pleistocene Glacial and Nonglacial Deposits resembles units Qco and Qcw; reflects floodplain and channel settings; the Puget Lowland, Washington. In Schuster, J. E., editor, Selected papers on the geology Washington: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 108, no. 3, p. 334-354, 1 plate. Hancock Qgdme exposed in the map area. Booth and others (2004, fig. 2) correlate the drift to marine Lake may include unrecognized glacial material; stratigraphically below Fraser of Washington: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Bulletin 77, A We used stratigraphic position, organic content, radiocarbon and optical dating, Johnson, S. Y.; Mosher, D. C.; Dadisman, S. V.; Childs, J. R.; Rhea, S. B., 2000, Tertiary and Qm Qgtv oxygen-isotope stage (hereinafter ‘stage’) 6, about 185 to 125 ka. (Marine glacial deposits, but age and association are otherwise unresolved; likely p. 321-353. aminostratigraphic analyses, fossil content, and provenance data to separate glacial Quaternary structures of the eastern Juan de Fuca Strait—Interpreted map. In Mosher, oxygen-isotope stage numbers and corresponding ages used in this report are as includes deposits of stages 3 and 5 but may also contain older deposits. Booth, D. B., 1991, Glacier physics of the Puget lobe, southwest Cordilleran ice sheet: D. C.; Johnson, S. Y., editors; and others, Neotectonics of the eastern Juan de Fuca Qb Qgom defined in Morrison, 1991.) Berger and Easterbrook (1993), Blunt and others (1987), from nonglacial deposits. Provenance was inferred from stratigraphic relations, age ee Qgdm Qb Two new optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates and three Geographie physique et quaternaire, v. 45, no. 3, p. 301-315. Strait—A digital geological and geophysical atlas: Geological Survey of Canada Open Qm e data, and sand and gravel clast composition as observed petrographically and in the Qb and Easterbrook (1994a,b) report older ages for some exposures. We mapped Double new radiocarbon dates suggest that some exposures of unit Qc along File Report 3931, 1 CD-ROM. 5 field. Glacial deposits are dominated by northern provenance and therefore contain Booth, D. B., 1994, Glaciofluvial infilling and scour of the Puget Lowland, Washington, Qf 110 Bluff Drift at the type section only (bluff section A; columnar section 6). The oldest Admiralty Inlet may pre-date the Whidbey Formation. Clay from the base during ice-sheet glaciation: Geology, v. 22, no. 8, p. 695-698. Johnson, S. Y.; Dadisman, S. V.; Mosher, D. C.; Blakely, R. J.; Childs, J. R., 2001, Active Qm named nonglacial unit in the map area is the Whidbey Formation, which we show little or no Glacier Peak detritus (0–5%) and include “significant” granitic and gray horizontally 100 of more than 55 ft of gently north-dipping, apparent floodplain deposits tectonics of the Devils Mountain fault and related structures, northern Puget Lowland and bedded pebbly sand Qgasv metamorphic lithic clasts (Dragovich and others, 2005). Nonglacial deposits are Booth, D. B.; Troost, K. G.; Clague, J. J.; Waitt, R. B., 2004, The Cordilleran ice sheet. In only at and near the type section (bluff section A; columnar section 6). The Whidbey was OSL dated at >150 ka (Table 1, loc. 1b), and a peat 0.3 ft below the eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca region, Pacific Northwest: U.S. Geological Survey buff colored silt distinguished by eastern provenance. We found some petrographic and geochemical Gillespie, A. R.; Porter, S. C.; Atwater, B. F., 2004, The Quaternary period in the United (West Beach silt ?) Formation correlates to the interglacial stage 5, about 125 to 80 ka (Blunt and others, 14 Professional Paper 1643, 45 p., 2 plates. Qgdme OSL sample was dated at >43,870 C yr B.P. (Table 1, loc. 1a). Variably States: Elsevier Publishers, p. 17-43. Qgof Qb Qb 1987; Easterbrook, 1994a; Dragovich and others, 2005; Polenz and others, 2005). indications of possible ancestral Skagit and Stillaguamish River provenance Qgdme cross-bedded iron oxide– 75 dipping deposits of unit Qc about 1 mi north of Bush Point are tentatively Brocher, T. M.; Blakely, R. J.; Wells, R. E.; Sherrod, B. L.; Ramachandran, Kumar, 2005, The Jones, M. A., 1999, Geologic framework for the Puget Sound aquifer system, Washington and stained pebble gravel New luminescence dates of greater than 150 ka were acquired on nonglacial (northeast of the map area) (hypersthene, hornblende, and possible Glacier Peak mapped as unit Qmw because they may be part of a landslide, but the dips transition between N-S and NE-SW directed crustal shortening in the central and northern British Columbia: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1424-C, 31 p., 18 plates. Qgav 4 dacite) (Dragovich and others, 2005; Polenz and others, 2005; Joe D. Dragovich, 1 cross-bedded Qc sediments during this study (Table 1, locs. 1b, 2b; unit Qc). If accurate, these dates instead may be tectonic; these deposits compose a nonglacial floodplain 75 Qgdm iron oxide–stained Puget Lowland—New thoughts on the southern Whidbey Island fault [abstract]: Eos Kelsey, H. M.; Sherrod, Brian; Johnson, S. Y.; Dadisman, S. V., 2004, Land-level changes Qls e imply that sediments older than stage 5 may be more widespread than previously Wash. Div. of Geology and Earth Resources, oral commun., 2006; unpub. data from Qgdf coarse pebbly sand 50 section more than 80 ft thick, and a clay sample from near the base of the (American Geophysical Union Transactions), v. 86, no. 52, p. F1459. from a late Holocene earthquake in the northern Puget Lowland, Washington: Geology, Elevation (feet) recognized. We did not identify Possession Glaciation deposits (stage 4, 80–60 ka; this study), but agree with Terry Swanson (Univ. of Wash., oral commun., 2005) in Qgome Qls debris (mostly till) exposure was OSL dated at >200 ka (Table 1, loc. 2b). A directly adjacent Carlstad, C. A., 1992, Late Pleistocene deglaciation history at Point Partridge, central v. 32, no. 6, p. 469-472. Qgof Qgt suspecting that much of the sediment is from an ancestral Snohomish River (east of Qgome v Qgt Booth and others, 2004). We show deposits of the Olympia nonglacial interval 14 50 Qls? inferred sandy layer, likely unit Qgasv v covered radiocarbon date was reported as finite at 43,440 ±1660 C yr B.P., Whidbey Island, Washington: Western Washington University Master of Science thesis, Kovanen, D. J.; Slaymaker, Olav, 2004, Relict shorelines and ice flow patterns of the northern Qgof ? ? ? the map area). Speculations of Snohomish River source are based mostly on S O U T H E R N Qgo Qls laminated silt; slightly translated(?) 25 (representing stage 3, 60–20 ka) east of the Whidbey Formation type section, based 1 v. Puget Lowland from LIDAR data and digital terrain modelling: Geografiska Annaler. f ? however, and a nearby second one as radiocarbon infinite (Table 1, locs. Qgt ? ?? Qgof v Qgav block of unit Qc on age dates (bluff section A; Table 1) and previous identification of nonglacial stratigraphic position and proximity to that basin; we lacked petrographic reference Qb Qgtv Qgas ? road level 2a, 3). Surrounding strata suggest that a peat 1 in. beneath the couplet of Dethier, D. P.; Pessl, Fred, Jr.; Keuler, R. F.; Balzarini, M. A.; Pevear, D. R., 1995, Late Series A: Physical Geography, v. 86, no. 4, p. 385-400. Qgof v ? organic-rich silt (gyttja?) (East Point Dr.) data from Snohomish basin sediments but noted elevated levels of serpentinite, 14 15 deposits there (Easterbrook and others, 1967; Stoffel, 1980; Yount and others, 1993). 25 >38,700 C yr B.P. (Table 1, loc. 4) Qb OSL and radiocarbon samples (Table 1, locs.
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